Adding To DataGridViewComboBox During RunTime?

Mar 23, 2011

I have added a DataGridViewComboBox to my DataGridView during design time. It has 0 items in it and I need to add a bunch of items to it during runtime.

In most controls, they have some kind of direct method like ".Items.Add("etc")", but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to access the DataGridViewColumn programmatically.

I can create a new ComboBox during runtime and add it to the DataGridView, but that's not what I need to do.

I played around with IntelliSense, I've searched on Google and I've looked through the documentation. The only thing I could find on MSDN was DataGridViewControlCollection, but I didn't see anything that would allow me to directly access that control.

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Adding Dropdown List At Runtime And Access Control And Events At Runtime?

Dec 20, 2010

I have created multiple dropdown list at runtime and populated with data. I also have added an eventhandler to determine the selected value of the drop down list.

The code is as follows :
Dim tbl As New Table()
tbl.EnableViewState = "true"


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Adding A Control In VB At Runtime

Mar 30, 2011

This question is about VB.NET. I'm quite a novice on this one, so please forgive me if you feel that this question is nothing short of crazy or whatever. Anyway, I've been a creating a simple Windows addressbook Form application. We all know for a fact that a single person can have one or more addresses, of which a one-to-many relationship holds true. So there, my application also has to be able to edit each of these addresses (by the way, my application uses an Access Database, which really sucks but it's part of my task), and I already thought of using a control array (just like in PHP but it obviously never worked in .NET) for me to edit them. How am I supposed to implement this?

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Adding App Settings At Runtime?

Mar 9, 2009

I have some questions on AppSettings. I can add a setting at design time from the settings tab of the My Project. I would like to add to the settings at run time. I have not found a way to do this. I would in VB6 use an ini file but would like to start using xml.

The .net makes this folder for the settings C:UsersRyanAppDataLocalTestAppSettingsAppSettings.vshost.exe_Url _0ay3fimqt4k0pp1s2e4vb3pi3iymxzx2 .
How do I retrieve the location to add to the xml file?

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Adding Buttons At Runtime?

Dec 19, 2010

I want to place a few buttons on my form. The number is unknown at design time. Actually each button will represent an item entered in combo box. So if user adds an item, a button on the form should be added by the code.

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Adding Controls At Runtime

Jun 1, 2009

is there a tutorial (i looked, couldn't find) on adding controls at runtime?

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Adding Controls On Runtime?

Jan 1, 2010

I've created a code that will add a control on runtime.

Sub Button_AddNewGradeEquivalent_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button_AddNewGradeEquivalent.Click

Dim newGradeRepresentation As New TextBox
Dim newGradeCondition As New ComboBox
Dim newGradePercentage As New TextBox
TextBoxItems += 1


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Adding Datetimepicker At Runtime?

Mar 23, 2009

Can we add the datetimepicker control to a form at the press of a button?That too number of controls to add are more than two.

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Adding Picture At Runtime?

Feb 2, 2010

How to add image at runtime when click the picturebox? Is picture box is suitable for it or not?

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Adding Resources During Runtime

Apr 5, 2009

I was wondering how I would go about adding resources into my program during runtime.

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Adding Validation At Runtime.?

Nov 17, 2011

I was writing a program for creation of form to ticket reservation. The form creation and everything is done a runtime. The problem is that i wanted to include a validation process in which the program will check whether user has entered the data(name) before showing select airline list box There are 2 if conditions which i both want to validate and if both the IFs are validated then i want it to show the list box.I dont know how to do that. Below is the code snippet

Private Sub button_selectair(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If Me.Controls.Contains(t1) Then
If (t1.Text.Length <= 3) Then
MessageBox.Show("please enter a proper name")


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IDE :: Adding Controls At Runtime / Where Goes App?

May 18, 2009

In the helpfiles of Visual Studio 2008 I read control arrays are no longer supported. There is an example for the new situation but then you need to hard code the names of all the controls beforehand.I do not know how many controls I need, could be one or 5000 (think simple image browser). Is it still possible to create something like that or should I change to a different programming language like Phyton? At the moment I work around it by using a browser control and then manipulate the <img> tags but I'm puzzeld as to why this functionality was removed and if there's a solution to the problem.Another thing I don't understand is where the app goes when it's installed with 'Click once'. It dissappears completely, doesn't show up in 'Program Files', can not be found by the search function but it *is* somewhere because you can start it form the Start menu. However, I use data which is in a subfolder of the program folder, which I nor my program can find any more after the app is installed. The program runs but it can't find any place to put/get its data so in the end it doesn't work.

