Create A New Instance Of A Control To Copy It?

Jan 27, 2010

I am trying to create an instance of a control to copy it.

Dim NewPanel As New Panel1

Is not working. When you create an instance like this, the "Panel1" wont show up in the list of classes, so it says "Panel1 is not defined".I have heard of control arrays dissappeared in VB2008,but still,is there any way to create a new instance / copy an already existing control or let a control appear like it was when you made it in VB so you can open multiple Panels like they are child forms?

EDIT: I know you can do:

Dim newPanel As New Panel
newPanel = Panel1

..but that's not what I want, because that makes you can't edit the controls inside the new panel.

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Create Another Instance Of A Control?

Jun 9, 2011

Is it possible to create other instances of an existing control and put them into an array?

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Transfer Control To The New Instance In A Single Instance Application?

Jul 15, 2011

I have a single instance VB 2010 application I know how to communicate with the next instances run through the StartupNextInstance application event. The usual way of working with this is parsing command line arguments of the new instance and continue execution of the old instance. What I would like to do is replace the running instance with the new one. Is there any way to do this other than disabling the single instance property ?

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VS 2008 Object Data - Create A Class And Create A Instance Of CarData?

Nov 28, 2010

I want to create a class is it where I can do...


How do I do this? Do i create a class and create a instance of CarData? but how do I add Color and Year etc to it?

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Copy Byte Array To Memory Location Of A Instance Of A Class?

May 25, 2012

I am trying to copy a byte array into a Class that is in a third party library

Dim usr As New RSI_USER_RECORD Dim ba(RSI_USER_RECORD.RSI_LEN_USER_REC - 1) As Byte 'populate ba here usr = ba 'how can I do this? Is this even possible?

Here is the definition of the class (from Reflector)


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One Trigger A Click Event In A UserControl From The Main Form's Tab Index Control That Contains An Instance Of The User Control?

Jan 5, 2011

The code is listed below which hopefully illustrates what I'm trying to do:[code]....

View 12 Replies

Copy To The Clipboard Using CNTRL/C On A Menustrip - Copying Text From One Control To Another Control On A MDI Child Form?

Aug 19, 2009

I am still messing around with Cntrl/Copy and Paste from a menustrip. Paste is working fine. The copy is working to a certain extent. It will copy the complete text field from one control to another. how do I determine what is the selected text only. My code below:

Private Sub CopyToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles CopyToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim activeChild As Form = Me.ActiveMdiChild ' Determine the active child form.
Dim activeControl As Control = activeChild.ActiveControl


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Create A New Instance In MEF

Aug 29, 2011

I am using MEF for Plug-in, I made one class PluginManager which has propety<ImportMany()>Public Property Plugins() As Lazy(Of IPlugin, IPluginExport)() Now want to create a new instance of when i query from plugins, I have already set PartCreationpolicy as Nonshared, but still its not working.

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Cannot Create An Instance Of My Class

Feb 24, 2010

I am working on an ASP.Net 3.5 solution that I did not originally build. I added a class file named Incident.vb to the App_Code folder like I always do.But in my code behind of a web page, I usually create an instance of a class like:

Dim oIncident as New Incident

But after I type "New", normally I would see my class file he intellisense but I do not. So it does not seem to be able to find Incident.vb. I have not seen this behavior before. Trust me, my class is correct. I have created many class files like this.[code]...

View 9 Replies

Could Not Create Instance Of Type

Jun 5, 2011

I have created a UserControl Popup window and called that xaml file into another file. Imported the namespace.When I am trying to build this project an error at this below given code:

<Popup x:Name="POP" IsOpen="False" PlacementTarget="{Binding}" Placement="Center" AllowsTransparency="True">
<a:PopUpWindow x:Name="pp" />

Error at

<a:PopUpWindow x:Name="pp" />

Could not create an instance of type 'PopUpWindow'.

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Create Another Instance/variable For Each Row?

Aug 4, 2009

I have a for next loop looping through a dataset.I want to create an instantce of a class for each row.How can I create another instance/variable for each row?

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User Control Not Set To Instance

May 22, 2010

I've created a user control (an "extended" rich text box: extended with standard editing). I used the same procedure I used to previously create a different user control (which works just fine)

That is, I:
- Create a Class Library project
- Then Add New Item> User Control
- Then delete the initial class that was added automatically (usually named Class1.vb)
- Put all of my code and components into the user control class.

