Translate Leetspeak To Normal Letters?

Oct 8, 2011

i wanna make Leetspeak translator like this: http:[url].....And also that it ca be possible to translate leetspeak to normal letters.2 textboxes and 1 button.

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Translate The 'normal' Position

Oct 8, 2010

What is in the English language the opposite of side?

First let me excuse myself not been able to find a relevant newsgroup for this. I am missing 'other general development'.

I am programming a machine that checks the content of a little bag with pills in it. They can be either on a 'normal' position, or they can be in there on laying on their side. How could I translate the 'normal' position? I've thought of 'flat', or (on their) 'back'.

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Make A Leetspeak Translator In Vb 2010?

Mar 19, 2012

i've tried to make a leet translator but it fails.

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NumericUpDown With Letters - Show Only The Range Of Letters

Apr 2, 2012

I'm keeping track of some things that are numbered and others that are lettered; while NumericUpDown is perfect for selecting numbered things, I need an analogue for selecting lettered things. The obvious choice would be a listbox that just contains all the letters of the alphabet. But I need to show only the appropriate range of letters, so if I want to use a listbox, I need to write a function that populates the listbox with the first n letters of the alphabet; if n > 26, it should continue with aa, ab, and so on. How do I do this?

View 17 Replies

Read Upper And Lower Case Letters Without Having To Put The Upper Case Letters In Select Case Statement

Oct 28, 2009

i have a program using a select case to convert letters to special charaters. My question is how can I get the code to read upper and lower case letters without having to put the upper case letters in my select case statement. Example: Part of my code is


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.net - Translate From C# To VB?

Mar 23, 2010

How do you convert the following c# code to


View 3 Replies - How To Translate Into C#

May 5, 2012

I have found aa solution to a problem in one of my reports but its in VB.NET and I am not sure how to convert it to C#, I tried to do it online with one of the tools but it cant determine the events been used or something like that. If there is anyone savy at both languages maybe you can help me figure out its translation?

Here is the VB code:

Private Sub XrLabel1_BeforePrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs)
Handles XrLabel1.BeforePrint

CType(sender, XRLabel).Tag = GetCurrentColumnValue("ID")


I tried to convert it on this site [URL]


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Translate .net To Vb6?

Jul 8, 2009

How can i translate this code to vb6? i have already searched in google for translators, but with no success;.

Private Sub CallFunction()
If Me.bOn Then
Me.connectionString = String.Concat(New String() { "Server=", Me.strIP, ",1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Database=rPTDB;UID=", Me.strUser, ";PWD=", Me.strPassword, ";" })


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Translate From C# To VB?

Oct 30, 2010

I have this little function for forcing a download of MP3 files. I have it integrated into my VB app but would like it to be converted from C# to VB so that I can use other functions in my APP_Code directory.


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How To Translate Eglish Into VB

Apr 11, 2012

Is there an English - Visual Basic dictionary thae translate my thoughts to code? I am taking courses at the local community college and having difficulty with this "foreign" language.

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Translate C# To Program?

Jan 28, 2010

Translate c# to program?[cod]e...

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Translate Code From Vb6.0 To .net?

Oct 12, 2010

I have found the following code which can get the harddisk no in VB6.0.I would like to translate it into code.I have tried the auto upgrade function in vb2005 and translated the following code to, but the outcome did not run probably.Can anyone give me some help to translate the following VB6.0 code into code?


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Translate For Loop Vb To C#?

Oct 26, 2011

I am currently trying to use a vb function in c#, i have to translate the following from vb to c#:

For index = LBound(CollectionChannelPanel.EkItems) To UBound(CollectionChannelPanel.EkItems)

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Translate The Following Code To VB

Mar 11, 2009

I need a hand with something i need to translate the following code to VB...


im having some difficutly with syntax etc.

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Translate The Snippet To VB?

Feb 1, 2010

I am looking at this blog, and I am trying to translate the snippet to VB.

I'm having difficulties with this line:

NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler handlers = this.CollectionChanged;

NOTE: CollectionChanged is an event of this ('this' is an override of ObservableCollection<T>).

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Translate This C# Code In Vb?

