Download Files But Without Opening Browser?

Mar 19, 2009

Download files but without opening browser?

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Forms :: VB Web Browser Opening .html Files

Jan 20, 2011

i have my web browser made by visual basic have some futeurs like history , bookmarks , downloader, HTML Editor, Source, etc i make my it my default web browser but when i open .html or .htm files how can i make it navigate to the HTML File (and please without using open folder browser) i wanna make it like mozilla or internet explorer navigate to the site i have saved befor or make it

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Download Files Without Web Browser Control

Mar 19, 2010

hey everyone, i got a code from somewhere to download files without web browser control.The downloader only downloaded 20mb of a file, which was a big problem. I fixed that error, but now i want the code to loop through a listbox and download all the URLS from it when a "download all" button is clicked. [code]

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Opening A New Window In Browser Instead Of Default Web Browser (I.E. Internet Explorer)?

Sep 29, 2010

I am creating a webbrowser with Visual Basic, and I have finished everything but this: When I click on an external link, (I.E. On a photo, or on youtube) it opens up in a new IE window. I want it to open in my browser, not Internet Explorer.I have read everything I have found on this subject, but it is all for normal web browsers. I want to do this for a tabbed web browser, not one without tabs. Basicly, I want to use this code with my tabbed web browser that uses tab control.

Private Sub WebBrowser1_NewWindow(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs)
Handles WebBrowser1.NewWindow


convert the code to be used in a browser with tabcontrol? I tried, and it works with one that DOESN'T use it, but I want to use it with my browser with tabcontrol. And, I have read ALL of the ones previously given to other people.

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Windows - Opening A Local Folder Browser From Web Browser

Nov 8, 2011

But now I have a need to allow the user to choose a folder path without selecting a file. Basically a folder location, on the local hard drive where my code will read the files located in the choosen folder and process against them.

I am drawing a total blank and my web searches are not giving me what I am looking for.

I initially developed this with a Windows FolderDialogBrowser control, but it will not run on the web server, likely a security issue, and I can not change it.

Public Class FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm
Inherits Form
Private folderBrowserDialog1 As FolderBrowserDialog


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Opening A Local Folder Browser From Web Browser?

Nov 8, 2011

I know this shouldn't be as hard as I have found it to be, but I could use some help on a problem. I have used, and am familiar with the FileUpload control, But now I have a need to allow the user to choose a folder path without selecting a file. Basically a folder location, on the local hard drive where my code will read the files located in the choosen folder and process against them.

I am drawing a total blank and my web searches are not giving me what I am looking for.I initiallially developed this with a Windows FolderDialogBrowser control, but it will not run on the web server, likely a security issue, and I can not change it.


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Calculate The Download Speed If Use A Webclient To Download Files Async?

Jun 10, 2009

how can I calculate the download speed if I use a webclient to download files async

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Force File Download Instead Of Opening In Any Application?

Nov 26, 2010

I want to prompt users to save file instead of opening file in application. For example if user click a mp3 file link....mp3 file must not be open in win media player...instead user promoted to download that file.

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Forms :: Opening Files - Allows Users To Select Picture Files And Then Categorize Them Into Folders

Jul 9, 2009

I'm currently working on an application that allows users to select picture files and then categorize them into folders. Now I'm having two issues that are probably simple to fix but I only have a year of experience with vb so I just don't know how to fix them. The first and biggest issue is that once the user has selected and categorized a file, I want the program to select the next file in the folder that the first file was moved from. This way the number of clicks required is minimized. However I have no clue what I would need to do in order to accomplish this. Also, my other problem is that I want to be able to find the indexof a quotation mark but whenever I put it in the parameter it just reads it as a quote.

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.net - Opening Default Web Browser

Oct 13, 2009

I am using the function below to open the user's default web browser.

Public Function ShowHelp(ByVal url As String) As System.Diagnostics.Process
Dim startInfo As New Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo()
startInfo.FileName = url


A couple of times the function returned the error (on users machine) "the system cannot find the file specified"

I guess the user has not set a default web browser. Why i get this error? How could i add a default web browser check before calling this function?

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.net - Opening Up Web Browser From Winform?

Dec 1, 2010

Done quite a bit of looking but not finding what i need. From a win form i'd like to open up a web browser passing in a url. But i need to provide authentication while doing this. I tried just using a system.diagnostics.process.start("http://userid:pw@site") but that does not work. Was hoping someone could lend a hand.


so is there anything else that can be done to get IE to work.. cause i'm thinking that would allow the above code to work as well.

