.net - WinForms UserControl Version Of Form.Closing

Apr 25, 2012

I've got an MDI form with child forms that I'd like to refactor to a single form with a tab control containing child controls, in order to move away from MDI clunkiness. When looking at converting the child forms into child controls (or usercontrols), I do see that I'd lose the FormClosing event, which some of the child forms use.

I can override Dispose to handle some of the functionality, but in some cases I'd like to cancel the closing event. Also, I'd like this event to be called before the control is closed even when the form it's on isn't closing, so wiring the control to the form's closing event isn't an option.


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.net - UserControl Closing Event In Winforms

Mar 4, 2010

I'm trying to save some layouts from DevExpress Grid Controls so that users can change the layouts and reload them in at a later use of the control.

My question is this for speed issues I am loading the control via a user control inside of a form. Now my problem is I am creating the control by adding an instance of the control to a panel control inside of a tabbed group control when the tab is made visible and then clearing the control when the control is hidden.

If ClaimsGridPanelControl.Visible = True Then
ClaimsGridPanelControl.Controls.Add(New RXClaimsGridControl(ClaimsBindingSource))
End If

So inside of the RxClaimGridControl I need to call a SaveLayout method when I am clearing the control. But there is no event, at least that I can find, that triggers when a usercontrol is removed/closed/hidden.

My thoughts for handling the .Clear() would be to raise an event in the parent control and then to handle that event inside of the user control.

Is there some event that I am missing in regards to the removal/closing/hiding of a user control, or is there a better way to do this.

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.net - WinForms - Prevent UserControl's Resources Being Copied Into The Form's Local Resource?

Dec 29, 2009

I have a simple windows Forms application where in I have a usercontrol called "MyControl" derived from PictureBox.

In this MyControl, I have the following code :

Sub New()
Me.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.MyImage 'This is a project resource image
End Sub

Now when I drag and drop this MyControl into a form, I get the image and also those stuff. But the problem is that the BackgroundImage is being copied into the Form's local .resx file.So when I look into the form.designer file, I find the following :

Me.MyControl1.BackgroundImage = CType(resources.GetObject("MyControl1.BackgroundImage"), System.Drawing.Image)

This is a problem and also when I try to change the image in the control, it does not get reflected in the form's control instance.

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Winforms - Usercontrol With Dockstyle Fill Not Correct Size During Form Load

May 25, 2011

My main form has two panels, left docked and right docked. The right side panel has two child panels with top dock and bottom dock settings. The usercontrol is added to the right side top panel. My usercontrol has a panel and a label. The panel is anchored on all 4 sides, the label is anchored on all except the bottom. At runtime I create this usercontrol and set it to dockstyle=fill and then I add it to my top right panel.

With everything set to "fill" I expect that when I add my usercontrol to the panel it will take on the appropriate width and height and pass that info to the child controls (labels) inside of my usercontrol. My problem is that this stretching of the size does not happen when I create my objects during the Load event on my usercontrol. Even though initializecomponent has ran for the usercontrol the panel inside of it (4 corners anchored) has not taken the x/y values of the available space. As a result my usercontrol shows up about 50% of the width I want.


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C# - Setting ShowInTaskBar = False Causes Flicker When Closing Modeless Form In .net, Winforms?

Nov 24, 2009

To recreate this behaviour, you need to create a pop-up form with the following properties:

(1) ShowInTaskBar = False

(2) Display the form with the Show method and loop until the form is not Visible.

(3) In order to close the form when the mouse is clicked out of it, override OnDeactivate, and set visible to False.

Next, create another form that will display the pop-up when a button is clicked:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Syste
Using pop As New PopUp
pop.Visible = True


it also puts a black border around the form. (You'll have to set FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None to see this.)what this style does apart from putting the black border round the form?

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Run Validation On A WinForms UserControl?

