Creating Executables In VB?

Nov 19, 2009

I am working on a project where I am required to create four executables from the solutions I have been working on and I am unable to get them to work on an alternative computer.

When I use the publish tool and publish them on my desktop they work without any problem but if I put these on a sub folder or on another computer then they do not work, I have been told that I need to create an installer file .AS or something but I am unsure how to go about it

I would be very grateful if someone could tell me how I can create an executable that will run on any computer other than the one it has been developed on.

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Visual Studio 2010 Creating Executables On Multiple OS

Mar 1, 2012

I am converting an older software package written in VB 6 to VS 2010.Not to incredibly painful but planning for the future as we have had lets say a few issues with VB 6 on our current layout of multiple OS and this is my first real project lead.We are a smaller job shop and we move on a rotation of new PC's/OS's come in to replace broken or exhausted older PC's in the front office and move the older PC's out to the shop floor.We have an array of different OS's ranging from Windows 98 and Windows 7 (32 bit and 64 bit OS). By the time I am done with the conversion we should be sitting comfortable with a range of PC's from XP and up. When creating the executable for my project is this something that can be handled ahead of time, creating multiple executables for specified OS, or an all in one package executable?I was looking to see what people had as suggestions at handling this.We haven't even bought VS yet and are looking at the VS 2010 Premium package, do I need Ultimate?

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VS 2008 Run Executables With Options?

Dec 7, 2010

1. i have a panel on a windows form with picture boxes in.I wish to click on one and open a specific directory on my pc , much like clicking on one in explorer.

2. is it possible to run executables with options? i.e wmplayer.exe" /prefetch:1 if i use shell it throws an error obviously.

3. is it possible to open windowsa control panel items from within my program,like network and sharing. I am using win7 and VB2008

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Display Icons From Shortcuts Or Executables

Aug 27, 2009

what i want to do, is have a user select a file. And then the program displays the icon associated with that particular file. Would this be hard to do? And if its easy, can somebody give me an idea on where to start?

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Make A Program To Generate Executables?

Jun 29, 2011

I need an application that generates executables with another code

How can I do this in

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VS 2005 Error Running Executables

Mar 23, 2009

whats is the problem when im encountering this message? or i have problem in installation? what is missing?

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Add An Application Executables To The Windows Context Menu /explorer Right Click?

Jul 21, 2010

I have developed a window application in VB.Net now i want to add my executables to the windows explorer right click that whenever user right clicks on any folder or any file then in the menu litst mu application executables should be there.How do i achieve this in the

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Creating Array With Two Values Or Its Creating To String Index Which Will Take Value Later?

Dec 30, 2009

please tell me what is below code doing? is it creating array with two values or its creating to string index which will take value later? [code]

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Creating A Reg Key?

Oct 24, 2011

This is my first time so please be gentle. I hope this is in the correct place.Basically I want create a reg key that will effectively add a site to the trusted zone of IE.I have got so far and can create the key but I want it to create a REG_DWORD and not a REG_SZ. My code is:


I only have a very basic knowledge of VB but am trying. Basically I want to run a script that will add this website to the trusted site of users. We will have hundreds who need this and want to create a script to speed it along. I will be adding other things to the script as time goes on but this is the first step.

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Creating An Web API In ASP.Net

Jul 7, 2009

I'm looking to create an API for a website I have built. The API will be built in ASP.Net - probably using VB and will need to be consumed by multiple platforms including PHP. I've read a bit about REST vs. SOAP APIs and am confused about which route I should go. I also need some examples and frameworks I can use to get started.

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Creating And Using A C DLL For VB?

Jun 3, 2011

I am trying to learn how to create a DLL in C (using Visual C++ 2010) for use in Visual Basic (2008 Express). I am a novice programmer, so please bear with me. My objective is to learn how to do starting with a very simple function, and I foundC++.html This examples presented in that tutorial are for Visual C++ 6 and VB6. I know there are differences between VB6 and VB2008, so maybe this is why I am running into problems following this example. In Visual C++, I created the DLL as a Win32 project. The function is simply summing two integers. I put the function "sum" in the source file "dllmain.cpp."

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Creating DB Using ORM

Jan 8, 2010

Is there any C# .NET ORM that can create databases? It should be capable of creating MS + MySQL + PostGre + Oracle databases at least.And I don't mean tables or schemas, I mean the database only.I use nHibernate, but it can only create tables and schemas, and query/insert but not creating the database itself.

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Creating Your Own MSN

Aug 1, 2011

I am wanting to build my own version of MSN complete with server etc, I was wondering if anyone had any basic tutorials etc? I dont plan on making it open to the public and it will be purely for learning, just looking for something to do now that I have made my own version of paint, advanced web browser, media players etc... just looking for my next learning curve.

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.net - Creating A UDP Packet?

Mar 10, 2009

I'm building a simple udp lan chat application in and I'm wondering how I should split my packets. Each sent packet should have like an id, a username and ip address from where it's coming and maybe also a command part for like join or leave to update my userlist and a text message. I'd like to know what is the easiest way to put all this in a simple packet then easily split and access different parts from it when it's received. thanks.I'm using UDP since this is only in lan so i'm broadcasting to *.*.*.255

What I want to know is what would be the most easy and powerful way to format my packets so they include a username , an id, a command and a text message, then the user receiving it decrypt it to show only the message written by which user or if it's a command like join or leave to show the appropriate message of joining and add the user to the list for exemple.

View 2 Replies - Creating A Doc File From .net Web App?

Jun 3, 2011

I have a web app, and I need to give my users the facility to download a ms-word .doc file. This file needs to be created dynamically, and should contain some bold text and a table.

