DataGridView - How To Create Graph Or Radar System

Jul 12, 2010

I'm developing an application with Visual Basic. NET. How do I create a graph or a radar system that uses data from a DataGridView?

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Create Graph In VB?

Jul 9, 2010

A part of my project is related to the dynamic data that stored in excel or access (anyone). i need to create a program which can automatically display the graph for these data. Just let say there are three data in excel or access[code]...

how can i display the graph for these data in visual basic?

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How To Create A Graph In VB9.0

May 11, 2009

I want to plot X,Y points by using visual basic. Which command do I use? Do I need to import a specific component? I don't' want to use use Excel.

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Create The Bar Graph With Each Store's Name?

Oct 14, 2011

I'm having trouble figuring out the logic to this problem:Thus, you can create the bar graph with each store's name, and a separate label that has the sales information for each store. Since each asterisk represents $100 sales, you can just do # of sales mod 100 to get the number of asterisks you need for that store, then loop and add asterisks until the label has the correct number of asterisks. Repeat for each store input that the user gives.


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VS 2008 Create A Bar Graph

Jul 12, 2009

I want to know if it is possible to create a bargraph in based on the values retrived from the database? [code]What I want to do in VB.Net windows application is to create a bar chart based on the data retrieved from the database.

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Create A Graph From A Text File?

May 9, 2012

I need to create a graph from a text file. The format of the text file is like this[code]...

Basicaly i need to import this data in, the first 4 lines are values for a formula. The remaining values are to be put into a fomula and then graph the result!! Obviously i'm a beginner so just learning as much as i can from the web

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Create A Graph Line With 3 Different Series?

Jun 21, 2010

I want to picture a line graph based on my array. I can create a graph line with 3 different series, but I don't get my exact chart as in excel. As can be seen from graph in the attachment. It has additional lines. I want just the 3 curved lines, but i don't know why it create other lines. Here is the code I used:

ReDim dataGraph(2, UPPER + 1)


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Create Line Graph And VB 2005?

Feb 12, 2010

I am currently using visual basic 2005 and i am wondering if it is possilbe to create a line graph using data similar to for example Week 1 = 40, Week 2 = 40, etc....and the Weeks as cross the X axis and the numbers from 1 to 100 on the Y this possible to implement in visual basic?

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VB 2008 - How To Create Graph And Find Out Top Value

Jun 22, 2009

I am now using VB2008 + MS Access 2007 to complete a small applicaiton.I was make use of access 's information to export the information from Access to the vb's database. I had completed the function of search the stock. However, I don't know how to create the chart in Visual Basic 2008 express version. I have downloaded the MS Chart, but I don't know how to make use of it. My objective is creating the chart that can search from month to month. Of course, the data will be updated monthly. My second question is how to build up the query that can search the top value in the Visual Basic. I know how to create in the MS Access. But I want to create the top value that can be change in visual basic, such as sometimes 10,20 or 30. Or I need to create in the MS Access, but not the VB 2008??

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VS 2008 Create A Graph In A Form?

Nov 19, 2009

I need to read a text file with 100 data points across different parameters and use VB to select two variables to compare on a line graph.

1) How do I read a text file into a form?

2) How do I create a graph with the proper labels?

3) How do I choose the x and y axes when given several data sets to analyze?

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Create A Line Graph Using Information From Database

Aug 31, 2009

How to create a line graph in VB 2005? I will get the data from database and plot a line graph with the information i get from the database and display it out. I know i can use Microsoft chart control but i don't really know how to use that.

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VS 2008 Create A Graph By Using Data From A Database?

Jul 24, 2009

Is it possible to create a graph by using data from a database?

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Create A Graph For Amount Of Data Coming Per Second In Computer From LAN?

Jun 17, 2009

how to create graph using .actually i have to creat a graph for amount of data coming per second in my computer from my LAN ?

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Create Plotted Line Graph In Windows Application?

Aug 25, 2011

How can be create plotted line chart in windows application.In that type of graph how can be taken input values?

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How Can Be Create Plotted Line Graph In Windows Application

Aug 25, 2011

How can be create plotted line chart in windows application.In that type of graph how can be taken input values?

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Draw A Dot (with XY Position) In Radar?

Jun 16, 2010

How to draw a dot (with XY position) in the radar?[code]..

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Build A Radar Connected To Laptop

Feb 20, 2009

I'd like to build a radar connected to my laptop. I know there are computer programs that will allow me to do that, but as far as I know they require the radar to be operated via a built-in computer, but I want my laptop to act as its computer. How do I do this?

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Create A Graphicspath To Hold Line Information On Graph Upto 10 Minutes?

Feb 1, 2010

I have written a simple program which receive data from serial port i.e (temperature) and display on a line graph. but i require accumlate the graph data upto 10 minutes on screen. after that it again accumlate next 10 minutes data.[code]....

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Displaying Data Graphically (Ultrasonic Radar)?

Mar 20, 2012

I'm working on an ultrasonic sonar and I would like to use the computer to display a standard green radar system detecting the objects.I'm using a micro controller with the software written in C to send out the sensor's angle and position and it works fine.On the computer side, I'm using Visual Basic 2010 to read the COM port which then contains the sensor's data in numbers (sensor's angle and distance between sensor and object) which is a constant stream. On the debug screen (Textbox) I can already see all the data coming through.

