Auto-Application Updater In .net?

Feb 1, 2010

I've made an application and i would like to auto update it via my website.the only problem, its that i checked most of the tutorial on youtube, but none of them work correctly. I mean, when i press check, its check the Product Version but its appear me but my application version is like

Heres my code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim read As String = ProductVersion
Button1.Enabled = False


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Create An Auto-Updater

Apr 12, 2010

I would like to make an Auto Updater like this one on this thread: [URL] but without having to click on any buttons to update the files... I just want my launcher to update users's files when they start it... As I am beginner in (I started like two days ago) I really don't know how to code all this!


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Make An Auto-updater?

Oct 19, 2009

I want to make an auto-updater, and I have FileZilla, 1500mb of free server space, 100GB of bandwith a month, and visual basic 2008 express. I have tried to make it goto a webpage, cheach for a True/False label(in PHP), and if True, find the update on the server, if false, display a "No Update Found" message.

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Auto Updater - Must Containg Txt Or Dat Or Cfg File?

Aug 24, 2011

Im requesting for Auto Updater of my file updater must containg txt or dat or cfg file.Updater.exe must read those file for example .cfg file, cfg file contains the list of file which can be downloaded by my updater.other called File using this for Game Client so i need File Patcher..

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[2008] Auto-Program Updater?

Jan 29, 2009

made a program on visual basic and i want it to update, is it possible to on startup check its current version with some text on my website? and if the website numbers are higher it updates a file from the site? if i can how do i do this, and seeing as ive done the foolosh thing of making the whole project as once big exe not dll's can i get the updater to download the new exe if there is one and replce the old one with it

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VS 2008 Auto-Updater On Start Time?

Mar 12, 2010

I had a post on it but i ran into the same problem. My program downloads a text file from server and checks it.

It works but it makes the program crash for 4-9 seconds.I was thinking of downloading the file more slowly or using Threading()

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Make An Auto Updater - Program Crashes After Having Downloaded In A While?

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to make an auto updater. It kind of works, but I've got some problems.I need to make the download threaded or something so you can use the program while downloading. I've tried the background worker and now the Application.DoEvents(), but I didn't get it to work.
The second problem is that the program crashes after having downloaded in a while. It may be because it isn't threaded, but I don't know.Anyways, here's my

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net[code]....

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Create Updater To The Application?

Oct 30, 2009

I developed an application and created .msi file for deployment using "Visual Studio Installer" and it need to be installed on nearly 1000 systems on a network. For this i gave this msi file to sysadmins and they deployed it through GroupPolicy in domain (as all the systems are in a DOMAIN). I used "Visual Studio Installer" for the below reasons

1. while installing the application the installer will copy some files help Files in to specific path, from where the application will open from a menu click event.

2. I made the installer to make this application to launch at startup.

3. Added Icons for the Shortcuts and also for the list in ControlPanel Add/Remove Programers list.

Problem i am facing is when ever i have an update, i have to ask my sysadmins team to deploy it from group policy. I want to make this as auto updater so that it can be updated without the help from the sysadmins. It also saves lot of time for us in communicating.

What i want is, I will place the updated version in some centralized place. Application at user end should check for the updated version and need to updated. Since i made my application to launch at StartUp, while updating the application should exit and to the update.

NOTE : Need to consider that no user in the domain contains admin can i overcome my issue.PBL (Visual Studio 2010 Professional, Win 7 64 bit Ultimate)

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How To Create Updater To The Application

Jun 6, 2012

I developed an application and created .msi file for deployment using "Visual Studio Installer" and it need to be installed on nearly 1000 systems on a network. For this i gave this msi file to sysadmins and they deployed it through GroupPolicy in domain (as all the systems are in a DOMAIN).I used "Visual Studio Installer" for the below reasons1. while installing the application the installer will copy some files Files in to specific path, from where the application will open from a menu click event.Problem i am facing is when ever i have an update, i have to ask my sysadmins team to deploy it from group policy. I want to make this as auto updater so that it can be updated without the rom the sysadmins. It also saves lot of time for us in communicating.What i want is, I will place the updated version in some centralized place. Application at user end should check for the updated version and need to updated. Since i made myapplication to launch at StartUp, while updating the application should exit and to the update

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Updater A Running .NET Application

Dec 14, 2011

I have a .NET application. I check the version against a online XML document to see if a update is needed it will notify the user if there is. This is a standalone executable. Ideally i would like the application to be able to update itself the issue obviously is it can't download and overwrite itself when running.I was wondering if anyone ever had a situation similar to this and found a good solution. I was thinking about maybe creating a VBS script to close the app handle the update then relaunch the program?

