Clearing Combobox Dropdown History?
Apr 18, 2006
I have a button to check the available cars on certain dates.
When they check and the dates are ok..then it fills a combobox with "sports, utility, family, etc. categories)
Lets say the user changes the dates and they dont work, aka. return date is before pickup date. How do i clear the items from the combobox?
cbFilter.items.clear() doesnt seem to work :(
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Apr 11, 2010
So basically my webbrowser has comboboxes and 1 menustrip button(clear all history).
In the menustrip i got History
And In history i got "Show All History"
and "Clear All History"
I turned the "Show All History" into a ComboBox.
And i have another ComboBox for history just like firefox has on its navigation TexTbox.
Lets say the Menutrip ComboBox is ComboBox1 and the other one for the NavigationText is ComboBox3.
What happens is when i press Clear All History They get cleared BUT STAY CLEARED Here are my codes:
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Feb 18, 2009
How would I go about clearing IE's history from with VB? I've looked on the internet and couldn't find anything, and I honestly don't have a clue about how to do it.
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Mar 31, 2012
I have two drop down boxes in my program. When you select an item from the first drop down, it populates select-able items in the second. When I select something in the second and then change the selection in the first one, the values remain in the second. How do I "reset" the second drop down when the first is changed?
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Aug 6, 2011
Iam making a web browser which consist a combobox as the address barso how to save any address will be written in it even after closing my app?
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Mar 25, 2010
I'm using visual basic 2008 and really need help in this question ...
-I'm creating a web browser : how to stop adding pages to Internet Explorer History...
-And auto save/open Listbox (so i could use my own browsing history)
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Aug 15, 2009
Urgh, I have spent the last couple of hours on this now. I normally end up finding the answer from a bit of Googling, but not with this one. Bit of a headache.
My questions:How can I catch when a user clicks the dropdown arrow on a combobox and prevent the dropdown list from being displayed.How can I then clear and populate the dropdown list and display it programmatically?
I have one agent program remotely connected to a server over the internet. When you click the dropdown arrow on the agent, it queries the server to determine what needs to be in the dropdown list. It then displays the dropdown list. The comboboxes act as filters for the subsequent comboboxes on the GUI. A delay in displaying the dropdown list is perfectly acceptable while retrieving the data. Initially querying all the possibly entries in the dropdown list is not an option because there are so many! Needs to be comboboxes compared to listboxes as the user may also type an entry that is not in the list.
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Oct 27, 2011
I am using 2005. I have a DataGridView with several columns. One of the columns is a ComboBox. What I want to happen is when I populate the DataGridView by binding it with the DataTable I want the ComboBox item that is in the DataTable field to be the one that is shown as selected in the drop down. Then if the user wants to change the value they select a different one from the DropDown (and I will perform some update action). My code displays the correct DataTable item in the ComboBox, but the ComboBox will not drop down so a different item can be selected.
This is the code where I set up the ComboBox in the Form_Load and add all the possible items that can be in the DataTable Destination field.
c10 = New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
c10.Name = "Destination"
c10.DataPropertyName = "Destination"
c10.MaxDropDownItems = 5
c10.Items.Add(" ")
[Code] .....
View 4 Replies
May 24, 2012
For this project I am using Visual Basic in Visual Studio Professional 2008 and SQL 2005 Express.
I have a table in SQL 2005 Express with 4 columns. These are ID, ProductCode,ProductDescription and Price all included in a dataset called ProductsDateSet. The ID column is obviously an integer and the primary key. The ProductCode and Description are both nvarchar(50) and the price is a money column.The table is called Products.
Initially this DataSet is used to enter product information into the database in Form1 but it is also used on a second VB Form (Form2) resembling a sales invoice. [code]...
View 15 Replies
Feb 11, 2010
Can I have a listview in a combo box dropdown ? Is it possible I need to show grouping and multi columns in combo box. How can I achieve this ?
View 3 Replies
Jan 5, 2012
I'm trying to rig up a ComboBox with a Datagrid dropdown in WPF. I need the the code to be done programmatically and contained in the codebehind. Here's what I've got so far:
This code produces a ComboBox that contains a DataGrid with two columns and seems to look fine. Although when you click on the ComboBox and select one of the rows in the DataGrid the selection in the ComboBox doesn't work properly. (It just shows the colum headers.) I want the value in the first column of the selected row to appear as the ComboBox selection.
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Mar 8, 2010
how to Filter ComboBox DropDown on TextChanged?
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Jun 17, 2011
I have an application using ComboBox with ComboBox.DropDownStyle = DropDown, I want to hide the dropdown button of it, and dropdownitems will be displayed programmatically, when required.
