Calling A Generic Function In .NET / C#?

Jun 2, 2010

Question: I want to call a generic function, defined as:

Public Shared Function DeserializeFromXML(Of T)(Optional ByRef strFileNameAndPath As String = Nothing) As T

Now when I call it, I wanted to do it with any of the variants below:

Dim x As New XMLserialization.cConfiguration
x = XMLserialization.XMLserializeLDAPconfig.DeserializeFromXML(Of x)()
x = XMLserialization.XMLserializeLDAPconfig.DeserializeFromXML(GetType(x))()
x = XMLserialization.XMLserializeLDAPconfig.DeserializeFromXML(Of GetType(x))()

But it doesn't work.I find it very annoying and unreadable having to type

x = XMLserialization.XMLserializeLDAPconfig.DeserializeFromXML(Of XMLserialization.cConfiguration)()

Is there a way to call a generic function by getting the type from the instance ?

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.net - Generic Error In GDI+ When Calling Bitmap.getHBitmap()?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm writing an application which as part of it draws an image on a Logitech G15v2 keyboard's LCD. For the most part the function works fine, but after a while of running, one of the lines throws a "Generic Error in GDI+" The problem, according to a stack trace, is in Bitmap.GetHbitmap():

at System.Drawing.Bitmap.GetHbitmap(Color background)
at System.Drawing.Bitmap.GetHbitmap()
at CSCI171_TermProject.G15.Tick(Single Interval) in C:UsersSukasaCSCI171Term ProjectCSCI171-TermProjectG15.vb:line 45"

I've read a few threads mentioning this error, but that was in the context of saving a file, not getting its associated HBitmap. Would anyone with more experience with GDI+?For better reference, here's the full code module:

Public Module G15
Private G15 As New G15Lib.G15Interface
Private G15BaseImage As New Bitmap("GFXG15-BGImg.png")
Private G15Minimap As New Bitmap(43, 43, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)


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Creating Generic Collections And Calling To New VB Page?

Mar 25, 2011

I am new to VB.NET, just landed a job fresh out of school (well still in school), but I am having trouble with VB...alot of it is getting used to the IDE itsself (we use VB 2010).t does alot of the work for you which is cool but I am having some trouble understanding some concepts.Here are my questions: How to call classes named an initialized on a DSS skeleton to a new page. And the functionalities of building a collection. (also the differences of a generic

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Setting A Variable To Accept The Result Of A Function By Calling The Function With Many Parameters

Feb 17, 2011

I'm currently working with a client's VB.Net code, which was developed for them by a small development shop a few years ago and which they purchased and have been maintaining and uprgrading since. This client's primary developer is out on indefinite (likely permanent) medical leave and I'm now filling in until they bring in a full timer (as I'm a contractor here). My current task is to add some functionality to a the VB.Net code they purchased. I'm finding practices and techniques in the code that absolutely baffle me and can't make the code do what I want. I'm starting to wonder if it's me and was hoping to get some thoughts on the code I've encountered.

For example: Setting a variable to accept the result of a function by calling the function with many parameters, clearing the parameters in the function, setting them to some value, calling another function with those new values, then never using the values returned by the functions. I'll add a code snippet in the first comment since this is already getting long.

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Threaded Function Call Slower Than Calling Function Directly?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a function where I am performing a lot number of database operations inside a Sub. The operation when called directly like:ExecProcess()

takes about 11 seconds to run.However, if I create a Delegate, and call the sub using BeginInvoke(), the very same process takes over 40 seconds to execute.Here's the threaded code:

Protected del As ProcessDelegate
Protected Delegate Sub ProcessDelegate()
del = New ProcessDelegate(AddressOf SELocal.ExecJob)
Dim cb As New AsyncCallback(AddressOf Me.ExecJobComplete)
del.BeginInvoke(cb, del)

Anyone know what may cause a function to take longer inside a new thread, rather than calling directly?

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VS 2010 - Calling A Function - BackOrdered Function Of Program

Mar 30, 2012

I am having a problem with the BackOrdered Function of my program. I can`t get it to say anything but 0 when I run the program. Another problem I am having is the input box pops up like 6 times and it`s only suppose to once. [Code]

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.net - Generic Sorter Function C# To VB

May 31, 2011

Anyone want to try converting this to VB?


