Displaying Certain Records Of A Database?

Nov 24, 2011

I have a table in an access database that binds to a datagridview with a binding source. The table is named Charges and contains all the charges to a lot of accounts. Let's say I only want to display the charges that are associated with Account ID = 1.

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Getting Next And Previous Buttons Working When Displaying Database Records?

Apr 15, 2009

I have a program that connects with an access database and displayed the results of a query in a series of textbox which are created at runtime. This all seems to work but the problem is with my next, previous buttons they just dont seem to work now and they did before. There must be some kind of problem with my code.


Private Sub single_record_View_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim strEmployeeDepartmentLocation As String


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Displaying Certain Number Of Records In DataGridView?

Jun 9, 2011

I have 1000 records in DatagridView. I want to Display only 500 records in datagridview. I will put a button and a TextBox, and Enter 500 in TextBox, It should show 500 Records. How to Do?

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Can Retrieve Records From Database Fine / Having Trouble Updating Records

May 17, 2006

I can retrieve records from my Database fine, but I'm having trouble updating records. I am getting a syntax error on [code] I get this error when I change the Last Name (Row 0, Column 1). [code]

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Displaying Records Grouped By Month And Year In Asp.net?

Oct 11, 2011

I need to sort my records by date (month & year) as displayed on my asp.net page; This is the code I currently have

<table width="40%" border="0" style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">
<tr><td><asp:Label ID="lblGridHeader" CssClass="TextFont" Text="" runat="server"></asp:Label></td></tr>


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Searching And Displaying Specific Records In A DataGrid

Apr 6, 2009

I've tried a few different methods I could find in order to connect my VB .NET program to a book store's database. While I've been able to connect to it and display the contents of its tables in a DataGrid, I need to be able to search the tables and display specific records, depending on the contents of appropriate the adjacent text boxes.[code]This is a code I've used for a very similar process, just really aims to search a different field in the table. If this is easier to adapt into a code that allows searching and producing specific records in a database, please use this one.

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Two Grids Displaying Records Of Employees Like Name, Job No, And Position?

Feb 8, 2010

I have two grids displaying records of employees like name, job no, and position . Now I have to swap their jobs from Emp A to Emp B which is from one grid to other.

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Get Records Into Oracle Database Delete From DB And Update The Records?

Oct 27, 2009

how to get records into oracle database delete from db & update the records i have successfully connected my vb 2008 win form with oracle 10g.

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VS 2008 Displaying It Into Datagridview While Inserting & Deleting Records

Sep 2, 2009

displaying it into Datagridview while inserting & deleting records in runtime..I insert records it into database using Access and delete but the datagridview not changes or update.my question is how can i update the datagridview while inserting records and deleting records.[code]

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Displaying Newly Added Records Without Exiting & Rerun Project

Jun 28, 2011

I've created a database in Access 2007 and connected it to Visual Basic 2008. My database have tables Coachee and Coach. Details of Coachee are displayed in one form and there's a button that when clicked will show details of the Coach of that particular Coachee in a another form. If the Coach is not in database, user will be prompt to insert a new Coach record. Problem is, when saved, the newly inserted record will not be displayed and i have to exit and rerun the program, only then the record will be displayed.

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Develop An Application That Includes .net Datagrid Displaying Records With Checkbox In The Grid Operation?

Mar 17, 2009

I would like to develop a VB.net application that includes VB.net datagrid displaying records with Checkbox in the grid operation.Also would like to learn, available datagridview options/events for more friendly programing with VB.Net datagrid.

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Search Query Based On Date - Records From A Table In MsAccess And Displaying In A Listview

Aug 22, 2009

I used following code searching records from a table in MsAccess and displaying in a Listview and it is working fine with the search criteria based on Discription.


I also tried the above code to search records on the base of CustId and it worked fine too.My table DailyTransaction in MsAccess is as under:DTDate, DTTime, CustId, Description, Quantity, Price, Amount, AccountNumber, Name

Now I want to Search records on the base of Date I tried the following but it did not work.

Dim cmdText As String = "SELECT * FROM DailyTransaction WHERE DTDate=' " & TextBox1.Text & " ' "

Also i want to make following sort of query to retrieve data between two dates and to display the sum of amount group by DTDate. I could sketch following query and deifinitely it is so wrong with Syntex.Select * From DailyTransaction where DTDate Between textbox1.text AND textbox2.text Group By DTDate AND SUM(Amount)

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Displaying An Access Database?

Apr 15, 2009

I tried to show the rows of the table I created. First I added a bindingsource object and selected my database and table. Then I added a textbox and set databinding>text to the item i wanted in the table. In the begining it worked but then it suddenly stopped working and even though I built the program again from scratch it no longer works.

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Displaying Images From A Database?

Sep 13, 2009

I'm currently attempting a project where I need to display a series of images from a database, in thumbnail form, then fullscreen when they are selected. Next/Back arrows will be used to navigate through different pages of images. These images will be across a number of categories each one with a different table in the database. It is very important that the user can change the images in the database.

Rather than have a number of different pages and each image designated to a picturebox, I was wondering how I could make it so the program just displays the next 6-8 images from the database in the same picture boxes, giving a message when the it reaches EOF, This way the number and order of the pictures can be changed just by changing the database.

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Filtering And Displaying Database?

Jan 20, 2009

I want to be able to use this program to filter through a list of doctors, and based on what doctor you select, only show the patients who see that doctor.