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Check If The Updater Is Running?

Jun 5, 2009

I am making this little program with an updater. But now i wanna check if the updater is running. The process is called "IboodHunter Pro Updater.exe"

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Creating A Mini Updater?

Jul 30, 2009

I have created a application that I have installed on the user computer. However, I want the application to be self-updating. But I am not sure if this would really update the application.The application will download all the files from the web server, and replace the files in the directory where the program as been installed to. The user will restart the application.I am just want to be sure, because I can't replace the installed files with the updated ones. As the application will be running. So really the application cannot delete/replace itself

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Make An Updater For A Program In VB?

Feb 29, 2012

I have been working on a Minecraft Skin Downloader for some time and learning a few things here and there but making an auto updater on VB is one of the things i am having trouble with. I have made one on VB but problems arise here is the code for the updater. I have it where in a text document in dropbox(Public) and it will say the version like for example and since that text document can be changed you will be prompted to update when I change it but I need to have the version of the updater.exe to in order for it to work and say that your up to date. Because at this point it will just keep prompting you to update because you don't have the version the of the updater.


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VS 2008 Creating A Self-updater?

Jul 30, 2009

I have created a application that I have installed on the user computer. However, I want the application to be self-updating. But I am not sure if this would really update the application.The application will download all the files from the web server, and replace the files in the directory where the program as been installed to. The user will restart the application.I am just want to be sure, because I can't replace the installed files with the updated ones. As the application will be running. So really the application cannot delete/replace itself.So, I was thinking that I could download into another directory, if the program is installed in this directory 'program files/application/1.0.0' then I could download the files to 'program files/application/1.0.1'.However, when the program restarts, how can it know that it has to execute from the 1.0.1 directory?

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VS 2008 How Make Updater

Apr 5, 2010

i wanna make a vb auto updateer that i just click on button Update and it will download some files in the directory where i have the vb application. please can someone say me what is the (download) code? i just wanna it for my server that guys can download from my website some files.and it will not need framework ? or how i can build framework in my application you know that the ppl dont need install framework just run my application click on update and its finished

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VS 2008 How To Make An Updater

Mar 17, 2011

Ok, So I am trying to make an updater for one of my applications but i need to know how to figure out if the updated file exists. I have this but it doesnt work... i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to do this.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Updater On Vista (Uses Program Files)?

Aug 21, 2009

I have encountered a small problem with my application due to the updater I built in.Basically the way the updater works is:1) Check for updates2) Download the new .exe file as "tmpMyApp.exe"3) Download "Rename.exe"4) Launch "Rename.exe" and exit application.5) "Rename.exe" then deletes the old application and renames the tmp one with the origional name "MyApp.exe"6) Launches "MyApp.exe"This all works completely fine for me, except when the program is installed in "C:Program FilesTinyGrab" this causes my app

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VS 2008 - Updater.exe - How To Pass Arguments

Oct 19, 2009

Ok im going to make a updater for a current program. And I found this code on this website.

Dim OnlineLocation As String = My.Application.CommandLineArgs(0)
Dim LocalLocation As String = My.Application.CommandLineArgs(1)
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile(OnlineLocation, LocalLocation)
MessageBox.Show("Update Complete")

But i was wondering, once ive made it. How do u actually pass arguments to it.

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VS2010 Variable Code Needed For Updater?

Apr 29, 2012

Its about updating, it check a remote server for version. For example i have version 1.0.0 so the updater says that there is a update (1.0.5)


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Application Won't Auto-Run With CurrentVersionRun?

Jun 3, 2011

I've added the necessary registry key to have my app run when windows loads:Hkey_Local_MachineSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunMyProgram = c:MyDirMyProgram.exe..I've also tryed adding it to the ProgramsStartUp folder.My app still won't load when windows does. Other apps do, and I was wondering what might be preventing my app, and only my app, to not load. Is it Security? Trust Level? or what?

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Customize Software Updater Can Not Automatically Update In Windows 7

Dec 16, 2011

I have develop a software which can run in different machine and when any update is available then it automatically update all the software dll and exe along with own.

In my software package, I have a Soft_updater.exe which run when update is available but in this case Soft_updater.exe runs and wants to update along with other update.In XP and windows 2003 server it runs perfectly but windows 7 and windows 2008 server it can not run. It's stop in process mode and wants an administrator permission so that it can update itself and along with all.My process have also "runas" administrator right.

I have change user account control settings as in Never notify me and give the software folder along with all exe in administrative rights. I also login as an administrator. But still now I have not solve this issue yet.

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Get The Updater To Check A Text File Uploaded Onto Server?