It is supposed to sort any type of object. Taken from here

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Generic OrderBy Function?

Jun 7, 2012

I have a grid view with a lot of columns, all need to be sorted on. I have seen a few snippets out there, but I cannot get any of them to work with my example. Here is what I have so far.

Protected Sub gvSearch_OnSorting(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As GridViewSortEventArgs)
If Not Session("sort") Is Nothing Then


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.net - Generic Open Form Function?

Oct 12, 2011

written a generic "LaunchForm" function? For all the menu items I have that open a form, I would like to write one function that will launch the form as opposed to writing the same code several times.

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.net - How To Make Function Return Generic Value

Sep 16, 2011

I have an abstract class in VB.NET. I want all classes that inherit from this class to return whatever value makes sense. For example, it could be an Decimal, Integer, String. How can I delcare the function in the abstract base class to allow for this? Is this even possible?


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.NET : Generic Function To Return A Control?

Oct 14, 2010

I have created a couple of simple functions in VB.NET that simply return a control of a certain type that I already know, such as HtmlInputHidden, Label, etc. That means that each of the functions is created only for that special purpose. What I'd like to do is combine all those functions into one function using generics. The common things shared by each of the functions is a control Id and a control type.What I have got so far is:

Public Function GetControl(Of T)(ByVal ctrlId As String) As T
Dim ctrl As Control = Me.FindControl(ctrlId)
If (Not ctrl Is Nothing) Then


But the line " GetControl = CType(ctrl, T)" is giving me a compile error:

Value of type 'System.Web.UI.Control' cannot be converted to 'T'

This is in .NET Framework 2.0.

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Create A Function That Uses A Generic Structure?

Apr 1, 2009

I am attempting to create a generic function that the students in my introductory VB .NET course can use to search a single dimension array of a structure.[code]...

My question is: Is there a way to reference the individual structure fields in the array from inside the function? I was trying to make it generic so that the student could simply pass their array into the function - their structure may be named differently than mine and the field names may be different.

I suspect there are other ways to deal with this situation, but I was trying to keep it to just a simple single-dimension array of a structure. I don't think it is possible to do what I want, but I wondered what others thought.

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Generic Function For Checking For A Value Of Null?

Aug 24, 2010

I am trying to write a generic function that will check each database parameter to see if it is null, and if so, return DBNull; if not, return the object.So here is my function:

Public Shared Function CheckForNull(ByVal obj As Object) As Object
If obj <> Nothing Then Return obj Else Return DBNull.Value
End Function


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Have A Static Generic Function In .net 2.0 VB Code?

Sep 2, 2009

I must be doing something wrong here (because really, what are the chances of me tripping over another bug in the compiler?)I have a static generic function in .net 2.0 Vb code, I thought it was time to "upgrade" it to be an extension method, but the compiler complains with Extension method 'AddIfUnqiue' has type constraints that can never be satisfied.

Here's a trivial example that displays the same problem. The old static version (which works fine) followed by the extension method

Public Class MyStaticClass
Public Shared Sub AddIfUnqiue(Of T, L As {List(Of T)})(ByVal this As L, ByVal item As T)
If this.IndexOf(item) < 0 Then


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Make A Shared Function Generic?

Feb 16, 2011

I can create classes that use generics, however I was wondering if it is possible to apply this to a shared method rather than rely on the caller casting to the correct type.This is the method:

Public Shared Function DeserializeObject(ByVal serializedXml As String, ByVal givenType As System.Type) As Object
Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(givenType)
Return serializer.Deserialize(New IO.StringReader(serializedXml))
End Function

I'm pretty sure this can't be done, but thought I'd check (if so Extra points will be awarded if someone can technically explain why the compiler can't do this)..

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Negative Effects Of Using A Generic Function

Oct 26, 2011

My question here is, what are the negative effects of using a generic function such as this? Calling this function does work, and in a test console module, it compiles perfectly fine. I do know this is not a strongly typed function, and is %100 bad practice. But it works perfectly. The purpose of a function like this, would be to handle string input that needs to be inserted in a particular format depending on the type. I also read some other questions on this here on stackoverflow, and suggestions pointed to using (Of T) functions, and variations like that. Why not do it this way? or is there another simple way of accomplishing this without creating a whole nothing class or larger amounts of code.[code]

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Write The Generic Version Of This Function?

