<type1>'<typename>' Must Implement '<membername>' For Interface '<interfacename>'?

Apr 21, 2009

We have a web service solution in VB .Net 2005 that we have started getting an error in. We provide an interface like the following:

Public Interface IBatchTrackerService
Function InsertBatchTracker(ByVal BatchTrackerObject As BatchTracker, ByRef errorNum As Integer, ByRef errorMsg As String) As Integer
End Interface

In our class we implement this interface with the following code.

Public Class BatchTrackerService
Implements IBatchTrackerService


This code was working properly but has now started causing errors. The error we receive is:

Class 'BatchTrackerService' must implement 'Function InsertBatchTracker(BatchTrackerObject As BusinessObjects.BatchTracker, ByRef errorNum As Integer, ByRef errorMsg As String) As Integer' for interface 'IBatchTrackerService'.

The odd thing is that the project compiles correctly, but shows many of these errors after the compile is finished.We recently installed Panda as our virus protection which caused a different error that I found the solution here for.

Updated 4/21/2009 at 11:50 Both the interface and the implementation are within the same project in the solution.

Updated 4/22/2009 at 08:16 I tried removing the BusinessObjects identifier from in front of the BatchTracker type but I still get the same thing. This is just one example of what has happened throughout the entire solution. Every implementation in this BatchTrackerService is flagged as an error, plus there are several other services that have almost every implementation flagged as an error as well. But somehow the project builds successfully, and yes, it runs properly!As for BusinessObjects, it contains many of the classes we use as parameters and it is simply another project within this solution. We do not reference any external assemblies to provide these classes to BusinessObjects.

Updated 4/22/2009 at 08:24 The last thing I noticed was that any function/procedure that doesn't use a 'BusinessObjects' class as a parameter, but simply uses strings, integers, etc is not flagged as an error.

Updated 4/22/2009 at 09:50 I tried reverting back to a previous version and I was able to compile and the error count stayed at zero. I narrowed it down to a check-in of one of the project files where the reference to BusinessObjects was slightly changed. I reverted just this project file and everything compiles fine now.

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Can't Implement The Interface

Aug 7, 2009

I am trying to implement an interface defined in IDL, in a vb.net class here is the idl

interface IEmissaryRoot : IDispatch {
id(0x68030000), propget]
out, retval] IActivityCol** );


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How To Use And Implement An Interface

Jul 25, 2010

I'm trying to assign a datasource to a ComboBox control during runtime. When I do so, I get the attached message. [Code] I want to learn how to use an Interface. The error message is suggesting using an IList. How would I do this.

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.net - Implement IDispoable In An Interface?

Nov 24, 2006

I have a situation where I am defining an interface and then using that directly eg:Dim x as IWhatever = new implementationOfIWhatever()Which is fine, butmplementationOfIWhatever also implements IDispoable so I want to be able to do x.Dispose or ideally Using x but get the error that that this is not declared or must implement IDispoable as IWhatever of course doesn't define Dispose or implement IDispoable

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Implement An Interface On An ASP.NET 3.5 Webpage?

Nov 18, 2009

I am trying to implement an interface on an ASP.NET 3.5 web page that will let the user specify up to three conditions for insertion into a Linq to SQL query. It looks something like this:


how to assemble my query from the values in the various DDLs and TestBoxes.

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Implement Program 6 Interface?

Jul 16, 2009

I have an interface program written in VB .Net (VS2008xxx.dll). Is it possible to implement the Interface in a VB6 program (VB6xxx.exe)?

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What Interface Class Implement

Dec 23, 2009

Say I want to know more about a class mshtml.htmlinputelement for example.Say I want to know. What is his parent classes? What interface the class implement? How do I do so through object browser?

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Implement Strategy Pattern With Different Interface?

Jun 7, 2011

is it possible to implement strategy pattern with different parameters in VB.net? For example I have the following code:

Public Interface InterfaceDataManipulation
Sub updateMyData()
End Interface

How to implemente updateMyData in the class that implements above interface class with different parameter,for example in class x :

Public Class X
Implements InterfaceDataManipulation
Public Sub updateMyData(ByVal x as String)[code]......

But the IDE raises an error "class x must implement updateMyData on interface InterfaceDataManipulation"

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Implement An Event Defined In An Interface?

Jul 13, 2010

I defined the following interface:

Interface INewFileDetector
roperty PollIntervalMsec As Integer


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Implement An Event Interface Defined In A COM App?

