Convert A Date And Time To Integer?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm trying to create a function which saves a file as the date and time in a integer value.[code]...

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C# - Convert A Date And Time To UTC Time Based On The Time Zone Of The User?

Sep 6, 2009

I have an ASP.NET application with a SQL Server back end. I am storing all my dates in UTC format and doing the appropriate conversions to the local time zone of the browser viewing it. One of the pages asks for a start date and end date (no times).

I am taking the start date and setting the time to 00:00:00 hours (midnight) and I'm taking the End time and adding a time of 23:59:59, so that the date range covers the whole day. Now what I'm trying to do is do a SQL query to do a search for records in this date range. The problem is, the data in SQL is in UTC time and the user is typing their dates and times in their local date and times. My quickest solution was to convert the date and time to UTC, then search the records. However, by doing this, I am to believe ASP.NET converts the given time and date to UTC based on the server time zone. How can I convert a date and time to UTC time based on the time zone of the user?

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Convert Date To Integer?

Feb 27, 2009

I would just like to convert a date, say February 27th, 2009 to its integer value of 39869. I've tried cInt(Today) but of course that's no good.

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C# - How To Convert Date To 8 Digit Integer

Feb 14, 2012

Im wondering if how to convert 02/14/2012 to this format '20120214'

I want do save date in my database in that format...because I see it more flexible

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Convert Excel Date To Sql Server Date Time Format Using ACE Provider?

Jun 24, 2011

I am attempting to import data in a batch from an Excel Worksheet to a Sql Server database. Everything works except for the one date field in the spreadsheet. The date returned is off by four years from the value in the spreadsheet. Example: The Excel sheet has a date 10/24/2010 14:18, but when I look at the column in my query, the date is 10/23/2006 2:18. This pattern, 4 years and 1 day earlier, is repeated for every row in the worksheet.

The Excel column comes to me as a custom type, formatted m/d/yyyy h:mm. I receive this from an outside vendor and having them change the column is not going to be my simplest solution.

For what it's worth, the relevent part of the query is:

Select [Date Created] From MyWorksheet

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How To Convert Integer To Time Format

Jan 18, 2011

I'm writing a timer application, and obviously, I'm using integers to track the time. I need to convert the integer to a time format, for display. I've tried the .ToString method, which didn't work.

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Format Date Time : Cannot Convert To Date

Dec 2, 2009

cant seem to get this to work , I am tryin gto get the date from last week exactly 7 days ago i get an error when i try this "cannot convert to date "

Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim dateTimeInfo As Date = Date.Now
MessageBox.Show(dateTimeInfo.Date.ToString(Format(DateAdd("", -7, "yyyyMMdd"))))
txtFileDate.Text = ""
End Sub

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Convert Date/time WMI?

Jun 15, 2010

how I can convert date time from dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS to this format 19900101000000.000000+**** as used by WMI? I'm trying to set a schedule for an advertisement in ConfigMgr 2007 using

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How To Convert To Date And Time

May 7, 2012

tried every thing i could think of with no luck so far, i know its got to be some thing in the logic of the conversion but i just cant see it.every thing works except this.[code...]

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Convert String Do Date/time?

Apr 24, 2009

i have a datetime field and i want to query it, how to i convert textbox strings to datetime?

Expecting that the user will enter something like dd-mm-yyyy

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Convert String To Date Time

Jun 17, 2011


I am trying to convert a string in the format "20110617111051" to date time. Currently I am using String.SubString() function to extract year, month, day, time to format a standard string and then using Convert.ToDateTime(string). Is there any other simple way to do this?


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Convert Time/ Date Into String?

Mar 12, 2009

i have a project that using vb2008 to do a room reservation .here is my problems...i am using datetimepicker to get the date only.for time,i using 2 combo box. first combo box i put o 1-12 inside and Am/pM for another combo boxand i make the date that is get by the combobox as1) a table called bookings,inside bookings there are fields called userid,bookingid,startime,endtime,startdate,enddate)for (startime,endtime,startdate,enddate)field i`m using textSo now,i want to make a search on the (startime,endtime,startdate,enddate) field,from the datetimepicker,and that i enter to gain the empty room that available to book?

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Convert Date Time To A Specific Timezone?

May 20, 2011

I need to convert the current date to unix but if I run my app in europe or in the US, I need to get the same unix time.To converto to Unix is not a problem, what I can't get it working is how to set the convert the curretn date and time to a specific timezone before converting to unix.

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Convert The Given String Into The Formatted Date And Time

Feb 28, 2011

I want my string s = "110218055515" converted into the datetime format as dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss.

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Datetime - Date Time Format Convert?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm getting date-time from a source as 20110731183330. I want to convert it to '7/31/2011 06:33:30 PM'. Is there a one line code for the same in

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How To Convert String To Date / Time Object

Feb 27, 2012

I have a string variable that contains "19:39:43", I would like to convert that to a date object. When I try I get a formatexception was unhandled error during debugging. I want to convert it to format of hours:minutes:seconds but cannot see how this can be done..

Code snippet:
Dim strtxt As String = "19:39:43"
Dim Datevar As Date = Date.ParseExact(strtxt, "HH:mm:ss tt", Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)
I tried just "HH:mm:ss" but not sure if that worked...

