Add My Own Object Into App.config And Read It?

Apr 10, 2011

I'm trying to add a new section to my app.config file under the applicationSettings section and then read it from my WinFroms VB.NET application.[code]...

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Read Web.config From Iis Web Directory?

Jan 15, 2010

i am using a windows application as well as web application developed in visual studio 2010 beta 2 using .net framework 4 on windows xp/windows server 2008/windows7 i am able to read web.config file on system running windows XP sp2 but same is not read by windows 7 and windows server 2008 i installed my web application on iis 7 on said windows with .net 4 but it not read web.config by my windows application. i used below code on form_load in windows application for reading that web.config-


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Read XML Config File?

Apr 10, 2009

I would like to be able to read the entire document, and make changes to it before run time. I am making a deployment tool for my application, and most of my customers do not want to rename their servers, nor do I want to have to rename the server in the connection string section of the app config file.

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Read AppKey Value From Web.config In Clientside Js?

Aug 15, 2012

I have created a appkey variable in the web.config file and i'm now trying to read it in an aspx page within a javascript variable.


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Read Values From App.config In .Net 4.0 Using ConfigurationManager?

Apr 10, 2011

I am creating a windows service in .Net 4.0 and testing some functions of said service with a windows forms client by referencing the service project.The service project has an App.config file and that file looks like this: [code]a null reference error is thrown because my connection string is not loaded.The only connectionStrings that are loaded are from the machine.config file located in [code]If I create an application scope setting for the service, I can get that setting by using the My.Settings.setting so it's not like the App.config file is not being read.why are my connectionStrings not being loaded from the App.config file?When referencing a project(parent) from another project(child), the child's app.config is used even if the parent's classes are being used.Thus, I can get the connectionStrings to show up if I copy them over to the child's app.config. When trying to open it manually, my currentDirectory was of the child, not the parent (strange how it did not throw an exception - it wouldn't have been able to find the config file it just silently used the machine.config.

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.net - Read <connectionstring> Of Web.config From A Console Application?

Dec 20, 2011

I have console application. I would like to read the (ConnectionString) from a web.config.

Web.config is located at a particular path in my virtual PC, say "C:/mywebConfig"

<add name="MY_DB" connectionString="Data Source=DATASOURCE;Initial Catalog=DB;Persist

Security Info=False; User ID=***;Password=****;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

My code:

Dim connString As String = String.Empty
connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MY_DB").ConnectionString

Whenever I try to access it, i get the error not set to an instance of an object or something like that :)

I tried to add the web.config in my Project, but still get the error.

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.net - Read A Settings Value From The Web.config File In An ASP.NET Application?

Aug 18, 2010

I'm trying to use the following command:

Dim xmlFilePath As String = _

to retrieve the following setting:

<setting name="XmlFilePath" serializeAs="String">


However, xmlFilePath shows up as Nothing after that line of code is run.

What's the correct code to get a setting out of the web.config file in an ASP.NET application?

NOTE: Although you can add keys individually to the <appsettings> tag, I'm trying to figure out how to use it with the "Settings" tab in the project's properties.

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How To Read / Write Custom Config File

Jan 6, 2011

Environment: .Net 3.5 (C#ok too) I wrote a multi-project WinForms app that needs to load a couple dozen variables from a client section of a config file based on user's selection of client. Also some program variables need to be loaded as well. So far so good, I put them in an app.config file.In the appsettings section I put the main program variables. e.g.


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Read A Custom Section In App.config From Codebehind?

Dec 29, 2011

I have an app.config file that stores values in a few different sections. I have these snippets:[code]How do I read the connection string in the codebehind? Specifically the value which is [code]

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Read Default Values From AppName.exe.config

Mar 15, 2012

How do you read the default values from the appName.exe.config file? My application only reads these values on first installation. Subsequently, it reads the updated values sitting in the user.config file.

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Read Session State Information In Web.config?

Jun 8, 2011

I configured session state in web.config.<sessionState cookieless="AutoDetect" timeout="5" sqlConnectionString="....."/>Now, I want to know timeout and sqlConnectionString from code-behind.

