Checking If A File Is Closed?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm testing out the use of shells and I want to know if theres a way to check if the shell is exited.


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Checking If A Program Is Closed And Shut Down Computer?

Jul 23, 2009

I'm making a simple app that checks if Windows Media Center is open, if it is open and the program receives the close command from windows, make my application shut down the computer. I was wondering if this was the most efficient way of doing this:


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Checking If A Port Is Open - If It Is Open Then Return True, If It's Closed, Return False?

Dec 28, 2010

I'm making a Visual Basic GUI application to display whether a number of my ports are open for people to know whether things like my website and my Minecraft server are open.My problem is I have absolutely no idea how to do this in Visual Basic.Basically, I'm asking for something which sends a signal to an IP with a specific port, if it is open then return true, if it's closed, return false. Similar to: http:[url]....

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.net - DataReader Not Closed When Connection Is Closed, Consequences?

May 31, 2011

for example i have this code :

Sub Month()
Dim Conn As New Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection
Dim Cmd As New Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand
With Cmd


What will happen to the datareader when the Connection is closed ( Conn.close)

Will the Cursor that is used by the datareader be freed ? or will it stay open ?

If the cursor that is used by the datareader is still open , when will it be automatically closed ? or should i just closed it manually ?

Will it cause the dreaded "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" ?

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Cannot Access A Closed File

Sep 8, 2009

I can't understand why I'm getting this error. I'm trying to parse a tab seperated file. After 10 lines being read it throws the above error which is an ObjectDisposedException.

Public Function readNextLine(ByRef buffer As Single()) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim tempString As String()


I can't understand it, it's called and operates fine for the first 10 iterations and on the 11th throws and error. There is nothing special about that line in the log file.

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BinaryReader Closed But File Not Released?

Apr 11, 2012

Private Function GetImageSize(ByVal FileName As String) As Size
Dim ImageSize As Size
Using BR As New BinaryReader(New FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open))


I want to display photos of people when the mouse passes over their name. I wanted to be able to size the picture box to be proportional to the various photographs and let the Stretch property handle the rest.I used the code above offered by John Wein to a question from 2009 to read the dimension of the picture It worked fine until I pass over the same person twice. Then I get an error that the file is in use by another process.I tried adding:


With and without


But the file is still locked-out on the second pass. I tried setting "PictureBox.Image = Nothing" when the mouse leaves the square, still the file is seen as in use and locked.

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Cannot Delete File - Still In Use After Form Closed

Jan 10, 2012

I am trying to delete a file after viewing it. I loosely copied the code from [URL]. The problem I am running into is the filename I am passing is still in use after I close this form. How to get id where the file is being held open. Here is the relevant portion of the code. This is how I am opening it

Private Sub TifViewer_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
PicImage.ImageLocation = PassedImage
PicImage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom
'Sets the tiff file as an image object.
[Code] .....

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Xml File Being Deleted When Stream Closed?

Dec 3, 2009

Using 2008 .net 2 to create an xml file from a dataset After the writexml statement the file is created OK When the stream is closed the xml file gets deleted?

dssettings As New DataSet("SAMSettingsDS")
Dim tblsettings As New DataTable("SAM")


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Delay/Wait Until Text File Is Closed?

May 20, 2009

So I am having a situation where sometimes my code will error saying the file is already open (the text file). It happens randomly, and I'm assuming it's the computer hanging. Is there a way that I can make the program "wait" for the file to close?Here is the code that I am working with:


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File Not Closed When Background Thread Is Aborted

Jul 8, 2011

I'm using the code below in a separate (background) thread, in order to read parts from a file, so they can be uploaded.

The problem is that when the user stops the upload, the thread is sometimes aborted while it's still reading from the file. This keeps the file locked and when the user starts the upload again, the following message appears.[code]...

