Automating Clicks On Facebook Game

Oct 16, 2011

I am new to VB and I try to create my first application to automate some clicks on a facebook game. My first problem is a loop: I created a recorder function, but if i activate my loop it loops endless (should take the number of loops from textbox). If I add a messagebox it works, but if I add PlayTimer.Start() its endless.

Dim result As Integer
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Short
Dim curclicks = 0
Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" Alias "mouse_event" (ByVal dwFlags As Integer, ByVal dx As Integer, ByVal dy As Integer, ByVal cButtons As Integer, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Integer)
Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = &H8000 ' absolute move
[Code] .....

The 2nd question i got: How to handle the next function I am planning? I will try to explain it (look at the attachment picture): Because of different monitor resolutions I need a function that maybe draw a square to boarder the gameplay area, then record some coordinates that can be played by clicking on a button. (visit neighbor, reload game, visit next neighbor, ...)

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VS 2008 Script Error And Facebook Game Error For WebBrowser

Sep 18, 2009

But i seem to have a bit of problem keep Getting Script Error on facebook and some games load Straight Away (Picture below)say i go back to me profile on facebook then wanna go back to the game i was just playing it does this Says Its Loading Config But it doesnt Its like it Doesnt want to load it again And here is a pic of the scipt errors i keep getting below.

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VS 2008 Loged In Facebook Using Webbrowser In Facebook / Want To Logout In Every 10

Sep 17, 2011

I have kept a webbrowser and 2 text boxes and one button when my application start it opens facebook page in browser and then i put the id and password in textboxes and then clik on the button then i got loged in but i want that if i looged in it will logout in every 10 sec. can anyone help in this topic

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Game Bounces A Sprite Around A Panel And The User Clicks The Sprite To Catch The Sprite

May 7, 2010

I need some advice on a game I created. The game bounces a Sprite around a Panel and the user clicks the sprite to catch the sprite What I want to do is introduce a dificulty level easy medium and hard the level puts more sprites in the panel, the higher the dificulty level example


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Make A Program That Auto-clicks 'new Thread' And Types In What Are Put In Textbox2 And Then Clicks Submit

Apr 25, 2009

Yes how would i make a program that auto clicks "new thread" and types in what are u put in textbox2 and then clicks sumbmit..Why I want to no:+ iM just trying to make a a program that makes it easyer to post.About the program Im trying to make: +im gonna have a webbroswer in my program and then i want then below there wil be a the thread auto click day if i go to and go to there forum page i would jsut type everything in my auto clicker and i press button1 it will do everything for me like post the thread

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Visual Studio Macros: WindowActivated Handler Turns Clicks Into Double Clicks

Jun 27, 2012

If I add a WindowEvents_WindowActivated handler to my Visual Studio 2005 Macros EnvironmentEvents module, I get a weird side-effect: when I click from one window to another in Visual Studio, that click is treated as a double click.


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Clicks Are Needed In Different, Set Locations, And With A Different Time Frame In Between Clicks?

Apr 1, 2010

Im using Visual Studio 2008 Ive created auto click programs through tutorials, Mouse Recorders, also through tutorials. But nothing is helping me with the project at hand. It has now been a month of going through basic tutorials, and more advanced ones, all with success.. but none telling me what I need for this project.

So here is the project.

When I open this program.. it will have two buttons.. Start.. and Stop. Both set with hotkeys(which I have figured out how to do). When the program starts, it will work, kind of like an auto clicker, but the clicks I need in different, set locations, and with a different time frame in between clicks. The whole program will loop until stopped(with the hotkey).

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Discard Any Clicks Except Single- And Double-clicks?

Nov 30, 2010

I process single- and double-clicks on a listbox in VB .Net 2005; I use single-click to just select a particular entry and double-click to select and open the entry. I want to discard any other type of click, especially triple-clicks.

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Count Button Clicks - Label1.Text = Form2.Button1."number Of Clicks"?

Dec 16, 2010

I basically, want this to happen:

Label1.Text = Form2.Button1."number of clicks"

How do I do it?

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Record The Screen When My User Clicks Start, And Stop Recording When He Clicks Stop?

