Duplicate Numeric Valued Objects

Oct 1, 2011

I have a series of files numbered from 1-80 I want to duplicate every 4th file of the series and have the numeric value pushed so that the 80 files become 100. I tried a For Loop going to 80 but for some reason I can't figure a good way out to push the value so that the next item in the list doesn't overwrite the last.My goal is to have the files copied from an original destination to a new one but with their name to be pushed up from its original.

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C# - System.String Formatting (Numeric Objects)

Mar 22, 2012

I am using standard String.Format method. It is using numeric objects.
Console.WriteLine("obj1 = {0} and obj2 = {1}", "obj1", "obj2");
I want to use named indexes.Like this
Console.WriteLine("obj1 = {o1} and obj2 = {o2}",
new { o1 = "obj1", o2 = "obj2"});
How I can use same last code?

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Is There A Numeric Text Box Not An Up-down Box A SIMPLE Numeric Box Into Which The User Can Place A Number

Apr 6, 2012

Is there a numeric text box, not an up-down box, a SIMPLE numeric box into which the user can place a number, 5 boxes actually, then on command have the five boxes added and the sum displayed?

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INSERT INTO Query Cannot Contain A Multi-valued Field

Mar 1, 2009

[code]"An INSERT INTO query cannot contain a multi-valued field." i got this exception while trying to save record in access file.

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Passing A Table Valued Parameter With No Rows

Apr 15, 2012

I am trying to execute a stored procedure which has table valued parameters along with other parameters. The only parameters I need to pass values for are latitude/longitude range and dates. For the others, I need to pass null. After a lot of searching and a lot of trial and error, I came up with the following:

Dim empty
IEnumerable =

I then pass empty for the table valued parameters. This works for the first two tvp's, but on the third one, I get this error:

There are no records in the SqlDataRecord enumeration. Tho send a table-valued parameter with no rows, use a null referece for the value instead.

how to make this work? I do not have control over the database or the stored procedure, so I can't change that. The code that calls the stored procedure is:

GetHistoryByMultipleCriteriaTableAdapter1.Fill(AISTable, empty, empty, empty, vbNullString, vbNullString, -60, -25, -35, 10, "4/1/2012 12:00 AM", "4/4/2012 12:00 AM", vbNullString)

I am not a developer, but an engineer who does development occasionally, so I may need more explanation than the average developer.

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Passing The Result Of An Array-Valued Function From A Fortran95?

May 25, 2011

I am interested in developing a multi-language program that will have a main .NET GUI but will perform calculations by calling procedures from a Fortran95 dynamic link library file. Right now I am just playing around with a very simple project in order to get the interoperability between the .NET framework and a Fortran95 (*.dll) file working correctly. So far, I've been able to pass the Fortran95 (*.dll) file an array from VB, sum all the elements of the array using an intrinsic Fortran function, and pass the scalar result back to the .NET framework with no problem. However, if I try passing Fortran the exact same array, construct the transpose of that array using another intrinsic Fortran function, and try passing the transposed array back to the .NET framework I keep throwing an exception. I am not a programming wiz, but it appears that when Fortran stores an array in memory, the .NET framework doesn't know how to read that. I am looking for some guidance on how to pass an array from the Fortran95 (*.dll) file back to the .NET framework.

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Scalar Valued Function - Return Datediff As Decimal / Percent

Jan 4, 2011

I am currently writing a scalar valued function and I'm having a few issue with the returned result. I have narrowed the problem down to a calculation that convert the difference between two dates as a percentage/decimal. No matter what I try the return value is always a whole number
set @earnedpremium = (@premium * @pretripearnings) + ((@premium - (@premium * @pretripearnings)) * cast((datediff(day, @outdate, @experiencedate) / datediff(day, @outdate, @returndate))as decimal(5,2)))
The cast section needs to return the percentage, I know the rest is working fine through some elimination and testing.

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Sql Server - Call A Table Valued Function From Visual Basic.Net And How To Store The Result?

Nov 4, 2011

In my VB.net code i have:

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [strfg].[dbo].[Myfunc] (@MyParam)"
Dim myparam As New SqlParameter("@MyParam", a)

The function (runnig on SQL server) returns a table with four columns, one row.How do I call this function from Visual Basic? cmd.ExecuteScalar() is obviously not correct. In c++ I use a recordset. What is the equivalent in vb? Does anyone have a short example?

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.net - Sql Server 2008 R2 - ADO.Net Table Valued Parameter (TVP) - Operand Type Clash: Datetime2 Is Incompatible With Int?