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Dynamically Opening New Web Browser?

Feb 3, 2009

how I can dynamically open up two new windows with web browsers in (that are navigated to two different pages).I'm trying to open two new windows with web browsers in one located to a support page the other email when the user clicks a button.So far I've thought of...

Private Sub()
'ignore that it doesn't have the handles click
End Sub

how to dynamically open two windows WITH browsers already navigated in.

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Opening New Window In VB Browser?

Mar 16, 2012

recently im programming PHP for web based approach and i've been using ready made browser like firefox as my application. But now im switching it to custom browser with visual basic. I've created my own custom browser and it seems ok. but my question here is, how to open up a new browser (new VB browser window) as same as we open a new browser in firefox. I've been using html code that opens new window, but it open up explorer browser instead and it took very long time to open. I want it to open up as VB browser with my php codes inside. Is there any html or php code that could open new vb browser window? instead of explorer or firefox window.

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Opening Up Web Browser From Winform?

Feb 12, 2010

From a win form i'd like to open up a web browser passing in a url. But i need to provide authentication while doing this. I tried just using a system.diagnostics.process.start("http://userid:pw@site") but that does not work. Using the tip.. here is what i have...

Dim m As New System.Security.SecureString
Dim pw As String = "mypassword"
For Each c As Char In pw


I'm getting a logon failure: unknown user name or's seems strange to me.. but if i do in firefox [URL] i can get to my page. If i do the same thing in IE 8... no is there anything else that can be done to get IE to work.. cause i'm thinking that would allow the above code to work as well.

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VB Web Browser - Stop IE From Opening?

Sep 11, 2008

I am working on a tabbed web browser and it is going great! Only one problem! When someone presses on a link that has a target of _blank or a new window, it opens in IE!

I have tried things like:

Private Sub newbrowse_newwindow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs)
e.Cancel = True
End Sub

but that only cancels IE from opening. What I want is it to open in a new tab. I have set it so that NewTab() opens the new tab to the users homepage.

Basically, I need to find out how to get the URL of what the browser is trying to open.

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Cannot Keep Web Browser Control From Opening A New Window

Oct 20, 2009

I am having an issue with using a VB 2008 web browser control to view local folders in Windows 7.I have an app that allows the user to browse local folders using a web browser control within a winform. This app has been working great with all of the users that currently have Win XP and Win Vista. However, with Win 7, every time a folder within the Web browser control is double clicked on (to navigate into its contents) Win 7 opens a new windows explorer window to display its contents. [code]....

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Microsoft Web Browser Opening Excel

Sep 25, 2010

I have added "Microsoft Web Browser" to my windows form and I am trying to use AxWebBrowser1.Navigate("c:/file.xls") to load an excel file in the browser but it is launching the excel file outside the window? What am I doing wrong?

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Opening A File Using Web Browser Control?

Mar 7, 2011

I'm working with windows forms application in 2008 express ed. I used openfiledialog to open all types of files in the computer. When I searched on the web I found out to use the web browser control so I used it and it did open a file in any types. I realized about using a web browser control to open a file that all images such as jpeg, gif, and bmp as well as text files are just being opened or browsed within the control. All I want to do and all I want to know is I want to open all the files separately from the control just like opening with excel, word and all types of video files which will be opened separately from the control and your application because I am hiding the web browser within the form since this is a winform application. If this possible, How would I do that? I would like also to know if there's any way to open a file without using a web browser control? If there's no way, I just want to know how to modify my codes by throwing a message box if the user attempts to open a text files and images. Below is my codes I used.

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
Dim open As New OpenFileDialog
Dim path As String


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Opening Links In Alternative Browser?

Jan 7, 2010

For the kicks I decided to write a very basic RSS reader at work. Though this is probably more work than it is worth I would still like to know if it is achievable. Currently it pulls down the xml information from the feed and turns it into a HTML page which is then read by a webbrowser control within the form.

The issue I have ran into is that because I wanted to keep my form a nice small program to run on the desktop when there are links included in the feed it opens the links within the browser control which is to small to read the entire page. I would like for any links within the feed to open in the default web browser installed.

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO


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Status Bar Opening A URL In The Default Browser?

