Accessing A Variable Dimensioned In A For Loop?

Nov 19, 2009

The subject almost sums this up. I have dimensioned a variable 'y' inside a for loop. If i then try and access this outside of the for loop I cannot. What is the reason for this and how can I correct it? Unfortunately I am not able to Dim the variable 'y' outside of the for loop.

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ListBox Accessing The Text In A Loop

Mar 16, 2010

How to access the text of a List box control in a for or for each loop


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Accessing A Variable In Sub?

Mar 24, 2010

How do I access the sContents variable in loadBoard() sub to LoadTable() sub

Sub loadBoard()
Dim oFile As FileStream
Dim oReader As StreamReader = Nothing
Dim sContents As String


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Accessing Variable From Within A Different Sub?

Mar 9, 2012

I have this,

Public Class posData
Public Property strLabel As String
Public Property strX As String


then i want to loop through all the objects within my list so i have a for each position in posList, inside this is where the problem occurs, i want to be able to write something like this, a1.blnavail, this is not happening however, i know i can use position.blnavail but i need to hardcode the position for my logic to work correctly

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Accessing Variable Through Another One

Mar 4, 2009

I have two variables, X and Y (this is just figurative)
X = 123
Y = X
How can I get that X out of the Y to be able to get the contents of X from the Y? I just want to be able to do something like tell a textbox to display the contents of the variable within the Y variable (thus, the contents of X).

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Accessing And Creating Variables Inside A For Loop?

Oct 15, 2011

I have some variables that are distinct by numbers, like in1, in2...If I have for loop, how would I access those variables, using the counter, and attaching it to the variable?I believe in JAVA, you could just use in+ct... where ct is the counter to access the variable.also how could you make a new variable in the for loop?Initially I had variables declare outside of the for loop. The problem was how to access those variables using the for loop.

var_nm1 = in1.Text
var_nm2 = in2.Text
var_nm3 = in3.Text
Dim nmList(2) As Integer


This is object oriented programming, and I made the textboxes in1, in2, and in3 using the GUI editor. that was so easy.

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Accessing Instance Of A Class Through A Variable?

Nov 12, 2010

i have

VariableA as Class1
Variable1 as string
Variable1 = "VariableA"

I want to be able to use Variable1 to get access to VariableA(?).

So i want to able to do something like

VariableA.Property1 = "test"
But like this:
Variable1.Property1 = "test"

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Pointers - Accessing Variable Addresses In .NET?

Dec 23, 2009

I have to upgrade a legacy VB6 app to VB.NET; this app uses a function call from a .dll that takes a memory address as one of it's parameters. The VB6 app does this with the VarPtr() function, but this function does not exist in .NET. How do I retrieve the memory location of a variable in .NET?


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Accessing A Public Shared Variable From A Different Class?

Jan 10, 2012

I currently have two forms, and I need to share the value of a variable in one of them.

I declared the variable to be 'Public Shared', and assigned a value to it. However,

when I inspect the value it appears as 'Nothing'. Here is the snippet:

Public Class A
Public Shared sVar As String = Nothing
Private Sub A_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Accessing Multiple Form Controls Using A Variable For The Name?

May 23, 2012

I'm trying to iterate through a group of ComboBoxes and set a property using a concatenated string & variable to represent the name of the control. However, I can't get the instance of the form to recognize the (String & Integer_Variable) as one of its controls -- and so it doesn't recognize any of the appropriate properties or subroutines as members of the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Is there a cleaner way to do this?

For myTempCount = 1 To 6
If tempValue < Me.("ComboBox" & myTempCount).Items.Count Then
ComboBox.SelectedIndex = tempValue 'appears to work -- how?[code].....

This code was originally VBA / VB6, which I put through ArtinSoft's Visual Basic Upgrade Companion (VBUC). FWIW, I'm using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express.

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VS 2010 Accessing Variable Names At Runtime?

Sep 30, 2010

Is there any way to access your variable names at runtime? Is there any kind of collection you can loop through?

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DIM A Variable In A Loop - How To Name Each New Variable Differently

Sep 7, 2011

here is some simple code:

0: dim varA = 0
GoTo 0

I was wondering how do I name each new variable a different name each time through the loop (i.e. varA1, varA2, varA3)

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Variable-name In A For Loop?

Nov 16, 2009

Im looking for help with trying to vary a variable-name in a for loop:

For b = 1 To Count

' the below image_var(b) varible needs to vary on each iteration'
Dim image_var(b) As New LinkedResource(Server.MapPath(myArray(b-1)))
' need also to have the b in myArray(b-1) bit work through the loop too'
' that is I''m after the array index b minus 1'
image_var(b).ContentId = "imageContentId_" + b.ToString


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For Loop Control Variable?

Jul 15, 2009

What type can i assign a for loop control variable? I want the for loop to be the output file of a calculation, but i can not define it as anything, and i do not know how to write it so that the output is actually what the code spits out once the code has finished running.


