.net - Pass Custom Event Arg After User Clicks A Context Menu's Toolstrip Item?

Mar 28, 2012

I've got a dynamically filled datagrid view. When a user right clicks a cell in the datagridview, it opens a context menu, located by that cell. The context menu has two choices: A and B. I want to set the value of the cell to A if they pick A, and B if they pick B.I would like to pass the relevant cell as a field in the event args passed to ContextMenu's ToolStripItem.click. So the handler for ToolStripItem A's click event would read the relevant cell from the event args and set it to A , like this...

Private Sub A_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Customized System.EventArgs) Handles A.Click
End Sub

how to pass a custom event arg. Or if there is some easier way to do this? I can't just use the X and Y coordinates, because the context menu/mouse won't necessary by over the relevant cell.

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Open A Particular Html Page In A Chm File When The User Clicks On A Menu Item?

Nov 8, 2009

How do I open a particular html page in a chm file when the user clicks on a menu item.

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Paint Event - Add A Button To A Form Each Time The User Clicks A Menu Option

Apr 17, 2009


I add a button to a form each time the user clicks a menu option as:


This draws a small blue line at the bottom of the button to show it is highlighted. Just like the mouseoverbackcolor property on a button except this will draw the line. It works fine until you slide the mouse very fast between the buttons. It is as if the mouseleave event doesnt always fire.

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Add A Context Menu To A ToolStrip?

Jun 3, 2009

Is there another way to add a Context Menu to a ToolStrip other than using the MouseDown Event? I want to use it to let people select to either show text labels on buttons in the ToolStrip or turn them off.

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C# - ListView ItemActivate Delay Between When The User Clicks The Item And The Event Fires

May 12, 2009

I have a ListView with the Activation property with HotTracking. There appears to be about a 2 second delay between when the user clicks the item and the event fires. Is there a way to get the event to fire immediately upon the user click?

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Insert A New Right Click Context Menu Item To The Existing Right Click Context Menu For The Active Window?

May 15, 2010

VB express 2008 .net 3.5 or .net 4.0 VB express 2010?I have written application to convert RTF to HTML. The main Purpose of the application is to copy VS code to the clipboard and covert it then put it back into the clipboard as a HTML Document so that it can be pasted into a HTML document such as Windows Live Mail. I found that code copied and pasted is spaced out in in the wrong positions.

The applications works perfect with no bugs so far. I then asked Myself how to go about doing the copy with the least amount of operator interaction. So I added an Icon to the Icon Tray with a right click menu to use to convert once the Rich Text Format was copied to the clipboard. This works fine except you have Five steps, Select the text, Copy to clipboard, Right Click the icon, Select the Converter and Paste. The normal is three steps.

To this the best solution is to add a context menu item to the active form such as the RTF editor or window. So that when you select the Rich Text to copy and right click on the form to bring up that menu then to Just Select the menu Item such as "Copy RT and Convert" I searched and found about 544000 Items and tried to restrict down to no avail. I read until I finally gave up. I did not find any code examples of this. Almost every thing I found related to the web or some other explicit document like Excel and not to the Various windows that could be active with RT in it.

how do you add a context menu item to the context menu of an active rich text format window such as WordPad or VB?I have test in my application that tests to see if it is a RTF in the clipboard so if it is not the converter does nothing.

Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO
Imports System


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Show Context Menu On Drop Down Menu Item Right Click?

Jun 22, 2009

i want to show context menu on drop down menu item right click...As an example,Suppose we add bookmark in mozilla & when we right click on that item..context menu is showing

Private Sub MenuAddToFavorites_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles MenuAddToFavorites.MouseDown
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then


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WebBrowser - How To Get Custom Context Menu

Mar 1, 2011

I want to have a custom context menu. I know how to set it, and have basic commands like copy paste cut back forward stop etc, but I want to have custom right click options when clicking a link, and custom options when clicking an image like having the option to save the image or copy it. How would I achieve this?

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Add Item To Explorer Context Menu?

Mar 27, 2009

How can add item to Windows Explorer context menu ?

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Remove A Context Menu Item?

May 21, 2009

how to delete a item from the context menu.. i can add a item with this code:

Private Sub Button7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click
ContextMenuStrip4.Items.Add("delete file")
End Sub

no problem there. and to delete this item, i figured since it is the 4th item in the contextmenu (and i can't type the "delete file" either w/o error) it would delete it by index, with this code:

Private Sub Button8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click
End Sub

the (3) is giving me a error "value of type 'interger' cannot be converted to 'system.windows.forms.toolstripmenu'".. i think that means that the context menu does not support indexing.

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Add Custom Options To Standard Context Menu Or Use Standard Options In Custom Context Menu

Dec 16, 2010

I have a text box field for which I want to use a couple of custom commands accessible via a context menu. I can add my custom context menu to my text box, but then I lose the standard windows ones (i.e. Undo, copy, paste, etc).

What I really want is a context menu with both my custom options and the standard windows options. I want that to take place only within my application (i.e. not like a shell extension).

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Add An Item To Windows Explorer Context Menu

Jun 24, 2009

how can i add an item to the windows explorer context menu, that will only be enabled when the user right clicks a .zip file? also, how do i handle that items click event?

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Adding An Item To The System Context Menu?

Sep 8, 2009

How do you add an item to the system context menu? I would like to let my users be able to right click anywhere and launch this program. I cannot seem to find it documented anywhere either.

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Determine Selected Item From Context Menu?

Feb 12, 2012

I want to add a context menu to a datagrid in VB2008 and I need to find out which menu item the user selected.

I don't want to use the ContextMenuStrip that's available in the toolbox since it doesn't allow for dynamic placement depending on what row is active in the grid (I haven't found a Top and Left property in the ContextMenuStrip)

Here's what I've got so far, I'm aware of the fact that the MsgBox uses a non-existing property, it is meant to show my intention.