I work around it by *not* installing the program but have people just run it after unpacking the downloaded folder. This works great but I wonder how long this will be the case until Microsoft disables this possibility? I have no idea why they would, but I also have no idea why they did remove the functionality I mentioned above. I already changed to PHP and MySQL because I had to throw away my carefully built W2K+MSAccess image database a few years ago and after installing Vista Visual Studio 2005 was a goner. OK, I upgraded but then no control arrays any more and now they hide the apps when you install them? Why on earth would they do that?

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.net - Specifying A Unique Control Name When Adding At Runtime (like The VS IDE)?

Apr 14, 2010

I have a basic IDE for a user control i am building. It allows me to add labels to a panel and move them around, like a very basic form designer. When I add the controls to the panel at runtime, I'd like to give the control a unique name string like how the VS IDE tracks the controls it already has and adds an extra number when it creates the default control name. I have tried checking the controls collection each time a new control is added, but wasnt sure if there was a good string comparison method to return a name with a unique number on the end that hasn't been used yet.

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Adding Code To A Form While In Runtime?

Sep 13, 2011

i am in runtime mode and have a form open. I do some calculations on it and based on those i generate some lines of VB code (concatenated and saved in a local variable). Is there a VB command that i can use that will take this code and INSERT it into another form?

i could copy the code, exit runtime, go to design mode and paste it into the form myself but because i want to do this for several subs for a lot of forms then it will become very time consuming.

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Adding Controls At Runtime Or Through The Designer?

Dec 6, 2011

I am very interested to see the answer as I would like to know the significant differences (if any) of generally using one more than the other. In a few days, I will be starting my Java programming class to familiarize myself with the language.I do know that Java uses objects.My question/discussion is not necessarily related to .NET (although in a way, it is); my question is more about what is a better practice and why.Is it more proper to declare buttons and such through runtime rather than designer? Is it just more work typing everything? Or does build and run much faster?

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Adding Controls To Panel In Runtime?

Jun 21, 2012

Private Sub btnMonSet_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnMonSet.Click
My.Settings.tweetMon = tbMon.Text
If tbddOccurrence.Text = "Just Once" Then
If cbToday1.Checked = True Then
lblPanel.LblScheduledTweet1.whenDate = Date.Today
[Code] .....

The goal of this code is to add a control to a panel in runtime. This MUST be done in runtime for the purpose I intend. The problem is that, when I add a second control, the first one disappears.

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Adding Groups At Runtime To ListView?

Jun 2, 2011

Any snippet of code for adding groups at run-time to a listview. I am currently listing books (and stats) without groups via the following code which is executed in a loop (one pass per book title).

item = New ListViewItem
item.Text = seq.ToString
item.SubItems.Add(Mid(titlenode.Nodes(N_CSTAT).Text, 3))
item.SubItems.Add(Mid(titlenode.Nodes(N_JSTAT).Text, 3))
[Code] .....

The listview is set to details view. What I want to do is group the book titles by series. For example, books by Michael Connelly may be grouped by "Harry Bosch", "Jack McEvoy", "Mickey Haller", etc. I can create a new group for each new series by
groupnum += 1
group = New ListViewGroup("group" & groupnum, _
group.Name = "group" & groupnum
group.Header = series
But I cannot find how to add the group to the listview and add the new item to the associated group.

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Adding Reference In Runtime Mode

Mar 3, 2010

I want to add a Reference to my application in run-time mode and i want to list the public keys of this Reference in run-time mode I'm using Windows XP professional

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VS 2010 Adding Controls At Runtime

Apr 29, 2011

I need a little help with variable scope ( I think that is the right term) As I understand it, the follow could be used to add a button to my form at runtime ...


I want a method that creates a new button with the object name that I pass to the method.

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DataGridViewComboBox Seems To Be In The Way

Jul 25, 2010

The code below works as it is now. It creates a datagridview with a combobox on it. The combobox updates a common field called personid.

My problem is I need to add a new column to the left of the combobox. If I just add this field to the sql (right after "SELECT") for the dgv it doesn't work. It does work if I put it after the combo but I need to have this column to the left of the combo.

How do I go about doing this? The dgv is created entirely in code and this cannot be changed.

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Adding Controls At Runtime To Child Form?