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For Loop For A String Variable

Feb 23, 2010

this is my code -

for i as integer = 0 to rows.count - 1
output &= "Name =" & row(i)("Name")
output &= "lastName =" & row(i)("lastName")


is there a way to make a for loop and run applicant 1,2,3,4.... in one shot?

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Loop - .net For Each Private Variable?

May 10, 2012

I'm working in and I want to create a generic ToString. is there a way to do a "For Each" in "Me".


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VS 2008 Loop With A Variable?

Jul 11, 2009

i have a program that is going to be disabling services depending on what is selected by the user via check boxes, and it would also add to the log if it failed or succeed ( the dim xfailed as integer ). There are a total of 73 options for services and i didn't feel like copy and pasting IF THEN statements for all 73. I was wondering if i could make a loop out of this?

The x would be the service name - ex. "Themes"

Dim x as serviceprocess.servicecontroller = new serviceprocess.servicecontroller(x)
dim xFailed as integer


View 8 Replies Mvc - Appending Variable To Viewbag Name In For Each Loop?

Nov 1, 2011

I have a mvc 3 app that I need to generate several viewbags for... I tried the following code to just drop a variable at the end of the viewbag name after each loop but it wont take it.. It says "Object variable or With block variable not set." when it his the viewbag.status(p) line on the second pass it makes through the loop...

Dim p As Integer = 0
For Each registrant In b
Dim _regi As attendance = registrant


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Defining More Than One Variable In A Vb2005 For Loop

May 14, 2009

Is it possible to define two variables in a vb2005 For loop in a similar way that jscript does it?

the javascript example is


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Dimension Of Variable Inside For Loop

Mar 30, 2010

Using VB.NET .NetFramwork 3.5. This fails and strikes me as odd. Is this correct behavior:
Public Sub TestForEach()
For index As Integer = 1 To 10
Dim z As Integer
Assert.AreEqual(0, z)
z = index
End Sub
I would expect z to always equal 0 as I thought the dim-ing of an integer would set the value to 0. If you run this. It fails at the second loop. For some reason z retains it's value of 1. I know I can manually initialize z to = 0, but I wanted to know if this is a bug or expected behavior.

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Holding Loop Number In A Variable

Jan 12, 2010

I have a button that searches through a binary file to bring up customer information with the following code:


My problem is, I need to create a variable which holds the record number, so that the record can be edited, and put back into the file at its previous location, how would I implement this? Not sure about the code.

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IDE :: Change Value Of Variable In Loop During Runtime?

Jan 26, 2009

I'm multiplying X*Y*Z in a loop of 200 interations Y is declared as a constant. A timer can cause the loop to pause for 10 seconds.

During this 10 sexond pause I would like to change the value of Y. It needs to be changed only for this run, not a permanent change which can be done in the declaration.

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Loop Variable Declaration Efficiency?

Jan 27, 2012

wondering about the relatively efficiency of declaring oop variables in the loops, emselves, or declaring them before first use. Here are some examples:Declare early:

Dim ix As Integer
Dim currentNode As System.Xml.XmlNode
For ix = 1 To 100


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Variable Declaration Inside A Loop?

Aug 26, 2011

For i As Integer = 1 To 10
Dim j As Integer = 10

now my question is, Is memory allocated to j every time its executed inside for loop? or only value of 10 is assigned on subsequent iterations?

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Loop Through A Datagrid Column To Add Values To A Variable?

Feb 9, 2010

how to "loop through a datagrid column to add values to a variable

in VB6 it was something like:

do while not .eof
myvariable = myvariable + datagrid1.collumns(6)

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VS 2008 Using Loop Variable As Array Selection?

Oct 10, 2009

Lets say I have declared an array by doing:

dim array()

Also have a variable:

dim loopsize = 10

Then i do this:

for loop = 1 to loopsize
array(loop) = 5

What i wanted to do with this is from array(1) through to array(10), the values will be changed to 5. But vb will not allow this and crashes.

Why doesn't this work and how can i make it work?

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.net - Place Server Side Variable In Javascript Loop?

Dec 29, 2011

I have a Server side variable by the following code

Dim mgps As New Text.StringBuilder
Public ReadOnly Property GPS() As String
Return mgps.ToString
End Get


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Create A Nested Loop With A Variable Amount Of Nests?

Aug 28, 2009

OK, after trying to get this working for a couple of days now I decided that I would turn to the experts here. I am trying to create a nested loop with a variable amount of nests. Let me elaborate. I have a program that first asks for the minimum and maximum amount of loops, I currently have a SELECT CASE statement that addresses each level of nesting individually.

Dim cMin As Integer = InputBox("Min")
Dim cMax As Integer = InputBox("Max")
Dim c1, c2, c3 As Integer


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Method To Append Results Of For Loop In Variable While Running?

Feb 8, 2012

While a "for loop" is running in, C# or Python which method can be used to append each result to a variable?

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Place Server Side Variable In Javascript Loop?

Dec 29, 2011

I have a Server side variable by the following code

Dim mgps As New Text.StringBuilder
Public ReadOnly Property GPS() As String

and replace the store_locations with GPS but my map become empty.

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