Dec 1, 2011

I am working with TVP and I am trying to pass a data table to the stored procedure as TVP. When the command tries to ExecuteNonQuery it throws an error:Operand type clash: datetime2 is incompatible with int. The data for table-valued parameter "@tvpPermitWork" doesn't conform to the table type of the parameter.I checked the data table using the visualizer and I find all the data to be correct. I am now stuck and I don't have the time to change it to stored procedures with individual parameters.

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Count The Duplicate And Show The Most Duplicate?

Mar 17, 2011

I have this data in txt file and the data keeps changing all the time.


I would like to read all lines and compare, if the same name and same address is found, which is in the [......], then i need to count it and show the most frequent buyer!should i read it all and put in array, and compare and put the duplicate data and count into another array?

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Datatable Getdata Performance - In-line Table Valued Function In SSMS Takes About 6 Seconds To Return 11088 Records?

Mar 25, 2011

An in-line table valued function in SSMS takes about 6 seconds to return 11088 records. The same function in VB .Net 4.0 using TableAdapters.InputTableAdapter.GetData (Created with data set designer) takes about 15 minutes complete.Both are executed from the same workstation.Why does this discrepancy exist?


Windows XP SP3, 2GB

VS2010 Ultimate

.Net 4.0 Framework


SQL Server 2008

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Numeric And Non Numeric Data?

Jan 22, 2010

I am reading a data file and storing them in an array of string.Data is random, could be like "1","2","133,18" but sometimes there can be missing values like "?".Once I load the data in the array, I want to check if at least a majority (like 60% of them) are numeric values.If yes, then I wanna track down the higher and lowest value in the array, and output a range of 5.Loop through the array

If 60% of them are numbers (integers or decimals) then find highest value, find lowest value end if produce range

If for example lowest = 1 and highest = 100, range of 5 means 0,20,40,60,80,100 (so 5 ranges are 0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80, 80-100).Also if the ranges turn to have decimals due to weird numbers, I would like to round them up.My problem is, in order to find highest and lowest when there are non numeric values in the array like "?", how should I handle those? I was thinking of something like Double.NaN but I would have to have an array of doubles.

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Remove Duplicate Items But Leave At Least One Of The Duplicate Items In The List?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a List object and I want to remove the duplicated items but leaving at least one of the duplicated items in the list;I wrote something like this however I would optimize this code for better performance, is there something faster?

Const chars As String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Dim rnd As New Random()
Dim mylist As List(Of String) = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(Function(i)


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Make Objects From The ToolBox Using Code Instead Of Changing Existing Objects Invisible Then Visible Later?

Dec 5, 2011

make objects from the ToolBox using code instead of changing existing objects invisible then visible later?

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Sql - Error The SqlParameterCollection Only Accepts Non-null SqlParameter Type Objects, Not Int32 Objects?

Jun 23, 2012

I am getting this error, Not sure why it is happening "Error The SqlParameterCollection only accepts non-null SqlParameter type objects, not Int32 objects."I have tried with all sorts of possibilties, now try to enter default data as dummy data,

Using connection As New SqlConnection
connection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DentalDeviceConnectionString").ConnectionString

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Modifying Objects Inside For Each Loop Sets Properties Of All Objects With Values Of Last One?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a program like this.

Module Module1

Public Class Mstr
Public Property Prop1 As String
Public Property Prop2 As String[code]....

But it is not working as I expect it to. You can see it from.The DtlsB properties of all three DtlsA objects are having values from last iteration.

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Random Objects - Let The User Input Objects To A Richtextbox 1 Object On Each Line?

Jan 6, 2011

I want to let the user input objects to a richtextbox 1 object on each line, and somehow use Random.Next to select pseudorandomly a few objects, the number 'few' inputted in a textbox.

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The SqlParameterCollection Only Accepts Non-null SqlParameter Type Objects Not String Objects?

Jan 18, 2012

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Using conn As New SqlConnection("Database=Clinic_Management_System;Data Source=.SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|Clinic Management System.mdf")
Dim cmdRecord As SqlCommand


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VS 2008 Inherit ListView - Dispose Of Two Objects When The Form's Disposing Of It's Objects

Feb 7, 2010

I have a user control that inherits the FW ListView and I need to dispose of two objects when the form's disposing of it's objects. Here's what I've concluded already, am I on the right track?


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Child Objects Raising Events In Parent Objects?

May 1, 2009

long story short, I have created a ListView type control, using UserControls for the parent control and the ListViewItems. Most the of the control is written and works fine, right up to the point where I tried to replicate the 'Control.SelectedItems(0).Index' property and the 'SelectedIndexChanged' event.

