Find The Process Of A Program?

Sep 5, 2009

Ok this is what I am doing, at a specific time (set by user) a program (chosen by user) will lauch. What I would like to do is after said amount of time kill that program that the user chose. I currently am using ".waitforexit()" but this disables my application.

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Find 64-bit Process Info Using A 32-bit Process?

May 2, 2011

I have a 32 bit application that shells a second application that can be 32 or 64-bit depending upon the computer it's running on. I only want one instance of the second application to run at a time, and I need the first application to prevent the second from being launched more than once. I want to be able to use GetProcessesByName to obtain the running processes. This seems to work fine. It's when I attempt to obtain the module data to find out what folder the second application was run from that things fall apart.


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Write A Little Program That Checks For A Process - ,,Cheat Engine" Is Running The Process Is Getting Killed?

Oct 13, 2009

i am trying to write a little program that checks for a process and kills is the

Dim p As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName("Cheat Engine")(0)

My problem is it�s woking ,yes if the programm ,,Cheat Engine" is running the process is getting killed.But if the program is not running my program crashes.

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Process.start() Freezes Main Program Until Process Finishes?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a program that starts another program after setting the regkeys basically the program continually syncs the calandar of outlook and another application.I set the regkeys than launch the c:sync.exe app. I have tried a simple process.start and launching the process as a thread and they both do the same thing: The other process starts and works as it should but my main program goes "White screen" or "not responding" until the process.start has exited.

I want the process.start to run in the background so if users click in my main app it responds and truly that they can access the context menu of my main app from the taskbar while the process.start is running.

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Find Info About A Process ?

Feb 5, 2011

how can i make a list,so that every time i open a program on my pc, an item is added on a listbox with the name of the program and when i double click on the item, i get it's folder opened.For example, if i open Mozila, an item with it's text : Mozila Firefox , is added to the listbox and when i double click it , the folder "C:Program FilesMozila Firefox" opens.

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Find Out When The Process Is Completed?

Sep 25, 2009

I have to install whole bunch of self extracting files every now and then.. so, I was trying to automate the process...

Using process.start ("filename"), i was able to run the exe file. After that i send Alt U to Unzip the content.. Finally the Self Extractor sends message "xx files unzipped successfully..." or similar...

Now, how do I find out the the extraction is completed or the msgbox "xx files unzipped successfully..." popped up ? (I don't like to go thru the window title as there might be other thing going on...)

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Forms :: How To Find A 32 Bit Process In A 64 Bit Pc

Aug 25, 2010


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How To Find Process By Task Name

May 27, 2009

i have use VB.Net 2005 for creating a application for Open new windows explorer by code and close this windows explorer when I close my application. I Open windows Explorer by this code.


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Process And Find A Window?

Jun 17, 2010

what I am trying to do its to automate a user interraction by code.First I have a button named "start" once pushed I navigate with webbrowser to download a file. What I try to do it is to find the window "File download" by his title name, I allready made a seperate thread to loop into to list of process until it found the window "File download"

Where I need help, it is with the process list. I try that code below but I don't see the process "File download" in the list.and once I found it I would like to use sendMessage() api to simulate the click of save.I would like to find another window after to catch the window "save as" and click save and if the window that ask for overwriting appear I would like to find it too and click yes.

Why I use webbrowser instead of httpwebrequest it is because the web site required to login, i try using cookie, etc. No success so I decided to use webbrowser, I navigate first into the login page, I login manually and once it is done I can click the button to start downloading. I want to make an automatic download loop, I have lot of files to download on that site, sometimes .doc and other times it is .pdf

I didn't found a way yet how to force webbrowser to ask for downloading .pdf instead of opening it in acrobat, if someone can help me for that point too


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Find Data On The Process Level?

May 6, 2011

In my last information seeking I found the answer on a systemic level.


