EditorAttribute Value To Get The Select Resource Dialog Box?

Nov 26, 2011

what is the EditorAttribute value to get the select resource dialog box . i have little knowledge about building custom components

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Select Icon From Resource?

Aug 3, 2009

I added an icon to my resource file I can see it has multiple pictures in it To assign a picture to a button I use this code(vb):

cmdFindAccount.Image = My.Resources.program.Find.ToBitmap()

How do I select a specific picture from the icons that are in the same file ?

Guy Cohen

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Select A Random Image From Resource Folder?

Jan 29, 2011

I want to select a random image from my resource folder and show the image in a picture box.

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Select A .exe Via Dialog Box And Execute It?

Feb 11, 2009

I have an option button "browse" a textbox and a button called "Done" on a form. (Form 4)On another form (Form 1) i have a button called "Run". So far i am using the shell command shell(C:\etc) to run the program however on form 4 i want to be able to click browse a dialog box appears i can then select the .exe, click, done which saves the location for the run button and from now on every time i click run it runs. If i change the place of the .exe i simply need to click browse again to change the location.

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Dialog Box Select Worksheet In A Workbook?

Mar 29, 2009

i'd like to create a VBA code that open a dialog box in order to select one worksheet contained in a workbook.I have already used the getopenfilename function in order to browse an excel file but i don't know how select a sheet of workbook.

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File Select/upload Dialog Box?

May 31, 2011

Is there an "off the shelf" control that will show a dialog box where user can select a file (.pdf) to be uploaded or processed (emailed)?

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Open A Dialog Box To Select A File?

Aug 31, 2011

I am trying to open a Dialog box to select a file. I then need to drop that value into a FileStream StreamReader to read it so the combo box will show a list of values in the selected .ini file. I've got pieces of it but I am not sure of the glue that will connect the two. I am posted what code I have below.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim FileParser() As String


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Preview Of The Image When Select It Via This Dialog?

Feb 19, 2012

I am wanting to open an image via the OpenFileDialog. Is it possible to have a preview of the image when I select it via this dialog?

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Dialog Box Appearing To Select Video Source In Windows 7 Which Is Not In Xp,vb?

Apr 24, 2010

Currently i am using wpf with vb ,vs2008,framework 3.5 ,there i am having code to connect with camera and capturing video.

Code :

If SendMessage(Me.hWnd, WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT, 0, 0) <> 0
'---set the preview scale---


Here in this code while executing the bold ,italic marked line ,a dialog box appearing to select video source even if one option is there(i.e i have connected one camera to my pc through usb).Its coming in windows 7 not in xp ( Same code ). Is there any setting to stop this dialog box or to select the video source in code without showing the dialog box.

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2008 - OpenFIleDialog - When Select A File And Click OPEN Dialog Disappears Then Reappears

Dec 23, 2010

I am having a funny problem with OpenFileDialog that I just cannot solve. Using VB.NET 2008 Pro.

Problem: I run my program and click the menu item associated with this OFD and the OFD opens fine. When I select a file and click OPEN the dialog disappears then reappears. I click OPEN again and it disposes itself then loads the proper file into a form. The same thing happens with the CANCEL button as well.

Question: How do I go about coding the OFD to open a file that has been double clicked on thus bypassing dialogresult.OK . I can't seem to find an answer to this.

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SaveAs Dialog And Extensions - Allow The User To Select A Filename To Save A File Either As A Doc File?

Jul 1, 2011

I'm using the FileSaveAs dialog control to allow the user to select a filename to save a file either as a doc file, an rtf file or a pdf file (that part was easy).However, after a bit of testing, it seems that the file extension doesn't automatically change when selecting the different file types.If the filename in the dialog is Foo.doc and I select FileType *.pdf and click "Save", my app still tries to save the file as a doc type.Virtually every other MS app automatically changes the extension to match a selected file type from the Office Suite to Paint. here's my code:

Dim dlg As New SaveFileDialog
dlg.InitialDirectory = m_sReportFolder
dlg.FileName = sProjectName & ".docx"[code]......

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Finding Resource ID Or Index Of A String/icon Resource?

Mar 4, 2010

I need to refer to some strings using an "indirect string" in the registry. It should be in this form:


MSDN: "If the resource value is zero or greater, the number becomes the index of the string in the binary file. If the number is negative, it becomes a resource ID."How can I find out either of these numbers for my resources that only have names in VB? I also need the ID/index for the exe's icon.

