ComboBox - Binding Items To Objects

Aug 24, 2011

VS2008 targeting .Net 3.5x. I have a combobox with a datasource and display member set, and when I run the project, I see the items. I am also binding the selected item to another object which contains the item upon which I want to select. I have verified that both the bound object and its underlying data contain the value I expect. The problem is that I cannot get it to select the correct item - it only ever selects the first item in the list.

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Binding Inherited Objects To Form?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm currently working on binding an objects properties to fields on a Form. Whilst I have managed to get it so that I can get standard objects to bind, I am having a problem figuring out how I would go about binding an inherited object.

For example, if I had a Client class (the parent class) and then two sub-classes called CompanyClient and IndividualClient. The CompanyClient would have an extra field company name for example.The problem I'm having is that I'm not certain how to set up the binding, as if I set up the binding against the Client class then I would be missing the Company Name property for the CompanyClient, if I set up against the CompanyClient, then it wouldn't work with the IndividualClient as it doesn't have all the fields.

I know I could get around this by having different forms for each of the different Client types, but as almost all of the properties are the same I would like to avoid this if I can.I was wondering whether anyone knows how I might be able to go about doing this

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Late Binding And Setting Objects?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a class from where I need to set objects in another form?

Function SetMyObject(ByVal frmTarget As Object)
frmTarget.PictureBox1 = Form1.PictureBox1
End Function

(Not tested code, just wrote to show what I mean)So that's the late binding one.I should also say that the frmTarget variable isn't static so thats why I can't make something like Form2.PictureBox1 = Form1.PictureBox1

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.net - Binding A Collection Of Objects To A ComboboxColumn In A DataGridView?

Jan 24, 2012

I have a GUI which allows the user to select a report to view/edit. When the user selects a report, it shows the Items in the report. The Item has many properties - most of which are binding properly. One of the properties is Owner, and this is bound to a ComboBoxColumn.




I have done something very similar to this a few times and had no problems when I set the DataPropertyName, DataSource, ValueMember, and DisplayMember. The only difference is that this time instead of the Item type having an OwnderID it actually has an instance of the Owner the items bound in the list a self-referencing property that allows them to return themselves for the purposes of setting the ValueMember.However, When I bind it this way:

OwnerColumn.DataPropertyName = "Owner"
OwnerColumn.DataSource = ownersBindingSource1
OwnerColumn.ValueMember = "Self"
OwnerColumn.DisplayMember = "OwnerName"

I get a lot of errors like: Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'Owner'.


The following exception occurred in the DataGridView:

System.ArgumentException: DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid.To replace this default dialog please handle the DataError event.I was able to get around some of these errors by binding it like this:

OwnerColumn.DataPropertyName = "Owner"
OwnerColumn.DataSource = ownersBindingSource1

and also by making the ToString function on the Owner display the OwnerName property. This seems pretty hacky though - and I think I'm misunderstanding something fundamental as it still does not function properly.

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Binding NHibernate Proxy Objects To A DataGridView?

Jan 22, 2012

I am attempting to bind objects pulled from an NHibernate session to a DataGridView and am having problems.I have a single session in which I fetch all of my "look-up" items that are bound to a combobox column, and then I query for the objects themselves. omehow, this still results in proxy child objects on the main objects. I have even changed the mapping of the look-up items to eager fetch, but I still get proxies somehow.Here is how I am fetching the objects:

Dim _makes As IList(Of Make) = session.QueryOver(Of Make).List
Dim _models As IList(Of Model) = session.QueryOver(Of Model).List
Dim _cars as IList(of Car) = session.QueryOver(of Car).List


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Dynamicaly Refresh Databound Combobox Items Based On Selected_index_changed Event Of Another Combobox?

Jan 27, 2010

I am using VB.NET together with ADO.NET to create a program. I have set my TableAdapters as needed and bound the correct tables-columns to my comboboxes.My problem though is this:My combobox2 item is bound to a datatable. The table adapter's Fill method (the select command basicaly) includes a public variable in the where clause to fetch the correct results. I ll put some code here to clarify it a bit more.Public Class Frm_inv


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Get All Items From One Column Of Database Table To The Combobox Items

Apr 28, 2012

I want to get all items from one column of database table to the combobox items.

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Combobox.items.add - Combobox To Have A List Of Choices From A Table In A Db

Jun 14, 2011


I'm making a combobox on a form. I want the combobox to have a list of choices from a table in a db. The two columns are a String and a Date. I want the date column to only show the year. I'm hoping I have the code right as it is above, but I'm not positive I've done the whole date thing right.

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Binding To A Combobox?

Jul 17, 2009

I am trying to add 2 databindings to a combobox. 1 will bind to the text, andthe other one will bind to the selectedvalue. However, I am only able to add one databinding to the combobox.

"Text", TblCustomerBindingSource, "strCustomerID", True)
"SelectedValue", TblCustomerBindingSource, "idxCustomer", True)

This is what I have done. Only the selectedValue DataBindings.Add is being captured.