Each child object knows its index value, and could pass this value via the SelectedIndexChanged event (assuming this is how it works in a normal ListView control -- user clicks on an item, and that item fires an event updating the selected index value in the parent object).

How does the child object raise an event in the parent object? I have a feeling this could be done with Delegates, but I'm still learning about their usage.

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ASP.NET Cast ArrayList Of Objects To Custom Objects?

Aug 9, 2011

getting the following error Unable to cast object of type 'System.Object[]' to type 'OrderService.webdirect_WebLinesRow[]'. On the line

webdirect(web_companyID, web_locationCode, web_customerNumber, web_orderNumber, web_orderReference, web_orderDate, webLinesArray.ToArray(), o_Company, o_LocationCode, o_CustomerNumber, o_OrderNumber, o_OrderStatus, o_OrdDescrip, webRespArray)

I created the webLinesArray.ToArray() array as such

Dim webLinesArray As New ArrayList()

Am I missing an additional cast or something ?

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Compare Two Objects To Check If All The Properites Of Both The Objects Have Same Value Or Not?

Aug 28, 2008

I want to compare two objects to check if all the properites of both the object have same value or not. for this i need to use the reflection to enumarate through all the properties of an object and check the value of the property. To try the code just i have written a Employee Class having Two Properties EmployeeNo and EmployeeName. I am creating an object of the Employee class and need to write a function that can list the values of all the properties in the class.


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Bind Objects With Nested Objects?

Jul 21, 2009

I am tring to bind a class to a form where the class contains other class variables. For example:

Class Character
Private _name as String
Property Name as String


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Array Of Child Objects In Nested Classes And Accessing Child Objects In .Net

Jan 3, 2012

I have a nested class, let's call it class1 and it has class2 inside it; VB.Net eg:[code]

1) How can I define X number of Class2 objects[let's call it: Node(x) array]** with NEW() subroutine called?' this raises error: dim cls2(n) as new class2 end sub.

2) How can I return actual number of Node() array? [code]Outside my class in main project I define cls1 object:[code]Now an array of class2 is created inside cls1.

3) Now,How can I access All of them[node(x) array which is created inside cls1] with all properties and methods available?

I remember I wrote a ProcessManager class with this functionality in .net 2003, nearly 4 years age, I don't have the code now.

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Multithreading - Create Custom Objects/list Of Custom Objects In .NET?

Jan 24, 2010

I need two seperate lists, which every item is Integer, String, Bitmap - and one which every item is Integer, String String. However I don't know how to do this, or even where to look - I've googled for custom objects and custom object lists. What I'm trying to do is this.Custom Object1 is Integer, String, Bitmap Custom Object2 is Integer, String, String

In one thread I'll be adding items to List1(Of Object1), and processing them, and adding the results to List2(Of Object2), however I need to be able from other threads to look at the list and say only give me the items where Integer = (my thread ID), is this possible? Any help, or even links to information that would be relevant to this request would be helpful?

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Can Objects In Objects Be Persistent

Dec 15, 2009

[Code] I want that once I put something in the BigCollection it stays there, I don't want it to be changeable from outside. I want to be able to clear the SmallCollection but it should not be cleared in the BigCollection. Any Ideas?

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Casting Objects To Other Objects?

Feb 6, 2012

Firstly I need somebody to explain a bit of code to me, I'm a massive newbie at programming so I need an in depth explanation.

Private Sub Box_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
Dim C As PictureBox = CType(sender, PictureBox)


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Set A Numeric Value To Each One?

Mar 11, 2009

My firts issue is that I have a combo box, with a list of words, now I want to set a numeric value to each one.

In a little more detail. I have am looking to create a cost sheet, where, I select an item or items form a combo box and then they are automatically added up by this program I am hoping to design.

Now, I need to set these numeric values, but have no Idea how to do it. The second issue is that I dont even know how to get these values to add up

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Best Way To Link A Name To A Numeric Value?

Nov 2, 2011

So I am making a gambling game to better learn VB, and I am wanting to know the best way to link a players name with his pot.Currently I have a My.Setting's setup with a String var that holds the players names.Names = John, Greg, Bob..That is how the My.Setting.Names is setup. So I split them with a , and parsed them with a For statement. I then added them to a ListBox to allow the user to select the profile.[code]And then at anytime I can pull "John" in my var (ProfileToLoad) and then "100" in a separate var that I setup.

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Column Is Numeric Only?

Dec 10, 2009

I want to a column is numeric only in datagridview , how can i do that. I know code to limit to numeric. But i tried many event of datagridview but it didnt raise.I tried keydowm,keypress... but not work

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