May 8, 2009

I have an WinForms app that requires Name/Address data in lots of places, so I decided it would be a good idea to create a User Control. So far, so good. My problem is this: Let's say that my UserControl presents 2 text boxes (txtFName and txtLName) and txtLName is mandatory. What I want to do is put the validation code, e.g.: Code:If txtLName.Text.Length = 0 ThenMessagebox.Show("Enter a last name")End If


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C# - Usercontrol Scaling When Added At Runtime In .Net, WinForms?

Apr 2, 2010

[URL]its a free hoster, so you have to wait 10 seconds.First here's the steps to replicate, then I'll explain what the problem is:

(1) Create a System.Windows.Forms.UserControl and add a button to the bottom-right hand corner. Leave the button anchor as default (top-left). Add some more buttons dotted around so that you can see that they scale correctly.

(2) Add the UserControl to a form in the construtor, after the InitializeComponent call.

(3) Run the form.

(4) Increase the form font size some way (eg click a form button).

All the controls within the usercontrol scale perfectly but the usercontrol itself doesn't. It's width and height are increased by way too much. Look at the margin now between the button at the bottom-right hand corner and the usercontrol.To correct the problem, the usercontrol must be added before the InitializeComponent call.If it wasn't possible for me to add the usercontrol before InitializeComponent, is there any way for me to correct the scaling?

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DataBound UserControl And PropertyNameChanged Event In .net Winforms?

Oct 30, 2009

I have a UserControl, with a TextBox and a databound property - Value.Value can be any object such as a Color, Array, Font etc.Any time the text changes, the property Value is changed as long as it is valid.Looking at the msdn article: How to: Apply the PropertyNameChanged Pattern , it says I should use the PropertyNameChanged Event patternfrom the control side.Now, If I have DataSourceUpdateMode = OnValidate, then I don't even need to apply this pattern. If, say. my Value property is bound to a colour field in a business object, then after I type red, in the textbox and tab to another field, then any other fields on the form, that bind to the same colour field, are updated immediately.

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Winforms UserControl Is Not Using The Inheritance Tree Have Created?

Jul 26, 2009

I am working on a wizard form framework that will allow me easily create wizard forms.I have a WizardForm form that has a panel on it. My plan is to dynamically load UserControls into this panel on the form.Each UserControl that is loaded onto the form panel must implement certain properties (allowNavigateNext, AllowNAvigate previous etc.). So I have created an interface to enforce that contract so that any custom user control can be used in the wizard as long as it implements that Interface. So far so good. created my first user control. I implemented the interface. All was good.I went to do the second user control and I realized that this second user control would have the EXACT SAME implementation of the interface as the first User Control. So...I thought...aha...duplicated code...how can I get rid of that.

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C# - WinForms UserControl How Do I Stop The Control Receiving Focus?

Nov 7, 2011

I have a custom UserControl that contains just one TextBox. When I set the control to Enabled = False, the TextBox is disabled but the control is not (control still fires the Enter event).

How do I ensure that the UserControl will not receive focus?My Enabled Property Looks like this:

Private _Enabled As Boolean = True
Public Shadows Property Enabled As Boolean
Return _Enabled
End Get


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WinForms - Screen Freezes On Closing Any Other Application

Feb 5, 2010

I have a vb.net 2.0 winforms application. When I open another application (like calculator) have the focus to it and try to close my application the screen freeze and I have to use ctrl + alt + del to get it to refresh.

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Winforms: Closing A Program To System Tray

Oct 1, 2011

'This is the event that is fired as the application is closing, whether it 'be from a close button in the application or from the user 'clicking the X in the upper right hand corner


Im trying to make an application that when you press X, the program gets put in system tray. But i have like no idea how i'm suppost to do that, so did a search on google and found this code. Only VB2010 (what i use) doesn't like the fourth line. Can anybody give me a quick tutorial on this, and make this work in VB 2010?

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VS 2008 Closing All Forms When Program Closes Vs. Closing All But Main Form

Jun 4, 2010

Dim frm As Form
For Each frm In Forms
Set frm = Nothing
Next frm

The above code is what I used in VB6 to close all forms associated with my programs before my program closed. I have been searching for information on how to make sure all forms are closed when closing a VB2008 program.

