2 Columns In One CheckedListBox?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a CheckedListBox that will be used to choose what columns they want to select from a database. Is it at all possible to display it in the format of [Table Name].[Column Name]?So far I have this:

theQuery.Connection = con
theQuery.CommandText = strColumns
theAdapter.SelectCommand = theQuery


I tried adding another clbFields.DisplayMember, but this obviously just overwrites the table name with the column name. I also tried doing:

clbFields.DisplayMember = "Table_Name" & "." & "Column_Name"

but that didn't work either.I know it's not exactly life threatening if the user can only see the column name, but it'd be nice to be able to see the table name in case of any duplications?

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CheckedListBox With Multiple Columns A Column Headers?

Mar 26, 2010

I need to create a checkedlistbox that has multiple columns and each column has a header. Is this possible? I can't really find much on Google. Here's the headers I need:

Checkbox Title Existing path Destination path

I have created these columns to the checkedlistbox I have in my form, but when it is run the headers don't show up. Also the items I'm adding don't seem to abiding to the column widths I put in. Also with the code I'm providing below the items don't display as multiple rows, meaning each item doesn't get displayed on a new row, but in a new column.

For i = 0 To iMovies
Movie = New MovieItem()
Movie.tmdbid = CInt(StrBetween(moviestag, "<tmdbid>", "</tmdbid>"))


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.net - Populating One Checkedlistbox With Another (checkedlistbox)?

Mar 24, 2010

I am having difficulties populating a checkedlistbox (CLB) based on the selection(s) made in another. It should also be noted that I have a "Select All" checkbox at the top that checks/unchecks all of the items in the first CLB. Here's the code:


The first CLB is populated with an arraylist of values on the button click event. Based on whatever is checked in the first CLB, corresponding values from an arraylist of structures should fill the second CLB.The following code partially works until the "Select All" checkbox is clicked at which point if other values have been selected before "Select All" is checked, the second CLB is filled with the correct number of corresponding values BUT only those of the most recently selected item of the first CLB instead of all of corresponding values of all of the items that were not already selected.

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DataGridView, Set Up Columns, Populate Data Table, Bind, But Not Using Columns Created In Code?

Oct 26, 2011

I'm using VB.net 2005. I have working programs that I populate DataGridViews with something like the following:


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Add/subtract/divide/multiply Certain Columns And Place The Information Into Other Columns?

Nov 30, 2010

My goal is to connect to my database either manually or using an sqladapater, and get information from two of my databases on sql server 2005. Then I want to take this information and on run-time begin to add/subtract/divide/multiply certain columns and place the information into other columns. I can do this in queries, however, I want to do it on run-time what is the best way to achieve this.I had some of this working, but I just want to start fresh and see how you would go about doing this.


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.net - Aggregate The Columns To Group On The Period And Sum The Count Columns?

Jun 29, 2011

I have the below Linq query that is returning the data but I need to aggregate the columns to group on the Period and Sum the Count columns. How do I go about doing this?

from t In tblTimes
join h In tblEngineeringDashboard_CADMachinesCounts on t.ID Equals h.TimeID
Order By t.Period


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Adding Columns And Modifying Columns In Access Database Using NET/SQL?

Oct 15, 2009

I am using the following code to alter an table imported from an Excel spreadsheet

Dim SQL As String = "ALTER TABLE receipts ADD payee integer, account integer, category integer, reconciled boolean"
Dim dataread As New OleDb.OleDbCommand()
dataread.Connection = Connection1


Both ExecuteNonQuery() actions yields the exception message {"Syntax error in field definition."}The error message does not happen with the first if the boolean column is not there (I tried Tes/No as a definition - but that also failed.The second query to modify the ID column from autonumber to integer I assume fails because it is a Primary KeyHas?

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Organize Columns - One Table Which Have Tree Columns (ID, Number, Name)

May 23, 2011

Imagine the following scene: I have one table which have tree columns (ID, Number, Name).

A Select query result on this:


Now, the user deletes the Number 3 and 4. So, now the Select query is going to be:


And I want to have:


How can I organize the column?

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Asp.net - Averaging Columns In A Table - Ignoring Certain Columns

Feb 21, 2011

I've the following code which successfully makes an average for all the columns from a table. What I need to do though is ignore certain columns in this equation.

Dim totalNumber as Double = 0
Dim count as Integer = 0
For x = 0 To xyz123.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1


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Averaging Columns In A Table - Ignoring Certain Columns?

Feb 28, 2010

Averaging columns in a table - ignoring certain columns

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How To Use Something That Functions Like Label Box But Can Handle Several Columns And Columns?