Jan 18, 2011

I like to turn Option Strict On I cant figure out how to write the generic version of this function?

Sub UpdateItem(ByRef
oldValue As


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C# - Make A Function With Return Type Generic?

Apr 29, 2010

Currently I have written a function to deserialize XML as seen below.How do I change it so I don't have to replace the type every time I want to serialize another object type ? The current object type is cToolConfig. How do I make this function generic ?

Public Shared Function DeserializeFromXML(ByRef strFileNameAndPath As String) As XMLhandler.XMLserialization.cToolConfig
Dim deserializer As New System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(GetType(cToolConfig))
Dim srEncodingReader As IO.StreamReader = New IO.StreamReader(strFileNameAndPath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
Dim ThisFacility As cToolConfig


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Generic Function For List Type Filter?

Jan 13, 2011

I would like to write a generic function that would search a List(Of T) for all elements of type TFilter and return a List(Of TFilter) which comprises those elements.

I've tried this:
Public Function FilterList(Of T, TFilter)(ByVal ListToFilter As List(Of T)) As List(Of TFilter)
Return ListToFilter.FindAll(Function(z) z.GetType.Equals(GetType(TFilter))).ConvertAll(New Converter(Of T, TFilter)(Function(z) CType(z, TFilter)))
End Function

But, it gives the following error:
Value of type 'T' cannot be converted to 'TFilter'.

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Generic Function With Special Case For String

Jun 4, 2012

What's the best way to handle this situation: I have this generic function
Function FieldValue(Of T)(row As DataRow,fieldName As String) As T
Return If(row.IsNull(fieldName),Nothing,CType(row(fieldName),T))
End Function
In the special case where the field value is null and T is String, I want to return String.Empty instead of Nothing.

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Pass A Generic Type Not Having A Interface To A Of T Function?

Jun 8, 2009

I have a following code which works fine

MsgBox(AddSomething(Of String)("Hello", "World"))
Public Function AddSomething(Of T)(ByVal FirstValue As T, ByVal SecondValue As T) As String
Return FirstValue.ToString + SecondValue.ToString


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Telling A Generic Function That It Will Use An Interface With A Constructor?

Jan 2, 2011

i've been trying to toy around with generics in in an example project. At the moment, it looks like this:

I have an interface called IRow (and a class that implements it as a Datarow).

A second interface is ICanGetByRow, which looks like this:

Public Interface ICanGetByRow(Of T)
Function GetByRow(ByVal Row As IRow) As T
End Interface

The function simply takes an IRow and converts it to T. Thats easy enough. Now, for easier access, i want to implement a function in the IRow interface which takes the row and converts it into said ICanGetByRow.

My interface was enhanced by the following function

Function GetObj(Of T As ICanGetByRow(Of T))() As T

You can probably see the problem. If i implemented it like this:

Public Function GetObj(Of T As ICanGetByRow(Of T))() As T Implements IRow.GetObj
Dim foo As New T
Return foo
End Function

i wouldn't be allowed to construct a new T, and when i tried to make it work by telling the generic function that my interface has a constructor, he wouldn't let me invoke GetByRow anymore.

Public Function GetObj(Of T As New, ICanGetByRow)() As T Implements IRow.GetObj
Dim foo As New T
Return foo
End Function

how to tell a generic function that it will get a ICanGetByRow(of T) which has a constructor

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Generic Repository With Entity Framework 4.0 Function Imports?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a generic repository that I communicate with my object context with. My object context has function imports that I want to be able to call through my generic repository. Currently I call them through an "Execute" function, but this is not ideal because I have to pass in my function name and parameters as strings which can cause run-time exceptions. My function imports map to complex types.

Is there a way to do something similar to:

Dim rep As IRepository(Of ComplexType)

Dim type As ComplexType = rep.Find(where:=Function(t) t.FunctionImport(parm, parm)).First()

Here is my generic repository as is:


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Get The Fully Qualified Class Name Of The Type In A Generic Function?

Apr 18, 2011

Suppose I want to write a generic function that will return the fully qualified name of the data type. In other words, how would you implement the following: Public Shared Function Foo(Of T)() As String ' Return the fully qualified name of T End Function

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Multi-constraint Generic Function Calls Actually Work?