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Way To Read Settings Of An App.exe.config File From A Linked Dll?

Sep 14, 2010

Is there a simple way to read from the global application.exe.config file from a dll?urrently I am loading the file as an XmlDocument but I wonder if there is a better solution.That's what I mean:If I create a new WinForms Project I have a Settings Tab in the Project properties where I can add some simple values (And I want to access the per Application settings, not the user beased ones).From my code I can access these values with:


The Settings class is autogenerated in the file Settings.Designer.cs.Now I have the case where a dll need's to read the settings from the Main Application's config file. Is there a simple way to achive this? Currently I am reading the file as an XML Document.

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Web.config ApplicationSettings Values Not Being Read From WCF Service?

Dec 6, 2011

I have a WCF service with a setting I created in the WCF application property editor (settings tab).It has created something like the following property in MySettings class in the Settings.Designer.vb file. Notice the DefaultSettingValueAttribute is set to "This is the OLD value". That's my value for local testing.

<Global.System.Configuration.ApplicationScopedSettingAttribute(), _
Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _
Global.System.Configuration.DefaultSettingValueAttribute("This is the OLD value")> _


The problem is after restarting the WCF service (rebooting the server machine completely), it never reads the new value. It continues to use the old value that was set as the default value in the designer file.I think this must have to do with file permissions, but I don't see anything in the event log that indicates a problem. It's like the WCF service isn't even trying to read the web.config file.Why isn't the service reading the settings value from the web.config file?

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Write And Read Some Configure Strings In App.config?

May 8, 2012

In VS2010 how can I write and read some configure strings in app.config.

I wanted to add PrinterPort, PictureDirectory, ApplicationDirectory,LastImage, ecc

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Xml - Read A Value From An Application's App.config File From A Webpage?

Feb 19, 2012

Basically i have a .net application that has a directory path stored in the app.config file. this directory path outputs xml files that will be read by an web page.

Is there any way i can get the web page to read the directory path stored in the app.config file? Should i look to use the web.config file at all?

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Decide An Object Behavior Through Web.config?

Nov 10, 2011

I want to be able to define in my web.config the type of connexion my object will use to get data (variable) (from an xml or from a databases). I though about using a Strategie Pattern, but I'm somewhat stuck by the need to write somewhere the name of the class, which I do not want. [code]I have the class Context which has a IContext member (called _context). The Context class reads (through ContextConfiguration) app.config.I want _context to be able to be a ContextXML or a ContextDB... or a ContextJSon or any other new class that would implements IContext.

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Retrieving Connection Object From App.config?

Sep 8, 2011

I'm creating a VB.NET 2010 application which is connected to an Access 2010 database. I've set up a connection using the inbuilt connection wizard. I want to pull data from the tables using ADO.NET objects such as the data adapter to create datasets. The data adapter in ADO needs the connection object. Can I pull this from app.config? Should I junk the inbuilt connection and create a new one with code alone? Help.Scott M Brush

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Implementing Config File That Multiple Projects Can Read?

Mar 7, 2011

I am using VB.NET 2010 with a solution that consists of class libraries and winform projects.

Each project has an app.config for it's specific needs. There are however, several settings that are common across all projects. I would like to implement a common config file to hold those, but that effort hasn't been very successful.

After much searching I developed a test program to play with and it was working until I moved the Globalsettings into a separate file. Below is a paste of my code along with the config files I've been experimenting with. I've added the references to system.configuration and made sure my config files are set to always copy to the output directory.

The code compiles, but GlobalSettingsLookup is never set to an instance of NamevalueCollection. I'm guessing it's because the ConfigurationManager can't load the section "GlobalSettings"(?) That's just a guess

My Code:

Dim GlobalsettingsLookup As NameValueCollection = CType(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetSection("GlobalSettings"), System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)


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Read A Value From App.config File In Windows Form Application?

May 16, 2007

How can i read my connectionstrings value which i stored in my app.config file (for windows application)?

i tried many times to use more than one option but i could not do it.

i am using VB.NET 2005 with framwork 2.

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Read Config File Values For A Library Project?

