Check If Program Was Launched At System Startup?

Feb 29, 2012

I have set my program up to run on system startup like so:

Private Sub enableRunOnSystemStartup()
My.Computer.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun", True).SetValue(Application.ProductName, Application.ExecutablePath)
End Sub

The problem is that when it does start, it opens up in a window. I wish to provide the user with 4 options for what to do on system startup.

1. Don't run on system start.
2. Run and open a window.
3. Run but start minimized to the taskbar.
4. Run but start minimized to the system tray.

It's options 3 and 4 that cause the problem. If the user starts the program manually, it should start in window mode, but if the program starts from system startup, I need to check which option the user has selected and perform that option.

I was thinking of passing some sort of parameters to the program when it loads but I am not sure how these parameters could be sent to the program. One way would be to create a separate program that loads on system startup. When that program loads, tell it to load my program but pass a parameter to it to tell it that it was booted from startup. I feel like there should be a better way.

I was also thinking of getting the time of the last system bootup. Then comparing it with the current time, although this might not work if the user loaded my program as soon as they logged on.

A third idea I came up with was to use a shortcut to the exe file and check if the program was executed using that shortcut. I could place the shortcut in the folder ...AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartup as opposed to adding it to the registry. But would this work on other Windows operating systems? I'm using Windows 7.

Ideally, this program should be able to run on other computers, but if that is too complicated, I'd rather just get it running on mine first.

Also, in case anyone is interested, my program creates a copy of the user's files on a separate drive, although I don't think this affects what I am trying to do with checking if my program was launched at system startup.

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C# - Check For Changes In A File Launched With Process.start()

May 22, 2012

I'm developing a vbnet/c#.NET based application that opens files with different applications(excel, word, etc).

The application is launched using Dim app As Process = Process.Start(ProcessProperties)

Now, when I have to terminate the process I use app.Kill() but I need to check if the document has been modified before killing it.

How can I handle that? And if it's possible, how can I launch the application native prompt for save?

View 3 Replies

Make An Application To Startup At The System Startup?

Mar 4, 2010

How to make an Application to startup at the system startup? and How to enable and disable?

View 6 Replies

Delete Exe File That Launched My Program?

Mar 27, 2010

Is it possible to delete the exe file that launched my program

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Get Notification Icon To Work When Program Has Launched

Aug 22, 2009

I have developed a program using 2008 that will allow you to open another program at a specific time. This is just a beta and that is why 2 way of telling the program when to close the program that opened and this program.Anyway this is my issue when I get everything set up to open the program once it opens i don't have focus on the main form or the notification icon. (When the program has not lauched the program I am able to use the notication icon. (notification icon does the follow: restores the main window to normal view and exits the program.) Could some help to get the notification icon to work when the program has launched.[code]

View 6 Replies

Program Launched From Command Line Versus Clicking

Jan 8, 2010

I'm writing a program in The program can be started from another program by passing some arguments or it can be lauched by clicking .exe. I'd like to show the user some options depending on where he is coming.Is the below approach correct? [code]

View 3 Replies

Startup In System Tray

Aug 25, 2009

i only want my app to load in tray if it loads on windows startup.[code]it works any other time, the resize event. just not onload.

View 4 Replies

How To Code A Check Box To Change Startup Form

Dec 20, 2009

Well on my program I made a licence that shows at the begining. So, I was wondering how do I code a check box to change the startup form?

View 2 Replies

VS 2008 Write A Program To Create A Shortcut In The Startup Folder Of A Different Program?

Jun 15, 2009

how i can write a program to create a shortcut in the startup folder of a different program. So i have one program on my computer that should run at startup, i just need another program to create a shortcut to it, and then copy this shortcut into the startup folder.

View 20 Replies

Forms :: Check On App Startup Is Login Is Else Start Mainform?

Aug 13, 2011

I'm creating an app, with a splashscreen, loginform (just enter a name) and a mainform.With I use my.settings. Now here comes the issue I run into.The splashscreen should check (onload) if the my.settings.user contains any info, if it does, the mainform should be shown, if not the loginform should be shown. On my app settings I have splashscreen set to the splashscreen and the first form is set to login form.


View 11 Replies

Tweaking Registry To Add Applicaion To System Startup?

Jul 6, 2009

I want my application to startup thorugh registry if the specified checkbox1 is checked and to delete it from registry if the checkbox1 is not checked.With the following code im able to create registry but, im unable to delete it.I want it to work like it works for softwares for e.g Utorrent.


Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckStateChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckStateChanged
If CheckBox1.Checked Then[code]....

View 7 Replies

Auto-check For New Version System Update When The System Is Closing

Nov 16, 2011

i would like to auto check for new version system update when the system is closing. When there is the new version system update, will automatically rename the active exe to FileName.old then copy new version of exe into the folder.

View 1 Replies

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start Won't Work In Startup When Supplied User Account

Jan 31, 2011

I have a 2008 application that is supposed to run at startup. After meeting certain conditions, the PC is supposed to restart. Below is the code that is failing:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("shutdown", "-r -t 00 -f", myUsername, myPassword, myDomain)

myUsername and myDomain are both strings while myPassword is a SecureString. The application works properly when execute manually, but give the following error when executed from startup (either by placing in the startup folder or by adding to the registry):

The directory name is invalid

Also, the program executes properly when the last 3 arguments are left out and the user has the necessary rights.

How do I force a restart using an specific, alternate user credentials on startup?

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Add Program To Registry Startup?

May 20, 2011

this is the code i am using to add my program to registry startup

Public Shared Sub AddStartup(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Path As String)
Dim Registry As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine
Dim Key As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey =


however, when i deploy the application and install doesnt work because it says "Requested registry access is not allowed", which i figured it would probably do...

