Declaring & Initializing String Array?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm trying to return an array of strings from a function, and got surprised by an error.

I would have expected this to work, but it produces an error:

Public Function TestError() As String()
Return {"foo", "bar"}
End Function


I guess I'm unclear on the meaning of the {}'s - is there a way to implicitly return a string array without explicitly creating & initializing it?

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Initializing An Array On The Fly

Mar 12, 2009

I wrote this - very simple - function, and then wondered does VB have some pre-built functionality to do this, but couldn't find anything specific.


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Initializing A Two-dimensional Array

Nov 12, 2011

Here are the facts: Consider the following program. Sub Main()


Compiling the program in Visual Basic Express produces no errors. However, if the program is imported into the Excel Developer environment; I get the following error: Expected: end of statement with the equal sign highlighted. A side comment: About eight years ago, I wrote a Visual Basic simulation program to study financial trends. I found that version of Visual Basic user frendly! I find the 2010 version very difficult for doing simular projects.

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Initializing Performance Counters In Array

Jun 23, 2011

My first try was to init performance counters in an array, which didnt work. Then I read up on performance counters and from that reading, the constructors are such that performance counters cannot be put in arrays. What does one do for multiprocessing?

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What Is The Syntax For Initializing A SQLParameter Array

Sep 4, 2011

It has been way to long since I have been involved in VB so I need some help here. I have the following in my C# code


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Difference Between Using The 'array' Class In VB And Just Declaring An Array Like Normal?

Mar 12, 2010

What is the difference between using the 'array' class in VB and just declaring an array like normal. In other words, what is the difference between:

Dim numOfTicketsPerDay As Array
Dim intNumOfTicketsPerDay(6)
As Integer

Is there any preference of when one should be used over another?

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Creating Database And Connection String While Setup Or Initializing?

Mar 26, 2012

I am creating a desktop application in by using visual studio 2008 and using ms sql 2008 as back end for my database.As I am creating application on my own system I know my connection string and I have created database manually on my system.

What I want is, when user install application on its system, the database created dynamically at that time on his system and he must enter server name, username and password for ms sql server that application should store for future use.If not at installation, it should atleast check and create database, everytime the user open the application.

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Declaring An Array In .net?

Apr 7, 2010

I have 12 checkboxes jan, feb, ..... dec i want to display the checked checkboxes into a file i know how to write in the file but the format of displaying checkboxes is as follows if i checked jan, feb,march and april then output is jan,feb,march,april here my problem is how to collect checked value in array , and how to put comma betweem them.

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Bytearray :: Declaring A Byte Array?

Oct 13, 2010

When declaring a byte array, what is the difference between the following? Is there one, or are these just two different ways of going about the same thing?

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Declaring A Variable Length Array?

Apr 26, 2010

I am new to VB.NET but used to write a lot of code in VB 6.

How do i declare a variable length array in VB.NET?

In VB6, i would just put:

Dim sArrayList() As String

But when I do that in VB.NET, it highlights my array name and says "unused local variable". What do I need to do to get it to work without an error?

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Declaring Jagged Or Rectangular Array

Sep 21, 2010

I'm working on a reporting section of code for an inventory app I'm making for my office.I call a text file, read every line into an array then populate information pages with what has been pulled from the text file.For reporting, I want to read every text file in the directory, reading each one into a multidimensional array.Thus I can call and report on each item, i.e.ItemArray(i,2) would be all systems with Windows 2008 EE..I have code that lists all files in the desired directory and counts each file, so I eventually get counts of how deep I need the first level of the jagged array to be. but not until after code execution. Basically how can I write each array of data to the jagged array.[code]But I get a null reference exception. "Use the new keyword to create an object instance".

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VS 2008 Declaring 5 Strings Vs. One Array?

Aug 28, 2009

If I were to execute five different SQL-commands, wich of these way would be the best/most effecient?

Dim sql(4) As String
sql(0) = "SQL-string 1"
sql(1) = "SQL-string 2"
sql(2) = "SQL-string 3"
sql(3) = "SQL-string 4"
sql(4) = "SQL-string 5"


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VS 2008 Declaring A Array Of Labels Programmatically?

Jul 4, 2009

Is there a way in which I could declare an array of labels in VB 2008?

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Declaring A String In C#?

Jun 18, 2010

In the middle of attaching a Google Custom Search Engine onto my page,I have a string which I would declare in C# as

String rxPattern = "<(?>"[^"]"|'[^']'|[^'">])*>";

How do I convert it to a string in VB?I mean store the same value into the string variable rxPattern using VB/VB.NET?

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Declaring A String Variable?

Mar 29, 2012

if this silly but I am trying to declare a string variable by the following line


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Declaring New String At Top Of Class?

Nov 23, 2009

I had a problem with CLR profiler. But it worked eventually and the results were outstanding. My app took 47 milliseconds to run before and after some adjustments CLR profiler runs in 6 miliseconds! This had to do with String values in a resource file which apparently takes a lot of time. So this got me thinking, isn't it more effective if you would declare 1 String at the top of your class and constantly change it throughout your code? Instead of creating a new String in a method when you need it.

Instead of using:
Dim text = "blalblalba"
You would do this everytime you needed a string:
text = "blalbla"

My question is... What exactly happens when you say text = ""? Does .net create a new String? It looks like you replace the text but what happens in the background? Would it be faster then declaring a new string?

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Declaring String And Condition

Jan 17, 2012

I have a String variable in this page named "a".I wanted the scenario to be.When the page is started "a" will be null.But when the user selected an entry from the DetailView Control "a" will become "have".The following is my code. But i keep getting "a" = null even though i have selected an entry from the detailView control.[code]

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Use StringBuilder When Declaring A String?

