'True' Control Transparency - Control With Motion Graphics (simplicity, A 'video Player' Control)

Dec 29, 2010

Here's my situation: I have a control with motion graphics (for the sake of simplicity, a 'video player' control) in my project. Think of a PictureBox with constantly-changing images. In front of this will sit a second control (such as a second PictureBox of the same dimensions). The topmost PictureBox will be drawn to in its Paint event.

I need to draw very few elements, and the bottom control is updated much more frequently than I need for this drawing. So these elements are drawn to the topmost control. Think of a news broadcast, where they have live video in the background, with a news channel logo, news ticker, and sometimes gradient visible in front.

I'm trying to create that 'foreground' control, and the closest I believe I have gotten so far is the following:

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D


The 'Opacity' property in the code above is a sort of "scaling factor." The image drawn to the top control may, in different parts of the image, have any alpha value from full transparent to a full 255. This 'Opacity' property is applied to the entire image being drawn, scaling the alpha values of each pixel.

See the following pictures for description:


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Play Specific Portion Of A Video File Using Windows Media Player Control?

Sep 18, 2009

I'm using the windows media player (wmp.dll) in vb.net 2008 and would like to know if it's possible to play a specific portion of the video. For example, I would like to start to play the video X minutes from the start and for Y amount of time.

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Play Specific Portion Of A Video File Using Windows Media Player Control In Program?

Sep 18, 2009

I'm using the windows media player (wmp.dll) in vb.net 2008 and would like to know if it's possible to play a specific portion of the video. For example, I would like to start to play the video X minutes from the start and for Y amount of time.

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VS 2010 Control Transparency?

Mar 29, 2011

I've making a program that must crop 20 squares out of a larger image that is in a picturebox. Now I've created a Draggable rectangle control and set it's Background to transparent. This is working (kindof).

Now I have set my control to doublebuffered = true and it Removes tha annoying flicker.My problem is that doublebuffering creates a new problem. My control's parent is a picturebox with a large picture inside.When I move my control over the picture to select the area to be cropped it updates slowly I.E The control Is in a new area but it still displays the old area and then updates which is annoying.If you want to see for yourself create a new project with a picturebox with a Image inside with my Control as a child of the picturebox.


I have thought of possible solutions but they might well be much slower.#1 Copy the part of the picturebox that is under the control and paste it on my control.#2 Somehow eliminate the backcolor property thus eliminating the need to paint something over the control and only paint needed parts .

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Create A New Custum Control Transparency?

Nov 18, 2010

This is my first attemt to create a new custom controll that I'll be spawning in runtime. I have written rendering onto a control before but this is the first time I made a real user control.

The problem at the moment is that when I set the backcolor of my custom control to transparent it doesn't take over the backcolor of the main form. Instead it just renders it solid black. Any idea why this might be?(I render everything in the onpaint method if you wonder)

I tried setting the ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor but that doesnt work for forms only for control derived types.


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Form Transparency - Add A Control (like A Datagridview)

Jan 30, 2012

I used some code i found that extends the aero glass border across the entire form... looks great... however when i add a control (like a datagridview) it doesnt look right at all because of the transparency of the form...

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Set Control (windows Control) Position To Some Other Control Relative Postion?

Mar 25, 2011

I want to set control position relative to other control so when i make one control hide then other control move up like this.

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Use A WPF Control In WinForms To Achieve Transparency Effects?

Feb 10, 2011

Is it possible to use WPF in WinForms, to implement the idea used in this question. I am trying to create a semi-transparent panel.

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Make A User Control That Draws A Line And Adds Transparency Over A Form

Nov 12, 2010

I am an intern at a company doing Drawing Tools for their program. My supervisor is currently having me just make a user control that draws a line and adds transparency over a form. (I started this internship very early, so my knowledge is very limited compared to what it should be for a standard intern)

This is what I have so far:

Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
If MyBG Is Nothing Then
MyBG = New Bitmap(Me.Width, Me.Height)


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Figured Out How To Do True Control Arrays In .NET?

Jun 20, 2010

Allowing adding/removing new controls at both design and run time, with event handling?

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.NET Media Player Control?

Dec 18, 2010

I've looked around a bit and have yet to find an answer: Is there a Media Player Control in the .NET Framework? I know there is a COM control

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Media Player Control XP And Win 7

Jun 7, 2010

I am having an issue playing video with an embedded Windows Media Player control. It plays fine on Windows XP but comes up blank on Windows 7. I am guessing it is compatibility between version 11 and 12. Am I correct in thinking that Windows 7 will not play the Media Player 11 control? If so, how do I package my product to work with XP and Win 7? If I develop on Win 7 will the Media Player 12 embedded control play on XP (backward compatible)?Should my requirements be that Media Play 11 is installed? I am just confused because I cannot find anyone else having the same issue. Has anyone experienced this or know about it?My problems are, Video was playing in Windows 7 but clicking the video gave an untrappable (didnt catch) error (crash) in the Click event of the video... then suddenly (i think after a windows update) the video is not Playing anymore. But it plays fine and does not give the click error on Windows XP.

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Turn A Control's Visible Property To True Or False?

