Class Which Contains An Array Of Objects Of Type "Class2"

Aug 16, 2010

1 Partial Class _Default
2 Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
3 Public Function Ohjoy(ByVal X As Integer) As Integer


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Creating An Array Of Class2 Inside Class1?

Dec 15, 2009

Creating an array of Class2 inside Class1?

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VS 2008 Class Library - Declare New Instance Of MainClass() Before Using Subs/Functions In Class2 Or Class3?

Feb 3, 2011

Namespace MyClassLib
Public Class MainClass
Public Sub New()


Is it possible to make it so that the user using the Class Library has to declare a new Instance of MainClass() before using Subs/Functions in Class2 or Class3?

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Cannot Deserialize An Array Of Objects (of Variable Type)

May 8, 2011

I've tried posting this to a few forums, even microsoft... Hopefully this forum is the place to be.

I'm programming an application in Visual Studio 2010, namely in I have been developing an application which uses a derived class inherited from TreeView, with the aim of putting custom objects on the nodes. The method I have been using is to have a variable array against the node (of type object) which contains variables in custom classes to contain each of the variables associated with the node.

The two problems I had to overcome were, how to serialize a TreeView, and how to serialize an array of objects (of variable type). Good thing is I overcame both of these with some work of some other folks (and 3 days of my own work).[code]....

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Array Of Self-Referencing Objects In A Class

Aug 23, 2010

How can I implement a tree structure (Octree) in Visual Basic.

that is to declare a class containing array of objects of same class type - like

Class Node
dim ....


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Create An Array Of Objects From A .net Class?

Oct 6, 2010

I need to create an array of a class type. Populate the values in the class and then pass the array to a subroutine. I havent figured out how to do this properly as I get a null reference exception. Can someone show me how to create/instantiate the array of objects? Here is a simple example with only one property named "_momentum". My actuall class has about 10 properties/variables in actuality


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Make An Array Of Class Objects In VB?

Sep 7, 2010

How can I make an array of objects in Here is the requirement. Basically I have a class named hotel. I need to dynamically add customers to the hotel class using the Customer class. So basically if in the Hotel class I can have an array of Customer objects that would be great. How can I do this in VB .net ?

Public Class Hotel
' I need an array of Customer objects. objCustomers
End Class


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Alphabetize An Array Of Objects That Are Instances Of A Class?

Nov 1, 2011

I have an array of objects 2000 that are instances of a class. I want to alphebatise these objects by a detail of the class.

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Array Of Objects Also Saving Variables Of Class?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a small class of Object CellValue

Friend Class CellValue
Public CellColor As Color = Color.White
Public CellShape As Shape = Shape.Blank
Public CellName As String = ""
End Class

Then in my main I make an array of CellValue but I want to know if the values are also being passed down with the array.

Dim Plan(SizeW - 1, SizeH - 1) As CellValue
Dim CellW As Integer = PictureBox1.Width \ SizeW
Dim CellH As Integer = PictureBox1.Height \ SizeH


Are CellName, CellShape and CellColor being tied to each element in the array?. The reason is because I need to use these properties to tie certain functions to them. The CellName should have a MachineID which I would have to use to pull some info from a Database.

The Array should also be serialized and deserialized to XML as customer needs to create/edit and delete certain values in the array. And in order to save the array has to be in XML

So the Questions are does it save the CellName, CellShape and CellColor for each element, will it be affected if I serialize and deserialize using XML. If possible, how can I call up the Cellname p.e for a specific array element.

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Sql - Error The SqlParameterCollection Only Accepts Non-null SqlParameter Type Objects, Not Int32 Objects?

Jun 23, 2012

I am getting this error, Not sure why it is happening "Error The SqlParameterCollection only accepts non-null SqlParameter type objects, not Int32 objects."I have tried with all sorts of possibilties, now try to enter default data as dummy data,

Using connection As New SqlConnection
connection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DentalDeviceConnectionString").ConnectionString

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The SqlParameterCollection Only Accepts Non-null SqlParameter Type Objects Not String Objects?

