Error Stament Is Not Valid In A Namespace

Dec 18, 2011

I'm having this error trying to debugg a calculator:

I write:

"Private Sub cmdsumar_Click()"

And when try to debug it, it said: "Error Stament is not valid in a namespace"

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Error - Statement Not Valid In A Namespace

Jul 15, 2009

I have errors saying "statement not valid in a namespace" What is a namespace? They are variables that i want to set up so that each can only take a certain typr of data. Here are a few examples:

pepPath As String


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Error: Statement Is Not Valid In A Namespace

Jun 21, 2011

I am getting multiple "statement is not valid in a namespace" errors in my code and im not sure why. Heres the code with the errors:

Option Explicit On
'Time at
' Retrieves the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was started, up to 49.7 days ((2^32)/1000/60/60/24)


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Statement Is Not Valid In NameSpace Error

Apr 14, 2010

Why I am getting the following error?
"Statement is not valid in a namespace"
With the following
Public Function EstablishConnection2() As Boolean

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'Statement Is Not Valid In A Namespace' Error Messaging

Jun 2, 2011

I Have a bit of a problem..For some reason visual studio says there's an error--it reads:Statement is not valid in a namespace..I can't figure out how to fix it. This is what my coded looks like and there's a blue squiggly line on the first two lines that start with Private Sub:Private Sub btnPlay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPlay.Click.[code]

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ERROR : 'Namespace' Can Occur Only At File Or Namespace Level

Jan 29, 2012

Imports System.Windows.Forms

ERROR : 'Namespace' can occur only at file or namespace level

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Statement Is Not Valid In A Namespace?

Mar 18, 2011

I'm trying to make my own password generator from a tutorial on the internet. But after following everything exactly as i should. It gives me some annoying namespace errors when i try to proudly build the solution.I fighted with Visual Studio 2010 for 30 munites, but it wont get fixed.

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Statement Is Not Valid In Namespace

Dec 2, 2009

Question, I am new to Vb taking a class now. I have written a code for a project and I am getting the error "Statement is not valid in a namespace". I have no other errors.
Attached File(s)

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Statement Is Not Valid In Namespace?

May 25, 2009

I keep getting that error and I'm not sure how to fix it, I tried switching to several different things like timer1.tick to just timer1 and private sub to public sub and such.

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Statement Not Valid In Namespace

Jul 13, 2011

When i try to compile this code i get a "Statement is not valid in namespace".apparently its the only error in the script what does that mean? how can i fix it?

What the script does is closes a program and attaches a file to an email then sends it out. im trying to get this done for a project.

im using visual basic express 2010 to compile it. which im new with.[code]...

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VS 2010 Not Valid Namespace?

May 28, 2011

I'm having trouble with the code editor. I was exploring different functions and one of them that I clicked made the hidden code that VB uses to override to clean the form visible. This had lead to many issues. There is a partial class that is missing "end class" statement. When I put in the end class it makes nearly everything get a "not a valid namespace" error. I do not know how to fix this.

Code without endclass Private Sub frmMapReader_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Static Functions - Statement Is Not In A Valid Namespace

Mar 2, 2009

I have a class called PunchEvent. In the class I have an Enum called EventReason. I want to have a function Public Function ReasonToString(ByVal Reason As EventReason) As String. That is defined "near" the class (ie in the same file?) but is not actually part of the class (ie. it is not a member function). In c++ I guess this would be a static function? I tried to just define it after the "end class", but it says "statement is not in a valid namespace". Any recommendations?

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If Stament And Doubles Conditions ?

Jun 8, 2011

Having problem make last if an statement work in the code. the variables in the if statment are doubles but the ide keep telling i need a proceeding if statement. but is already there it is in the last if statement of the code
Public Class Form1

Dim Totals As New List(Of Double)

Private Sub btnclear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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"Statement Is Not Valid In A Namespace"

Feb 6, 2012

The underlined statements have the error(s).

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Error With AddEclippse - The Error Is: Cross-thread Operation Not Valid?

May 5, 2012

I am having a problem that I keep getting the following error when I try to run my program.I am trying to make a circle the size of the value of FrameSize.A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll

This is the details of the error:

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled

Message=An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control '' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

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Error 103 'Application' Is Ambiguous In The Namespace

Jan 3, 2011

Using Visual Studio 8. On old computer, my application works. When installed on a new computer I get an error message:

Line of code causing error:
Dim WordApp
New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application

Error message: Error 103 'Application' is ambiguous in the namespace

Both computers reference:

C:WindowsassemblyGACMicrosoft.Office.Interop.Outlook12.0.0.0__71e9bce111e9429cMicrosoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.dll Old computer is 32 bit XP. New computer is 64 bit Windows 7.

View 2 Replies - .Net 3.5 NameSpace - Server Error In '/Internet/bm2/bm2' Application?

Feb 3, 2011

Got an 3.5 app - compiles fine, but when browse to page I get the error below. Searches for this all seem to indicate it is a namespace problem, but all of my pages seem to declare the proper namespace.


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Build Error (The Type Or Namespace Name Could Not Be Found?