I've come across this code, which builds a .doc file, and lets you download it:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim strFileName As String = "GenerateDocument" + ".doc"


...but I don't know how to make the text bold, or create a table. I'm sure there's a better way.

View 1 Replies - Creating A Progress Bar?

May 31, 2012

What im looking to to is in my web application build a progress bar similar to that in the window.form controls.

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Best Way For Creating Quiz

Jun 21, 2010

I would like to create a quiz and wonder what is the best way.

1. Using a textfile to read in the questions/answer
2. Using radio buttons
3. Or something else you suggest?

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C# - Creating Own Exceptions?

Oct 24, 2010

I'd like some advice on building in known errors. Let's say I have a Windows form that needs to set the source path of an image in an object. It must be:

A valid path
An image


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C# - Excel Not Creating?

Mar 31, 2010

i am trying to run the following code :

Excel.Application xlApp;
Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook;
Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet;


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Creating A .exe File?

Jan 6, 2011

notepad file means that is used for .java file and .txt this files should be converted into .exe file using the, if its required software is not installed in any pc, that file will be opened without its installation s/w....I know this is used without the code.. creating a .exe file i hav to write a code..

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Creating A Big List?

Jul 20, 2011

I want to create a big list box that has lots of default values in many lines so they can then be edited later.Right now I have in my initializer:

Dim counter As Integer = 0
For counter = 0 To counter = totalNumber
listBoxThingy.Items(counter) = ("DEFAULT DETAILS TO BE COMPLETED")

with my list box called listBoxThingy and totalNumber a previously defined constant of how many items I want in my list box.yet when I try to run the code I always just end up with the first list value containing the text.Even if I put a counter=counter+1 it still only gives me the one completed value of my list box?

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Creating A Code In VB?

May 19, 2010

I am having difficulty trying to come up with the code logic for having program calculate three different runners scores and placing them as First, second or third place standings, dependent on their times (seconds).

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Creating A Confirmation Box In VB?

May 17, 2011

How can I create a confirmation popup box into my Windows Form project? I use SQL Server Compact and Visual Studio 2008 Pro.At the moment I have some buttons and operations that delete selected rows straight from my database.

What I want to do, is have those buttons continue with the coded operation if the user clicks "OK" on the confirmation box.The box should be like the MsgBox, but with two selections: "OK" and "CANCEL".

P.S. I have several places to include that confirmation operation.

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Creating A Cookie

Jul 29, 2009

is there any way to create a cookie using

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Creating A CSV Reader?

Jan 18, 2010

Creating a CSV reader?

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Creating A Database On The Fly?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm trying to develop 2 companion applications. One application will be a FileSystemWatcher service application that will create/maintain a database containing file metadata (file properties) from a specific folder structure on the user's C drive. The other application is executed by the user which contains edit boxes pertaining to the metadata. As the user enters data in the edit boxes, the code will execute an SQL statement which in turn will display a list of file matching the entered criteria.

I'm thinking about using Microsoft Access as the database since all users have it but I'm willing to use another database format as long as it something intrinsic to the Windows XP 64 bit system (i.e. I don't want to install another database application in order to utilize its database format). So, do you have a suggestion on a database format? Do you have some pointers or links, on how to create database file and tables on the fly? Should I use DAO or ADO or something else? I'd prefer to work in VB.NET.

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Creating A DLL 2008 That Can Be Used By VBA

Jun 21, 2010

I created a new class project. I added a new COM object.The .ddl contains a single Public Function and one Public method. The method contains one line of code, a msgbox.I have "Register for COM interop" checked in the Project>Configuration>Compile page.I have ComVisible(true) in the AsseblyInfo.vb file.I use RegAsm to register the .dll and the .tlbI have used RegAsm to create a .reg file and then imorted successfully into the registry. If I open Excel, and go to Macro I cannot add the .dll as a refernce. The exact message I get is "Can't add a refernce to a specified file".I can reference the .tlb file and the Intelisense works. However, when the Excel Macro code runs I get the error, "Can't find file".I don't really expect anyone to download it to solve my problem. But if you become as frustrated as I am, I thought it might help to see the actual files. Be aware that I enclosed the .reg file from the RegAsm process. You can view it by opening notepad first and browsing for it. Do not click on the .reg file as I think that might modify your registry.

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Creating A DLL From Project?

Mar 20, 2009

im trying to create a .dll called PDTKey.dll (for example) that will hold all of my applications Product Keys..and when the user inserts a Product key into the main searchs in PDTKey.dll to see if the Poduct key specified is there..

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Creating A EXE File?

May 7, 2009

Assuming i had written a program in vb 2005 than i wan to let other ppl on other computer use but they dont have vb 2005 installed .Therefore i would like to be advise on how to create a setup or exe file so the user on other computer can just double click the exe and install and start using the program i create in vb 2005 without installing vb 2005

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Creating A Label On The Fly?

Feb 22, 2010

I've no problem dragging and dropping controls to a form, but what I am trying to do at the moment is create a simple label and display it at run time. Since the form doesn't exist at compile time, it isn't shown as a member of my basic form in the drop down on VB2008 and, of course, doesn't appear before the program is run.No problem creating the label and assigning property values (size, position and text etc.) in my program, but for some reason I cannot get it to display. Checked inherited properties such as visible and everything looks ok. No exceptions are thrown, all is well but the label never appears.Here's the code for display...label 2 is an existing visible label, a member of the form. Perhaps I am goofing in not making label3 a member of the form as well?

'place label near label 2
label3.Location = New Point(Me.Label2.Location.X + 20, Me.Label2.Location.Y + 20)
label3.Size = New Size(75, 75)
label3.Text = "here I am, Ma!"

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