View 5 Replies

How To Create Startup Program

Jan 4, 2010

how could I make a program in 2008 with a preferences window have a checkbox on it to make the program startup on windows logon. I already have a program that I have previously done here(how to minimize program to systray) and wanted to implement it. I know that I have to work with the checkedchange event, but just dont know how to make the program run on startup.

View 2 Replies

Make Program Ran At Startup?

Sep 4, 2009

I'm programming a desktop application similar to Google desktop but with my own gadget with 2008 how can i make my application when the user install it on their computer to run at the time of start up ? let assume that my application name is windowsAplication1 and I'm using windows XP and the program will be installed on C drive?

View 1 Replies

Minimize Program On Startup?

Mar 1, 2009

I'm still a beginner with VB and I have a question how can my program on startup minimized?This is my

Module launch
Sub main()
Process.Start("SoftwareViewers1.exe", "/stext ""DocumentenWachtwoordenInternet Explorer.txt""")[code]....

View 9 Replies

Program Crashes On Startup

Apr 21, 2012

I have VS 2011, and I put around 10 settings that contain around 1500 lines of code in each setting + 10 images in my resources.[code]...

View 14 Replies

[2008] Program Run On Startup?

Mar 15, 2009

how to make my program run on windows startup as a system application oh and the program should check if already exists in the registry as a startup app becouse otherwise it will give errors...

View 2 Replies

Add The Window Startup When Install The Program

Apr 26, 2012

I have made a program with and I want that program to run when the windows start up. I don't know the code. I want that program to add the window startup when he/she install the program.

View 2 Replies

Calculate Ratio On Startup Of The Program?

Apr 4, 2009

Im making a small tool that helps gamers keep track of their kills and deaths, and their kill/death ratio.I calculate ratio on startup of the program, straight after kills and deaths are loaded off my website.Dim ratio As Decimal ratio = Val(txt_kills.Text / txt_deaths.Text) At the moment, kills = 172 and deaths = 145. Ratio results in 1,1862068. How can I round this number up and turn this into a number with 2 integers after the dot? ( 1.19 ) I tried a hundred things so far but I cannot figure this out.

View 3 Replies

Code The Program To Allow A User To Tell It To Run At Win Startup?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm using VB 2008 Express I need an easy method that will work for XP, Vista, and 7.

View 5 Replies

Make A Program Run At Startup (For All The Users)

Jun 3, 2010

I'm making a really complex program that will run only on windows XP (it will synchronize more 100 computers just like a net cafe). How can i make the executable run at startup? For every user not only e.g. Administrator...

1. This is the path for the application startup: Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup) Does the same path exists but for all the users ?

2. Is this possible through modifying the registry ?

View 7 Replies

Make Program Open On Startup?

Sep 15, 2009

I want my users to be able to have my program open on startup. I am coding in How can I go about doing this?I can't find a "system startup" folder anywhere that I could just copy a shortcut to.

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Program Does Not Load The Embedded Dll At Startup

Mar 16, 2012

I want to use my Dll from the program's resource:

Private Sub MyApplication_Startup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.StartupEventArgs) Handles Me.Startup
Dim app As AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain


My problem is: the program does not load the embedded Dll at startup. I have no idea what may the problem, because I use this code in my older programs and that worked. But now I just got an object not found (the object is in the embedded Dll) error message.

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Program To Automatically Start On Startup?

Sep 11, 2010

i am trying to make my own user authentication system after i log on with the windows authentication. I want the program to automatically start on startup and i want to enable:

NoDeletePrinter : Disables printer deletion
NoAddPrinter : Disables printer adding
NoRun : Removes run from the start menu
NoSetFolders : Removes folders from the Settings option on Start Menu
NoSetTaskbar : Removes taskbar settings


Because i dont want someone else to just delete or tamper with the files that my program made to authenticate me. After i enter my credentials in my program and they are correct i want to disable these. I am using Visual Basic 2010 Express and my computer is Windows 7 64 Bit Home Premium.

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Run A VBScript (program Startup) From .net In AutoCAD?

May 17, 2011

I have made a userform in AutoCAD, I made some buttons where I want to start software from.The programm I want to run is started by an VBScript from the manufacturer.When I double click the VBScript the program starts, but trying to execute if from a button_click on my AutoCAD userform it returns that I am missing MSVCR70.dll files.The missing file is in the folder of the program I want to run, aswel in my System32 folder.I tried to execute it the next ways:

Process.Start("C:WINDOWSsystem32cscript.exe", """C:Program Files (x86)ProgramRun.vbs") and

Process.Start("C:Program Files (x86)ProgramRun.vbs") What is going wrong ?

View 3 Replies

Shuttind Down And Loading Program On Startup?

Jan 28, 2009

I wanted to know how and if it is possible to make a button that would tell the app to shut down the computer and then load a program from startup like knoppix or something.

View 2 Replies

VS 2008 Program Crash On Startup?

May 1, 2009

This program I made crashes on startup, I do not know what I am doing wrong, can anybody help me?
Here is the code Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
AppActivate("Chat Window")
End Sub
End Class

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C# - Automatically Run Program On Windows Server Startup?

May 13, 2011

I'm trying to install an app on a windows server that is always on, but I'm running into problems. I've heard that I shouldn't make it a windows service (and would personally rather have a dialog app so I can see progress, etc) so I'm trying to use task scheduler. However, task scheduler keeps trying to close my app prematurely when it should only open it and leave it I could have a dialog app run on startup (and stay running) on my server?

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