Build , Stub And Send Listbox To Another App?

Feb 27, 2010

i made a build and stub program that works awsome with building text and that stuff but i done know how to send list box items heres code so far:

FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & "" & "stub2.exe", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.Default)
stub = Space(LOF(1))
FileGet(1, stub)[code]....

i dont know here...something here...lisitbox = options(2)?how to send listbox items?

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.Net Equivalent Of A C++ Stub Lib?

Jul 17, 2011

I've got a large codebase which I'd like to expose to plugin authors to allow them to use VB.Net Express to code plugins for a server app, which is not available to them. My problem is that even with obfuscation, I'd rather not distribute the complete app and/or dlls, as even with obfuscation peeling apart a .NET assembly and puzzling out code is relatively easy to do. I'm interested in this because the licensor I obtain the code from requires me to protect IP and assets and while distributing .NET apps opens up the app to disassembly, keeping the server app private and allowing users to utilize a skeleton dll to code against is a happy medium.

What I'm looking for is some way or a utility to go through my server app source code and create a codeless version of the app which only contains method and property signatures.The intent is to provide a stub .NET dll for them to add as a reference and code against as if they were directly interacting with the server, without actually providing the server code to them, compiled or not. I can of course do this by hand but there are over 90 classes and hundreds of thousands of lines of code I'd rather not spend a week hand tweaking. Also, this presents a problem whenever new methods or code are added to the project. Finally, two separate projects is an even worse scenario.Because people will post suggestions that have little or nothing to do with the question, here's a short, clear example. I want to turn this class:

Public Class MyServer
Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String
Return "Whatever"


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Compiling Stub & Determining Variables?

Sep 12, 2009

I have a program which builds a child program during runtime, it all runs fine but I want I way of determining which computer it came from. It is private and when I give it to someone I get their volume serial number and I can identify who it is from that. Once they build their program which can be public so the same method won't work I want it to know it came from person.. pseudo code ex

Determine Person
Build Program


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Change A Line In A Listbox Build Up As An Array?

Jan 14, 2012

I've got a listbox in visual basic 2008 with lines that look like:

item 0; item 1; item 2; item 3

How can I select that line and change within that line the value of e.g. item 3? (by default it's set to 0 and should be set to a value > 0 when entered by the user.

After that I need to calculate the total price based on the price in item 2 and the new value of item 3 (being >0)

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Moving Large Instance Method To Shared And Creating Stub?

Jun 5, 2011

If I have a very large function/sub in a class that is an instance method (i.e., not Shared), do I gain or lose anything by moving that to a shared method and then declaring a small stub method for the instance use?

I.e., I go from this:
Public Sub MyBigMethod(ByVal Foobar As String)
If String.IsNullOrWhitespace(Foobar) Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("Foobar")
End If
[Code] .....

My thinking is I save on memory size per each instance of the object. Because each instance only has to lug around the stub method which handles calling the shared version and passing an instance of itself to the shared method so that it can do whatever it needs to do. But I'll wager that I sacrifice a very teensy amount of speed because of the added function call overhead.

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Double-clicking An User Control Generates Corrupted Default Event Stub?

Feb 24, 2012

After inserting an user control and double clicking on it, a stub with the default event should appear.

If I don't define what the default event is and I don't assign any attributes to any events or properties, it works, and it generates the stub for the UserControl.Load event (the default default event).

But if I set some attributes for the properties and events and/or I define the default event, the stub generated is corrupted. Here is an example of what I should get:

Private Sub FaceSelector_OnSelect(SelectedObjects As System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of Object)) Handles FaceSelector.OnSelect
End Sub

And this is what I actually get: Private Sub SketchSelector_OnSelect( SelectedObjects As System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1)
End Sub
Private Sub FaceSelector_OnSelect( SelectedObjects As System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1)
End Sub

In this case I had 5 user controls, I double clicked on one of them, and I got 2 corrupted stubs.

Sometimes the corrupted stubs are generated when I change some properties of other controls in the form, or the form itself. For example I resize the form, the error window doesn't show any errors, hit F5 to compile and run, and get a syntax error.

I tried to track the problem down by removing each event/property attribute/xml description, one by one, many times I thought I found the culprit, but after 10 minutes the problem popped up again.

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Send Items In Listbox AT Commands?

Jan 29, 2012

I wanted to send the items within a listbox.One item at a time

this is the code snippet:

For i = 0 To 5
SMSPort.Write("AT+CMGS=" & Chr(34) & sender & Chr(34) & vbCrLf)
SMSPort.Write(listfiles.Items(i).ToString() & vbCr & Chr(26))


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Send Listbox Items To An Email?