Jan 8, 2011

In, it is possible to design a function which can operate on generic parameters which meet multiple constraints. For example, it is possible to have a function accept as a parameter a class which inherits from Control and implements IList. This function could use "Control" or "IList" methods on such an object, and also pass the object to anything that expected a Control or an IList [note that this particular combination was chosen to facilitate a brief example, not to be a particularly useful combination].


This approach provides compile-time type-safety; there's no need for a cast that could fail at runtime. An alternative approach would be to pass the argument as either a Control or an IList, and have the function cast to the other. That would, however, fail at runtime if the object that was passed didn't in fact meet both constraints.

Under what circumstances is it good to use a generic function like the above, in what cases would it be better to have objects which are going to meet both constraints have a new interface like IListableControl(Of T) which would include a TheControl property that would return itself (cast as a control), and in what cases would it be better to have a generic ISelf(of T) interface, any implementor of which would be expected to provide a "Self" property that would return itself as a T?

Using multi-constrained generics, it's possible to do a lot of things without requiring any run-time typecasts, but I don't know what the performance costs are likely to be. I tried writing a short program to generate 65,536 different generic types at run-time, e.g. Foo(of Bar(Of Foo(Of Foo(Of Bar(Of Foo(...(Of Blah)) and it got pretty slow, so I can tell that the time required to handle generics isn't fixed, but I don't know what factors affect it.

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VS 2008 Generics - Function Returns Generic Type?

Jun 23, 2009

The idea is to expand on the existing, old, and lacking Inputbox, to allow for:1. A greater variety of types (Integers, doubles, List(Of String), etc.2. Data validation.For example, if the user wants the user to quickly enter an Integer, I want a custom Inputbox form to show up with a TextBox, which only allows Integer input. If he wants the user to choose from a List(Of String), I show a form with a Combobox instead, from which the user can then choose.

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Write A Generic Function In .NET That Only Accepts Numerical Types?

Jun 4, 2009

Suppose I want to write a function like the following (as usual, a trivial example for illustrative purposes):

Public Function calcSqSum(Of T)(ByVal list As IEnumerable(Of T)) As T
Dim sumSq As T
For Each item As T In list


As you can probably guess, this function causes an error because a generic object is not guaranteed to implement the + operator. As far as I know, though, any numerical type (Integer, Double, Decimal, etc.) will.

Is there a way to write a (quasi-)generic function that can accept any numerical type, without having to explicitly overload the function for every such type yourself?

Alternatively, I suppose an equally acceptable solution would be to somehow check if a type implements the '+' operator (or any operator generally associated with numerical types and used by the function).

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Calling A C DLL Function?

Oct 3, 2011

I have used the PInvoke Signature Toolkit to create VB.NET function definitions for three fairly simple C functions contained in an external DLL. The problem is that two of the parameters are structures so pointers need to be sent and one structure (fileview) is undefined.

OpenFileView(filename, &fileview_ptr)
ReadFileInfo(fileview_ptr, &fileinfo_ptr)

The structure of fileinfo is defined so I can create a structure definition in VB.NET and create an IntPtr to that structure with Marshall.AllocHGlobal. And then I can use Marshall.StructureToPtr to copy the data and do the inverse when the data is returned.


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Calling A C Function From A DLL?

Dec 7, 2009

I'm having some problems calling a C function from a DLL. The function is returning -101 which translates as a "bad parameter". The values I am passing have been returned from another, successful function call, so my current assumption is that I've built the structure incorrectly.The function definition is:

int sm_switch_channel_input(struct sm_switch_channel_parms *switchp)
*switchp (a structure of the following type):
typedef struct sm_switch_channel_parms {


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Calling A Function In A DLL?

Mar 18, 2009

in a DLL that takes a pointer to a structure as a parameter.The C and VB code is as follows.Am I passing the structure in calling the DLL correctly? I am asking because the API call returns a valid error code indicating error opening the com port specified. I tried all valid ports (com1 on a Vista 32 machine with a USB-Serial device and com1 defined in device mgr, com1 and com2 on a desktop with winxp and 2 real serial ports).I dont have the code for the DLL and cannot debug into the DLL code.

C code
typedef struct _SETUPPR {
CHAR Port[5];


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