Jun 2, 2010

Having no real experience with updater-style applications, basically I want a secondary EXE to be bundled with my application which will update the program file. Its a one file application - so its a simple process. Its just for the PC's inside the business.Currently, I think it will be easiest to get the updater to check a text file uploaded onto our server, and determine whether the running version number is above or below that. The new application will then be downloaded from a simple http link.

-I have an interface designed, so that will be attached to my request.

-Is it possible for the updater to update itself? How could I request that?

-Is there any way I can ask that the link which the updated file will be downloaded from is definitely hidden from the user?

-Will the developer incorporate error handling for if the program is running when the updater runs? How do I ask for that?

Is there a better way for the updating process to run? What other things should I ask the developer to include?

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Auto Logoff For An Application With X Minutes?

Oct 15, 2009

I am trying to write a code on auto logoff for an application after certain perioed of time. But not sure how should i start on it. But I got below code, but there is an error (example:


System.Windows.Interop is not a member of Windows and System.Windows.Threading is not doesn't contain any public member) and i wonder how should it get fix and merge into my application code

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq


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Auto-update Stand Alone Application

Jun 3, 2011

I have a stand alone application "test.exe" on a Windows 7 operating system.I have an application "test.exe" made in Visual basic 8.0.I have an "Auto Update" function . Call this function from "test.exe". In the first line in "test.exe".This function does the following:

1. This checks whether the current version is older than the version on specific site, if so:
1a. Removed all *. old
1b. Rename test.exe to test.old
1c. dowload new test.exe

I'm afraid I get an error when I rename "test.exe" to "test.old" because "test.exe" is now active.How can I prevent this or what else should I do?

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Auto-Updating VB 2008 Application

Jun 12, 2010

i was playing around with the visual basic 2008's project settings. I have 2 goals in mind


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C# - Make An Auto-updatable Application

Nov 25, 2010

I have an application that is running fine. I just want to add the auto update feature in that application so that the application can automatically download the updates and install it on the computer.

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C# :: Scripting Auto-mation Within Application?

Dec 30, 2009

The software company I work for offers data conversion as a service for new clients who have previously used other similar software. I've written a VB.NET application to automate common conversion operations, and have separate logic between known vendors.particular file layout has become rather common, but due to the nature of how this particular competitor's application stores information, certain fields mean one thing for one client, and another for a different client.Certain elements within this vendor's format change every time, so I've written the application to account for that. Because some data fields mean different things to different vendors, I have to change my mapping code every time. This wasn't an issue when I had one of these every six months or so, but these are becoming much more common and I would much rather find a way to further automate this process.

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Creating An Auto-Updating Application?

Jan 4, 2006

I have read through the following page: [URL]

Now I have my application and an installer project, which can install my application. how to make my application auto-update (from my web server) like a smart client. I've looked into ClickOnce, but it does not appear to be suitable as I cannot do any custom installation steps. My application needs to create folders and copy other files from the CD to the hard drive, which I don't believe ClickOnce supports. On the other hand, the Windows Installer does not natively support any sort of auto-updating. So what do I do?

I have read that it is possible to combine both technologies, but all my research into this has turned up nothing of use.

I've looked into the Updater Application Block (Version 2.0), but I'm not sure if this is what I'm looking for? I'm using Visual Basic 2005 and I'm not sure if the Updater Application Block supports .NET v2.0. In fact, when I tried to install the Enterprise Library, it said I need .NET v1.1??? Even if this is a possible path, I'm really quite lost when reading through the documentation as nothing seems to point towards practical examples, especially in Visual Basic.

I've also had a look at the System.Deployment.ApplicationDeployment class, but it seems as though this only works with ClickOnce applications. However, since I can't seems to use ClickOnce in my situation, this does not seem like a viable option. Is it possible to use System.Deployment.ApplicationDeployment outside of a ClickOnce application?

I'm really quite lost as to how other people produce custom installing applications that have auto-updating features. Virtually every modern piece of software does it, but I cannot seem to find anything on the web that points me in the right direction of how to achieve this with Visual Basic 2005.

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IDE :: Auto Updating Application DLLs In Web

Sep 26, 2009

I'm looking for a way for copying a VS application files via HTTP and TCP? I mean I have published my application and now I am trying to find something like ClickOnce application that copies my updated files from my website to the clients' centers through HTTP and then locally to end users through FTP. I need to a source code or something like that.

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VS 2005 Application Auto Update?

Sep 2, 2010

I have been asked if its possible for an application that sits on a network folder for multiple users and check online to see if there is a newer version. If there is prompt the user to download it and load the new version.

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