Conversion From Long To Byte?

Oct 7, 2010

I m new to this forum and also to programming. In an application Modbus protocol is used and I have generate LRC checksum for that. But I am stuck at conversion of a Long type data to Byte type. The long type data is for example : 4294967197. I tried all the following functions:

1.b = Byte.Parse(4294967197)
2.b = CByte(4294967197)
3.b = Convert.ToByte(4294967197)


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Creating A Byte Array Using Long Datatype?

May 4, 2009

Most of the time when we read the file stream into a byte array, we would write the following code.[code]But here we have to convert Length into an integer type (line 2 of the code above) since we cannot declare a byte array using the long data type (with option strict on). Is this a good practice? What is the work around for this problem?

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Option Strict On Disallows Implicit Conversion From Long To UInteger

Nov 20, 2011

[code] I get the error message of "Option Strict disallows implicit conversion from Long to UInteger." [code] I dimensioned each variable as a UInteger and not a Long, the values for both X & Y are well below the maximum values of a UInteger as far as I can tell (Data Types Summary). [code]

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Basics Conversion From A Byte To An Integer

May 2, 2011

I'm trying to make to do a widening conversion from a byte to an integer. form has a text box for both Input, and Output, plus a conversion button. [Code] I'm trying to use a catch block, but I'm not certain how it works exactly, and also tried to use an If statement to avert the issue, but that didn't work either. When ever user inputs a number greater than what can be held within the Byte data type the program crashes from the run time error. [Code] and an error message pops up in the compiler saying overflow exception was unhandled.

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Byte Conversion To Single Number

Aug 4, 2010

I am totally new with VB.NET. I have started coding for Modbus protocol. The response that I receive from the slave is as below -

01 = byte slave id
03 = byte function code
04 = byte -no. of bytes sent by slave
00 = byte(8 bits) (Lower Register MSB)
00 = byte(8 bits) (Lower Register LSB)
64 = byte(8 bits) (Upper Register MSB)
00 = byte(8 bits) (Upper Register LSB)
2bytes for crc

Now I want the value of 64 00 00 00 into floating point number in . I think in its single as its 32bit floating precision number. Now the bytes that I need are 00 64 00 00 but if i process in this way the output is different, so I tried manually putting the data into the byte array and found out that I need 64 00 00 00 to be processed so that i can get desired output.

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C# - Conversion From VB6 String Data To .NET Byte Array

May 7, 2009

I'm writing a C# application that reads data from an SQL database generated by VB6 code. The data is an array of Singles. I'm trying to convert them to a float[]

Below is the VB6 code that wrote the data in the database (cannot change this code):

Set fso = New FileSystemObject
strFilePath = "c: emp emp.tmp"
' Output the data to a temporary file


The problem here is the VB6 binary to string conversion. The VB6 string char is 2 bytes wide and I don't know how to transform this back to a binary format I can handle.

Below is a dump of the temp file that the VB6 code generates:

And here is the dump of the data as I read it from the database in (=the VB6 string):

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Conversion Of Byte Array To Memory Stream?

Aug 25, 2010

how to convert byte array to memory stream in

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Communications :: String Variable After Conversion From Byte Array?

May 23, 2011

I have a strange problem with the following code:

Private Sub Listener()
Dim infiniteCounter As Integer


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Implicit Conversion From Object To 1 Dimensional Array Of Byte?

Jul 15, 2011

I am getting this warning in my code, and for the most part I have ignored it.

Friend Sub StartTablet()
Dim success As Boolean
Dim eventObject As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero


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Conversion Of A Text Data In String Or In A File Into A Simple Byte Array[ ] Format

Aug 27, 2009

I'm new to .net. I would like to know how to convert a text data in string or in a file into a simple byte array[ ] format.