Jan 27, 2010

Updating a VB6 prog in VS2005 on Windows 7. The prog has an MDI + child forms and there are a number of content types, with varying numbers of controls being set up and positioned from setup files.On forms which are not child forms I can easily add controls at run time like this:

Dim lab As New Label
With lab
.Left = 0 : .Top = 0
.Width = 800 : .Height = 800


This doesn't work on a child form, no label is visible. Can't see any obvious problem in quickwatch.

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Adding Controls To Child Form At Runtime?

Jan 27, 2010

Updating a VB6 prog in VS2005 on Windows 7. The prog has an MDI + child forms and there are a number of content types, with varying numbers of controls being set up and positioned from setup files.On forms which are not child forms I can easily add controls at run time like this:

Dim lab As New Label
With lab
.Left = 0 : .Top = 0


This doesn't work on a child form, no label is visible. Can't see any obvious problem in quickwatch. Is there some known reason for this or do I just have a wierd bug?

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Adding Custom Object To ArrayList At Runtime?

Jan 5, 2010

I am having issues adding a custom object to an arraylist at runtime.

Details of what Im trying to achieve.

My object is Fixture which represents a light. My light has the following properties:

Name, isMover, HighlightValue, UserNumber, Channels.

Channels is a dynamic arraylist which lists all the different channels of the fixture. A channel could be the lights colour or its intensity. A channel has the following properties:

Type, FeatureGroup, Value, Universe, Address, Slots and Offset.

Slots is the same again, breaking down to another ArrayList with more details.


Private Sub Patchingtest()
Dim TestFixture As New Fixture_Structure
Dim Intensity As New Channel


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Adding Items Permanently In Combobox At Runtime

Jan 19, 2009

i have taken one combobox in form1, another in form2. when i want to add an item permanently in combobox in form1 it should automatically added in the form2's combobox permanently and at the same time it should be added into the database(ms access) also.

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Adding Or Deleting Datagrid Columns At Runtime?

May 15, 2011

I want to allow the user to select which table they want to be displayed in the datagrid by selecting the table name from a comboBox - this bit I have managed but I want to limit the number of columns displayed. Each of my tables have the same fields (it is for a plant database, there is a table for each type of plant tree, shrub etc) so I know the column headings but

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Adding Text To Command Buttons On Runtime?

Jan 20, 2010

I have 14 command buttons on my form. what i want to do is change the text of the form based on the current date. button1 should have todays date.button2 should have tommorows date.button3 should have day after tomorrows date and so on. I want this for fourteen buttons.I can do it manually by assigning each button.text to each date... i want to do it using a loop. is it buttons are named , button1,button2,button3,button4, and so on toll button 14.and the text i want on them is from the current date to 14 days later...basiocally want to display the dates on the it possible though a loop.m using visual studio and

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Dynamically Adding Controls To Tabpage At Runtime?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm having a lot of trouble trying to add a new control to a dynamically created TabPage at run time, I have viewed many threads with similar help requests and cant seem to make the codes work!

Here's what I've got:

Dim albumscount As Xml.XmlNodeList
albumscount = config_doc.SelectNodes("component/config/menu/album")
i = albumscount.Count - 1
Dim albumtitle As Xml.XmlNode


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Forms :: Adding And Removing Controls At Runtime

Jan 4, 2012

I am working with my project and I have difficulties in my program. This is the set-up: I put a textbox1 and a button1 in the form, textbox1 is for the property of the label text to be add
when I click the button1 I have another textbox, label and a button,I want the added button to remove the textbox, label and if possible the button itself, is there a way to delete a control by the added button?

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VS 2008 Adding Controls ContextMenuStrip At Runtime?

Jan 15, 2012

im trying to work with adding controls in runtime. Anyways ive added a ContextMenuStrip control in runtime and added a item called "Display". The ContextMenuStrip is also added to textbox's that are also added in runtime and when i right click a textbox i see the "Display" but i want it to do "msgbox(textbox.text)" when i click "Display".


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VS 2008 Adding Multiple Picturboxes At Runtime?

Jan 13, 2012

i have a folder with around 120 images, small icon size.

Id like to load all these images into pictureboxes and have this code so far

Dim newPictureBox1 As New PictureBox
newPictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile("C:MyLocationHereImage.png")
newPictureBox1.Location = New Point(12, 50)


This code works and adds 1 image, my question is how to add all images in like a list format but with images ?

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