Attaching An Excel File To A MSSQL 2005 Database Using .NET?

May 5, 2009

I have to attach an excel file to a MSSQL 2005 database, using a project written in VB.NET 2005.

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Backup MSSQL Database Using Save File Dialog?

Jul 14, 2011

How can i backup my mssql database using the save file dialog?

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Attaching A Sqlexpress 2005 MDF Via Filename For Bcp Use In Vb 2008

Aug 9, 2008

is there any way to attach a sql mdf by filename but actually make the database name something else?

the problem i'm having is that my connection string attaches the database just fine, but it gives the database a name of it's full path on the hard drive when i pull it up in SSMSE. ie. "c:program filesmy programmy database.mdf" is shown as the name when i do a sqlcmd and issue a select name from sys.databases

the snag is being hit due to the fact that i'm trying to do a "bcp in" and because a: there are spaces in the database name, and b: there's the .mdf extension also added to the database name that when i run my bcp in command it errors out, even if i use the -q option of bcp.

if i start SSMSE and right click the database and rename it, bcp works great - so my question is, how do i correctly format my connection string to attach to c:program filesmy programmy database.mdf, yet have it attach the database as "mydatabase" for use in bcp statements?

i've been to and they only cover the standard connection strings

in summary - i want to attach an mdf file programmatically and specify the name that ssmse see's it as....

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How To Connect To Mssql 2005

Jun 13, 2009

Am using 2005. when vb starts i try to connect to mssql server uut i cant. unlike mssql7 desktop edition there is a consol in the start menu where one can configure mssql, creat database, tables etc.

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VS 2005 SQL Script For MSSQL Using .net 2.0?

Dec 10, 2009

I wish to save an image in a mssql database.My function is: Public Sub CalcNomogram(ByVal uid As String, ByVal mNavn As String, ByVal mId As Integer, ByVal ruhed As Single, _ByVal valgteDim As String, ByVal img1 As Image)


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Attaching Database To SQL Server?

Jan 13, 2011

I already made a .VB project using MVS 2010,I'm new in attaching database to SQL server and I'm confused attaching which database I'm going to attach because in the same folder i found that there's two

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Obtaning The Data Source Of MsSQL 2005?

Aug 8, 2011

currently developing the backup and restore procedure of my database....and im using the SQL UTILITY[URL]..but...i was thinking if is it possible to obtain the Data Source or the Server name automatically...when the form load.

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.net - Using SQL Server Database : Attaching After Installation?

Jan 26, 2012

if user needs to attach the databases to the instance of server manually before being able to use the application?I have added the mdf file to my Setup project. It installs and copies the file to application folder. I donot know if the file needs to be attached or there is a way that application could do it automatically (attach to MyComputerSQLExpress)

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SQL Server Database Attaching Types

Feb 15, 2012

I am attaching DBs using following code.
Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Server=MyHomeServerSQLExpress;Database=master;Integrated Security=SSPI")
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("", conn)
cmd.CommandText = "CREATE DATABASE dbNoPWD ON ( FILENAME = 'd:dbNoPWD.mdf' ), ( FILENAME = 'd:dbNoPWD_log.ldf' ) FOR ATTACH"

I do not want to give any username and password. When I ran the above code and then checked SSMS, I found my attach DB was not checked in Roles (pls. see pic.) The problem with this is my network computers can not access this DB. I want to run some code like above (without sa password) and want that all my network computers can access the DB without my user get involved in setting up SSMS.

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VS 2005 Using Table Control - Display Data From Connected MSSQL?

Jan 17, 2010

I'm new to Visual Basic, VS2005.I've added a Table to the WebForm. At Default.aspx this code was added automatically:


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MSsql Server Database Backup?

Oct 2, 2011

how to backup my database in local drive when i press a backup button in my vb2010 application...

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Saving Picture In Database(mssql)?

Dec 15, 2011

I need to save pictures in my database, my database is MSSQL as of now, my code for getting the picture is this:

Private Sub browsepic_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles browsepic.Click
With dialogpic 'Open File Dialog sa toolbox
.InitialDirectory = "C:UsersCAMILLEPictures"


how to save the picture and how to retrieve it?

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VS 2010 - Cannot Update MSSQL Database

Aug 1, 2010

I am aware about the COPY ALWAYS or DO NOT COPY features for files and database files.But my problem is the following:This is the

Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.
Dim mhkos As Integer = 1
Dim ypsos As Integer = 1


where the MDF file is located I am getting an the MSSQL server does not allow even to copy the file to an other location.

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VS 2008 : Save/retrieve RichTextBox Content W/images To/from MSSQL 2005 DB?

Apr 4, 2009

Does anyone have any suggestions how I might store the contents of a RichTextBox that also includes images to a MSSQL 2005 database?I suppose a possible answer to this would be to convert the entire content of the RichTextBox to a Byte Array, and then insert the array as a varbinary(max) datatype.But how do I convert the content ?

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Insert/Delete Records In A MSSQL Database?