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Apr 29, 2011
I am working on the Combobox.I was bind the data from Access database to Combobox in the DropDown Event.Now whn i click the Dropdown for selecting value , for one click the dropdown list is not showing. Some System is coming within few milliseconds it went out for second click the list is coming.This happens only whn i click the combobox first time in the form.After second time onwards the dropdown list coming properly.
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Dec 10, 2009
How can I achieve this? I've done quite a bit of searching but found no obvious solution? Surely there is a way...
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Dec 24, 2010
I'm using a ComboBox with the following settings.
Font - 20pt. I need large font because I will use this on a touch screen PC.
AutoCompleteMode - SuggestAppend
AutoCompleteSource - ListItems
How do I make the text in the drop down list as big as in the comboBox? Also, how do I make the drop down arrow wider?
View 4 Replies
Dec 6, 2010
I've created an ownerdraw ComboBox (used as DropDownList only) in Visual Basic .NET 2010. I inherited ComboBox and set DrawMode to OwnerDrawVariable. The control itself and the dropdown items are drawn with Paint and DrawItem.
The control works fine so far, but there is one thing i was unable to change: When i click on the combobox to open the dropdown area, this new area has a very bright border color (nearly white) which I want to change to black. I've uploaded an image of the current control and how I want it to look like:
View 5 Replies
Apr 20, 2009
how can I make program using vb 2005 that will dropdown the datagridview combobox and display to the datagridview textbox everytime the combobox selection change or when you choose the data.The mousemove is not perfect because when the dropdown combobox length more than the datagridview, the mousemove will not work even other features of datagridview.
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Feb 27, 2009
What's the difference between Simple, DropDown, and DropDownList in the ComboBox?
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Jul 8, 2010
When we click on drop down combobox control in our windows form, it shows the list automatically. But when we press tab and navigate to that control from keyboard it doesn't shows the list automatically. So in other to show the list automatically on receiving focus what should be done?
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Jul 21, 2010
I have a combobox and have 10 items in it (Name of countries). I want to make the users life easy so that when they click inside the combobox and start writing then the text box will start predicting the rest of the text in the combo box. i.e. if i start writing "U" then the textbox will start predicting "UK" as "UK" is already a pre-populated item in the combobox.
How can I restrict the user from selecting only values within the pre-populated items of the combobox. Bearing in mind the combobox allows the user to write inside it (for the benefit of predictive text). But lets say there are values of UK, USA then I dont want the combobox to accept the value of "Ukraine" when the user clicks away from the combobox.
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Aug 27, 2009
tell me the editor type for a combobox? (for use in propertygrid)Something similar to this:
<EditorAttribute(GetType(System.ComponentModel.Design.CollectionEditor), GetType(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))>
but for a combobox.
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Jul 24, 2009
I have a datagridview which has a column formatted combobox type. Now I want to determine when I click to these comboboxs, My program will show a msgbox.
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Nov 23, 2011
In a combobox dropdown. What toolbox or properties do I use in VB Express 2010 to add a default to my drop down so the user will see the default when the panel is first shown?
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Apr 19, 2008
My goal is to populate a ComboBox list when the user clicks it but if the form is not valid I want to capture the event and cancel it so the drop-down doesn't appear (if it's empty).[code]...
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Jul 18, 2011
I am working on a desktop application, and in my application i am using combobox in 2 ways:
1. directly on the form, and
2. as a column in the grid.
This is how i have to used it in my application: whenever i am writing anything or selecting anything in my combobox it should display a floating panal containing a grid having some extra columns which help me in selcting any value in combobox.
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Apr 5, 2010
i have a requirement of using a dropdown list/combobox in data grid for allowing user to select from the list. how can i do that.I want to have a particular column with this option available that should be filled with data from the SQL database.
now in this what i want is that user could select the emp id for which he wants to enter the data.then on the basis of the selection emp name field should be filled automatically and then user enter the salary which get saved after pressing a button on form how could i achieve that in and using SQL databse
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Jun 11, 2010
I like the dropdown/combobox of the latest Opera browser (10.53v). How can I implement something like that?
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Jul 2, 2009
I have a data grid on my form with 6 columns. 5 of the 6 are combobox fields. When just looking at the datagrid all the drop down buttons on the left really clutter up the grid. Does anyone know a way to hide the drop down button on the combo box until the time the user actually clicks in the cell. I have tried changing the style to flat which helps but I would rather it wasn't visible at all until the user is actually in the cell.
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Mar 11, 2011
net/watin application and I am trying to select and item from a combobox on a client's website. I can use watin to drop the list down and select (highlite) an item from the list but the selected item will not populate the textbox above. It seems like watin's .select() is not triggering an event to fire.I can work around this by writing in the first letter of the item in the combobox and use the hypertext feature to select the item but this is not ideal.
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