Backup Code ( Copy And Paste In Vb 2010)?
Nov 29, 2011
i want to make a small application about backup so i want to make two buttons , the first one for choosing the source file and show in text box no(1) secondly, i mean a second button for place of new path for that file ( destination for backup file)
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Oct 7, 2010
I am learning VB for the moment. I want to copy/paste code from a PDF to Visual Basic 2010 Exppress, but if i paste the (structured in PDF) code to VB, i get 1 long string of code and need to restructure it by entering after each line. Otherwise VB gives me a lot of errors. This is a time consuming work. Isn't there a way, VB puts the code in the right format?
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Aug 6, 2010
I wasn't sure how to phrase this, so sorry if the title is misleading.I need some suggestions on how to create a custom copy and paste code. I have a form that is populated with specific data for each user. The user chooses this data themselves.
I plan on saving this data in the application settings or via xml serialization. What I want to do, is allow users to generate a unique code for that data so that they can supply this code to others and all they will have to do is copy and paste it into their client and that data will populate for them.I could just allow users to trade XML files, but I want it to be easier than that.[code...]
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Jul 27, 2010
I am developing an MDI Text Editor, well more like upgrading my standard text editor, I am trying to re-code the menu items cut, copy, paste and so on.I have written this sub routine for the "cut" click event handler
Private Sub CutToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CutToolStripButton.Click, CutToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Form2 being the form I designed for my child forms, the idea is that the menu control is used by Form1 the parent form, I thought that if the cut menu item looked at the RichTextBox in form2 then it would cut the line of text. it doesn't work?
View 7 Replies
Feb 27, 2009
How can i create a code with copy cut and paste...
sample :
With copying or cutting a text and paste it into another textbox And Also Undo & Redo...
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Aug 29, 2010
I need a C# to VB.NET code converter, I want something that's ultra convenient, as I want to reduce the amount of copy/paste that I have to do... so could anybody give me some tips to what is out there? I want processing in bulk too, and to support the latest operations (LINQ, new VB inline-function support and all).
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Dec 31, 2011
A while ago I wrote a quick and very very simple program to test myself on about 10 questions I needed to remember the answer to. I made a form with a label, text box and button. the label contained the question and the answer was entered into the textbox and the button was pressed to check the answer. the code i used was very similar to this:[code] Because I only had 10 questions it was fine to copy and paste the code a few times and rename the questions but now i am going to use this again but for a lot more questions (in the end there will be a couple of hundred) so i was wondering if any one knew a better way to do this? I was thinking maybe an array like 1 to hold the questions and 1 to hold the answers but i haven't worked much with arrays so I'm not sure how difficult this would be ?
View 1 Replies
May 26, 2010
want to make a program where you can select multiple files and when you press a button, all files are being copied to one specific location.
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May 22, 2009
I have an unmanaged DLL written in C++ and imported into my .NET application via <DLLImport ()> that I use to interface with a custom dos device driver. However, I'd like to either access the device directly or embed the DLL in my .NET application.
I've tried using Reflection.Assembly (see code below) to gain access to the embedded DLL, however, because it's unmanaged and there is no class to instantiate (CreateInstance fails), I cannot access it that way.Does anyone know of a way to embed this in my application and access it via reflection or some other means?
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Feb 15, 2011
I am trying to copy/paste a structure to the clipboard the copy appears to work but the paste errors with "COMException crossed a native/managed boundary ErrorCode = -2147467259". The error occurs on the highlighted code line below. Is it possible to put a structure on the clipboard? If so how?
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Feb 9, 2011
First of all i want to say i feel very rude as my current posts only consist of me asking questions and never posting to give answers. im still learning and do not want to give people diff advice and sending them down the wrong path.I am doing an assignment for my course and im having a problem with tabcontrol. I originally didnt do my code inside a tab control. Then i had to copy all the code and button etc over to the tab control then the code completely stopped working. I copied the code then deleted it and pasted it back into my project and it worked again. But it seems everytime i restart my laptop the code stops functioning and i need to copy delete then paste to get it working again!I need to hand this assignment in shortly and i dont want to if my code is working intermittantly..
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Aug 7, 2010
How I can do that in the moment that I will copy something this will paste this straight to the software?
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May 18, 2012
I'm trying to copy the contents of work1 and paste them into work2 but its just leaving work2 blank?
My coding
System.IO.File.ReadAllText("C: est1Work1.txt")
System.IO.File.AppendAllText("C: est1Work.txt2", vbCrLf)
View 3 Replies
Nov 20, 2011
I have a small copy/paste type of program. You put text in the boxes, click copy and it copies it to the clipboard. I have a text file attached to format the text when it is copied. what I want to accomplish is...If I don't fill in every single textbox with text, I don't want that particular field to show when I paste it. Example, I have the layout like below on the text document.