Mar 8, 2012

I am trying to Insert/Delete records in a MSSQL database based on if a checkbox is checked or unchecked. The checkbox is an item template in a datagrid, I can check/uncheck the checkbox but it doesn't do an insert or delete. Here is my code:


But then I get the error that the control chkmap has not been declared. I am confused as to how this needs to be declared, do I set a variable to the FindControl("chkmap") and then set it as variable.checked = true ?

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Mssql Server 2008 Database Sync?

Jan 15, 2012

I was creating an enrollment system for my Thesis, and my adviser told me that I must have a Code in my program that Synchronize database from client and server so that if the terminal connection is "Up" the data will go to the server and if the connection is "Down" the data will go to the installed server on the the local machine. and every 20 mins or 30 mins will sync the database.

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Populated With Certain Values Of A Parameter From Mssql Database?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a question on a datagrid object in 2008, that I what to be populated with certain values of a parameter from mssql database. The connection is made, the column header are loaded, but I what, when the form is loaded, to populate the datagrid only with certain values, doing a select commnad where id has a value given by me.What is the command to have this select done and display the values in the datagrid?

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Retrieve Time From MSSQL Database To Datetimepicker?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a datetimepicker but the custom format is set to HH:mm tt so that I can get eg 11:20 AM

this value I have stored in database with the help of Label4.Text = DateTimePicker3.Value.ToShortTimeString.

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Speed Of Inserting Data In .net To A MSsql Database?

Apr 25, 2011

How fast did the inserts a data in a Mssql database??

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VS 2008 : Loosing MSSQL Database Saves?

Mar 26, 2009

After a save, if the program crashes before I close the window I am loosing my changes. Is there a way to commit? here is my saving

Private Sub TicketBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TicketBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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Attaching A File To A Mailmessage

Jun 21, 2010

I am trying to write code to send a mail message with an attached code works fine if I don't try to attach a file but crashes when I do. I have not been able to figure this out.[code]

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Attaching And Loading File?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a project that I am doing which is as follows and need your help to complete the last section I can start word no problem with process.start("winword.exe")the problem is the attachment I attached the documents using project resources and then add exisiting text files and attach it to the project but when I debug I get the following error the code used is as follows


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Attaching Any Type Of File In VB?

Apr 16, 2008

How to attach any type of file in VB.NET.I want information or if possible code to attach any type of file in VB.NET.

View 4 Replies - Excel Reports To Database Sql Server 2005

Apr 20, 2011

I am being given excel sheet daily and want to upload them to an existing database with the exact same column names, i wanted to do this in sql server 2005, but then i thought it would be easier to just creat an program that could do this autmatically, that way the managers could do it them selves. would i use a bulk insert?


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Create A Dynamic Table For MSSQL Database Display?

Feb 23, 2010

how to use a dynamic table for my MS SQL database? Im using 2008...any idea on how to do it?

e.g. - Output

ID LastName FirstName Address Order
001 Doe John Kentucky 10-10
002 Smith Jack Kansas 10-11

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Make Attaching All File Types?

Mar 8, 2009

attaching filesI am using VB2005 and MS access as a database.I have created a project where a user can add a new record and sometimes with adding the new record you also need to add backup, example a picture,excel, word, txt,pdf.I need to know how to do this?It can be save either on a folder on a local drive or database.I would like to be able to select a file and save it, and if

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Assign DBNull.Value To A Variable, Or Write NULL To MSSQL Database?

Dec 3, 2009

I have a little problem regarding the use of DBNull, NULL etc. in in combination with SQL Server 2k.

More specifically, I want to do something along the lines of this:If x = 0 Then

x = DBNull.Value where x is declared by Dim x as Object. I would rather use Double, but I can't assign DBNull.Value to this, and using Object works quite well, too. But every time I hit this condition, I get an exception: A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll This is not a major show-stopper, since the database value I write x to in the next step, is NULL by default - most of the time! So I need the ability to write NULL to it. If that was not the case, I would have been able to work around this by catching exceptions, I think - but sadly, this isn't really of use then.

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Insert Multiple Checkboxes Values To MSSQl Database As Comma Separated String

Dec 12, 2010

How to insert and retrive multiple checkboxes values to MSSQl database as comma seperaed string 1,2,3,4,5 using ? and retrieve the inserted checkbox chekched in disabled form ..using url...I want this type of whole layout in means if user registered selected seats then then next the same page load for todays date the selected seats will be disabled

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[2005] Attaching Controls (combo, Label And Textbox) To The Menu Like The Office Menu?

Mar 1, 2009

Attached is the image from an Office application, how can we emulate such?

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Excel Or CSV File As Datasources In VS 2005?

Nov 21, 2008

I'm having some trouble setting up binding sources to these types of files, not sure if I'm selecting the correct driver in the wizard. Tried the generic ODBC and .NET drivers but it doesn't work, the dataset is created and adds a table but there's no data retrieved. The design object being used to display the table is a datagridview. Can't find documentation on dealing with files, only databases.

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