Sep 21, 2011

I need to implement an event interface defined in a COM app so I can get events. I want to use System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPointContainer. In Adam Nathan's ".NET and COM", Adam shows some C# code that connects to an IE event set. There he does this:


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Implement An Interface In .Net When Two Methods Have The Same Name But Different Parameters?

Mar 3, 2010

I am a C# programmer but I have to work with some VB.Net code and I came across a situation where I have two methods on an interface with the same name but different method parameters. When I attempt to implement this interface in a class, VB.Net requires explicitly declaring "Implements MethodName" after the method signature. Since both method names are identical, this is confusing the compiler. Is there a way to get around this sort of problem? I suspect this must be a common occurrence. Any thoughts?

N.B. This was more a case of the programmer not verifying that the interface in question had not changed from underneath him.

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Implement The Serial Port In The Interface?

Jul 30, 2009

Do i have to implement the serial port in the interface again if i have put it in the behind code? Do have any links that can make me understand.

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Should All Classes Implement IDisposable Interface

Jul 19, 2010

i may be misunderstanding this but on MSDN i believe it says that it is good practice to implement the Dispose destructor in every class you write. should i (do you) really implement the IDisposable interface with every class i write? also, is the proper syntax for implementing an interface to put the "Implements" keyword on the line after the "class" declaration? i put it on the same line as "class" and I got an error.when coding the method implemented by the interface, is it mandatory to follow this syntax, as an example: Public Sub Dispose() Implements System. IDisposable. Dispose.

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Data Objects Implement An Interface IFillable?

Jan 19, 2011

All my data objects implement an interface IFillable

Public Interface IFillable
Sub Fill(ByVal Datareader As Data.IDataReader)
End Interface

In the objects themselves you will typically see something like

Public Class Supplier
Implements IFillable


Now here is the tricky bit. Given that all my property names WILL ALWAYS match my database column names what I want to do is using reflection generate the fill method at compile time and infer the types and column names for the datareader.I am assuming I will need to structure this functionality as some sort of a tool/vs plugin? What I am looking for is guidance on the best way to go about this.

PS: BTW: Obviously I could easily do this using reflection at runtime but I dont want to take the performance hit for it (Although theoretically if I could cache the values somehow (static class?) it might not be too bad).

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Defining Interface With Restrictions As To What Classes Can Implement It

Nov 30, 2010

How do I limit an Interface when defining it? What is the correct technical term for what I am describing?For example, I want MyInterface to only be implemented for objects that implement IList(Of T) and ICollection(Of T).

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Why Can't A Sub Implement An Interface And Handle Event At Same Time

Apr 12, 2011

Why can't a sub implement an interface and handle event at the same time? The following gives my a syntax error:[code]I know I could handle this kind of logic with another method, but that is not the point. I just want to understand the reasoning behind this.

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Design Patterns - Implement The IDisposable Interface With A Dispose?

Apr 21, 2009

Recently I needed to compare a suggested pattern for IDisposable and object finalization with the auto-generated one we which VS2005/VB.NET provide. We have used the auto-generated one a fair bit, but after looking it the two side by side I had a number of questions about the VB.NET implementation..


Overall I am confused by the supposed added value of having an extended code-path that executes when Dispose() is called explicitly(as opposed to having a common path that is executed regardless of whether or not Dispose() was called explicitly). how it does anything other than delay the actual release of managed resources if Dispose() isn't called directly. In essence it seems to only work to make the managed resources unreachable in the object graph, orphaning them until the 2nd GC run rather than freeing them at a point where they are known to be no longer needed.

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Sql Server - Obtain A List Of Collections Which Contain Objects Which Implement An Interface In C#

Aug 28, 2010

I am new to .Net Programming and would like to know if Reflection is suitable for traversing an Object to discover Collections within an instance of a class. I am working with the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo Namespace.

The plan is to connect to a database, determine what collections exists, then for each of those collections, if the Collection exposes objects which implement the IScriptable Interface, generate a script for the object.How do i do the following (This is pseudo-code as I am seeking assistance with using reflection or some other method to do the following)


I would like to enumerate all objects in db with one function if possible

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Type '<typename>' Is Not Defined

Jun 23, 2010

To correct this error I use the given help that microsoft provides below and i am still getting the error messages can anyone assist me with the source codes if i send some code snippets?Check that the type definition and its reference both use the same spelling.

Check that the type definition is accessible to the reference. For example, if the type is in another module and has been declared Private, move the type definition to the referencing module or declare it Public.If the type is defined, but the object library or type library in which it is defined is not registered in Visual Basic, click Add Reference on the Project menu, and then select the appropriate object library or type library.