Oct 10, 2010

public void Attach()
deviceHandle = capCreateCaptureWindow(string.Empty, WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 0, 0, (int)this.ActualWidth -150, (int)this.ActualHeight, new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle, 0);
if (SendMessage(deviceHandle, WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)0).ToInt32() > 0)


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Translate To Pig Lating

Jul 17, 2011

So, I'm taking Intro to Programming and I'm working through the exercises in a chapter about String Manipulation and the For Next loop.We haven't gotten to arrays yet, so I'm trying to do this just with what's been covered.The exercise is to translate a word into pig latin.If it begins with a vowel, you add "-way" to the end of the string. If it doesn't, you add "-" and then the first character to the end until you reach a vowel and "ay" to the end of that. So "Chair" would become "air-Chay".[code]

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Translate VB Codes To C++

Jun 18, 2010

I am trying to translate some VB codes to C++. And I am not quite sure what this line does.

IIf (n& 1=1, 0.0005, -0.0005)

I know what IIf(logic, true_value, false_value) does, and I guess the & operator is supposed to concat two strings. But I am not sure what the intention of using "n & 1 =1".

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Use Our Normal Applications Over Net?

Aug 2, 2010

Can we use our normal applications over the net?

I mean if I try to make my windows based application, that registers students to School record using Access Database,

will it work on the internet in the same way as it does on my local computer?

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VS 2005 Translate From C#

Feb 9, 2011

I need to translate this C# code in VB.NET 2005:


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What Does & H57 Represent And How To Translate It For C#

Jun 1, 2011

I'm trying to convert old VB.NET code into C# and I'm not sure about the current line and what it means really.


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.net - Translate COM Error Codes In C#?

Jan 7, 2011

In C, Pascal, and C++ it is possible to use the FormatMessage function to retrieve a "friendly" error message that corresponds to a COM HRESULT error code. This question contains sample code that demonstrates the C++ approach. Of course it would be possible to build a managed C++ assembly to perform this function for C# and VB.NET code, but I'm wondering: is there a way to translate COM error codes using the .NET system libraries?

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.net :: Translate Database Strings?

Jun 14, 2011

I have an application written for the UK market that currently only supports English (UK) and a client wants to deploy part of the application out to a non UK site and syncronise the data back to the UK HQ.I can convert the application labels and messages using resource files and the loc culture information but was wondering how you would convert the database bound data.E.G.Here is the HQ based table

ID ; Description
1 ; Not Functional


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Communications :: Translate From VB6 To VB 2005?

Aug 7, 2008

I have a module written in VB6, but I need this modue in VB 2005, how to translate the code in the VB 2005, or if you have time to translate the module in vb2005

Attribute VB_Name = "FiscalModule"
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByVal dest As Long, ByVal source As Long, ByVal bytes As Long)


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Difference Between Native Api And Normal Api

Jul 20, 2010

i want to use some api's in my software . Other than api there is no other way .

I want to learn more about win32 api . Can some one tell me

And what is the difference between Native api and normal api

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For(typeof(IRepository<>)) Translate In C# To Vb?

Jul 12, 2010

I've got a method I'm trying to translate from c# to vb, goes something like this .. x.For(typeof(IRepository<>)).Use(typeof(Repository<>)); VB doesn't seem to like the idea of a IRepository(Of ) ... what's the syntax on that?

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How To Convert It To Normal Form

Sep 14, 2009

I get a number of something like 4.44444444444444E+24. How do I do to convert it to it normal form as 4444444444444444444444444. (I have to compare these to return true value if it's equal )

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How To Translate This Code From C In Basic

Oct 26, 2009

I have this code in c:

void Back()
cin>>a[i]; 'display vector a[i] a[i] is a vector with 10elements
while(k>0) 'while k is greater than 0


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Making A Normal Form As MDI

Jul 29, 2011

I am working on a application in which I have to show different forms stacked one upon the other. Due to some restrictions, I cannot use MDI and also it has a lot of issues. I am able to get what I want but with a problem. The forms will be stacked, but they do not remain in the parent form. Lets take it by an example. The structure goes like this.

1) There is a form A (My parent form)
2) a second form "B" opens on a button click event on Form "A". (Note: B.ShowInTaskBar=False)
3) again, a third form "C" opens on a button click event on Form "B". (Note: C.ShowInTaskBar=False)

Now, when I minimize form A, it gets minimized but the Form B and C, remains as it is. I want them to get minimized at the same time. I want form B and C should remain as a child form of form A.

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Normal Again The TransParent Window?

Feb 2, 2010

My Form is TRANSPARENT and i dont know how to make it normal again.

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