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Error - Unexpected End Of File Has Occurred. The Following Elements Are Not Closed

Mar 17, 2011

I am reading a large number of XML files and do not want my program to bomb on exceptions. I am making great strides in reporting the errors, skipping the offending files and continuing the import process. However I am having problems with XmlExceptions. I get the following XmlException on the While textReader.Read() line of my program:


XmlException was unhandled
Unexpected end of file has occurred. The following elements are not closed:
my:PicInsert, my:PictureGroup, my:myFields. Line 153, position 430817.

I am finding some of the reasons why, missing tags etc, but those aren't really my concern. I just want to report the issue and continue. I am thinking about some kind of check for a valid xml file but fear that that might not catch it all. For example I had a image tag in one of the files that was missing an alt="" attribute and I am not sure if that would invalidate the entire XML file.What would be the best way to trap and deal with the exception with out causing interuption to the program?

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XElement.Parse Unexpected End Of File. Elements Are Not Closed

Jun 10, 2011

I am trying to parse incoming data from a serial port that appears to be XML format but an exception is thrown when I switch from a simulated setup to the real deal.My program runs great in a simulated setup but when I try it out on the real device I get: XmlException was unhandled Unexpected end of file has occurred. The following elements are not closed: li840 line 1, position 9.The li840 tag is my root tag and the position never seems to get past 40. I've tried using a try catch block but in my in both my simulated and real setups my values are blank but the program will run without exceptions. Should I take my received data and put it into a file and then read from the file? or is there something else I can do to make this work properly? [code]

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Xml - Unexpected End Of File: Elements Not Closed VB Xmlreader: Parse?

Mar 21, 2012

Pretty much the only thing I have changed is created a loop because I have one xmlstring and want to break it up and create tif files from it(which it actually does do).My problem is this: readbytes inside the while loop throws an exception at the last time through the loop that says I have an "unexpected end of file; the following elements are not closed" and lists them


So there are tags left open after the readtofollowing("image"). I tried catching the exception to no avail, tried to read until eof, no avail. I dont really need elements to be closed, I just need to continue because I created files using whats in the image tag.EDIT: I think my xmlstring is going to have times where it will be too big to do a parse without slowing down too much.../parsing binary data?

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VS 2008 File Streaming - Error "Cannot Read From A Closed Text File"

Nov 12, 2011

I have a 'next' button which changes the questions when clicked. How do i make the questions keep changing to another question from a file with only 1 button when clicked and also display it on a label with 4 radio buttons with answers in vb. I always get an error " Cannot read from a closed text file "

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User To Be Able To Add/remove An Employee Record And Update The Input File Before The Program Is Closed?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm trying to create a program, that upon opening, will read an input file containing a delimited employee record. The record will contain the name of the employee, their salary and the number of years they have been employed.I'm looking to display only the name of the employees in sorted order(alphabetically) and then when the user of the program selects a particular employee, I want to display the salary and number of years for that employee.I would like the user to be able to edit the recors for the employee and I would also like to have a way for the user to be able to add/remove an employee record and update the input file before the program is closed.

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VS 2005 - Boolean Checking - Better Performance By Checking For A True Value

Aug 4, 2010

Is there any better performance by checking for a true value like this:


Than like this:


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.net - Checking For A File On The Desktop In VB?

Oct 19, 2011

Is there anyway of searching for a file (shortcut file) on the desktop in VB? I've tried :

If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("DesktopMYFILE.lnk")
doesnt return anything
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("DesktopMYFILE.exe")
doesnt return anything


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.net - Checking If A File Is Open

Jun 16, 2012

can't see why my coding does not work. The following coding does give me a message if the file is open in notepad, but it doesn't if the file is open in word or excel?


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Checking A File Is In A Given Path?

Nov 27, 2009

I am writing a program to play sound effects in a theatre.file system should belike this:Any path on the computerFilenamefilename.xmlAny path on the computerFilenameSounds

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Checking If A File Exists?

Mar 7, 2012

I am trying to write(what I thought would be a simple piece of code. I was wrong.