Now my question is: How do I convert those numbers into graphics?More explanations about these numbers I want to convert:I have a step motor to rotate the ultrasonic sensor, and it works that way: The motor advances 1 step forward, then measure distance between sensor and object, then send these 2 values out. So, if you see the attached file, those numbers on the text box mean:

000032 -> 000: step number & 032: 32cm between sensor and object
001031 -> 001: step number & 031: 31cm between sensor and object
002032 -> 002: step number & 032: 32cm between sensor and object
003007 -> 003: step number & 007: 7cm between sensor and object
and so on...

So those are the numbers I wish to convert into graphics. The scan line would need to rotate clockwise at same speed of the step motor. And then I would like to display dots when an object is detected.

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Interface And Graphics :: Draw A Dot (with XY Position) In The Radar?

Jun 16, 2010

how to draw a dot (with XY position) in the radar.

' Draw the radar plot.
Private Sub picCanvas_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles picCanvas.Paint
' Generate coordinates for the points.


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Interface And Graphics :: Displaying Data Graphically (Ultrasonic Radar)?

Mar 15, 2012

I'm working on an ultrasonic sonar and I would like to use the computer to display a standard green radar system detecting the objects. I'm using a micro controller with the software written in C to send out the sensor's angle and position and it works fine.On the computer side, I'm using Visual Basic 2010 to read the COM port which then contains the sensor's data in numbers (sensor's angle and distance between sensor and object)which is a constant stream. On the debug screen (Textbox) I can already see all the data coming through.Now my question is: How do I convert those numbers into graphics?

More explanations about these numbers I want to convert:I have a step motor to rotate the ultrasonic sensor, and it works that way:The motor advances 1 step forward, then measure distance between sensor and object, then send these 2 values out.So, if you see the attached file, those numbers on the text box mean:

000032 -> 000: step number & 032: 32cm between sensor and object
001031 -> 001: step number & 031: 31cm between sensor and object
002032 -> 002: step number & 032: 32cm between sensor and object
003007 -> 003: step number & 007: 7cm between sensor and object
and so on...

So those are the numbers I wish to convert into graphics. The scan line would need to rotate clockwise at same speed of the step motor. And then I would like to display dots when an object is detected

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Use Zed Graph Web To Graph A Dataset Or Datatable?

Feb 23, 2011

How can i use zed graph web to graph a dataset or datatable, the only examples i have found use test data.

View 2 Replies - .Net Iniatialising A Class Using System.Reflection And System.Type To Create A Session Based Singlton Extension Method

Jun 11, 2009

I have had several occasions recently to access a specific class several times over a relatively small time frame.So I've been storing the value of the class in Session and trying to access it on page load, if it's not available creating a new instance and storing that in session.

So instead of constantly replicating the same code for different classes on different pages I'm trying to create an extension method to do this for me.


I'm stuck on what to do when I make my new instance of my class (it would have to have a New() sub)

I'm not sure where to go from here... or even if this is the best way to do it.

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Create A Graph Where The User Can Input Data Into Textboxes And Then Plot The Data?

Jun 15, 2009

I'm just trying to create a graph where the user can input data into textboxes and then plot the data. I am attempting to use Zedgraph, but open to other suggestions. The program below creates a plot, but it won't update when the textboxes are updated.

Imports ZedGraph
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Create A Folder In A Networked System From Another System?

Sep 17, 2009

i want to save a jpeg file from one system to another system which is connected through network.its in a windows target system's name is "abc".how can i do this ?

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How To Use Data And Create A 2d Line Graph From That Data

Oct 4, 2011

I am using Visual basic express 2010. I have a set of data in a text file and I want to read that text file into the visual basic and create a chart. I am able to import the data into visual basic but I don't know how to use that data and create a 2d line graph from that data. [code]What I want to do in visual basic is create a chart like the chart created by microsoft excel.

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Draw Bar Graph - Draw A Graph Except MSChart Tool?

Jul 2, 2009

I have to draw a bar graph in my program. I used AxMSChart to create a graph. Everything has gone fine but when i published this and run on Vista PC, all form was good except my form includes MSChart. It says class not registered.So i have to draw a graph except MSChart tool.

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Create A New DataGridView Control For Each New Row In Another Datagridview?

Sep 24, 2011

I have a DataGridView control (DataGridView6) that displays a list of managers. I want to generate a new DataGridView everytime I add a new manager to the list and put it in a specific place on my form.

EDIT: say if i have a main datagridview, and i want to add another datagridview of the same size directly below it, how would i achieve this using the event handler method described in your answer below? im not sure if this is the most efficient way of displaying new members in the program though...

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Create A Login System Using SQL?

Oct 23, 2011

I have recently set up a YouTube account where I will post various tutorials on how to make several programs. Code languages will very from Visual Basic to C++. I have just posted a video on how to Create a login system using SQL (In Visual Basic).

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Create A Login System?

Dec 26, 2011

I've been looking all over for a MySql Database Login tutorial. Does anyone know how to create a login system (Using and mysql)?

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