Here is what I have so far, the database has a column with just the doctor names so I thought I should be able to filter it by that and show the patients, but none show up. I don't get an error and it seems to refresh, but nothing ends up in the schedule.


Actually I just realized I don't think I loaded the data from the database as the form loaded. I tried doing that, but get an error where I called for the data to be loaded. I added the code where I try loading the databases.

"No value given for one or more required parameters."

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Not Displaying Any Data From Database

Jun 22, 2010

I tried the same.. but its not displaying any data from database[code]...

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Sum Two Records In Database?

Jun 12, 2011

Im using VB.NET 2005 i want to sum two records in database. So when i retreive them to display in my textbox they already sum. the numbers are in text.

this is my code.

cmd = New OleDbCommand("select * from ChargedItems where name ='" & Me.cmbfnameEarnings.Text & "'", con)


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Displaying A Search Result From A SQL Database?

Oct 3, 2011

I created a small databse program, when I created the search field I wanted to display the results in "listbox" which I found some code that work perfectly

For each row in ds.tables("Tablename").rows


but I also need to display "row 2" ACCORDING to the selected item from listbox in a textbox.

since the listbox is displaying the result of a search, it's been hard to find, how to do this?

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Displaying Data From A Local Database?

Oct 27, 2009

i have managed to add a database to my project its kind of a client database tells me their first, second name, email, date they last called etc etc anyway everything works fine it allows me to add, delete edit etc no problems.What i wanna do is on my main form i have a DateTimePicker1 if i select a date on the DateTimePicker1 how can i make it display last client calls in a RichTextBox?


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Displaying Data From Database In Second Form Using First

Feb 15, 2012

I seem to be having a problem with displaying data in a second form. I've created a linear search algorithm which works just fine - it locates the records from the database. I now want to be able to display the record in another form, I've attempted this using the code below but it doesn't seem to work:

Public Class formSearch
Dim searchItem As String
Dim currentRecord As Integer
Dim Provider As String
Dim Source As String
[Code] .....

The commented out lines are the ones that don't seem to work. The "txtfirstname" and "txtlastname" fields are located in the coding of another form, called "formcustomers".

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Displaying Database Record In ListBox

Dec 24, 2009

I am displaying four fields from a access database. This code displays the records in listbox4.
Me.ListBox4.DataSource = DB
Me.ListBox4.DisplayMember = "fldRecNo"
Using the doubleclick event, I would like to display on a label the record number that I doubleclick.
Windows 7 and VB 2008

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Fetching And Displaying Database Data?

Jul 25, 2009

I recently made a database that saves user information into a MS Access database from a form.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
objDA = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM CDetails",


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VS 2008 : Displaying Only Certain Rows From The Database?

Feb 4, 2012

I have database like this [URL]but I will need to display only certain columns, which will depend on which user has logged in. Each user will have a unique ID, and so I want that that datagridview would only display the rows, which are for him, well have his ID, so that he couldn't see other users information, but only the one associated with him.I also need to output that user's forename and surename into label, it is stored in the database.

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VS 2008 Displaying An Image From Database?

Feb 9, 2012

How do i get this code to display my image using a database this is my code.

Private Sub Details()
Dim oleDBC As New OleDbCommand
Dim OLEDBDR As OleDbDataReader


Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Drawing.Image'.

but if i use lblName.Text = (OLEDBDR.Item(1)) it will display the path to the image.?

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VS 2008 Displaying Database Information?

Mar 10, 2010

Public Class ReceiptSpectacles
Private Sub ReceiptSpectacles_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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[2008] Filtering And Displaying A Database?

Jan 20, 2009

I want to be able to use this program to filter through a list of doctors, and based on what doctor you select, only show the patients who see that doctor.Here is what I have so far, the database has a column with just the doctor names so I thought I should be able to filter it by that and show the patients, but none show up. I don't get an error and it seems to refresh, but nothing ends up in the schedule.

Public Structure ScheduleOwner
Dim _doctorname As String
Dim _description As String


Actually I just realized I don't think I loaded the data from the database as the form loaded. I tried doing that, but get an error where I called for the data to be loaded. I added the code where I try loading the databases."No value given for one or more required parameters."

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.net - Count Records In Database?

Jan 11, 2011

I have the code below which does work, but I need to add further functionality to it. The functionality I want to add to it is the text I have commented in the code below.

Dim objSQLConnection As SqlConnection
Dim objSQLCommand As SqlCommand
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


Before the if statement, I want to find out if the database already has records with the username in the strUser variable.

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Add Records From Database To Combobox?

Jun 2, 2011

i have some difficulty in displaying records from database to my combobox here is my code in the form_load

Private Sub Form5_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim con As New SqlConnection
con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:UserslitoDocumentsQMP_DB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True"


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Add Records To MS Access Database?

Jan 15, 2012

I'm very new to using VB.Net so I found it quite difficult to understand other answers that I searched for.

Basically, I have an project to develop where a user can create an account, and log in with it.

So far I have :

Created a database in ms access with the relevant fields (2003 edition)[code]...

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Adding Records To A Database?

Aug 29, 2008

I need help with adding a record to a database.I have a database with multiple tables. How do I add a new record to one of the tables without using the BindingNavigator.Lets say the table's name is tblDetails and the fields are:NameSurnameCellAddressI have a number of text boxes on my form:txtNametxtSurnametxtCelltxtAddressI want to add the details from the text files to the table and a new record.

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