Cannot Get Valid Com Portsnames

Mar 31, 2011

i have a problen regarding getting all the available ports in

The following ports are available in my PC

1.Inbuilt Serial port

2.Bluetooth COM Port...

The problem is that,when i use the following code to get all the shows invalid portname...


For Each sp As String In My.Computer.Ports.SerialPortNames


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Check If The Name Is Valid?

Jun 4, 2011

is it possible to check if the customer input his complete name is valid or not?

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DataGridViewComboBoxCell Value Is Not Valid

Aug 12, 2010

Using VS2010 and VS2008

I have a DataGridView bound to a DataTable which has an Int16 DataColumn. The DGV has a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn tied to the DataColumn.

I enter integer values in the Items section of the DGVCBColumn properties. When I run the program I get "DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid".

I assume this is because my Items are text and the data column is integer so I created a List of Integer, added my integer values/choices to the list and made the List my data source for the ComboBox column. Same error.

I then created another DT in the DS with one column type Int16, added my integer choices to the DT, created a BS for the ChoicesDT and set this BS as the DataSource, the column as the DisplayMember and the ValueMember. Same error.

There are no issues like this when the DataColumn is bound to a ComboBox outside of the DGV so I assume there is some issue with the DGV understanding the underlying binding.

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Error - Value Of '264' Is Not Valid For 'Value'

May 19, 2010

I'm Loading data to DataGridView 'Unbound' I'm getting following error when i scrolling down in the datagridview

"Value of '264' is not valid for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between 'minimum' and 'maximum'. Parameter name: Value"

I have checked at the end of the load it say 130 recordcount (dgv.Rows.count) and RS code as below:

do while NOT rs.EOF
Dim n As Integer = grdSearchDetails.Rows.Add()
Me.grdSearchDetails.Rows.Item(n).Cells(Columns.Description).Value = rs.Description


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How To Dim Non Valid Identifier

Feb 26, 2010

I am working on a periodic table of elements with buttons for each element-done
next step. textbox + chemistry formulas = grams to mole conversions/ moles to L/ moles to molecules.
The problem I'm having is dimming the chemicals Arsenic(As) and Indium(In). I need to dim these as integers = to their atomic mass G/Moles. But I am not able to Dim them because they are highlighted in blue and the help tip comes up as "keyword is not a valid identifier" is there anyway I can tell VB to not use "In" and "As" how it normally does and use it for integer values?

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Identifier 'Of' Is Not Valid?

Feb 25, 2009

I instaled 2005 and when i want to see my old project that has been created by 2003 (when i click on one of the forms that i created) 2005 show me this error "

One or more errors encountered while loading the designer. The errors are listed below. Some errors can be fixed by rebuilding your project, while others may require code changes.

Identifier 'Of' is not valid. Hide

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Specified Cast Is Not Valid

Sep 25, 2009

I was debating on placing this in the Office Automation section, but I think that the error is actually unrelated to concepts in Office Automation, and instead related to VB.Net.

Anyways, I have been programming a Metrics application for the past few months. For all intensive purposes, I have just completed the programming. However, I recently started to get the error "Specified cast is not valid". You can see the stack trace below:


Message: Specified cast is not valid.
StackTrace: at Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.OLEFormat.get_ Object() at Metrics_Application.Utilities.PrepareGraph(Present ation mainPres, String ObjectNum, Int32 slideDiff) in C:RSNF MetricsMetrics ApplicationMetrics


I am passing into the method the Powerpoint Presentation object, the string specifying the Object name of the graph Ole Shape, and an integer for the slideDiff (to help differentiate which slide the method is modifying). Also, for context, I am using this to automate a PPT presentation, using Powerpoint.Interop COM objects.

I have tried to research this on various forums. Typically, it seems like this problem is found when accessing databases, or when someone tries to put a string into an integer variable (or another type of incompatible variable type). Looking at the code, I always bring in the string for the Object the variable type is correct there.