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VS 2010 Conversion From String "" To Type 'Long' Is Not Valid

Mar 21, 2011

If it will found period in the email add it will say I am converting it to long.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2008 - Windows Api - Error - Conversion From String "bproxies" To Type 'Long' Is Not Valid

Jan 23, 2010

Here's the API

BOOL InternetSetOptionA(
__in HINTERNET hInternet,
__in DWORD dwOption,
__in LPVOID lpBuffer,
__in DWORD dwBufferLength

I have the first 2 parameters correctly, here's what I have:

Const uname = "bproxies"
Const pass = "qwert1"


And here's the error: Conversion from string "bproxies" to type 'Long' is not valid.

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Conversion From String "" To Type 'Long' Is Not Valid

Sep 20, 2009

I am writing the dim statement to check the url and the textbox1.text to check the full url but its not valid.

Here its the code

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Response As Net.WebResponse = Nothing
Dim WebReq As Net.HttpWebRequest = Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("" And TextBox1.Text)
Response = WebReq.GetResponse


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Conversion From String "e:" To Type Long Is Not Valid

Oct 3, 2011

I have a small app that lists user profiles and drives in ComboBoxes and check boxes to select which files to copy. Whenever I select any drive from the combobox I get the error "Conversion from string "" to type long is not valid" I've tried three different methods I've found to display the drives in the box and all get the same error. I planned on having the app create a folder on the root of the drive selected.

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Why Does C# Define Byte+Byte=Int32 Instead Of Byte+Byte=Byte Like VB?

Aug 7, 2010

Why does C# define Byte+Byte=Int32 instead of Byte+Byte=Byte like VB?

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Overcome "Conversion From 'Byte' To 'String' Cannot Occur In A Constant Expression." In VB?

Apr 27, 2012

I have this code:

Public Class Beryllium
Public Const AtomicNumber As Byte = 4
Public Const Symbol As String = "Be"


I want to make a list out of all the constants (AtomicNumber, Symbol, Name and AtomicMass). I want to make the list also a constant. When I run the code above, I get an error highlighting AtomicNumber (on line on which I commented on "This line"). I tried .ToString() and CStr() but I get errors on both. Maybe there is a different way to make these constants one string or list (must be public and have new lines)?

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VS 2008 Way Of Coding In Stead Of Writting Long Long Paragraphs

Sep 18, 2011

Is there a easer way of coding in stead of wrighting long long paragraphs like this in one line [code]All of this is on one line and i got lots of info to put down.."The game will begin on your 16th birthday with your mother waking you up. Today you are to go to the castle for the first time. Leave your bed and open your dresser for a Strength Seed. "

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Private Declare Function BlockInput Lib "user32" (ByVal FBlock As Long) As Long?

Dec 26, 2009

In Visual Studio 2008 I am using :Private Declare Function BlockInput Lib "user32" (ByVal fBlock As Long) As Long To stop input from occuring during a search-replace operation.

BlockInput(True) ' do not allow input during search and destroy
Dim cursorIcon As Cursor
cursorIcon = Cursor
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor

Then setting it to false at the end of the operation. It did not work, so I thought maybe it was because I was calling it from a child window, so I created a function in the mainwindow, and ran it like this:

FrmMain.BlockFrmMainInput()With these functions is the Main window:


It did not solve the problem. I thought maybe it was because I was running under the debugger, so I tried compiling and running it debugger-free, but that did not do any better. I am still getting input when I double-click the mouse on either form.

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Combine Byte Arrays, Read Specific Sections, And Then Cut Byte Array At Specified Point?

Apr 6, 2011

Objective: Combine byte arrays, read specific sections, and then cut byte array at specified point.

Private Sub DataArrival(ByRef aBot As xyzSocket, ByRef theData As Byte())
Dim RDLength As Int32
If aBot.ReceivedData Is Nothing Then[code]....

I'm not sure if I have this right to begin with because I can't test it without having it completed.