Jan 18, 2012

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Using conn As New SqlConnection("Database=Clinic_Management_System;Data Source=.SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|Clinic Management System.mdf")
Dim cmdRecord As SqlCommand


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VS 2008 - User Can Retrieve Value In Any Numeric Array Type Rather Than Specifying An Array Type

Aug 11, 2011

I am writing a scripting language which used .net for execution. Now I have written a function which accepts an object and return a set of numeric values. I wanted user to pass any numeric array (e.g. integer,single,double,long) and I could return values in that format. I mean user can retrieve value in any numeric array type rather than specifying an array type. E.g.


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Call Method Base Class In Program Passing Sub Class Objects?

Apr 22, 2012

Base class has one field to hold numeric balance value. With 2 methods that accept arguments for adding and subtracting the new input calculating new balance. Sub class has four fields dates, transaction, memo and amount.I have a deposit form, and withdraw form. Each time one transaction is entered it creates an object with sub class fields, then adds to the account collection. My problem is not understanding how to call the deposit/withdraw method and pass the current transaction amount back to the base class to alculate the new balance. Does anyone have any links to information/tutorials on how to perform something like this? As you can see with my code I have tried various different approaches without any success.


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Class That Inherits Another Class In Which There Are Objects That Are Disposed In Dispose Procedure

Feb 14, 2010

If I have a class that inherits another class in which there are objects that are disposed in the dispose() procedure, do I use mybase.dispose? ex Class A inherits Class B. [code]

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An Array Of Objects - An Entry Will Be Stored In Serialports(4), All Other Array Elements Will Be Blank?

Jun 1, 2009

I've come up with the following and it's partly working.

Public serial1, serial2, serial3, serial4, serial5 As SerialPort
Public serialports() As Object = New Object() {serial1, serial2, serial3, serial4, serial5}
dComPort = "COM4"[code]....

The above code works fine! But im having trouble trying to now retreive whats stored in the array.In the above example, an entry will be stored in serialports(4), all other array elements will be blank.If I do this it works.

MsgBox(serialports(4).PortName) ' this retuns the value COM4

But I'd like to loop though all array elements and print out ALL the PortNames, The below code doesnt work, I get an error Object variable or With block variable not set.

For i = 0 To serialports.Length - 1

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Base Class Collection With Sub Class Objects

Jul 19, 2010

[code]The reason that this is a problem is that this is a collection of EventBase objects, but I'm trying to populate it with child classes instead. For example, I might have a JumpEvent class that inherits EventBase, and this is being put into the EventBaseCollection. That means that value.GetType() returns the type of JumpEvent, which as you might guess does not equal the type of EventBase.The goal of course is to simply loop through all of the various events without having to know anything about the sub-classes. Is there a way to determine the type of the base class so that the OnValidate call will work? Or is this just the wrong way to go about it altogether?

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Create Objects Of C# Class From Program Class In DNN?

Feb 23, 2011

Can we create objects of a C# class from a VB.NET class and vice versa?

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Calling Method In Class2 From Class1?

Aug 9, 2009

Lets say I have a application with these three items:
A startup form called form1
A class lets say Class1
A class lets say Class2

How can I access a method in class2 from within class1? For example in Class2 I have a method call AddToDatabase(sql as string) and in a method is Class1 I have a SQL statement that I want to implement.

Solution that didn't work: Initializing an instance of Class2 in form1 called myClass2 and trying to reach it using: form1.myClass2Initializing an instance of Class2 in New subrotine of Class1 and trying to call it through: myClass2

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Array Of Child Objects In Nested Classes And Accessing Child Objects In .Net

Jan 3, 2012

I have a nested class, let's call it class1 and it has class2 inside it; VB.Net eg:[code]

1) How can I define X number of Class2 objects[let's call it: Node(x) array]** with NEW() subroutine called?' this raises error: dim cls2(n) as new class2 end sub.

2) How can I return actual number of Node() array? [code]Outside my class in main project I define cls1 object:[code]Now an array of class2 is created inside cls1.

3) Now,How can I access All of them[node(x) array which is created inside cls1] with all properties and methods available?

I remember I wrote a ProcessManager class with this functionality in .net 2003, nearly 4 years age, I don't have the code now.

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C# - Get The Type For A Class By Sending Just The Name Of The Class Instead Of The Class Itself As The Parameter?