Now, I need to find data on the process level and it is documented in a far sparser manner than I am used to seeing. I dont know if the answer is in psapi.dll or kernel32.dll is. I don't know what approach to take since there is little information.

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Find Environment Details Of A Process?

May 5, 2009

I am setting some variables when my process starts running. I want to access them in a vb script (may be using WMI or if any other way possible). I am able to see these using Process Explorer utility given by Microsoft, but how to access them in vb script?

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Find Out If A Specific Process Is Running?

Jun 25, 2010

if there was a bad virus on my computer and I wanted to make sure that every time that the Application tried to run, I would Kill That Process? Something that Might Look like this, but Idk..

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Timer1.Interval = 1000


Something that looks like that, yesterday I got the code on how to Kill a process by name, today I would like to learn how to ask the computer if that process is running, and if it is, Kill It.

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How To Find CPU Usage Of Individual Process In %

Feb 3, 2009

Can i know how to find the CPU Usage of individual Process in %.I found the following code thru the net.But I not getting it. [code] Here m_ Performance Counter.NextValue() will gives the cpu usage percentage..What we have to write in place of these

1) Processor
2)% Processor Time

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Any Way To Find CPU Usage Of Individual Process In Percentage?

Feb 3, 2009

How to find the CPU Usage of individual Process in %.
Private m_PerformanceCounter As New System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total")
Dim cupcount As String = CInt(m_PerformanceCounter.NextValue()) & "%"
Here m_PerformanceCounter.NextValue() will gives the cpu usage percentage

What we have to write in place of these
1) Processor
2)% Processor Time

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Find Out Who Is Running The Process On The Remote Machine

Feb 26, 2012

I am trying to get a list of processes running on remote machine and the username running them. So far I've got:

Dim ps As System.Diagnostics.Process
For Each ps In System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses("myserver")

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Getting An Alternate Way To Find Diagnostic.Process.handle?

May 18, 2009

I am attempting to make a piece of software that monitors a 3rd party process for injected code. I successfully made a program that uses readprocessmemory from kernel32 to search for strings in a process. My problem is that the process I am attempting to monitor is running as system and provides an access denied message when I attempt to query any information about the process. Including process.handle and process.modules. Are there any ways I can get this process' handle?

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How To Find Out Owner / User Running Any Process

Jun 20, 2011

I'm fairly new to and trying to get information for a project at work! Basically I can list all the applications running on a machine, I cannot however retrieve the details of the user running it! At the moment I'm using the following code after importing System.ServiceProcess and System.Diagnostics.Process:

Public Sub GetProcess()
Dim pr As Process
A = 0
For Each pr In Process.GetProcesses(System.Environment.MachineNam e)
ReDim Preserve arrProcess(A)
arrProcess(A) = New String() {pr.ProcessName.ToString, Process.GetCurrentProcess.PrivateMemorySize64}
A = A + 1
End Sub

I have tried using pr.StartInfo.UserName but that just returns the username of the person logged onto the machine.

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C# - Process.Start Dirquota.exe - The System Cannot Find The File Specified

Sep 9, 2010

I am using a System.Diagnostics.Process to execute dirquota.exe. I catch an exception at .Start() which is "The system cannot find the file specified".

I am now doing:

foreach (var fi in new DirectoryInfo(@"C:WindowsSystem32").GetFiles())

This outputs pretty much every file in that directory apart from dirquota.exe.

View 2 Replies - Find What Process Called ProcessRequest In An .ashx Web Handler File?

Jan 31, 2012

I have a context.Request.QueryString item that is returning the wrong value in the ProcessRequest method of a .ashx handler.

The code is like so:

Public Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest
Dim strOrderItems As String = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString("OrderItems"))
End Sub

One of the values returned by "OrderItems" is wrong. How can I find out what process has called this method to fix the incorrect data?