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MyAlgorithm - Encrypt And Decrypt Byte By Byte And Place A Asci Code In Bytes(0 To 255)

Dec 18, 2010

I create my algorthm and its finished but there is a problem, it encrypte all text and all text in a file but after decryption when i open my file (a video file)the player show all information about file(duration,size and ect) currectly but it dont play that my program encrypt and decrypt byte by byte and place a asci code in bytes(0 to 255)

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Change Byte() To Structs For Readability And Convert Struct To Byte Stream For Socket Send()

Dec 8, 2009

I just converted the following code from c# to It is functional and works correctly with my company's firmware/devices. My next challenge. Previous serialport code used much more readable structs which where then converted (after building a packet) into byte() automatically as part of the serialport encoding. (this is my understanding)How could I

1. morph byte arrays 'ToSocket' and 'ToMTP' below into structs and

2. convert into byte array for Socket.BeginSend(byte(),.....) to stream out to remote devices?

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Net.Sockets


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Error: Value Of Type Ƈ-dimensional Array Of Byte' Cannot Be Converted To 'Byte'

Jul 13, 2012

how to upload file using fileupload control into sql database. I have class where i created insert function and getting info frm the .aspx.vb file

Class File
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


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Truncating Data Types From Int To Byte, Transferring 8 LSBs To The Byte?

May 16, 2011

Is it possible in VB to truncate a larger data type ( an int with a value greater than 255) to a smaller one, say a Byte (which only goes up to 255) in a way such that the 8LSBs of the integer are copied to the newly created byte. I have tried this using CType with the following code, however it does not work.

Dim TestByte As Byte = CType(Test, Byte)
Where the variable "Test" is an integer with a value of 419. This code always results in the Overflow exception.


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Most Efficient Way To Merge 2 Byte Arrays Into 1 Byte Array?

Sep 20, 2011

I have 2 byte arrays. I want to merge these two byte array into 1 byte array.Usually, I just create a new byte array with length = byte array #1 + byte array #2. Then copy byte array #1 and #2 to the new byte I have more efficient way to merge 2 byte array using VB.NET and .Net 4?

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Value Of Type Ƈ-dimensional Array Of Byte' Cannot Be Converted To 'Byte'

Mar 30, 2009

I would like to create a function so that I can pass a string and it will return me the binary value, I will use this later in other parts of the script but I am getting an error that I don't understand.

Private Function ConvertToMD5(ByVal OldPassword As String) As Byte
Dim NewPassword As String = ""
'The string we wish to encrypt


On the "Return hashedDataBytes I get "Value of type '1-dimensional array of Byte' cannot be converted to 'Byte'"

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Convert A IntPrt To Byte Array (Byte())?

Nov 18, 2010

How could you convert a IntPrt to a Byte Array (Byte()) ?

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Convert Byte Array Into A String Like So Dim Byt As Byte()?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a byte array that I convert into a string like so Dim byt As Byte() = New Byte(255) {} s = New String(Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(byte))My question is when I look at the string in a debuger its clearly a normal string but when I compare it to what I know its supposed to be it doesnt equal. So i did a quick check and for some reason its return a string thats the length of 256 characters. So i did a s.trim and it still is 256 characters long.

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Converting Unsigned Byte To Signed Byte?

May 6, 2007

I would like to know how to convert a unisgned byte to signed byte

Atm I got this

Function readSignedByte() As SByte
Dim b As SByte


it doesn't work one that well works for numbers positive over 127 if lets say ReadByte() has 128 it would give overflow error which I don't want it to give I would like it to overflow the number to negivate value aka its signed value.

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Stuff 8 Bits Into One Byte Of An Array Of Byte

Oct 2, 2010

given my code below, I'm trying to figure out how to create an array of 1 byte containing 7 bits. So the byte in the array would contain 0111111 to correspond to mData_Out's boolean values. How would I change the following code? [Code]

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Translate This: Byte Intensity = (byte)(~(realDepth >> 4)); From C# To .NET?

Mar 14, 2012

I am trying to write some code to get a kinect for windows sample running, which is originally written in C#. I get stuck with translating the following C# code to VB.NET:

byte intensity = (byte)(~(realDepth >> 4));

What is the VB.NET equivalent for the code above? how to translate the "~" code sign.

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