Jul 27, 2008

I need to record the screen when my user clicks start, and stop recording when he clicks stop.I've searched for a while on this subject, and I have found nothing.I want to do this without adding any files to my project, I just want to use some built in function in Visual Basic, and start recording, or even take a snapshot and add it to an AVI file or something...These are some sites I have found:


This code is in VB6, but I am not sure how to even start using it?

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Automating An ASP.NET Web Form?

Aug 11, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web form that reads a file and writes some data to a database. I need to run this process on a scheduled basis.

Currently, I have a scheduled task that calls a batch file. The batch file then opens Internet Explorer and navigates to the URL and the process is fired. There is another scheduled batch file that closes Internet Explorer.

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Automating Excel Using .net?

Dec 18, 2011

My problem is actually how I can transfer certain words or sentences from one cell to another. Keywords that I can reference in the comment cells are: "Description: sentence goes here., Solution: Solution : Microsoft has released a set of patches for Vista, 2008, 7, and 2008 R2 : [URL]...The actual text is this:Synopsis : The remote Windows host has a denial of service vulnerability. Description :The remote host is affected by a vulnerability in the SMB service that can reportedly be abused by a remote, unauthenticated attacker to cause the host to stop responding until manually restarted.This vulnerability depends on access to a Windows file share, but might not necessarily require credentials.Solution :Microsoft has released a set of patches for Vista, 2008, 7, and 2008 R2 :


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Automating Putty With VB?

Feb 12, 2010

We have bid on a large installation and if we get it we will need to set up 300-400 router like devices very quickly. To set one up now we connect to the device with a serial cable, run Putty on the windows PC, log in to the device, and run some commands on it to load the latest firmware and change some settings. I'd like to reduce this to connect the router to the pc with the serial cable and press a button on a vb program. The program would launch Putty, login and execute the commands. Sendkeys might work but it would be best if the VB program could read the responses that were coming back to an extent so I wouldn't have to program in really long pauses to insure actions had completed before doing something else.

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Automating RDP Sign-in With VB

Jan 7, 2009

I want to use VB to set an existing RDP connection's credentials.Can I do that with code only?

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IDE :: Automating Outlook From .NET?

Mar 26, 2010

i am using the following code to send e-mails, I am using this cause various other methods though sucessful, were not compatible. My earlier code was compatible with Outlook 2003 and used to crash at machines with Outlook 2007. i know you can add a reference to Outloo 2007 office files. but the following code is version independent, but i am not able to pre-populate the various outlook fields such as the To: , Cc: ,BCc:, Subject and Body. and i am not able to Launch Outlook for the user to actually see the display.

Dim outlookApp As Object
Dim outlookNamespace As Object
Dim newMailItem As Object


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Automating Login To A Website?

Mar 26, 2010

My broadband provider used to have an XML data usage stream where I used to check my usage. They have now disabled this so I am planning to build my own VB application to login to the usage webpage and scrape the usage data.This is the code I am using:

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("username").SetAttribute("value", "blah")
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("password").SetAttribute("value", "blah")[code].....

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Automating Microsoft Word Using .Net?

Dec 10, 2007

I have developed a VB.Net application to automate Word and I am noticing some issues when I attempt to close a document and subsequently Word. So I have decided to do the following - - ->

I check to see if Word is running on the local PC. If it is not, then I instaniate Word, execute code, close the document and quit Word. If Word is already running I want to be able to use that instance of Word, execute code, close out the active document and NOT close Word. I have retrieved the Process ID for Word running on the local PC but am not sure how I can use Word's properties and methods on an existing instance.

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Automating Uninstall Using The Uninstallstring In Reg?

Dec 8, 2009

Since installing Windows 7 on one of my test machines my automated uninstaller can not find the uninstall string. My script works on XP just fine. I noticed that the uninstall information is in a different location for Windows 7. it is in Wow6432NodeMicrosoft... is there a constant I can use that will allow my script find the correct uninstall location on both Windows 7 and Windows XP?

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Automating Web Login Over Two Pages?

Sep 22, 2010

i am using vb2008 and trying to create an auto login and reboot for a secure console server "Lantronix SCS100", I can get through the first page with the code below but on the next page i need to check a checkbox "<input type="checkbox" name=OidC2.11>Server</td></tr>", then click event the "<submit>" button to reboot the server.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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[2008] Automating Key Pressing?