Apr 15, 2009

Added for my quick reference.When you use the following code to retrieve the values from config file in a library project.

Value = Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("KeyName")
The application will look for this key in AppSettings section of calling assembly and may lead to unpredictable results.


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Simple Read/Write App.config Configuration File

Feb 6, 2010

I have a program with various settings, all stored in the app.config file. Often, I have a need to edit the connection string setting. I cannot do so using the My.Settings.myConnectionStringVariable method, as this is read-only. What I would like to do is have a big text box, and simply load the entire app.config file into it. The user could modify whatever they wanted, click save, and the program would save the new edits to the app.config file, and restart the program. I don't have a huge need to only pull out the connection string, as getting the text for the entire config file would suffice. However, if it is easier to pull out just the connection string from the config file, that would work too.

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VS2003.Net Project To Read XML .config File And Modify?

Mar 26, 2009

Dear Friends: I have some files in 1 folder directory that show "XML Configuration File" under type. But none of these files show the extension .config. The directory filesare like C0150,C0150_new,C0200,C0200_new etc. I need to change only 1 attribute of each of these files. I need to write a VS.Net project to do this. I have to send the .exe file(from bin directory of this VS.Net project) to my client and they will just double click the .exe file and it will change that attribute in all the .config files.

The C0150 file looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Write To My Own App.config Using A Strongly Typed Object?

Jun 25, 2009

The following code has two flaws, I can't figure out if they are bugs or by design. From what I have seen it should be possible to write back to the app.config file using the Configuration.Save and according to[url]... the code should work.

The bugs are shown in the source below and appear when you try to set the property or save the config back out.[code]...

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Create Button That Opens Form To Read / Edit App.config

Oct 28, 2011

I am trying to build a form that has a button on it that will open up a 2nd form that allows me to view and edit the connection string. I believe the connection string is also called app.config, and can see that in the Solution Explorer for the project.All I have managed to do is drag a button onto my main form and relabel it. I have no idea how to create code to access the connection string.

View 2 Replies - Getting Configuration Settings From Web.config/app.config Using Class Library

Mar 26, 2009

I have a class library (Named ADI), that needs some configuration settings from the project using it (like connectionstring, filesystem locations etc).

I want to define these settings in my Windows Forms/Web Projects App.Config or Web.Config, like other settings.

Here is part of my app.config for my windows forms application:

<setting name="ADIImageRoot" serializeAs="String">


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C# :: Validate Dot Net Application Config File(ex, App.exe.config) On Console?

Jan 18, 2010

is there any tool to validate configuration file?

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VS 2008 Settings Are Read From App.config Instead Of Settings-file

Oct 30, 2009

I have created a settings-file for my plug-in-based app. When the mainApp writes the settings to the file, the pluginApp should read the settings from the settings-file (when opening or at runtime even better), but somehow it reads the settings from the app.config-file. This means that the pluginApp never will read the settings according the values of the file.

View 4 Replies - Class Needs Info From Either The Web.config Or App.config

Jul 6, 2011

Our main application has both a and winforms component. There is a class that is used by both sides and needs info from either the web.config or app.config files. The class itself does not know if it's on the client side or on the web server (at this point). We are getting errors when it's attempting read app.config when it's on the web side. Is there a way for the class to tell if it needs to read web.config or app.config?

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C# - Read From A Url Into A System.IO.Stream Object?

Aug 3, 2009

I am attempting to read from a url into a System.IO.Stream object. I tried to use

Dim stream as Stream = New FileStream(msgURL, FileMode.Open)

but I get an error that URI formats are not supported with FileStream objects. Is there some method I can use that inherits from System.IO.Stream that is able to read from a URL?

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IDE :: Read And Output Every Variable For Each Object

Apr 30, 2009

I am trying to create a program that solves the rubiks cube and ive started, I made a program that asks for the variables, now I want to output them using my function writeline(). I am trying to use a for each statement to read and output every variable for each object "face". but I am not sure how to go about it.

Heres the code
Module Module1
Dim Top As New Face
Dim Left As New Face
Dim Front As New Face
Dim Right As New Face
Dim Back As New Face
[Code] .....

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