I have seen info on using the Project Property Shutdown mode When startup form closes and I currently have this set.

Is this all that is really necessary? Will the garbage disposal close everything else to free up RAM?

Also, if I have several forms open and want to close all from the main form without closing each one individually, what is the best approach? Is there a collection like in VB6, go through the collection, compare it to the name of the main form and close it if it is not the main form?

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WinForms Version Drop Down List

Dec 29, 2011

what is the Windows Form version of a Drop Down List? I would think a Combo Box, but that only seems to have a Text for the Items, not Text/Value (with Value being my primary key for the table I'm populating it from).

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Closing Child Form Without Closing The Parent?

Apr 27, 2011

I have the following code to close a form which is a child. The problem is that when it closes, it closes the MDI parent too.

Private Sub frmTransaction_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Closing
If ListView1.Items.Count >= 1 Then


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.net - RaiseEvent From A UserControl That's Placed On A UserControl That's On A Form?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a Windows Form that contains a custom control container as a UserControl. For the sake of this question, this custom control container is called Dashboard. This container called Dashboard contains numerous other controls depending on their permissions. I need to raise events that are contained on these controls through the Dashboard control and over to the Windows Form.

How can I bubble up the event? I'm using VB.NET for this project, but can convert C# into VB.NET.Also, to complicate matters, the main Windows Form is a VB6 project. So, I'm using the InteropFormsToolkit to accomplish this.

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Auto-check For New Version System Update When The System Is Closing

Nov 16, 2011

i would like to auto check for new version system update when the system is closing. When there is the new version system update, will automatically rename the active exe to FileName.old then copy new version of exe into the folder.

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IDE :: Assembly Version, File Version And Publish Version In ClickOnce In VS 2008

Mar 31, 2009

How they relate and differ from each? What are the best practices for version control? Is there a primer about publish online? Or a good book?

And is it possible to make ClickOnce and a msi in one solution of VS 2008? If so, is there any conflict or pitfall?

BTW I am using VB if that makes any difference.

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Vb6 LEGACY Application And New Functionality (Form) Written In C# - Closing The .net Form From Vb6

Feb 8, 2012

Alright, I have a vb6 LEGACY application and new Functionality (Form) written in c#. I have a VB.NET COM Class as a wrapper. I can launch the .NET Form just fine. THe problem I am having is closing the .net form from vb6.


In VB6, I have something like this:


But it does not work becuase frmViewer is Nothing for some reason. how I should close the .NET form that was launched from VB6?

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VS 2010 Child Form Tell Parent Form It Is Closing And Send ID?

Apr 2, 2012

I have a parent form that has a list of items and each item has a unique ID. The user can open one or many of the items in a child form (it is set up in a tabbed MDI), but it can only open one instance of each item at a time.

In the parent form, I was going to make a collection (or something like that, maybe there is a better way) to keep track of which items are open in the child forms. I need to know when each child is closed so that it can be removed from the collection and reopened at a later time. I was thinking that when the child form closes, it somehow does something (like raise an event) that tells the parent form to remove the unique ID from the list of current open child forms.

My questions are, is this a good way to do this and I am pretty sure I would use the form closed event in the child form to update that parent form, but as well, I didn't know if this is the best way of handling it.

If raising the event is a good way, are some examples on how to do it out there? I found some for controls, but not while the form is closing/closed.

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Manage The Same Form Through A Usercontrol On The Control Form?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a form that I am managing, works well, but now I am thinking about using a usercontrol embedded in the control form. Is it possible to manage the same form through an usercontrol on the control form? Dont think I phrased that right, say if you had form1 that loads(manages) form2, which I can do, how can I manage form2 with an usercontrol embedded in form1? Is this possible?

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C# :: Call Function From UserControl On ASPX From UserControl On MasterPage?