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IDE :: Modify A Database Class Called TermsDB To Implement The TermsService Interface?

Nov 22, 2010

I created an interface - TermsService.vb and defined the following method : Function GetTermsList() As List (Of Terms)

how do I modify my TermsDB class to implement the TermsService interface I've just created? Here is my code: Have I implemented it correctly?

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Friend Class TermsDB
Implements TermsService


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VS 2008 Can A Typename Be Saved To Variable

Mar 25, 2010

I'd like to store a Class name to variable and pass it when necessary to functions like CType as well as self-made functions that use functions like CType.

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Declare Properties/Events Such As IsPostBack/Init On An Interface That A User Control Will Implement?

May 2, 2012

I'm having trouble porting some .NET2-era C# to .NET2-era VB.NET. Specifically, I am trying to define an interface that an ASP.NET user control will implement.(For background, I am trying to re-implement Phil Haack's Model-View-Presenter example from several years ago: http://haacked.com/archive/2006/08/09/ASP.NETSupervisingControllerModelViewPresenterFromSchematicToUnitTestsToCode.aspx)

The C# interface I'm working from defines properties and events (IsPostBack, Load) that are already implemented by the base control.However, VB.NET is forcing me to explicitly implement these properties/events in the user control (Public Property IsPostBack() As Boolean Implements IView.IsPostBack...). I'd like to just define these in the interface and not have to do anything special in the code-behind of the implementing user control.I'm assuming that I can do this in VB.NET, I just don't know how. I've spent all sorts of time googling/bing-ing, and haven't come up with the answer.

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Add / Implement An Interface To An Existing Class Without Changing Code Anywhere That Call The Class And Functions

Mar 1, 2010

I need to create unit testing project for my current website. The currentw ebsite si written in VB. All unit testing examples are using interface to create mock object. My current VB class does not implment any interface. Can I add interface and implement it to my current class and functions without affecting or changing codes to any pages in my website that call the functions? For examples my current class is like:


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Does An Inherited Class Automatically Implement An Interface From Its Base Class

Jun 10, 2011

Suppose I have piece of code like this:

Public Interface ISomething
End Interface


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Class Inherit From Another Class And Implement An Interface?

Jun 18, 2009

class inherit from another class and implement an interface?

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Convert From Base Class To Subclass (BC30311: "Value Of Type '<type1>' Cannot Be Converted To '<type2>'")

Nov 16, 2009

take a look at the following code:


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In C#, Implement An Interface Member Using A Member With A Different Name?

Apr 4, 2011

in VB.NET you implement an interface like this...

Sub SomeInterfaceMember()
Implements ISomeInterface.SomeInterfaceMember
End Sub

while in C# you do it explicitly like this (which can only be called via the interface)...

void ISomeInterface.SomeInterfaceMember(){}

or more simply, implicitly like this...void SomeInterfaceMember(){} // Note the name matches the interface member However, regarding VB, I can also do this...

Sub SomeRandomMemberName()
Implements ISomeInterface.SomeInterfaceMember
End Sub

In other words, the method that handles the implementation can have a completely different name than the interface's member name.I'm just wondering if there's something similar to this in C#. (Yes, I know I can simply do an explicit interface, then access it via another 'wrapper' member with a different name that simply delegates to it, but in VB.NET?

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.net - 'Property' Cannot Implement 'Property' Because There Is No Matching Property On Interface 'IName'?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm having some very weird issues with interfaces right now.

I have a very simple setup. In one of my class, I have a Property implementing a Property from an Interface.

In my class it's like:

Private _oForm As IForm
Public Property Form As IForm Implements IContainer.Form
Set(value As IForm)


I have like dozens of interfaces like this working throughout my project and I can't believe this simple one can't work!

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Convert Object Of Type1 To Another Object Of Type2

Jul 19, 2010

In Visual Studio 2008 vb.net i have created a windows forms application containing 2 web references: wr1 and wr2.

wr1 contains a public class "Person" and wr2 also contains a public class "Person". They both have exactly the same properties.

What i would like to achieve is to convert an object of type wr1.person to wr2.person. Something like this:

dim p1 as wr1.person
p1 = wr1.GetPerson(123)
dim p2 as wr2.person
p2 = p1

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Interface And Graphics :: Create A User Interface In A Game Such As The Application XFire Using VB?

Jan 12, 2010

how to create a user interface in a game such as the application XFire using Visual Basic?

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