Jan 23, 2009

I was wondering, lets say I have a web browser control? Can someone help me figure out how to automatically press the tab key in the web browser control & then follow it up by tapping the space bar key?

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Automating A Software Using ThunderRT6PictureBoxDC Control?

Dec 27, 2010

I am automating a software using ThunderRT6PictureBoxDC control.

Well by selecting some menu some ThunderRT6PictureBoxDC show up and some don't.

That's how they switch screen

What is ThunderRT6PictureBoxDC?

How do people get it?

How do I set which one show up and which one is hidden using sendmessage?

Is ThunderRT6PictureBoxDC made by microsoft?

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Automating Actions With WebBrowser Control?

Mar 30, 2009

I'm trying to use WebBrowser to remotely log into a site and perform a basic action on the site.

The first step is logging in to the site. Here's the form code for the login:

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Automating Double-click On Listbox?

Jan 26, 2010

I have written an application using VB 2005 Express. It's a very simple application. There are basically two listboxes, one to the left and the other one to the right of the GUI.Listbox1 contains a list of names. When you double-click each name, a code word is created and added to the listbox on the right. Now... here is what I want to do. I would like to automate the double-clicking process with the click of a button so that each name on listbox1 is double-clicked in sequence

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Automating Excel 'type Not Defined'

Apr 24, 2011

I'm very new to VB.Net and just trying to find my feet a bit and get my first programs running.url...Which should allow me to run excel from VB.Net, but I get heaps of errors - basically anything specific to Excel comes up with 'type not defined' or 'name not declared'. I've tried adding the reference several times and I'm pretty sure I've followed the tutorial to the letter so I'm stuck.Don't want to post the whole code because it's very long, but here's the beginning and end:[code]

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Automating Text In Internet Explorer

Jun 24, 2009

I have some code that is supposed to automate a textbox on a webpage. The problem is, it only works half of the time. The text either displays or does not display. I added the internet controls as a reference but the HTML object library would not get added. Everytime i would go to do this, it would freeze.I also tried doing it two ways. The way that is commented out, always produced a null error. If i change the website to, it works perfect everytime.[code]

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Forms :: Automating A Web Browser Window?

Dec 19, 2011

I am creating a small program that can automate the input to a web browser window, Like a survey filling bot but for my personal use,All I want to know is there any way to simulate a Mouse click for a particular element in a web browser window so that It can submit the form automatically ?

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Resources For Automating Other Programs. Where To Begin

Oct 27, 2011

I'm a systems analyst and the company I work for likes to automate as much as they can. Recently I've been getting a lot of questions like "can we automate this in any way?" and I have no idea. I've done automation for Word, Excel, adobe reader and a terminal viewer they use but that was mostly done with code already written by some one else here. If there is a program you want to automate, do you just go to the programs website and hope they have a developers section or is there a standard way to use program dlls for automation? I'd also like some good resources on COM objects if anyone has some, I believe that is how most automation is done, correct?

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VS 2008 Automating Text File Name?

Mar 7, 2010

I have a program, and writes data to a text file... with a template inside...

All works fine, and saves fine...

I'm wondering, how could I automate the filename it saves?

Currently it saves the text file as NewOrder.txt

I would like it to now realise that there is a NewOrder.txt already there, and save as NewOrder1.txt

Then when the program is closed, and I go to do a new one, it will say ok NewOrder2.txt

Hoping this is possible, I've been reading up on my.settings but I can't really find what I'm looking for...

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Automating IE To Click A Series Of Buttons In A Webpage?

Aug 24, 2009

I am writing an windows application in VB.Net to automate the internet explorer using Visual Studio 2005.There is a website with list of orders. I need to accept the orders automatically whenever they arrive.There are 2 pages in a websiteand they will refresh at regular intervals. In the first page there is a list of elements in a grid with Accept and Decline buttons. I have to click on Accept button. Then next page loads with some text contents and a Check box and a Submit button. I need to check check box and click on the button automatically.

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Automating Outlook 2007 And Attachments In VB2005?

Jun 13, 2008

I have an app that i would like to launch outlook 2007 automatically from VB2005 and insert the To, CC, Subject, Message Body and add an attachment to. Everything works great except outlook ignores the attachment completely - the file exists in the correct location - what am I missing?


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