Jul 13, 2006

I am using VS.Net 2003. I have a solution that contains 4 projects. The first project contains the definitions of interfaces. The third project is using the interfaces defined in the first project. For the third project, I added a reference to the first project. But I'm still getting a build error

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Adding Namespace Attribute To XElement - Prevent Blank/empty Namespace On Child Elements?

Mar 17, 2011

I need to read an xml document from a database record into an XDocument object in order for it to be deserialized. So that the deserialization will work, I need to apply a specific namespace to each of the level 1 elements. So XML looks a bit like this:


How do I prevent the blank/empty namespace being added to each child element of the element to which the required namespace has been applied?

View 1 Replies - Fix Func Is Ambiguous In The Namespace 'system' Compiler Error

Dec 8, 2011

I have a method that looks like this :

Function ExecuteAndLogError(Of TResult)(ByVal code As Func(Of TResult), _ByVal sql As String, _Optional ByVal parameters As SqlParameterCollection = Nothing) As TResult End Function

I am getting this compiler error : 'Func' is ambiguous in the namespace 'System'.


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Type Or Namespace Name 'Messaging' Does Not Exist In Namespace 'System

Apr 10, 2010

The type or namespace name 'Messaging' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

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System Namespace Conflict With Sibling Namespace

Nov 16, 2011

This class is located in the namespace Acme.Infrastructure.Interface.A class with the same name EventArgs exists in the System namespace.In another project in my solution I have a class Acme.BusinessModules.MyModule.MyClass.When attempting to use the EventArgs class I have to fully qualify the class name or the compiler thinks I am using the System.EventArgs class.My understanding of namespace resolution was that the compiler would first look for the class in the current namespace, and then its parents. It seems that the compiler checks in System before it checks in sibling namespaces. Is it correct that System is checked before the sibling? Or is this behaviour caused by other issues (Imports order?)?

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Imports System.Xml - Error Namespace Or Type Doesn't Contain Any Public Members Or Cannot Be Found?

May 2, 2010

I'm setting up a simple XML read-write demo (VB Winforms) in Visual Studio 2010 Premium (tried in both the RC and RTM) and added:

Imports System.Xml

Result: Error Namespace or type doesn't contain any public members or cannot be found...

VS 2008 equivalent example recognizes the Imports statement fine.I know this has to be me, but I'm stumped.

Note: I tried this with the app targeting both .Net 3.5 and 4.0. Same result.

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Error - Value Of '264' Is Not Valid For 'Value'

May 19, 2010

I'm Loading data to DataGridView 'Unbound' I'm getting following error when i scrolling down in the datagridview

"Value of '264' is not valid for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between 'minimum' and 'maximum'. Parameter name: Value"

I have checked at the end of the load it say 130 recordcount (dgv.Rows.count) and RS code as below:

do while NOT rs.EOF
Dim n As Integer = grdSearchDetails.Rows.Add()
Me.grdSearchDetails.Rows.Item(n).Cells(Columns.Description).Value = rs.Description


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'specified Cast Is Not Valid' Error

Jun 21, 2010

I'm trying to make simple payroll system using 2003 and Access 2007. When I press 'delete' button in this application, having a "Specified cast is not valid" error.

Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "select*from EMT where Empno='" & mskEmpno.ClipText & "'"
comEMT.CommandText = strSQL


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Character Is Not Valid Error

Oct 21, 2011

I am currently coding a tabbed web browser. I am adding a bookmarks function, but this stupid error is holding me back from compiling. I believe the code is flawless, but yet it says that a period is an invalid chracter [Code] The period in the SelectedTab.Controls is the one causing the problems, and I have no idea why.

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Error - Directory Name Not Valid

Feb 26, 2012

This is the code I am using -I want to be able to find a files extension by selecting it with a OpenFileDialog.

Dim foundFile As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(OpenFileDialog1.FileName.ToString).ToString
Dim check As String = _
MsgBox("The file extension is " & check)
TextBox1.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName

The error message I keep getting is that the directory name is invalid ( on the first line of code.

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Error : Character Not Valid

Apr 3, 2011

If TreeView1.SelectedNode.Text = "Kunkka - Admiral Proudmoore" Then RichTextBox1.AppendText("ME")
End If

I got character not valid error.

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Error : Parameter Is Not Valid

May 14, 2012

Dim data As Byte() = DirectCast(sdr.Item("Image"), Byte())
Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream(CType(sdr.Item("Image"), Byte()))
PictureBox2.Image = Image.FromStream(ms)

After reading many forums and trying the different examples, when I try and load my image from the database I get the "Parameter is not Valid" error.Im using VB 2010, SQL Server 2008 R2, and the data type is Image. I do not have access to the source code that is used to save the picture to the database, just access to tthe data in the db.The code I have included is the code I use to retrieve images from my db which stores the pictures as Image.

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Error Parameter Is Not Valid

Aug 17, 2010

STEP1--image data is sending by a vehicle tracking unit.using a socket application i am tracing that data.the data from the vehicle tracking unit is not in a decimal format.image data coming from socket containing lot of special type of characters. so i am converting this image information to hex format using the code below.

Private Function Data_Asc_Hex(ByRef Data As String) As String On Error Resume Next 'first take each charcter using substring. 'then convert character into ascii. 'then convert ascii value into Hex Format Dim sValue As String Dim sHex As String = ""


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