Jun 15, 2011

I'm making an easy "troubleshooting" form in my application. Basically, it consists of a button and a listbox. When the button runs, it retrieves system info and adds the information to the listbox. There is also another button where after the test finishes,
it uses process.start() to open the default mail client. The problem is, no matter what I try, I can't seem to get the full list of items into the email. How can I add the listbox items into the email?

Process.Start("mailto:emailaddress?body=listbox items here... why don't they show? & listbox1.items")

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Combo Box Items Send To New Form ListBox?

May 9, 2011

Our chapter is all on printing, but the teachers example sends the data to a new form, into a listbox. How do I take the contents of a ComboBox from one form and input it into the ListBox on another form, first adding the line "High School List".

I have this much, but then don't know how to read fromt he ComboBox. Not what is highlighted, but the full contents.

FrmPrint.LstPrint.Items.Add("High School List")

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Send Email Of Selected Items In Listbox?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm trying to create a mailto hyperlink to send an email with the body being the selected items from a listbox, all on a seperate line. I have it working to where it will add the selected items but to seperate email panes.[code]...

View 18 Replies

VS 2005 Working With A Listbox To Send Email?

Oct 18, 2010

Working with a listbox to send email and I have the ff code -

Dim EmailAddressFrom As String
EmailAddressTo = lstbxEmailAddress.SelectedValue.ToString()
MessageBox.Show("To Address is ", EmailAddressTo)

When I run this, in my message box, I get -

"System.Data.DatarowView" as the title of my message box "To Address is " And when hit F8 to continue debugging I get the ff error msg - "The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address."

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VS 2008 : Build An Application To Monitor A Site To Build Statistics From The Data Being Read?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm trying to build an application to monitor a site to build statistics from the data being read. This HTML looks like this.

<div id="history">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


Now I can read the html and put the text anywhere, I just don't how to read specific parts so I can separate the data out.

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Axinterop.wmpLib.dll Works OK In Debug Build - Not OK In Release Build

Feb 15, 2012

I have a Form with a Media Player in it. Which plays a Song.


It's playing in the background since the Form is hidden. When I play itin Debug, everything works fine. When I run the app outside Debug, I get this error: [URL] The Music File is there, but strangely, there comes this weird error.

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IDE :: Inconsistent Build Response - Throwing 'Build Failed'

Nov 27, 2011

A particular VB.NET project is actually throwing 'Build Failed' But when I try rebuilding again it says 'Rebuild Succeeded'. It keeps alternating this behavior. Kind of random. Any vbc.exe issue of long locking the PDB or xml files?

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Maintain And Test Changes To Both The Pre Build And The Post Build Events?

Jul 30, 2011

I have a 2008 windows form application that I was just assigned to work on. how to maintain and test changes to both the pre build and the post build events? Can you tell me how to test these events? My postbuild event, I believe calls a project file in the solution file that wraps files together in a bundle in debug mode. Can you tell me how the posbuild event works and when it is called?

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VS 2008 Make A Release Build Instead Of A Debug Build?

May 3, 2010

I am using 2008 Express Edition. I am trying to make a Release build instead of a Debug build.Under Tools->Options, Projects and Solutions->General - I checked Show advanced build configurations. The option to switch configurations does not show up in the IDE.

After this, I went to the Project Properties->Compile and switched the Configuration from Active(Debug) to Release.After building, I looked in my project directory, however only in the Debug sub-directory was the .exe and nothing in the Release sub-directory.I have used Visual C++ Express Edition, where I noticed that if you do not change to Release in the IDE than after changing to Release in properties, resets the project to the last configuration setting which is usually to make the Debug/Release box available in the IDE, since Tools/Options does not make it show up?

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[2008] Application Deployment - Build->build Myapp

Mar 7, 2009

I just created a simple application. I Builded that using build->build myapp. I got .exe of that application. i runned. all went fine. but when i closed that app, even after closing it is in memory. it is still running. how to deploy it properly?

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Perform Release Build And Not Debug Build For Exe

Aug 4, 2010

I have some very simple questions about making a release build exe in using MS VB 2010 Express.

I realize that my project's executable is built in the bin/debug folder. However, when I copy this to any other location on my computer or someone else's, this executable does not function. I have read that I need to create a release build but in MS VB 2010 Express, when I use the Project-Properties menu and change the Compile tab configuration to Release and the path to binRelease, I still get the exe in the binDebug folder and not the binRelease folder.

1) Is it normal that exe's from the debug folder do not function outside of the debug folder?

2) Most importantly, if the release build produces a faster exe, could someone please explain step by step how to do this with MS VB 2010 Express ? I do not see any button on the compile tab in the project properties that actually builds the release.

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Can't Get The Build To Build A Release Version In Vb

Jun 17, 2009

I was able to build both debug and release versions of my VB code before now I no longer have the option to build a release version. How do I turn it back on

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Publish Build Errors (But No Errors In Debug Or Build) VB 2010

Jan 4, 2012

So when i build or click debug on my program. No errors come up and its smooth. So i decide to publish my programme. However. I come up with a bunch of errors during the publishing.