No matter what, when I click copy, the text document is going to copy textbox1,2,and 3. If I only put text in textbox 1 and 3, I don't want it to copy textbox2 if its empty.
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Mar 31, 2011
I have a document that has bookmarked tables I create a new document using this document as a template I then loop through the tables and cut them off to the clipboard I would like to save each of these tables as a variable or value and paste them back in a user definied order This could be like Table1,Table7,Table1,Table2,Table4 Or any combination required I have looked at Clipboard.SetData and GetData but just cannot seem to store the tables I can do text, and images of pictures but cannot seem to get tables working?
View 9 Replies
Mar 31, 2011
same errors or something related to Unable to cast object of type 'Public_Information_System_Remake.PIS' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'.
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Dec 15, 2010
I am trying to do a back up of files and was needing to know how to do something like
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Oct 29, 2009
Im trying to create an incremental backup utility on a web form using for code behind.
So far i can copy files from directories including sub directories and that part works fine, my main problem is copying only the most recent / modified files to the backup folder, currently it is moving all the files each time.
Below is my code so far.
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Nov 8, 2010
i have i problem when making some program to backup database sql server 2000. i have task to develop program with requirement like this:
1. this program must backup database from sql server 2000 (success).
2. this program must compress the backup to the smaller size (Not success,because the backup file is more than 3,9 Gb. i am using SharpZip Wrapper and not succes because the size exceeded.)
3.Copy the backup file or compress to another computer (Succes but take a long time because the size of file is more than 3,9 Gb. That's why I want compress the file.)
any one can give me solution for compress large file with size more than 3,9 Gb. This file will continue to grow in size,so i need compress it so i can copy more quickly?
or any one can reference some freeware can do the task?
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Jun 17, 2010
in VB6 the Copy/Cut/Paste etc. feature could be setup with "AutoVerbMenu". In .net 2008 this feauture is not available as far as I know, thus I configured the functions manually.
Everything work so far as expected for my first RichtTextBox.
View 10 Replies
Aug 5, 2010
In my Sheet1, i will be having a data From column A to F and in Colunm D (The Red one) it will be empty, The data can be 10 rows or might be more the 60 rows sometimes and in Column I i will have some more Data.
Now i need a macro where in sheet 2, Automatically the Lines from Column A to F should get pasted and it shlould take the Column D from column I. Once the Total line are pasted the it should go for next list of Column I.
Exm: IF i have 50 lines in Column F and in Column I i have 5 lines Then i should get the result of (50x5=250 lines) 250 lines each of 50 as per Column I.
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Dec 31, 2010
How do you copy (rightclick) some columns from a gridview ( and paste it in excel? When I try I get one line with all the data pasted in excel, and it should be in the same columns and rows as the gridview.
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Sep 20, 2009
I have a form text box that populates a cell in the excel sheet.I then need to copy that value and paste it in the same column. I do not know how to define the end Range since it is varible.
This is how I am getting the info into the open Sheet.
Dim Maildate As String = maildatetx.Text
wbTemplateSAS = exTemplateSAS.ActiveWorkbook
wbTemplateSAS.Sheets("SAS").Range("G9") = maildatetx.Text
View 9 Replies
Nov 3, 2008
I have a datagridview and I would like to be able to select an entire row by clicking on the row header column, hit CTRL+C, then put the cursor in the next row, and hit CTRL+V to paste the contents.
Right now, it pastes all of the contents into the first cell of the new row. If I paste the contents to the clipboard, I see them correctly and they are tab delimited.
Once I get this working. I would like to be able to copy and past multiple rows at a time.
FYI, I am not using a data source at all. Most of the rows are combo boxes where a user is selecting values. There is no database connection.
View 11 Replies
Dec 30, 2010
I have an problem with copy and paste between 2 richtextboxes part of the problem is if I new the 2nd Richtextbox actual name I could paste it using rtf format because I have so many of them I use a loop to go through the controls until I find the right one using typeOf control. The problem is with that that it really doesn't act as a richtextbox. See code below.
Dim RTB As New RichTextBox
RTB.Name = sender.Tag
For Each itm As Control In EnumerateAllControls(Me)
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Aug 14, 2011
How do I access cut, copy, paste in a WebBrowser control?
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Mar 18, 2009
How can i make my app execute some code at specified day/time (Day/minutes/secconds)?I need to make a scheduled app that will backup(copy) some files at specified time/date.
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Apr 6, 2009
I have a basic file explorer, which has a treeview and a listview
How can I add copy, cut & paste functions to my listview
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Apr 7, 2009
How Can I Copy & Paste Lets Say Test.txt Or Test.exe From My.Resources To "C:\Temp\" ???
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Jan 26, 2011
Lets say I got two images in VB.NET. Both are 100x100.
Then I want to copy a section of the first image and paste it on the second image.
For example, lets say I want to pickup the rectangle (25,25,75,75) from the first image, and paste it at (25,25) point of the second image.
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