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Add Items After Binding Data?

Dec 29, 2009

i make this code to bind combobox and i insert the item to the combobox

With Me.CmbBxEmployeeName
.DataSource = GetAllEmployeeNameBindingSource
.DisplayMember = "Name"[code]....

but this error show ,Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set.

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Select A Particular Value On A Combobox By Looping Through Combobox Items?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a form in my application used to take the data about the returned stock. The form contains two comboboxes. One, named combobox5, contains invoice numbers and the other, named combobox3, contains party codes. Both the comboboxes are pre_loaded using sqldataadapter.

Now what i want is to change the party code in combobox3 when the invoice number is changed in combobox5. Elaborating it further, When Stock is issued the party code is stored along with the invoice number to keep track of to which party was the stock issued. Now when stock is returned i want to keep track that which party has returned the stock and i want that the party code should be automatically selected when the invoice number is changed and it should be what is stored in the database against that particular invoice number....

I'm using the following code for doing so:

Private Sub ComboBox5_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox5.SelectedIndexChanged
' defines a new connection to the database
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=TAHA;Initial Catalog=ADT;Integrated Security=True")


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Show/hide Another Combobox With Combobox Items?

Feb 3, 2012

i'm creating a simple search application which have a TEXT box and some combo boxes and radio buttons and a search button names "Videos", "Audios", "Pics" etc..when radiobutton of video is selected, a combobox is appear having options "DailyMotion", "Metacafe" etc I want that when i click "Metecafe" item in combobox of video, an other combo box appear having items Like "Entertainment", "How To", "+18" etc(categories of video search).

if combobox1.SelectedItem = "PAKISTAN" Then
combobox2.Visible = True
End if
if combobox1.SelectedItem = "INDIA" Then


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Binding Data To A ComboBox?

Nov 25, 2009

I'm trying to bind data to a combo box but it does not appear to be working. I've setup the DataSet and the DataSetBindingSource and all this appears to be working, within the form design I can expand the little arrow in the ComboBox control and preview the data. This appears to be working but when the application is run, nothing appears in the drop down box.

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Binding Foreign Key To Combobox?

Feb 24, 2010

I have 2 tables:

location_refnbr (pk)
office_refnbr (fk)


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Complex Binding If ComboBox?

Sep 9, 2010

I have combox1 and i want to dispaly Foure Columns in combox1 and I make this

Dim dr As SqlDataReader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(conn, CommandType.Text, "select FirstName,FatherName,GrandFatherName,FamilyName from dbo.PersonalData")
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetSpecialFieldOFPersonalData")
Do While dr.Read
Me.ComboBox1.Items.Add(dr(0) & " - " & dr(1) & " - " & dr(2) & " - " & dr(3))

View 5 Replies - Gridview Binding With Combobox's In Header

Jul 27, 2010

how one might go about binding to a gridview in ASP.Net 4 in a scenario where the first row of my gridview should be the headers, the second should be a combobox for each column and the third is the beginning of my actual datasource.

If you can imagine what I am trying to achieve is an ability to create a binding between each column in the datagrid and another datasource. This binding is created by the user selecting a value in the comboboxes. However no matter what I try I cant seem to achieve this.

HeaderText1 | HeaderText2 | HeaderText3
ComboBox1 | ComboBox2 | ComboBox3
DataRow1 | DataRow1 | DataRow1
DataRow2 | DataRow2 | DataRow2
DataRow3 | DataRow3 | DataRow3

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Binding A Combobox In A Datagridview To A New Table?

Apr 29, 2012

I have set up at DataGridView "cdgvExp" for data entry. cdgvExp.Datasource = ExpTab. The datagridview can accept new rows according to how many entries there are. I will then use the data in ExpTab. The Fourth colum is called "Lot" and is a combobox in the datagridview. The goal is to have the Combobox in the fourth column have the datasource be LotTab which is populated according to other choices in the form. I am hunting for something that would work like an independant combobox like cbLots.datasource = LotsTab

How do I dynamically set the Datasource and Datamember of a combobox that is already set up in a datagridview?

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Binding Combobox With Concatenated Values?

Jun 3, 2011

My code is:

sqlsub = "SELECT distinct field1, field2"
sqlsub += " FROM tbl I
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter
Dim lsdataset As New DataSet


My prob is how should I bind the combo with field1+"("+ thpr+ ")" thpr is the string i get from function by passing field value 2 from query my combobox should be displayed as field1 + (thpr).

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Binding Label And Value To ComboBox Winforms

Sep 23, 2010

I have this code
Public Sub FillCategoryCombobox(ByVal categoryList As List(Of tblCategory), ByVal LvName As ComboBox)
Dim itemValue = New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)()
For Each category As tblCategory In categoryList
itemValue.Add(category.CategoryID, category.CategoryName)
Next category
LvName.DataSource = New BindingSource(itemValue, Nothing)
LvName.DisplayMember = "Value"
LvName.ValueMember = "Key"
End Sub

I receive an error on
LvName.DataSource = New BindingSource(itemValue, Nothing)
Value cannot be null

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Binding Table Record Into Combobox?