Sep 11, 2009

Dim a as Type=GetType(className) would gimme the type. But I have only the name of the class as string. I want something like GetType("class1") which would return the type.

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Unable To Cast COM Object Of Type 'System.__ComObject' To Class Type?

May 14, 2009

Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to class type 'rjsDocMan.Folder'.Instances of types that represent COM components cannot be cast to types that do not represent COM components; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface.The code where it is flagging the error is:

<div style="color: Black; background-color: White;">
treeview += AddChildren(Session("DocMan").RootFolder)


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.net - Get A Base Class Method Return Type To Be The Subclass Type?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a copy function that I'd like to override in subclasses to return the type of the subclass. Here are my interfaces:

Public Interface IBase(Of T)
Function Copy() As T
End Interface


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How Are Value Type Properties In A Reference Type Class Allocated

Sep 11, 2009

In VB.NET, if I create a class it is a reference-type. But, if that class it chock full of value type properties, how is this handled? If the class is instantied but never filled, I suspect a pointed for to the heap is allocated. But is more space allocated on the stack for all of it's value type properties?

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Inherit System.Type - Extending Type Class - Various

Jan 15, 2010

i was trying to inherit System.Type. this is what i have:


and anyway the real problem is that inheriting System.Type without declaring my derived class as 'MustInherit

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VB Allows The Type Parameters To Be Used As The Base Class For The Generic Type?

Mar 30, 2010

1) VB Allows non-type template parameters2) VB supports explicit specialization 3) VB allows the type parameters to be used as the base class for the generic type4) VB allows a generic type parameter itself to to be a generic 5) VB enforces that all codes are valid for all types of parametrs

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Returning A Inherited Class As Base Class Type With Web Services?

Sep 25, 2009

I suspect I am being very silly here but I have the following setup

Class MustInherit myBaseClass
'some stuff
End Class
Class myInheritedClassA


Running this results in the following error

Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException:
There was an error generating the XML document. --->


is there any way of 'Widening' the inherited class to the base class so this would work?

EDIT:regarding XmlInclude(typeof inheritedClass), currently this method could potentially return a number of types of inherited class (i.e myInheritedClassA and myInheritedClassB) is it case of simply having to add each of the inheritedTypes in this tag?

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Assigning Objects Of Different Type?

Jul 27, 2010

I am new to VB.Net and I'm a little confused why this line happened to be valid in VB:

DataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables("Customerslist")

DataSource is of type Object while Tables("Customerslist") is of type DataTable. How will I know what types of objects can be assigned to the Datasource property?

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VS 2008 : Error - Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'ObjectCollection' To Type 'System.Array'

Feb 24, 2012

I am using a background worker and am attempting to use the following code. However I keep getting this error on i "Unable to cast object of type 'ObjectCollection' to type 'System.Array'."

Private Sub btnVerify_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnVerify.Click
myArray = listProxies.Items()
End Sub


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Iterate Through A Class With Nested Class Of Unknown Type?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a class that hosts inside other classes that can host otherclases as well and so on.

I want to change the value of one property (PropertyA) in all classes down the tree.

How can i do that when i dont know the the type of class inside?

How can i iterate through the classes hostes as proeprty of the mother class?

I am trying to use reflection but i get just the properties of the first class

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Checking Objects Type By String

Apr 15, 2011

How find an object's type when it is a subclass of another object and I only know the string value of the object's type's name. I created the following classes:
Public Class word
End Class
Public Class noun
Inherits word
[Code] .....

Then, in my code I create a new properNoun and check to see if it is a properNoun, noun or word:
Private Sub checkTypes()
Dim pn As New properNoun
MsgBox("Is a properNoun: :" & TypeOf pn Is properNoun) 'TRUE
MsgBox("Is a noun: :" & TypeOf pn Is noun) 'TRUE
[Code] .....

I correctly see that pn is a properNoun, a noun and a word. The problem is, using 'GetType' to check pn against a string value, I can only see that pn is a properNoun, not that its parent classes are noun and word. Is there a way to check pn against the string value "noun" or "word" and get back a positive result, indicating that pn is indeed a noun and a word as well as a properNoun?

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