It was running (with start degugging in the IDE), but I must have done something different since I now get an error:
"Failed to create user control ExtendedRTFBox.ExtendedRTFBox
The error message was 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'

I tried explicitly creating a public new in the 'ExtendedRTFBox' user conrol. I tried adding a class and adding a dim textBox as New ExtendedRTFBox. I cannot add a starup object in the project properties application tab.

View 9 Replies - How To Create Instance Of Class In Different Methods

Aug 3, 2011

Do I have to instantiate description every time for different method? Or should I use static? Here's how I'm doing this now: What is the best way of handling this kind of situations. it seems that I repeat this line:Dim description As BLLDescription = New BLLDescription() without any good reasn.

Protected Sub Button8_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click
Dim description As BLLDescription = New BLLDescription()


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Cannot Create Instance Of Abstract Class

Mar 31, 2010

I am trying to compile the following code and i am getting the error[code]...

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Create A New Instance Of A Type Given As Parameter?

Mar 7, 2010

I've searched for an answer and found some c#-examples, but could not get this running in

I thought of something like the following[code]...

I know, I can create a new instance with the Activator.Create... methods, but how to create an array of this type or just declare a new variable?

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Create An Instance Of An Object/webpage?

Jun 7, 2011

if i create an instance of an object/webpage, is that a complete new object/page based on the original or does it does it just make it accessible? i am almost sure that it creates a new object/page but i would like confirmation. in other words what is the result of this code?

dim Page2 as new Page1
dim Page3 as new Page1

would this create 2 new pages that i can "customize" separately and add different controls to each? heres a brief description of what i want to happen:the user will be viewing Page1 and when he clicks btnCreate i want a page that i created in the designer to be shown and its name and other variables to be determined by what the user chose for room options in Page1. i need "new versions" of this page to be created because multiple users will be creating multiple rooms. i understand that there are more lines of code involved in creating pages and i do have more questions regarding those but i will wait until i confirm that dim Page2 as new Page1 will create a new page. like i said im sure that this does create a new page but i need confirmation. also if it does create a new page, how do i get it to show. i know that response.redirect will redirect me to a dif page but i want show this new room on top of the old one.

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Create New Instance Of Sql Serverat Programmatically

Mar 7, 2009

i need to programmatic ally create new instance of sql server in develop the database management project. i need new instance at windows authentication.

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How To Create A Public Instance Method

Aug 21, 2009

I'm working through a book that does not provide a lot of example code and what it does provide is in C#. The book refs vs 2005 but I'm using vs2008. The author asks for the user to create a solution with two projects, one winforms and the other a class library (called DependentAssm). The class library is added as a reference to the winforms project In the class library, he asks one to create a new class called SayHelloComp. The project created a file called class1.vb, and a class called class1 which I renamed to SayHelloComp. I left the file name alone, that's ok right?

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How To Create New Instance Of Web Service / Config

Sep 2, 2010

So I get thrown an exception right when I try to create a new instance of my Web Service that says:

"Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'KBBVehicleService.IVehicleInformationService' in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no configuration file was found for your application, or because no endpoint element matching this contract could be found in the client element."

This is a web service that will connect to Kelley Blue Book. I know I need a new endpoint entry in my Web.Config, but what does this look like? The one I added looks like this:
<endpoint address="http://localhost:3300/KBB.svc" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_Default" contract="Services.Client.IVehicleInformationService"/>
But it doesn't work. Still throws the same exception at the same place.

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Use New Keyword To Create Object Instance

Apr 18, 2011

I keep having error message at
ArrayGroup(count).dateDate = valueListString(0),

Structure dataAttribute
Dim dateDate As Date
Dim timeString As String
Dim volString As String
Dim openString As String
[Code] .....

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Use The New Keyword To Create An Object Instance?

Jan 7, 2010

when i compile my code i got "use the new keyword to create an object instance" at this line " accounts1(sd).Name = textBoxUser.Text"

My code is below.

Private Sub buttonSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles buttonSave.Click
If comboBoxAccounts.SelectedIndex >= 0 Then


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Using New Keyword To Create Object Instance

Sep 18, 2010

Private Sub textadd(ByVal sender as Object, ByVal e as System.Windows.Controls.TextChangedEventArgs)
txtfirstname.Text = txtdisplayname.Text
'TODO: Add event handler implementation here.
End Sub

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VS 2008 Use A Dll In My Project Without Having To Create An Instance Of The Dll?

