Cannot Install Visual Web Developer 2008 On Win 7 64 Bit?
Jan 10, 2010
I get an error that says Setup Stopped working when installing Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition with SP1 . Everything else installed fine. I am using the Offline ISO.
EDIT: This happens with the new 2010 Beta 2 also.. same exact error message.
Here are the details:
Description:Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition with SP1 - ENU has encountered a problem during setup. Setup did not complete correctly.
Google search does not help. What is really funny about this is that from my search I see there are multiple solutions for this problem that have worked for different people, none of which apply to my situation.Why do I get the feeling that God does not want me to learn VB programming? (Grin)
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Feb 1, 2010
I tried numerous times to install visual web developer express 2010 on my new Dell with Windows 7 32 bit but it simply fails to install the VC 9.0 runtime file.
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Mar 28, 2009
Visual web developer 2008's .sln file is not working in Visual Studio 2008
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Jul 21, 2009
im try to do a profile page in my website. has anyone done one before and if so have they any sample code i can look at im using sql 2005 and visual web developer 2008
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Jan 19, 2009
I am developing a Windows-application - database mssql - visual basic.I add Datasets to forms, bind them to daatagridview/textboxes - fill with dataadapter - everything's fine so far.
Here's my question:how do I programmaticaly move from a record/datarow i a dataset to another.I know the value of the key-field and want that record to be shown. If I use the dataset.datatable.findbykey-method, the program finds the record, but it doesn't move there.
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Sep 10, 2008
I am trying for the first time, to create a web application which uses xml files to store data and I cannot get it to function right.On a web page I have a Label (label1) which I need to reflect the cityname of a zipcode typed in a textbox (textbox1).From another webpage I have tried this example (But I cant get it to work how to read and write data from an xml file in Visual Web Developer 2008 ???:xml File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<name Language="French">
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Jun 7, 2010
I'm at the end of my tether now.I'm trying to build a website which takes its information from an access database. seems to be the answer, so I've downloaded Visual Basic Express 2008 and Visual Web Developer Express 2008 and I'm following a tutorial to learn the basics.
I can't seem to get the OleDBConnection and the OleDBCommand functions to come up in my toolbar. I've created a Web Application, a Webform and tried "Choose Toolbar Items", where I've ticked the box for both, but they still haven't came up in the toolbox. This is the last step in what has been as steep learning curve for me.
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Nov 5, 2011
Ok I can successfully connect to my Access database but I am still learning on how to output that data. Here is the run down.I am designing a page where the user inputs the customer ID and then gets a list of incidents for that customer. Then I would like the user to be able to add a survey about the incident.Problem I am running into is the ability to display this data. I have tried various method. Eventually I want to be able to display the data into a listbox and have them select it and take the survey but I am not near that far yet. Here is what I have on the connection and my attempt which doesn't work to output the data:
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim sql As String = "SELECT [Title], [Description] FROM [Incidents] WHERE ([CustomerID] =
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Feb 21, 2009
when i install visual studio .net 2008 it gave me this error it is in the attachment.
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Dec 4, 2009
I go to install visual basic 2008.. and it says that an error has occurred. and that .net framework 3.5 could not be installed? I've tried other programs like visual studio and visual c++ and they all do the same thing. and i've also tried directly installing the framework and it still wont work. Sorry if this is not the right place for this post but i couldnt find a tech support forum?
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Aug 20, 2009
I want to put a button on my Visual Web developer 2005 Express edition page (one single web page) that will close the internet web browser (IE 7 being used), when my users click on the closed button. I need to write visual basic code to closer the browser but haven't found an example that explains how to do this in code. Can someone give me an exmaple of how to accomplish this in Visual Basic Code.Paul Mayer
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Oct 6, 2010
Me.Close() doesn't work.
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May 23, 2009
I am C# developer and now I am involved in some large, already in production, project that is written in Visual Basic.NET.I am trying hard not to write in C# and use some automatic conversion tool to Visual Basic.NET. I want to be able to read and write fluently in Visual Basic.NET QUICKLY. I can write and read VB.NET but it is not so easy like writing and reading C#.
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Mar 16, 2012
Basically, the question is: Where (and in which format) should I store textual developer documentation associated with my Visual Studio projects?
To elaborate: XML comments are great, but they don't cover all use cases. Sometimes, you'd like to describe the class architecture of the project at a high level, add usage notes to your library or just leave any other kind of message to future generations of developers working on this project.
I'd like to add these documents directly as files into the Visual Studio project, to ensure (a) that they are available to the developer without further searching and (b) they are version controlled (using the same svn/git/whatever repository as the source code).
Currently, I add a folder _Documentation to the project and use text files, but I'm not sure if this is the best solution. Visual Studio does not have an option for automatically word-wrapping text1, and manually fixing line breaks after each change is annoying. On the other hand, Word documents don't work well with version control, and TeX is too much of a hassle to set up and teach on each developer PC.
Is there a well-established best practice for this?
1 I know that there's Edit/Advanced/Word-Wrap, but this only affects the display, not the file itself.
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Jun 13, 2009
i need to know how to posing things in visual web developer without the line thing
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Jun 12, 2011
i am having a Visual Studio 2008 but it not install with crystal report when i open add new item-> its didnot contain Crystal Report how can i add crystal report and make crystal reports in visual studio 2008 how i install crystal report with visual studio 2008 only crystal reports 2008 install and its open with visual studio 2008 when we click Project->Add New Item-> and crystal reports shows in thiis file
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Jun 30, 2010
As far as I can work out I should be able to copy a web project/application to my IIS Web server and be able to see it as I do when designing it on my development computer.