Feb 27, 2011

I have already tried searching this but all the codes crashed.

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VS 2008 - Opening Default Browser With Specified URL

Oct 31, 2010

So I tried to use:
But it comes up with an error saying "Win32 exception was unhandled" "Application not found".

This code works:
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:Program FilesInternet _ Exploreriexplore.exe", "[URL]")
But I would rather the program opens up the default browser of the user.

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Forms :: Prevent Browser From Opening New IE Windows?

May 19, 2010

I am making a webbrowser,how to prevent my browser from opening new IE windows. Because what happens is, there are some links that will open new windows and therefore IE comes in place because it is set as default windows browser which I really don't want because my browser looks really bad if it opens links in another webbrowser.I want it to be just a basic browser, it has only one window, and it should navigate within that window. This is because the browser is integrated in a bigger application only for some website applications that are related to this main application.I am using 2008 Express Edition?

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Opening Excel Inside Web Browser Control

Oct 14, 2009

If an excel document is opened inside a webbrowser control, and you try opening another excel document using a different instance of the same web-browser control, the previous opened excel (inside the web-browser) would not allow users to edit the excel workbook.

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Stop Links From Opening In Default Browser

Jan 29, 2012

I am new to VB but am quick at learning and well I'm not one to hit a problem and just ask for help I have been search google, forums and various VB tutorials and YouTube videos trying to find how to do this with no luck.I am creating a program which will basically speed up the process of creating account at the moment I am working on a program aimed at Twitter and I am so nearly finished apart from I have hit a snag.I have 2 browsers in vb one is for Twitter and the other is url...When the verify link comes through in (webbrowser2/incognitomail) and is clicked it opens in IE when I would like it to open in one of the web browsers.I have searched so many sites and forums and found nothing on this subject

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VS 2008 : Opening A File Using Web Browser Control?

Mar 7, 2011

I'm working with windows forms application in 2008 express ed. I used openfiledialog to open all types of files in the computer. When I searched on the web I found out to use the web browser control so I used it and it did open a file in any types. I realized about using a web browser control to open a file that all images such as jpeg, gif, and bmp as well as text files are just being opened or browsed within the control. All I want to do and all I want to know is I want to open all the files separately from the control just like opening with excel, word and all types of video files which will be opened separately from the control and your application because I am hiding the web browser within the form since this is a winform application. If this possible, How would I do that? I would like also to know if there's any way to open a file without using a web browser control? If there's no way, I just want to know how to modify my codes by throwing a message box if the user attempts to open a text files and images.

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
Dim open As New OpenFileDialog
Dim path As String


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Web Browser Download Manager

May 9, 2010

I searched the forum and everywhere else and ive been looking for a few weeks now and havent found anytihng on this. I've got a downloader created thats working in vb and ive got a web browser thats working all I need is the download manager to work. I cant figure it out for the life of me ive been trying to use the filedownload event but nothing. someone please help I think I know what to do we need to cancel the new window and show my download manager but I cant get it working

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File I/O And Registry :: AVI Header - Program To Download And Play AVI Files The Files Are Large In Size And Long Time Wise

Dec 11, 2011

I wrote a program to download and play AVI files the files are large in size and long time wise. I have the files playing as they are being downloaded but i can't see how long the file is or seek reliably. i was reading that the AVI headers are in the last 512kb of the AVI file *why would't they put it at the start* lol so my question is is there a way to download the last 512Kb of the file i'm downloading. i have the Bytes Read and Length of the file while its downlaoding i'm just not sure where to go from there, or how to do it atleast. If i had the length in time of the Avi file i could set the trackbar to be able to seek properly. or if someone has an idea how i could get the time of the video by using fps and some math i could prob do it that way too but idk how i would tell how i can find how many kb are in the fps i'm sure it changes so think that way is't going to be reliable. how to get the last 512kb would be the best option not sure if it can be done even.

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VS 2010: Opening Links In A New Tab Code For A Tabbed Web Browser

Jan 24, 2011

I'm making a tabbed web browser currently and I'm having problems opening a new window when right-clicking on the link and selecting "Open Link in a New Window" Here are the codes:


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Create A Download Manger For Web Browser?

Aug 11, 2009

How to create a download manger for my web browser?

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Download Manager For My Internet Browser?

Dec 26, 2009

Has anyone a tut for me how i can make a download manager for my internet browser CODES

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