Nov 18, 2009

is it possible to use a dll in my project without having to create an instance of the dll? for example I have a dll that has three basic math functions:


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VS 2008 When To Create A New Class Instance

Jun 22, 2010

I understand if i was to create my own class i would need to declare a variable with the new keyword to create an object to access the encapsulated methods properties etc, unless they were declared shared.

dim myVar as myClass = new myClass

But in this next example is where i have become confused. i have added the mschart control to the form and used the hittest function with the following code.

Dim myVar as hittestresult
myvar = me.chart1.hittest(e.x,e.y)

Why wasn't it necessary to create a new instance of the class 1st. Does the hittest function return an object or a reference pointer to the object. To clarify what's the protocol for when & when not to create a new instance of the class in use.

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Doc Opens In New IE Instance Not Web Browser Control?

Jan 18, 2009

I'm just starting to write a program to manipulate some intranet based databases using the web browser control, but have a problem with one specific database.I can log in from the start page of this database from my browser but it then opens in a new instance of IE (I think it's the java code (not java script) which does this when the page loads).How do I get it to open in my browser?OK, I can manipluate it with a doc object, but would prefer to do it in my browser for consistency, as the other databases open fine in my brower.I can't be more specific but could post the html text if necessary.Currently using the built in web control with VS2005 running on XP.

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Create A New Instance Of The Moblist Class Each Pass?

Jan 13, 2011

I have an application that reads another processes memory.I initially had multiple scanning threads for the various areas I needed to read.This was processor intensive so I decided to go with the observer pattern.All was well except that I am having a weird behavior.Here is what is happening.I have 2 radars (overlay and mapped)Both have a watcher class that attaches to the memory scanner and is notified on a new list of I open radar 1 (mapped) it attaches it's watcher to the scanner and waits for mob list update notifications

Open radar 2 (overlay). same thing happens and another watcher is attached.all is well and good so far.Now there are properies on the mobs in the list, one of which is IsFilteredOut.This property is set in the radar code after it receives the list. Now the weird behavior is that no matter what I do, the second radar to be opened changes all the properties of the mobs in the list of both radars.It is as if I am passing the list by ref, but I am not.I actually create a new instance of the moblist class every time I pass the list.Here is the notify code. As you can see I create a new instance of the moblist class each pass.

Private Sub NotifyMobListUpdated(ByVal Mobs As List(Of MobData))
If Mobs IsNot Nothing Then
For Each w As Watcher In _watchers[code].....

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Create A New Instance Of The Windows Media Player?

Dec 13, 2009

I do not want a Windows Media Player control on my form. I am making an alarm clock. I have tried this: <code>Friend WithEvents WindowsMediaPlayer As New Microsoft.Win32.</code>

But I do not see a Windows Media Player member.

I also asked on StackOverflow.

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Create An Instance Of A Text Box And Given The Name Of Another, Change The Visibility?

Aug 7, 2009

I have a hash table which contains the names of all my textboxes in my program. Then I have a function which takes in a string name of the text box and searches a the list of keys for the name. Once this name is found I would like to use the instance of the text box to be assigned the name of my target and change the visibility. Whereas if it isn't found I would like to ensure that the visibility is set to false with this instance of the textbox.

Private Sub HideBoxes(ByVal strName As String)
Dim thisTEXT As TextBox
For Each objKey In Hash.Keys
If objKey.ToString = strName Then


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Create And Instance Of A Dictionary (Of K,V) With Activator.CreateInstance?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm trying to create a new instance of a Dictionary(Of String, ??) based on a ItemType variable I have. How do I construct the DictType so that I can use Activator to create an Instance of the type I'm after?

Dim ItemType As Type ' Data type of dictionary value
Dim DictType As Type = ???? ' Dictionary(of String, ItemType)
Dim NewDict = Activator.CreateInstance(DictType)

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VS 2008 Create A New Instance Of Table Adapter?

Sep 23, 2009

I have 3 controls sharing the same Bindingsource.Each control will require a different parameter for the query call to the DB to populate the proper controls data.However each control is filled with the same data and using one ctrl has the same effect to the thre controls. The controls all mirror can i create a new instance of the table adapter?

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