Jan 31, 2011

I have MainLayout.master that has UC_Menu.ascx on it. I have a page named Customer.aspx that uses MainLayout.master. Customer.aspx also contains a UserControl named UC_Details.ascx.How can I have UC_Menu.ascx call a function that is in UC_Details.ascx with this scenario?

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Closing A Form But Keeping The Information In The Form?

Apr 28, 2010

I am working on a project that has the user building scrapbook pages through several different forms. When the user selects something a presses a button I have the information about the selection load to a list box which is on a CheckoutForm. One of the options I have is for the user to save what they have made (this includes the information in the list boxes) and return to a previous form to build another page. I have been trying to use the Me.Close() but it does not save the information and using Me.Hide() displays the wrong elements on the forms.

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Closing Child Form And Parent Form?

Dec 29, 2010

i have a parent form which is having a grid view. In the KeyDown event of the grid view i am calling a child form. If the user closed the child form, my application should close both the parent form and child form. What i have done is, i declared a boolean in the child form and passed the boolean value to parent. May be the code below will give the picture of what i am trying to do.

Private Sub gvJournalEntryDet_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles gvJournalEntryDet.KeyDown

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Fire A Method On A Different Form When Closing A Form?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a unique challenge that I just cannot seem to get by...I have a form with a series of listboxes that allows the user to rename items in the listbox (I probably should be using a listview control instead). When the user right-clicks and selects rename from the context menu I show a simple form with two labels & text boxes showing the selected list box item in one textbox...the other is blank waiting for the user to enter a new name. What I'd like to do is when the user closes the rename form, the information is passed back to the calling form and a listbox refresh method is fired to show the changed name. Couple question:

First, is there an easier method to implement the renaming concept in a listbox (probably should be using a list view) i.e., have I overcomplicated things?

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VS 2008 : Loading Form Upon Closing Another Form?

Aug 29, 2011

I have 2 forms. When a user clicks something on form1, form2 pops up. After user is done with form2 and closes it (where the dataset is updated), I want form1 to "reload" the dataset to reflect changes made in form2.

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Communicating Form.vb And UserControl.vb

Jul 25, 2009

I have VB.net Simple application with form1.vb , UserControl1.vb and a simple Dataset with few records included. In my UserControl1.vb I'll added a Bound DataGridView1 with Products Datasource. My question is.. How can i filter the Products table from UserControl1.vb? The Filter Value ("ProdID") is from Form1.vb with textbox1(receive the value.). here is my Form1 code


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Embed UserControl In A Form?

Feb 19, 2010

What is the code to embed a UserControl in a Form?

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Simple Form With A Usercontrol

Aug 25, 2010

Description of problem: I have a simple form with a usercontrol on it. There is a drop down box with a list of departments in it and a button, this is all in the usercontrol. I pick a department then press the button to view the employees in a listview for the department picked. All worked fine until I moved the code for drop down and button into the usercontrol from the form.

The data is taken from oracle database express 10G edition and I am using a cursor package (CP) and I pass parameters from the code to the oracle procedure within the CP. One of these parameters is the selected department from the drop down list (which I have picked) and my code does not seem to be picking up this parameter, it keps saying that the bold bit of code below is nothing:

myCmd.Parameters.Add(New OracleParameter("n_dept", OracleDbType.Varchar2)).Value = usr1.cmbDepartments.SelectedItem

Everything else seems to be fine. Because it is not picking up the selected item then the dr.read (no data by the looks of it) is false and it just falls out without populating any employees for that dept in the listview.

Does anyone care to take a stab at suggesting what might be wrong? Why won't it pick up the selected item in the user control I have just picked it in?

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Forms :: Show UserControl As Form?

Aug 3, 2011

I have a class that inherits the UserControl class, the class creates its own graphics such as a title bar and what not. Is it possible to show this class as a form/it's own window?

Public Class CustomForm
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
'create new instance, assign/declare vars here, blah blah


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