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Why Does File.Exists Fail To Find 6 / 115 Files In Directory / When Same Process Just Downloaded All

Sep 5, 2011

I have a process serves as an application updater.It checks it's local cache of files and compares this against list of files online.On it's first run there are no files in the local cache and it therefore downloads ~100 of these files.[code]This appears to work very well, since Explorer confirms that all files are extracted and available.However when I later run this process again, it cannot verify the existence of 6 of these files and therefore tries to download them despite the fact that they are clearly both present and up to date.The offending code is a simple File.Exists call which appears to deny the local existence of these files, and therefore tries to get them again.The system continues to work well, but over time the continual downloading of these 6 files is going to get kind of silly.

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Process - Program That Will Paste Text Into A Second Program

Jun 10, 2011

I mainly just build little apps that are mainly useful to me. So please be gentle.

I am currently working on a program that will paste text into a second program. The text will paste into several different fields automatically.

The problem I am running into is that I need my program to check for running processes(as the second app will already be running). I seem to have done this just fine. When I then need to "use" that process

I use myprocess.start()

This of course starts a second instance of the application in question.

How do I basically use a process that is running as if I used the command .start()?

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VS 2005 Windows Services - Process Is Listed As A SYSTEM Process Rather Than A Process Under User Name

Jun 4, 2009

I have written a windows service that is meant to launch a notepad when a specific action happens. The problem i have is that even though the service launches notepad, the actual notepad it self is NOT visible. I know that it has been launced because i can see the process in the task manager. By the way the process is listed as a SYSTEM process rather than a process under my user name (i believe that is because my process is a "LocalSystem" one).

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VS 2008 - Program Using - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:Program FilesFrets On FireFretsOnFire.exe")

Jan 5, 2010

I am trying to launch a program using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:Program FilesFrets on FireFretsOnFire.exe") but the program always fails - the program generates an error log - so its obviously trying to start - ive included the log text but i doubt it will be useful.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 45, in <module>
File "GameEngine.pyo", line 23, in <module>

Yet it runs fine when double clicked? why i can launch it from explorer but not from my code

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End Process In Program?

Jan 2, 2010

For example "C:myappapp.exe"

I know this code Process.Start("C:myappapp.exe") but this only starts the file and does not end it.

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Only 1 Process With Tabbed Program?

Jul 19, 2010

this is my trouble i tried that Checkbox in project Properties, but sitll doesn't do my needs my program is file associated with (example) .mfx and i have the Checkbox In Project Properties ( make Single Instance app ) checked this happens:It works, adds a new tab,... But when i Open another .mfx nothing happens. This shows me it doesn't do OnLoad again.So il explain it better:I want it so that you can't have two Windows of my APP Opend, but when i open a .mfx file without any window ( or with one ) it adds One Tab to it and does its thing (Form_OnLoad) how to do this?

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Starting A New Process (EXE) From A .net Program?

Aug 14, 2010

I am trying to run a new process 9EXE) from a VB.NET program. Basically I am doing something similar to this:

Dim proc As New Process
Dim pi As New ProcessStartInfo
pi.FileName = CMD
pi.Arguments = ARG
pi.UseShellExecute = False


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Terminate A Process In Program?

Jan 12, 2010

I've started a process through system.diagnostics .process.start("C:/process.exe")Now my question is, how can I terminate the same process in

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VS 2008 - Program That Will Patch A Program With A New Exe - "Could Not Find File 'System.Byte[]'." Error

Mar 29, 2010

I'm making a program that will patch a program with a new Exe. Its all working with this code

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles patch.Click
patching = True


I get an "Could not find file 'System.Byte[]'." error.

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Communicate With Another Program / Process On The PC Without Using Files?

Jun 21, 2010

I was wondering about something: is there a way to communicate with another program/process on the PC without using files? What would this look like? Is there a search term I can use to get more info? This is not a question per se, but a general software question.

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Get Window Title Of A Process Using Program?

Jun 28, 2010

I am looking to go from the process name to the windows title.[code]...

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