What I am trying to do is to get an application to check if a file exists, However, I have it wrong as the file obviously does exists, but when I run the application it tells me it does not.

Imports System.IO
Public Class check
Dim checkfile As New FileInfo("C:\HelloWorld")


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Checking If A File Is Read Only?

Aug 22, 2011

I have got the following code to check whether a file is open or not as I want to ignore it if it is, but it doesnt seem to be working.

IF IO.File.GetAttributes(f) And IO.FileAttributes.ReadOnly) = IO.FileAttributes.ReadOnly Then

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Checking If Same File Name Exists Twice?

Jan 26, 2009

im trying to make code to check if a file with the same name exists twice in the same dir one with .dds and one with .veh file extentions and if they do put in a listbox but if only one exists then it puts it in another listbox i have made code to filter .dds in to one listbox and .veh in another but i dont know how to make the "check" if they are both there

this is the code i have to split them at the mo

For Each files In dir
Dim path() As String = files.Split("\")
Dim chunk As Integer = path.Length


but i wanted the Else for the .dds files that dont have the matching .veh file

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Making And Checking For A File

Jul 22, 2010

I would like to make a simple application that allows to make a file or if it already exists displays a error. This is the code a use. But the problem here is that it does not always shows the error. Code:

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Checking For File Existance Via An ASP / VB Website

Nov 5, 2010

I know all about File.Exists in VB. I know that it should work, but in my situation, it is not. Currently our site builds an image string based on the user id, then goes to our image folder on the server and retrieves it. If the image doesn't exist, it displays the broken image icon. I tried implementing the File.Exists method using the path and image name it was already using to pull the file. Even if the file exists, if returns false. I have read other posts saying that it could be a security issue, but it seems to me that if it can pull the image, it should be able to check and see if it exists. [Code]

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Checking If A File Exist Before Upload?

May 17, 2010

how to let VB check if a file exist on the server with the name provided before uploading that a message and restart the application without uploading if a file exist with that name.

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Checking If A File Exists And Then Saving?

May 22, 2012

I haven't used System.IO before, and I'm a little stuck.I need to check if a file exists, for example C:Documents and SettingsverraineDesktopSURNAME Firstname v1.docx, if this file exists the filename has to become v2, and so on. Usually there will only be a v1, but in the case that a clients position changes we have to be able to save the new version without overwriting the old one.

How would I be able to do this efficiently? I'm uncertain to say the least. Because, if I manage to find out how to save the file as a different number, that's alright, but if that next number exists as well? I can only think of ways to do this that require a lot of code.

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Checking The Integrity Of One Or More Online File(s)?

Sep 3, 2010

If I was to upload one or more file(s) to a server, is there anyway to check that / those file(s) against the file(s) stored on my computer without downloading the file(s) to check against the original file(s)using VB.Net?This would need to be done in a recursive fashion from a parent folder downwards, the folder being of the end-users choosing.

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Dynamically Checking Version Of EXE File In FTP

Feb 15, 2011

To find version of an exe, I use this code
Dim FileProperties As FileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Application.ExecutablePath)
Textbox1.Text = FileProperties.FileVersion
How come we find a version of an exe that's uploaded in FTP? I need the version of an exe that's already there in FTP. I know the path where the exe file is saved in FTP.

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How To Keep Running Checking File Function

Feb 8, 2012

i face a problem in checking file condition.I wish to create a program that can check the condition file continuously while the program is running.[code]If I suddenly remove the file, it cant show a message File not Exist or if I suddenly receive a file and place at the folder,it cant show me a message File already Exist.How can I modify my code to continuously checking the file condition while the program is running.

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Politely Checking To See If A File Exists Before Downloading

May 11, 2011

I'm trying to download files using the Net.WebClient call to DownloadFile

Using client As New Net.WebClient()


Is there a polite way I can ask for the file instead of calling DownloadFile, and handling the exception ?

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