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Specified Cast Is Not Valid?

Nov 16, 2009

frm = New ItemInventory("", Me.cbFabric1.Text, Me.cbColor1.Text)frm.ShowDialog(Me)after this in the openned form's Form Load event i'm doing the following

Dim dv As DataView
'here i've executed stored procedure
adapter = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)


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Specified Cast Not Valid

Dec 15, 2011

I am having a problem with a datareader.


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Value Of '0' Is Not Valid For 'index

Nov 1, 2011

I have data that goes to another listview on the main form. Anyways, I have a user on a WinXP machine tell me about the following error[code]...

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Value Of 1 Is Not Valid For Value - Progressbar?

May 18, 2010

Im making a simple mp3 player and i have a timer to display the current position of the song in this format : seconds,miliseconds And i want it to show the current position in a progressbar

This is the code i have inside the timer:


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Value Of `6`is Not Valid For Index?

Feb 5, 2011

I am trying to export the contents of a list view control to the clipboard in VB.NET and windows 7. With VS 2008 I had no problem but when I installed vs 2010 I am getting this error value of `6`is not valid for index.

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'.ctor' Is Not A Valid Identifier

Dec 24, 2009

In visual studio 2008 when open the design for a VB.Net windows form, i am getting the error " '.ctor' is not a valid identifier". I can see the form designer if I press the "Ignore and Continue" link. All other forms are loading fine.

The callstack with the error message:

at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Design.Serialization.CodeDom.CodeDomEventBindingService.ValidateMethodName(String methodName)


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'.ctor' Is Not A Valid Identifier?

Mar 3, 2012

In visual studio 2008 when open the design for a VB.Net windows form, i am getting the error " '.ctor' is not a valid identifier". I can see the form designer if I press the "Ignore and Continue" link.All other forms are loading fine.The callstack with the error message:

at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Design.Serialization.CodeDom.CodeDomEventBindingService.ValidateMethodName(String methodName)


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'specified Cast Is Not Valid' Error

Jun 21, 2010

I'm trying to make simple payroll system using 2003 and Access 2007. When I press 'delete' button in this application, having a "Specified cast is not valid" error.

Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "select*from EMT where Empno='" & mskEmpno.ClipText & "'"
comEMT.CommandText = strSQL


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.net - Specific Cast Not Valid?

Apr 12, 2011

Dear friends I face a strange problem I use Linq-to-SQL to insert data in When I insert data into SQL Server through a DataGridView it gives error of which column data type is "integer" but when I insert data through textbox it not give any error

So I face problem of datatype "integer" to error of specific cast not valid

View 2 Replies - MSSmartTagsPreventParsing Still Valid Meta Tag?

Jun 8, 2011

Is the Meta Tag - MSSmartTagsPreventParsing - still a valid and used tag in current browsers?

Any harm in leaving it on a website?

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Character Is Not Valid Error

Oct 21, 2011

I am currently coding a tabbed web browser. I am adding a bookmarks function, but this stupid error is holding me back from compiling. I believe the code is flawless, but yet it says that a period is an invalid chracter [Code] The period in the SelectedTab.Controls is the one causing the problems, and I have no idea why.

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Check Date Is Valid?

Oct 10, 2011

I have a txt file with a few settings that get loaded into the Program. These are put into an array. As the array holds different types (int, string, dates etc) its set to object type.

What i am trying to fingure out is how to check the date is a valid format, by returning a false value so i can have a msgbox pupup and say the date in the file is invalid. I cant use isdate() on the string from the file as even if the date format is correct its a string not a date type so i have to convert it first (which is the point it throws an error).

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Check If A Character Is A Valid Key?

Jul 22, 2010

I need to check if a character is a valid Key (type) in VB.NET (I need to turn "K" into Keys.K, for example). I am currently doing this to convert it:

Keys.Parse(GetType(Keys), key, False)

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Check If An SQL Connection Is Still Valid?