Here they are:Error 1 Cannot publish because a project failed to build. 1 1 Simple CALC

Error 2 Unable to copy file "binReleaseSimple CALC.exe.manifest" to "binReleaseapp.publishApplication FilesSimple CALC_1_0_0_0Simple CALC.exe.manifest". The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.

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ListBox PreferredHeight - Make ListBox Calculate Correct Integral Height Before ListBox Is Made Visible

Nov 19, 2009

If I set a ListBox.Height = ListBox.PreferredHeight when the control is hidden and IntegralHeight = True, then set it visible:

a) Actual Height reduces by typically 3-5 pixels after redraw (but not 1 pixel per item).

b) PreferredHeight does not not appear to give the correct integral of item heights.

Is there a way to make ListBox calculate the correct integral Height before the ListBox is made visible, so it can be correctly pre-positioned from bottom edge?

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

ListBox1.Visible = False
ListBox1.IntegralHeight = True


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Compile A Single ListBox On Form1 To ListBox On Form2 Then ListBox On Form3?

Feb 17, 2011

This code bellow to compile a single listBox on form1 to listBox on form2 then listBox on form3.

I want to modified this code to compile 169 of ListBoxs on form1 to 169 listboxs on form2

and 169 listBoxs on form3.Try this code,not need the new coding.

Original code from JoOl and modified by John Anthony oliver


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VS 2008 ListBox Opening Links From ListBox Returning Max List In Listbox?

Feb 13, 2010

1 when my listbox returns resaults it only brings back 10 how do I set it to return lets say 500

and question 2 is when I click on my links in listbox it's not opening webpage as I would expect it...

This is my code


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VS 2008 SendKeys.Send() Method Does Not Send The Keys Fully Correct All The Time

Nov 9, 2009


Now as you can see it is sending the textbox1 text and then pressing enter then sending textbox2 text! Theres quite a few problems in that but before i discuss note: This code is in a Timer. Problem #1: It does not send the keys fully correct all the time because its trying to send them all at once! So i want it to send them 1 letter after the other with 200 ms sleep in them! Problem #2: The sleep is not working: The reason i know is because even after it did the first textbox1 text it didnt wait that 2000 ms!

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Setup A Form Using VB That Will Take Information And Send It To The Server And Then Send A Recipient An Email?

May 28, 2009

Are there any good books out there that will show someone how to set up a form using Visual basic that will take information and send it to the server and then send a recipient an Email?

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Using Send Keys To Send The Squence Alt W (a Integer Called 'index') Escape

Nov 7, 2010

I am using send keys to send the squence Alt W (a integer called 'index') Escape


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Send Keys To A Control On My Form - SendKeys.Send NullReferenceException

May 9, 2012

I am trying to send keys to a control on my form. But I am getting a NullReferenceException and I don't know why. The code is about as basic as it gets: [Code] The error reported is object reference not set to an instance of an object but Send is a shared method so doesn't need an instance. Strangely if I ignore the error it works fine and F4 is passed to the control. I know there was an issue with sendkeys and UAC but I thought this had been solved (I am using 4.0 framework).

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VS 2008 Send Mouse Click's & Send Key's To Minimized Window?

Apr 9, 2012

I have a filter that is used to populate a grid view and the url will conain: /example/grid?value1=1&value2=2

It will then have a link to page 2, which allows them to edit something.I then want them to click a link that will send them back to the gridview under the same parameters of: /example/grid?value1=1&value2=2

Is this possible? How do I hold on and fill in the URL values so it knows how to refill the grid view accordingly?

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Get An Error On SMTP.Send(MyMailMessage) Saying 'Failed To Send'

Nov 7, 2009

I get an error on SMTP.Send(MyMailMessage) saying 'Failed to send'

Dim MyMailMessage As New MailMessage()
ProgressBar1.Value = 30
MyMailMessage.From = New MailAddress("MyGmailEmail")


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Use The Send Keys Function To Send Text To Another Program?

Apr 29, 2009

I am trying to use the send keys function to send text to another program.I ahve gotten it al working well, except for using () as I know sendkeys doesnt like these.I have tried using the Replace function in several places in my code to replace the ( with {(} and {+0} etc, with various other options tried.But when I run the program, it seems to skip this out completly and leaves them in the string as (, and therefore it errors and wont run.When I step through it, it goes through the function but doesnt alter the strng as it should. This is the code to send the string and my attempt at making it replace the () in the module

Module TextReplacement
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal vKey As Int32) As Short
Dim counter As Integer
Dim sData() As String


The error I get when i try send "Test :)" is: ArgumentExcveption was unhandled "SendKeys string 'Test :)' is not valid"

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