The problem is once I copy the folder over to my web server and then try to view it the browser it says Error 404 not found. There must be a real simple fix for this. I would like to be able to develop ASP.NET sites using the Visual Web Developer instead of Dreamweaver but this little issue is stopping me.
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Apr 7, 2012
I have a web page that has a few text fields, and a reset and submit button. I'm having trouble getting the reset button to work to clear the text fields because the required field validators and regular expression validators are blocking any code in the reset button's click event from occurring. how to get the validators to not activate when the reset button is clicked? One method I tried was to set the enabled property of all the validators to false in the reset button's code block but no luck.
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Apr 9, 2010
I'm a software developer and use visual basic 2005 and access 2007.Well first programmed with Visual Basic 6 but I decided to switch to. Net and indeed it is a big step.
Finally, in vb6 did not need the database linked to software to generate reports because it filled from a listview as the connection to the database do it for DAO ("C: ProSoft Billiard Data.mdb"). Now the question is as I can if I have to file a report so the connection in my software? is a bit urgent as I have to give and software and I need to do the reports.
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May 15, 2010
I attempted to add a ADO.NET Entity Data Model to my Visual Web Developer 2010 Express project and it generates but returns a whole slew of errors. Why is this generating errors? Here are the main errors:'Public Property ID As Integer' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.Method 'Onaddress_IDChanging' cannot be declared 'Partial' because only one method 'Onaddress_IDChanging' can be marked 'Partial'.'_line1' is already declared as 'Private _line1 As String' in this class.
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Aug 12, 2010
I've just rebuilt my PC and have upgraded to visual web developer express 2010. I have imported my projects which use the charting control quite a bit. Unfortunately my projects are failing to run. In design view the control is now showing as "unknown server tag asp:chart". I can see the Chart control in the data tab in the toolbox but it is greyed out.
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Jul 23, 2009
In CRUD application development we have to face the issues with concurencies in Ids such as Generate and display UNique EmployeeIDs on forms. Currently i'm writting .DLL file that has a class that will handle concurrencies.
But i'm puzziled with the Question, is this concurrency handle is part of the software developer or Database developer?
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Feb 10, 2012
I am developing a next gen App for my Email Client for future Windows 8 users. Now when i used to use Visual Studio (Visual Basic) 2008 to develop for Windows 7, I used the command "" And that command would open the form.The Problem i am having now is that "SHOW" is not included and im guessing that there has to be another way to do this. For the Beta version of my app, i created a test Button that i want to open a "SplitPage1" the button is called " btnOpen"?Now to give you an idea what i wanna do, i made buttons on the top right hand corner that are called "File , Edit , View" and so on, and when the user clicks file, i want a spiltpage to open with all the options the user would regularly have when clicking file on a menu tab in a program. the options would be lined up on the left hand side when you hover over lets say "New Email" on the right hand side there will be a short description that will appear saying "create a new email to send" and when clicked on it will take the user back to the mainPage and it redirect the browser to "SendnewEmail url".
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Mar 12, 2010
I originally installed the 90 trial of Visual Studio 2008 Professional on my computer running on Microsoft Vista home Preferred. I later purchased a key and registered Visual Studio.Subsequently I upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 Professional which required a custom installation. I used the Easy Transfer program which was to save my program settings and data files and then reinstalled Visual Studio.
Now, when I run Visual studio the "Help/About" screen gives me a message that I am using the trial version. When I press the "Upgrade" button I get a Microsoft page with not aclue as to the subject. If I click "Help/Register" I go to the site with the details of my previous registration and after that I get a "Rhank you for registering" message.After that I still have the message that I am using the trial version.
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May 25, 2011
Usually I Publish My Program Like this Build>Publish.It Saves a Setup.exe and application data.After Clicking Setup.exe it installed & run.In this Method I need to Install .net framework & visual styler(becuase i used visual styler in my project) Without this two.i cant install & run my app
1.Is there any way?where can i set my Install Directory
2.Can i include framework & visual styler in my installation file(like i dont need to download & setup .net frame work & visual styler)
I Just Want a Standard Installation System Like Ohter Software Company Have.Where i will double click on setup.exe & it will auto install all necessary file for running the program.
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May 25, 2011
Usually I Publish My Program Like this Build>Publish It Saves a Setup.exe and application data After Clicking Setup.exe it installed & run In this Method I need to Install .net framework & visual styler(becuase i used visual styler in my project) Without this two.....i cant install & run my app
My Question is:1.Is there any way?where can i set my Install Directory 2.Can i include framework & visual styler in my installation file(like i dont need to download & setup .net frame work & visual styler)
I Just Want a Standard Installation System Like Ohter Software Company Have.Where i will double click on setup.exe & it will auto install all necessary file for running the program.
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Feb 4, 2010
I would like to install a recent version of Visual Basic in all computer rooms of the IUT.Is it possible to install "Visual Basic 2008 Express" on multiple PCs (using ghost) by activating only the application on the machine used to create the image ? After deployment, the other PC in the room will they work ?
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Oct 12, 2010
I've been browsing and I noticed that there are addons you can install for your visual studios environment. What would some of these be? What are some addons you guys use that would be beneficial to a student? I have heard that certain addons block out default components, which I would like to avoid.
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Feb 12, 2010
i need to know how to make my Visual Basic program install onto the computer. right now my program is a simple .exe file and does not require instalation.
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Nov 9, 2011
Well I have been trying install NuGet but cant install it.I think Microsoft.VisualStudio.Zip.9.0.dll is missing.
But I have searched the net but cant find or download this dll.I guess if it is available on Net.
BTW the log is like this:
11/9/2011 8:53:28 PM - Microsoft Visual Studio Extension Installer
11/9/2011 8:53:28 PM -
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