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Pen File Dialog To Select A File And Then Send It To Another Folder

Jun 18, 2009

I'm currently working on a script that uses an open file dialog to select a file and then send it to another folder.The open file dialog works fine, and I can store the filename/location fine in a variable. What I want to know is how to copy a user-defined file to a set directory. All of the stuff I've found requires you to know what the filename of the thing you're moving is.

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VS 2010 Open File Dialog Get Select File Name?

Jun 18, 2011

im making a simple program that will copy a single file. im trying to get the name of the file that i selected in the open file dialog but i get the location and file name (C:Users****Documents est est.txt) im trying to just get (test.txt)

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Resource File / - Separate Resource DLL ?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a resource file that I include in my shared code library that has all of my re-usable classes in it (all the resources go into their own namespace). Now, what is the best practice regarding resources... should I include them in the same DLL, or should I have a seperate resource DLL and/or are there any benefits from seperating them out into their own file.

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Select The Pen Color Using The Color Dialog Box?

Dec 9, 2011

How can I select the color of my pen using the color dialog box?

I tried:

If ColorDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK

Dim MyPen As New Pen(Color.ColorDialog1.Color, 1)
end if

but I get error:colordialog1 is not member of system.drawing.color

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Get The 'Progress' Dialog To Display Immediately After The 'Install Icon' Dialog Disappears?

Jun 4, 2009

I have a simple desktop application that uses a .NET setup project (.msi file) to perform the installation. On the first installation, everything proceeds in a timely fashion with good feedback for the user.The problem occurs when the user is installing the latest version of the application over an old version on their machine.There is an unacceptably long delay of about 60 to 180 seconds from the time the installer's 'Welcome' dialog [It's not the Welcome dialog, I've removed that from the Start section of the setup project and replaced it with a CheckBox dialog to ask if the user wants a shortcut on the desktop] disappears until the 'Progress' dialog appears. The user sees minute(s) of blank screen and thinks the install has stopped or failed.

In the setup project properties, I've got the 'DetectNewerInstalledVersion' and 'RemovePreviousVersions' properties set to true. So, I believe that while nothing appears to be happening, the installer is actually removing the old version. The 'Progress' dialog does not appear until the new version begins installation.I've been trying to either:

a) Get the 'Progress' dialog to display immediately after the 'Install Icon' dialog disappears

b) Show another dialog while the Uninstall is running to let the user know that the setup is still running and everything is OK.

I have been unsuccessful with both methods. I'm using VS 2008 SP1?

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Custom DialogResults - Create New Dialog Results For Dialog Forms?

Nov 11, 2009

Can I create new dialog results for my dialog forms? And then use them with Form.ShowDialog method?

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Forms :: Modeless Dialog Active When Modal Dialog Displayed?

Nov 16, 2010

Is there a way to launch a Modeless Dialog that stays active even when a Modal Dialog is launched? Can I put the Modeless Dialog in a seperate Thread or something like that?

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Passing Information Between Forms/dialogs (Form -> Dialog -> Dialog)?

Dec 22, 2009

I often use the process of displaying a dialog from a form, with the dialog user input then used to update the main form without any problem. In a new scenerio I launch the main application screen, I then show a login dialog ontop of the main app screen and can launch another dialog from the login if a new user is required. The plan is to update the login dialog (updating a combobox to reflect the addition of a new user) from the new user dialog.

See code below :-

'Update login forms user list as new user added successfully
frmRoomBookingLogin.cboLogin.DataSource = Nothing
frmRoomBookingLogin.txtPassword.Text = "Updating password from dialog"
MessageBox.Show("The password text is " & frmRoomBookingLogin.txtPassword.Text)


The messagebox implies the dialog has been updated yet the text does not change. Is it possible to update the dialog when using a setup such as Form -> dialog -> dialog? I'm intrigued as why the dialog does not reflect changes. I have never refreshed/repainted the dialog as never required to in my other examples when updating a form from a dialog and never encountered a problem when using a two tier form setup.

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How To Use A File Opener Dialog And A Folder Browser Dialog

Jan 27, 2010

I have an assignment due this week in which I have to make a app that has 5 buttons and a picture box. When each button is clicked it has to show the corresponding picture in the picture box, the fifth button closes the app.