Feb 18, 2010

What should I use and how to use something that functions like a label box but can handle several columns and columns? Something that looks like this. [code] Name | Age | Birthday are headers and the letters are variables

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Original DataTable Object Has Columns Added When Variable Has Columns Added?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a datatable property called prpParametersTable in a class called clsBatch. I have a procedure that sets a datatable variable called dtP equal to prpParametersTable at the beginning of the procedure. I then add three new columns to dtP.Here is my problem. When I add the three new columns to dtP my original table prpParametersTable also gets those columns added to it, why? I only want to add the three columns to dtP and not prpParametersTable. How can I do that?

Private Function prvfnc_InsertBatchParameters(ByRef cnn As SqlConnection, ByRef trans As SqlTransaction) As String
' set new columns that have BatchID, Insert DateTime, and UserID for the SQLBulkCopy method below
Dim clm As DataColumn
Dim dtP As DataTable = clsBatch.prpParametersTable


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.NET - Database To CheckedListbox?

Feb 22, 2012

Trying to get a database into my Checkedlistbox. This is the code I have so far: Private Sub CheckDevices_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Dim connectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=N:DeviceList.accdb"
Dim str_DeviceList_Select As String = "SELECT * FROM DeviceList"
Dim myConnection As OleDbConnection
Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand
Dim myAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter
Dim myDataSet As DataSet


So I have the dataset with database in it, but I am struggling to get it from the dataset into the Checkedlistbox. Could someone do some quick code for this?Secondaly, I also want to set the checkbox's by using a string of integers which will look like "0110100110". If the value is a 1, I will want the corresponding checkbox to be checked, eg, "0110100110" So I would take that one, and check the 8th checkbox down in the checkedlistbox... So if anyone if feeling really generous, could use a little help with this as well.

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Check A Box In A Checkedlistbox By Name?

Sep 22, 2009

for each item as checkbox in lstCheckbox.items
if item.name.startswith("blah") then
item.checked = true


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CheckedListBox SelectedIndexChange?

Dec 15, 2010

I have a few checkedlistboxes in my GUI and the items in them are changed as needed. For example if I check an item in checkedlistbox1, it would trigger the items fromcheckedlistbox2 to be removed and new items will be added to it that are relevant.Similarly, depending on when the items are checked inside the checkedlistbox2, it will trigger new items to be added to checkedlistbox3. So I have added the functionsSelectedIndexChange to handle when items are checked inside the boxes.

I am running into a problem however. For example, I have some items in the checkedlistbox2 and one of them is already checked. When I click on something else in checkedlistbox1 it clears out all the items and repopulates the checkedlistbox2. In that case, however, since something was previously checked in checkedlistbox2, the selectedindexchange event is also triggered for that one as well because something was changed in that. Can I disable this somehow because technically I didn't "check" or "uncheck" anything, all I did was remove a checked item? I tried doing something like adding an if statement inside the

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CheckedListBox To Database?

Feb 26, 2012

Ive got a CheckedListBox where I have a list of devices and a checkbox to tell me whether they are on or off. I want to be able to change the checkbox in the program of a specific device and then when I click submit, it to generate a string of numbers to tell me what boxes are checked (1 for on, 0 for off)Example: Boxes 1,3 and 7 are checked in the checkedlistbox, and there are 8 total, so the string outputed would be "10100010".

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FindWindow For CheckedListBox?

Aug 5, 2009

I just can't seem to get this right, what I'm trying to do is use FindWindow to find the windows of more than one window. Here is the code:

app_hwnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, CheckedListBox.CheckedItems)The thing is, if I use .SelectedItem, it only finds one window and if i use CheckedItems/SelectedItems it gives me an error: "Value of type 'System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.SelectedObjectCollection' cannot be converted to 'String'."

So right now, I'm confined to using FindWindow for only one window--when I want to do it for more than one window.

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Get All Items In Checkedlistbox?

Feb 18, 2009

Code in checkelistbox which was already filled in upon loading of the form[code]...

so now, i want to get all the items from myCheckedListBox.

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How To DataBind To CheckedListBox

Feb 6, 2008

I'm new bie to VB.NET.I want some help on the following requrement.

Table: trade_data(tradesourceid,description)
trade_data(1,'Indian Bull')
trade_data(2,'Golden way')
trade_data(3,'Indian Trades')


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Sql UPDATE Using A Checkedlistbox

May 18, 2010

I have an Edit Bank form with a checkedlistbox. When the user clicks a bank it loads the edit from and checks the states that that bank lends in according to my database.i am trying to write and update statement so if the the new states are checked or unchecked, I want the database to update when i click save.I use an arraylist to store the items then read through and see which ones are checked.[code]

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Tag For An Item In CheckedListBox?