Nov 20, 2009

do you also have to use StringBuilder when declaring a String like this?:

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Late Binding - Declaring A String Variable And Assigning The Item Property?

Nov 27, 2011

I have a problem involving late binding, and I absolutely cannot for the life of me figure out how to fix it. I have spent hours researching the problem to no avail, so I am turning to stackoverflow as a last resort.The problem is pretty much this: I am creating a grocery list application. I have a class named Item which stores the name, price, quantity, and description of an item on the grocery list. I have a module named ListCollection which defines a Collection of Item objects. I have created an Edit form which will automatically display the currently selected ListCollection item properties, but whenever I attempt to fill the text boxes, it tells me that Option Strict disallows late binding. I COULD take the easy route and disable Option Strict, but I'd prefer to figure out what the problem is so I know for future reference.I shall paste pertinent code here. (Late binding error is in EditItem.vb)


I have tried declaring a String variable and assigning the Item property to that, and I have also tried grabbing the value directly from the List item (not using the Get function), and neither of these made a difference.

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VS 2008 Dynamically Declaring A Constant - Public Const Blah As String = Variable & "something"

Aug 5, 2009

How would I go about dynamically declaring a constant? (It's value is dynamic, not the variable name)

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String Split - Error Value Of Type '1-dimensional Array Of String' Cannot Be Converted To 'String'

Mar 11, 2010

my code is :


The error is Value of type '1-dimensional array of string' cannot be converted to 'String'.

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Replacing A String With Array's Data Based On Array's Index?

Jul 13, 2010

i have an array contains a-z.Then i have a textbox and when click on the button, it will replace the text inside the textbox to the index number of the array.Example, from "abc" will become "0 1 2" The code below do the to do so that i can replace the text inside the textbox from "0 1 2" back to "abc" based on the array?

Dim txtKey As String = readKeyTxt.Text
readKeyTxt.Text = ""
For Each b As String In txtKey[code].....

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Initializing WPF Application?

Feb 17, 2010

I am writing a WPF application in VB 2008, and need to establish a connection to another system to get pertinent information and if not exit gracefully without displaying the form. I thought I would be able to do this in the Application classwithin Application_Startup and set some custom properties. However, it doesn't appear I can expose these properties outside the Application class without re-instantiation it, which is bad thing. Even variables set up as Friend don't appear to work either.

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Append String To Array And Cast To 1-Dimensional Array

Aug 25, 2010

I need to append STRINg to Array and cast it 1-dimensionalArray

Dim remoteFileNames(0)


Here "FtpRemoteDirectory" is a string and ftpFileNames() is the Array String which list the FileNames.

and remoteFileNames is 1-dimension array

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Pass An Array Of String When A System.Array Is Expected?

Feb 24, 2009

I am writing an OPC Client in VB.NET (2008) and I am using an OPC wrapper from Graybox. I am having some problems with the data types. I have an Array of String that contains all of the OPC Items that I wish to read from the OPC Server. When I attempt to use the Array of String, Option Strict causes the following compile error message:Error 5 Option Strict On disallows narrowing from type 'System.Array' to type '1-dimensional array of String' in copying the value of 'ByRef' parameter 'ItemIDs' back to the matching argument. How do I pass the Item ID's (all strings) in an array?

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Passing A Structure Containing An Array Of String And An Array Of Integer Into A C++ DLL?

May 27, 2010

I'm having problems with marshaling in VB.NET to C++, here's the code :

In the C++ DLL :
struct APP_PARAM


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Code - Re-initializing List Box

Oct 5, 2011

Why if I run the following code does the argument in the Add method pass {"foo2", "bar2"} in both method calls?

Dim myList As New List(Of String)

myList.AddRange(New String() {"foo", "bar"})
Add(New RandomClass("blah", myList ))


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How To Stop A Form From Initializing

Jul 24, 2009

i have an application which i want the user to have access to forms base on their access right. I have a public module that that take care of the uers access right, but when I call this module from the form load event which return true(user has access to the form) then form load continue OR false(user dont hav access to the form) exit sub to discontue form load. but this is not stoping the form from loading.

'Check for user's permission
pubFormID = 107
'Call procedure


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Initializing A List Of A Class?

Jul 25, 2009

what the syntax is for initializing a list of a class, eg:-

Public class myparams
private myno as integer
private name as string
end class


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Initializing A SAFEARRAY Ref In C# (port From VB?)?

Nov 21, 2011

I am working with a third-party COM component (i.e. do not have its code). The method in question has the following outline:

HRESULT GetTableInfo(
[in] BSTR bstrTableName,
[in,out] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) bstrColumnTitles,
[in,out] SAFEARRAY(long) lColumnPos );

I have tried to pass a ref to a fixed-size array ((Array)string[6]) and to a List.ToArray(), but it keeps crashing on me. E.g.

Array arr1 = (Array) new string[500];
Array arr2 = (Array) new int[500];
table.GetTableInfo(filename, ref arr1, ref arr2);

To be more specific: I already tried any value for the size (the correct one should be 44). Tried the same for the capacity of a List<>, but that didn't help either. I also tried different types, but it does not accept any other than int.

I don't know why it keeps crashing on me with a general error of that COM component (basically indicating that something is wrong, yet not saying what exactly), since I can confirm that the following VB code works:

Dim TitleList() As String
Dim PositionList() As Long
Call objTable.GetTableInfo(txTableFile.Text, TitleList, PositionList)

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