Jun 3, 2011

I want to retrive data from table into combobox ..when the user click combobox items it's corresponding data will be show.In details :I have PERSON table , my program allow to the user search by : Person Name When the user enters the name into TextBox the combobox items will be all names existed in database same which user entered. when the user selects item from combobox a new form will show all person' data


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ComboBox - Looping Through Binding Sources

Dec 3, 2009

I can loop through comboboxes likes:
for i=0 to 5
directcast(me.controls ("combobox" & i.tostring), combobox).items.add ("Hello")

However, if I do the same thing with binding sources:
for i=0 to 5
directcast(me.controls ("bindingsource" & i.tostring), bindingsource).movenext()

It errors me saying that you can't cast binding source as a control or something (they aren't of the same type). How do I loop through binding sources?

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Combobox Binding Data Conflict

Jun 17, 2011

I've got a bound Combobox in a database for a lookup but when i set it up and change the data in the combo the program won't let me go and further. There is a data conflict but i don't know where. The problem is here in the combo setup:

Display member : ProductName (nvarChr(20)
Value Member : ProductID (int)
Selected Member: SelectedLookup (int)

This doesn't work. Everything is displayed in the dropdown by name but when i select a item. I can't go any further. If i change the Display member: to 'ProductID' the program works fine. but displays the ProductID where users won't understand. It's like it is trying to store the 'displayed member' Product Name instead in the Value Member 'ProductID'. if i use a list box instead the program works correctly.

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DB/Reporting :: Binding Two Sources To A Combobox?

Jan 19, 2010

In a manufacturing environment I'm using an Access database to store properties of manufactured parts. I've queried a table to fill a datatable, which then populates the attached form.


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Forms :: Binding Foreign Key To Combobox

Feb 24, 2010


On my first form, I have a combobox that is bound to the Locations table and displays all the different locations. Once a location is selected, a 2nd form is loaded which has textboxes which are also bound to the Locations table and are populated with the corresponding data.

Here's my issue: on the 2nd form, I have combobox that is bound to the Offices table. Currently, when this form loads all the available offices, displaying with the first office in the list. I need it to populate with the correct office based on the selection made on the combobox on the first form. I guess what I'm asking is, how does one bind a combobox to a foreign key b/c it is the foreign key, office_refnbr, from the Locations table that needs to display in the Office combobox.

I've tried a variety of bindings, including:[code...]

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Gridview Binding With Combobox's In Header?

Aug 23, 2010

enlighten me about how one might go about binding to a gridview in ASP.Net 4 in a scenario where the first row of my gridview should be the headers, the second should be a combobox for each column and the third is the beginning of my actual datasource.If you can imagine what I am trying to achieve is an ability to create a binding between each column in the datagrid and another datasource. This binding is created by the user selecting a value in the comboboxes. However no matter what I try I cant seem to achieve this.

HeaderText1 | HeaderText2 | HeaderText3
ComboBox1 | ComboBox2 | ComboBox3
DataRow1 | DataRow1 | DataRow1


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VS 2008 Binding Combobox SelectedIndex?

Feb 25, 2010

I have in my database a smallint field with 2 values 0/1,is it possible to bind that field to a combobox with 2 values "Yes" "No" without creating another datatable for Yes/No values or to modify sql query to bring Yes/No instead 0/1 something like binding to SelectedIndex ?

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WPF - Binding Converted Enum To ComboBox

Apr 7, 2011

I tried to bind the following Enum to a ComboBox
Public Enum PossibleActions
End Enum

I can't change the Enum itself, but I do not want to display these strings. My intention is just to cut the prefix 'Action' and display 'Read', 'Write' and 'Verify' in the ComboBox.

Therefore I wrote a ValueConverter
Public Class PossibleActionsConverter
Implements IValueConverter
Public Function Convert(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements System.Windows.Data.IValueConverter.Convert
[Code] .....

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Control Binding DropDownList Before Display Items?

Dec 22, 2010

Im using Visual Studio 2008 ( to build some web pages..

I have a DropDownList linked to a DataSource from data base to fill it automaticly, and it works perfect, but I want to modify the items before its displayed ?

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Forms :: Removing Items From Binding List?

May 24, 2011

have a binding list which i want to be able to add and remove items.This is the class im using

Friend Class ExecutableItem
Public Property Text() As String
Public Property Method() As Action


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VS 2010 DataGridView - Binding Bug - Items Doesn't Appear

Nov 8, 2011

I'm using this


In FillDataGrid() is where I'm doing he binding - datagridview1.datasource = BindingSource1 - and adjusting the columns size, row colors, etc. What is happening is the following: the last item added to BetsL is being repeated in the datagridview, the other items doesn't appear. If I have 4 items to display on it, it only shows the last item repeated 8 times

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