Jun 4, 2011

I have an VB.NET application. This Application is permanently resident in memory and minimized to the tray area because we use it very often. The problem comes in when we VPN into a client's site. These VPN connections trash all other network connections to and from our machines.Then every time my VB.NET application refreshes its database, errors start occurring, because the machine has lost connectivity to the SQL server, however, these are not at the connection level, but only when the reader attempts to read.

I am checking for, but because of the SQL connection pooling, I just get a previous connection that was valid before the network was cut. Is there anyway to check if an actual SQL connection is valid, prior to re-issuing a connection from the pool?[code]...

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Check If The Login Is Valid?

Nov 7, 2010

After I send a post request to login to a site (using httpwebrequest), how do I check if the login is valid?

One way to do it is to read the whole html using

dim reader as new streamreader(response.getresponsestream) dim str as string = reader.readtoend and then check the html for any unique string (e.g. "log out"), to tell if the login is successful.

But reading the entire html is too long, so how do I shorten the process?

I tried

Dim str as string = response.getresponseheader("Set-Cookie")
But str is a blank string.

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Check If Urls Are Valid?

Apr 25, 2009

I am trying to create a program that visits a site, and checks urls if they return a 404 page.[code]...

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Checking For Valid Web Addreses?

Jul 27, 2009

I'm putting a feature into my program that allows a user to type a web address into a text box. If there is nothing in the text box and the user hits go, nothing happens. If it is in an incorrect formatmy program will change it to the correct format,me code:

' Create a request for the URL.
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(HttpStatus1 & tstbUrl.Text)
' If required by the server, set the credentials.


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Connection Must Be Valid And Open

Jan 15, 2012

I am creating a login form together with sql as may databse but when i run may program an error occur at "myData = myCommand.ExecuteReader()" stating that "Connection must be valid and open" what should i do on that to make it fix? [code]

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Conversion From String Not Valid

Mar 4, 2010

i have a program that you enter a code and your selection goes ito a richtextbox and is then added up in another as you select more items, i have run into a problem it worked a few days ago but now will not.

Dim dectotal As Decimal
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Cell Value Is Not Valid

Jul 11, 2010

I get the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn cell value is not valid only when the record in the ComboBox table does not exist. I have done quite a bit of searching on this and I can't find this particular situation mentioned.

I have a datagridview with a comboboxcolumn on it, both generated entirely in oledbdataadapter code. The datagridview is created, then the combobox is created, then the combobox is added to the datagridview, then the datasource of the datagridview is set. It works just fine. Except if there is no matching record in the combobox table I get the "DataGridViewComboBoxColumn cell value is not valid" error popup. I could trap the error but it seems to me a beter way would be to prevent it from happening. Is there some property I can set or something I could do to compensate for the situation where there is no match in the combobox?

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Error - Directory Name Not Valid

Feb 26, 2012

This is the code I am using -I want to be able to find a files extension by selecting it with a OpenFileDialog.

Dim foundFile As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(OpenFileDialog1.FileName.ToString).ToString
Dim check As String = _
MsgBox("The file extension is " & check)
TextBox1.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName

The error message I keep getting is that the directory name is invalid ( on the first line of code.

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Error : Character Not Valid

Apr 3, 2011

If TreeView1.SelectedNode.Text = "Kunkka - Admiral Proudmoore" Then RichTextBox1.AppendText("ME")
End If

I got character not valid error.

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Error : Parameter Is Not Valid

May 14, 2012

Dim data As Byte() = DirectCast(sdr.Item("Image"), Byte())
Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream(CType(sdr.Item("Image"), Byte()))
PictureBox2.Image = Image.FromStream(ms)

After reading many forums and trying the different examples, when I try and load my image from the database I get the "Parameter is not Valid" error.Im using VB 2010, SQL Server 2008 R2, and the data type is Image. I do not have access to the source code that is used to save the picture to the database, just access to tthe data in the db.The code I have included is the code I use to retrieve images from my db which stores the pictures as Image.

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