Given the available properties in the ContextMenu object, I would think that there would be something like a SelectedItemCaption property but a search of the object tree yields no results.

dim grdContextMenu as ContextMenu
grdContextMenu = New ContextMenu


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Assign Context Menu Strip To Listbox Item?

Aug 30, 2009

How can I assign a context menu strip to a listbox item and not the listbox itself?

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Can't Data Bind To A ComboBox In A Context Menu Item?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a context menu strip (named cmnuRtxtIT) that pops up by right clicking on top of a rich text box in a VB 2008 WinForms application. Context menu strip cmnuRtxtIT has one item named ToolStripMenuInsertFld. This last one has one dropdown item named oolStripComboBoxFlds which is a ToolStripComboBox type. I do the following in the form's Load event to bind ToolStripComboBoxFldsto an Sql database:

Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim dta As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT pkID, txtFlds FROM ApplicationFields", goConn)


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Determine Highlighted Item In Context Menu Strip?

Oct 6, 2009

Visual Studio 2005. Is there a way to determine which menu item is hi-lited in a ContextMenuStrip?

For example: I associate ContextMenuStrip1 with TextBox1.ContextMenuStrip1 contains 5 items with names:

A sub-menu is created with Item3ToolStripMenuItem that contains 5 items with names:

As the menu is navigated is there a way for the program to know which of the 10 menu items is hi-lited before a click event occurs?

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Prevent Context Menu Item List Closing?

May 21, 2009

This is somewhat related to my other thread, but because it's a different question and the other answer has been marked I thought this should be posted in it's own thread.I have this code another poster had written for me:

Private _MenuCloseing
Private _SecondsRemaining As Long = 10
Private WithEvents _Timer As New Timers.Timer(100)


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VS 2008 Add An Item To Windows Explorer Context Menu

Jun 24, 2009

how can i add an item to the windows explorer context menu, that will only be enabled when the user right clicks a .zip file? also, how do i handle that items click event?

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Set Custom Context Menu Location In Visual Basic 2010?

Sep 8, 2010

how can I set custom context menu location in visual basic 2010:

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Add A Context Menu Item To The Contents Area Of Explorer And Not To Folders?

Feb 24, 2012

I'm trying to assign a link to a VBScript into a context menu in the Contents area of File Explorer. What I want is to be able to right-click in the white-space there and see my program listed in the context specific menu but I don't want it showing when users right-click on any of the folders in either the folders area or the contents area.

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Context Menu When Right Clicking On A List View Item Only, Not Anywhere In Listview

Jan 17, 2011

Is it possible to be present a context menu when an item, any item, is right clicked in the ListView control? - If so, how?

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If The Context Menu Is Open For A Selected Item It Should Return And Not Refresh?

Jul 13, 2010

If cmOptions.Visible Then
End If

I have a refreshing process that updates a listview every ten seconds. If the context menu is open for a selected item it should return and not refresh?

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Cannot Create Click Event In ToolStrip Item

Apr 18, 2009

I have a tool strip menu item who's collection is filled from a subroutine that loads all available com ports on the computer at for load. I know how to generate a click event for menu items that are filled, but not if they haven't been filled already. I guess it doesn't need to be a click event. It just needs to do something that I can get the .text and use it to configure a serial port.

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Click Event For Context Menu And Sub Items?

Nov 25, 2009

I have a ContextMenuStrip click event. I was hoping to use this whenever a user clicked onto the ContextMenuStrip or one of its subitems. I have noticed that it does not fire when the user clicks on the sub items. Is there another click event that includes both the main menu And its sub items. Note that I also have added individual events to the individual menu items and sub items to capture specific code for these items. As such, I already know that I can use these events and call my desired code snippet in each of these if I have to. However I was wondering if there was another general click event that captures all the items (main + sub).

Private Sub ContextMenuStrip1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ContextMenuStrip1.Click
'Some code here
End Sub

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Context Menu Strip - ItemClicked Event

Dec 9, 2010

The following code is converted from C# to VB.NET (this works fine in C#), however, after converting to VB.NET, the ItemClicked Event doesn't work as expected.


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Context Menu Strip Event Handler?

Nov 21, 2009

I have a context menu strip that is built using code, how can I add an event to an item in the menu?

Private Sub ctxtResources_Opening(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles ctxtResources.Opening


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WPF Context Menu : Assign A Click Event For Each Of The Items?

Sep 23, 2008

I have a WPF project in Microsoft Expression Blend.I made a context menu for the window, but I don't know how to assign a click event for each of the items.If you want- here's the XAML code for the context menu- it works ok:

<ContextMenu Padding="0,2,0,2">
<Label x:Name="label1" Content="text1" mo/>
<Label Content="text2"/>


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Create Item In Explorer Context Menu And Then Retrieve Path To Active Folder?

Aug 11, 2011

Using VB 2010 Express, I will try to explain what I want to achieve:1. The user installs my program.2. In an Explorer window (Vista/Win7) the user will right click any file.3. The program checks if there is an item called "MyApp" in the context menu (i.e. the menu with for instance the "Open with..." item). If not, then create the "MyApp" item which launches "TheRealApp.exe" that the user installed. Place the item after the "Print" item.

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IDE :: Adding Buttons To A Toolstrip In A Custom User Control

Oct 23, 2009

There is a response to this question using C# - I am looking for a VB answer and the C# code is too deep for me. I have a custom user control and I have a toolstrip on it. I have certain default buttons on the toolstrip, but I want the user to be able to add additional buttons at design time. I exposed the Toolstrip.Items collection in a public property. I can open the collections editor in design time, but I cannot edit the collection.

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