Feb 4, 2010

Is there a Tag for an Item in the CheckedListBox? Or something similar? I would like to be able to store and ID associated with the item that I'm displaying.

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VS 2008 For Each CheckedListBox In BGW?

Feb 18, 2012

I am trying to implement this bit of code in a BGW have it in a Sub now but need it in BGW

Sub Code If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(CStr(Dialog1.ComboBox3.SelectedItem)) Then
Dim tName As String = Dialog1.ComboBox3.SelectedItem.ToString
For Each item As String In Dialog1.CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems()
For i = table.Rows.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If (table.Rows(i)(tName)).Equals(item) Then


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.net - Natural Sorting A CheckedListbox?

Apr 18, 2012

I've written the following class to create CheckedListboxes that use a Natural Sort algorithm. The overridden Sort() method, however, is not getting fired.(The code within that method is from the MSDN example on how to implement your own sort algorithm on a regular Listbox.)


A CheckedListbox derives from a Listbox, so I figured the Sort() override would work, but I'm stuck as to why it doesn't.I am setting the instance's .Sorted = True, but it's just sorting items using the default algorithm, and not the Natural Sort algorithm (which has been tested and shown to work as expected elsewhere).

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Add CheckedItems From CheckedListBox To TextBox One After Another?

Jan 21, 2011

How can I add checkeditems or one by one items on click from CheckedListBox to TextBox one by one with( ;) between them such as emails in field of mailto ?

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Add File Paths To A CheckedListBox?

Feb 4, 2011

The end result I am looking for is I want to add File Paths to a CheckedListBox. I only want certain file extensions and if a file by the same name but a specific extension exsists allready then I do not want to add those files to the CheckedListBox.

Example: I am only wanting these filetypes in my CheckedListBox (.gif, .tif, .bmp, and .jpg).However if the filetype (.PNG) allready exsists with the same filename (i.e. image. png and image.jpg) I then do NOT want to add that JPG. Only files that do not allready have a PNG with the same name. (I hope I was able to make this clear)

My current code will add the filetypes (.gif, .tif, .bmp and .jpg) to the CheckedListBox. However I do not know how to have the code only add the files that don't have the PNG.Here is my current code:[code].....

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Add Item To CheckedListBox At Index = 0?

Nov 30, 2011

1.) I have a CheckedListBox, ListBox, Button, and ComboBox on a form. There is two ways users add items to the CheckedListBox listed below.

A.) The user will select one item in the ListBox and click the Button and that selected item is added to the CheckedListBox (see code below).

Private Sub Button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button.Click
' ensure searched analytes checked listbox always contains (Select All) at the top if analytes exist in the list
If Me.CheckedListBox.Items.Count = 0 Then Me.CheckedListBox.Items.Add("(Select All)", True)


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Add Newitem In Checkedlistbox Aftercompiling?

Mar 29, 2011

how to add newitem in checkedlistbox aftercompiling

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Adding CheckedListBox To ComboBox?

Jun 9, 2009

I'm trying to implement a combobox that will drop down and give a list of things that the user can select via checkbox so that they can have all, none, or some of the items selected/implemented in the program. Through some research, I've come up empty handed. I found a few tutorials that dealt with tons of class files, which I'm not really familiar with, didn't understand much, and then didn't work. Who would've thunk it right?Anyway, i tried just adding the checkedListBox as a control to the comboBox and it would disappear from the form as if it had been added, but wouldn't show up from the comboBox drop down menu..can anyone tell me how I can go about doing that?

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Bind A DataTable To A CheckedListBox

Oct 20, 2011

I have a data table (cv_dtPools) that contains six columns.I only want to load two columns from cv_dtPools into CheckedListBox.I want vchQCID to be the DisplayMember and "intQCPool_PK' to be the ValueMember. When the user is done selected the items in the CheckedListBox they will then click a button.The code behind the button will then collect the ValueMembers (intQCPool_PK) and put them in another data table which will be used by another procedure.How can I get only the two columns of the data table into the CheckedListBox? [code]

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Bind Checkedlistbox To Datatable?

Mar 21, 2010

I want to insert into a checkedlistobox all the coloumn from a datatable

what is the easiest way to do that, possibly without use loops?

i tried to use CheckedListBox1.DataBindings.Add(...) and CheckedListBox1.Items.Add(...) but without success..

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