I have the whole form set up the way it should be, but I have no idea how to write the code to make the buttons display the images and close the app.I have the images in a folder within the project folders.

I have yet to be able to find one, the one I found should how to do it using a file opener dialog and a folder browser dialog but that is not what I think my prof wants us to do, as that is more for a picture viewer app that lets the user choose the file of the image they want ot view.

All i want is for the buttons to be linked to specific photos that are part of the application itself and have them open.

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Modeless Dialog Active When Modal Dialog Displayed

Nov 16, 2010

Is there a way to launch a Modeless Dialog that stays active even when a Modal Dialog is launched? Can I put the Modeless Dialog in a seperate Thread or something like that?

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Icons From Resource File - Use Files Inside Of Resource File In Apps?

Feb 26, 2011

So i created resource file New --> new file --> Native Resource Template Then added icons with custom id, like "x", "u_100", .. so i understand, what the files (in my case icons) is.. And i saved as 32-bit resource file (*.res) So i have a question, how can i use these files inside of resource file in my apps? i know how to add icons in to my app.. Me.Icon = New Icon(C:/icon.ico)

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Dialog OK Button Sometimes Returns Dialog Cancel?

Jun 30, 2009

I have a Dialog that is basically a confirmation dialog on some SQL statements. After the dialog I have an if statement: If frmRelease.ShowDialog() <> Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel then.My buttons are set as DialogResult = OK and DialogResult = Cancel respectively on the dialog form.

For some reason, sometimes my button set to DialogResult = OK is returning me a DialogResult.Cancel, and causing me to skip a block of cleanup code.

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Save File Extensions - Save/open Dialog Wont Show .GDL Files Unless Select "all Files"?

Mar 22, 2011

im used to C programming.

Private Sub SaveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveAsToolStripMenuItem.Click

The problem is that if I save a file I get "myfile.GDL" if I overwrite that I get a new file "myfile.GDL.GDL" ect.the other problem being that the filtering in the windows save/open dialog wont show .GDL files unless I select "all files".

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Don't Show Any Dialog, Or Detect The Dialog Using The Dll Name

Jun 3, 2009

I'm using a DLL in vb.net 2005, and this dll show a messagebox with OK option. I would like to close this Messagebox by code.

I was investigating to use SetWindowsHookEx, but I can not detect it. Is it possible to don't show any dialog, or detect the dialog using the dll name?

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Forms :: Opening A Dialog From Another Dialog

May 29, 2009

I have a dialog which opens another dialog. The problem is that the second dialog opens behind the first. Is there a way to stop this from happening? I tried bringtofront with no success.

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Javascript - Code Giving The Msgbox If User Select Or Not Select The Checkbox?

Jan 27, 2011

IT STILL GIVES A MSGBOX IF I SELECT THE CHECKBOX BOX OR NOT ....My code below will redirect to Google in both conditions: If the user selects the checkbox, then it will redirect to www.google.com, but if a user forgets to check the checkbox then it shows the msg box with an ok button. When I click on ok it should redirect to www.google.com

I want When a user forgets to check any of the checkboxes to show a msgbox with an ok button and stay on the same page. Otherwise if user selects any of the checkboxes then redirect to google


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2010 - Cboboxes Select A Value From One And Auto Select The Index Number From The Other?

Mar 29, 2011

i am trying to auto select the email value from a 2nd cbobox when the user selects a name from the first cbobox using the first cbobox's index. (the values all line up with each other just fine)This is my current code:

Private Sub cmbAnalyst_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbAnalyst.SelectedIndexChanged
theAName = cmbAnalyst.Text


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Javascript - Make A Select Option Change Options In Another Select?

Oct 3, 2011

I have two drop down. SelCurrentManuf and selCurrentModel. I want the option in selCurrentModel to change depending on the option selected in selCurrentManuf. How do i do it?

<asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="selCurrentManuf"></asp:DropDownList>
<asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="selCurrentModel"></asp:DropDownList>

This is how i am currently populating selCurrentModel

Public Sub PopulateCurrentModel()
Dim mySelectQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM Model where ManufID = "+ selCurrentManuf.Text+";"
Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection(Session("localConn"))


but it only populates the first selected manuf, and doesnt change after

Private Sub selCurrentManuf_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles selCurrentManuf.SelectedIndexChanged
End Sub

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