Aug 11, 2011

I know how to turn a control's visible property to true or false, the only thing I don't know is: If I have, for instance, 40 group boxes in which only one is visible, when I click on a button, the first group box visible = false and the second group box visible = true, and when I click on it again, the second group box visible = false and the third group box visible = true, and so on I don't want to write the codes for every controls, since it will be quite time consuming, I want to use fewer codes to achieve this objective,

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Is There A Media Player Control In .NET Framework

Oct 31, 2010

Is there a Media Player Control in the .NET Framework? I know there is a COM control, but I was wondering if .NET specifically supports one.

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VS 2008 Repeat Control For MP3 Player?

May 31, 2009

I'm making an mp3 player and I've searched around the forum for a good example on how to repeat the current playlist but I was unable to find one.

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Control The Video Quality On Flash?

Oct 20, 2009

How do I control the video quality on flash using with the trackbar?

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Run A Video In A Windows Media Control?

Aug 2, 2010

I'm trying to run a video in a windows media control, like I had before, but for some reason it's not working. I'm not sure why either. As far as I can see I'm doing everything the same as I had for the first video..

first this code runs..


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Add A Windows Media Player Control To Form?

Jan 17, 2009

I am trying to add a windows media player control to my form. However I do not see the control in the toolbox. Is there a way to add it?

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Can't Find A Media Player Control Or Module

Oct 29, 2009

I can't find a media player control or module. I'm using the Express Edition does it even have one?

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Control Windows Media Player From Application?

Dec 7, 2010

It's usual to see hoe to build a player with the AxWindowsMediaPlayer.

But in this occasion, I'm interested in control de Windows Media Player from Windows 7 with my own application.For example, I want to create a button that is able to pause or play the video that I'm watching with the WMP.

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Getting MP3 Info From The Windows Media Player Control

Sep 3, 2010

I want to know if its possible to get song information (Artist, Song Name, ect.) from the Windows Media Player Control in VB 2008. I have the control on the form and I want the program, if a song is playing, to be able to get the information above (most importantly artist) and put it in a textbox.

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Insert A Windows Media Player Control Into VB>

Feb 27, 2010

I need to insert a Windows Media Player Control into my Visual Basic Code in order to play WMV files. How do I do that in the simplest way?

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Unable To Use Windows Media Player Control

Jun 12, 2009

I am developing an application to play sound effects. I intend to have four seperate channels that can each play their own file.Seems a bit slow - can I buffer the files or is there an alternative to the Url property?Can I drag-drop onto this control? I have set the AllowDrop property to true, but I cannot find the event handlers for DragEnter, DragLeave and DragDrop that need to be handled to allow dragging and dropping.Is there a way to fix this or do I need to find an alternative? If I need an alternative, it must Be able to play any type of media file - mp3, wav, ideally midi.Have adjustable pan and volume?Be able to loop a track?Be quick at loading a file??Be able to mute?Ideally have some form of VU meter or something like that.?Be able to be dropped on to.The other thing that would really be awesome would be if I could have an option that would route each player to an individual output on the sound card; I have an 8-out sound card, and it would be great if I could send player one to outputs 1/2, two to 3/4 and so on.

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Using A Hidden Windows Media Player Control?

Aug 28, 2010

How can I do this with either the My.Computer.Audio method or using a hidden windows media player control.

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VB2008 Windows Media Player Control?

Apr 1, 2009

I am trying to created a simple media player program. I have a Windows Media Player control on a form (renamed it wmp1) and a listbox that creates a list of filenames from a given folder location.When i click on a filename from the listbox, i set the wmp1.url to the filename in the listbox and all is good as the wmp1 control automatically plays the file chosen form the listbox.

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Create Transparent Labels Over A Video Control?

Oct 31, 2011

I'm pretty much out of ideas here... for everything else, setting the background color to Color.Transparent or setting the TransparencyKey works fine...

I have an mp4 Video which I need to play as a "background" of my form. To do this, I'm currently using the WMP control. My problem: I can't add any controls on top of it, since they always render a background. Which looks ** on the video...

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VS 2005 How To Control The Video Quality On Flash

Oct 20, 2009

How do I control the video quality on flash using with the trackbar?

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VS 2008 - WebBrowser Control And Flash Video

Nov 27, 2011

I have created a VB.NET project that includes WebBrowser control. The web browser control navigates to html page that embedes a flash movie. Everything works fine except that when I want to exit the fullscreen mode of the video by pressing (Esc) key, it doesn't exit. If I view the html page with any other browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, ...) it works perfectly. You can download the project from the link below. The files are in the Debug folder.
Download Link: [URL]

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Better Control For Viewing Videos Than Windows Media Player?

Dec 6, 2011

having lot of problems playing a video on a form.Is there a better control for viewing videos than windows media player? For video resource files, what should the build action be? Will a form which has a 32-bit windows media player control on it work on a 64-bit computer?For some reason, the following code does not work:

If System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached() Then
strVidFilePath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Application.StartupPath & "....

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VLC Media Player With Progress Bar - Refreshing User Control

Jan 17, 2010

I'm writing a program that relies on an underlying VLC media player. I want to run a progress bar to show how much of the track has been played. How should I update the control? Should I use a timer firing at 1ms and update values when it ticks, or is there a better way?

Intel Quad Q9450
4Gb Ram
3x500GB Hard Drives
NVidia 8800GT
Marian Marc 8
VB Express 2008

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