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Unable To Convert Chartype To Date Time

Oct 21, 2010

i keep getting the error unable to convert chartype to date time or Error incorrect syntax near 14.[code]Please any help on inserting a string into a datetime field in SQL Server.

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VS 2005 Convert Date And Time String?

Nov 30, 2009

How can I best convert date and time string with format like:

"11/25/2009 6:30 AM" to "20091125_063000AM" ?

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VS 2010 Convert String To Date / Time

Jan 30, 2012

could anybody point me in the right direction in regards to the following problem? I have some data that has time and date in form of ordinary string. The format is always the same, for instance:


How can I convert it to time understood by computer and check if given time is in the past of in the future in comparsion to current time on my computer? I would also like to be able to tell how much difference there is between the time from my data file and the current time. For instance to say "this time was 3 hours and 20 mintues ago".

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Convert Date Time To Seconds Or A Decimal Number?

Mar 24, 2010

I want to convert e.g. 21/06/2009 15:30:00 to seconds or a decimal number. Just like PHP, which uses a reference date (01JAN1970)

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Convert The Time Of Day Into A String That Contains A Military Formatted Date?

Apr 21, 2010

This seems so simple, but I can't get the answer. I need to get the current time in an hh:mm:ss or sss military format. By military format, I mean that if it is past noon, the hour is the PM time plus 12 (1 PM is 13, 5 PM is 17). I found this bit of code:


It returns the hour in AM/PM format. That is, if it is 4 PM, it returns 04 rather than 16). I can't find documentation on the hh:mm:ss mask. In fact I can't find a simple discussion on how to make the time of day property return time in various formats. After 3 hours of futzing around,

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Unable To Convert MySQL Value To System Date Time?

Aug 12, 2009

While I am running the following code
If rdrOnClick.Item("DOB") <> "" Then
dtpDOB.Value = rdrOnClick.Item("DOB"
End If
the error occur
Unable to convert MySQL date/time value to System.DateTime

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Conversion Failed When Convert Date / Time From Character String

Jun 17, 2011

This code blow give me this error:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

sqlstr = "select excute_main.*,cycle_main.cust_id,customers.name2 from excute_main,customers,cycle_main where date2 between '" & Format(MaskedTextBox1.Text, "MM-dd-yyyy") & "' and '" & Format(MaskedTextBox2.Text, "MM-dd-yyyy") & "' and and"

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Convert Forum Date And Time Strings To DateTime Structure?

Jun 7, 2011

Is there a framework class that converts the partial day strings on these forums to a DateTime? Examples are "a few seconds ago", "19 minutes ago" and 3" hours 26 minutes ago",

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Sql Server - Convert A Date And Time Into A MS SQL Select Query Using SelectParameters

May 29, 2009

I have this situation where I have a SqlDatasource control and the select query is like:

SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1 WHERE colDate = @date

The source of @date is a label with the text: 2009-05-29 12:06:00 I get the following error when I run the query:

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string

I tried using convert(datetime, @date), as well as different date/time formatting of the label itself. Everytime I get the error.

However, when I run the query in the management studio like:

SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1 WHERE colDate = '2009-05-29 12:06:00'

I found out that the @date is parsed as 05-29-2009 01:30:00 TT I don't know where the TT is coming from? And I'm sure SQL Server wouldn't be able to handle it?

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VS 2008 : Convert A 5 Character Time Representation To A Date Object?

Jun 16, 2010

I'm looking for a way to convert a 5 character time representation to a date object. ie. "0937a" should be "6/16/2010 9:37 AM" or "1215p" should be "6/16/2010 12:15 PM".

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VS 2008 Unable To Convert MYSQL Date/time Value To System.DateTime?

Dec 26, 2011

I need to display on my datagridview the data from MYSQL db, but I'm having a problem on a field which is in DATE format in mysql

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM tbl_user_log"
cmd.Connection = sqlcon
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader


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Convert These Datatypes: Date To String And Integer To String?

Sep 1, 2010

how can i convert these datatypes: date to string and integer to string.Because it must be in a string datatype when I display it in a datetimepicker and textbox.

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How Does DotNet Handle Parametrized Dates Where Programmatic Date Has No Time But Sql Date Has Time

Jul 16, 2010

Thought I'd see if Stack overflow is quicker than me testing something while I get a thousand interruptions from other work :)

I'm updating an old VB net application and trying to refactor some of the logic as I go. The app looks for data from a single date across a few tables and writes that view to a file.

Writing the query in SQL I'd get the equivalent of

WHERE CAST(FLOOR(CAST( AS float))AS datetime) = '15-Jul-2010'

Ideally I'd use

SELECT * FROM table WHERE date=@input

and add a date object as a parameter to a System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand instance

Are those two comparable? Will I get the results I expect?

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Record A Start Date And Time And Then The Stop Date And Time In A Rich Text Box

Jan 12, 2010

I am using VB 2008 and want to record a start date and time and then the stop date and time in a rich text box, i can get the start time into the box but so far can only stop the time instead of 2 seperate times, what i have is a drop down box with a list of computers 1-10 i was trying to get it so you picked a certain computer and that went into the text box then you started the timer and that was recorded, finally you stopped the timer and that was recorded but as i am a total newbie it does not work

Here is the code i have.

Public Class Form1
Dim time2 As Date


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