Forms :: Create An Grid Of Check Boxes Programmatically?
Apr 10, 2011
I want to create a grid of checkboxes dynamically on my form for example the user may key in 16 which is a 4x4 grid of checkboxes or 81 which is a 9x9 code seems to be generating the correct values but the checkboxes dont go to the correct location on the form
Public Class Form1
Public NumberOfInputs As Integer = 81
Public CheckBoxArray() As Control
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Apr 4, 2011
I have a desktop application by which i have to send mail to multiple recipients. There is a grid view in a form. There are some customer list in the grid view and for each row there will be a check box. User can check or uncheck the check boxes. Also there is a send button. when user click on the send button then a mail will be sent to those customer whose check boxes are checked.
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Jan 20, 2011
I have gridview with checkboxes. I need user to click row in the gridview, then popup the 2nd window which contains the values of clicked row. I can propagate string values, but not the status of check boxes. code is like this UpdateForm.chkboxincomplete.CheckState = dgridview1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(3).xxxxxxxxxx i need to know what to put for xxxxxxx or any other method to do this task.
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Jun 7, 2012
tell me why this code fails to programmatically create pictureboxes?
Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1
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Jun 22, 2011
i am trying to automatically generate multiple text boxes on a form with the following code
Private Sub CreateTB(ByVal x As Integer)
Dim y As Integer = 1
Do Until y = x
i need it to generate as many text boxes as the variable x states, so i used the do until loop thing. But i am stuck when it comes to naming the text boxes because obviously all the text boxes cannot share the same name. so i would like to know how to programmatically name each textbox uniquely.
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Jan 9, 2012
I am trying to insert spaces between Images and check boxes on a treeview node, in a windows form app i.e. checkbox (spaces) image (spaces) node text rather than default format checkbox Image node text
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Feb 27, 2009
I used this code to created 2 combo boxes General and Specific...and Only show Specific (Combo when Combo A is chosen.....What i need now is to know how to assign specific values to the items in combo b (Specific).??? If i chose a sode, Fanta, i want the total price to be $10.00 (this price will show up in the finial price box..
View 4 Replies
Jul 5, 2011
Im trying to make a program that allows the user to view additional information via moving the cursor over the label to view (make visble) additional information, in the form of text boxes and/or picture boxes. How will i go about doing this?
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Nov 3, 2010
So as the name states; I am a newer coder.
This is the code i have:
Public Sub RandomNumbers()
Dim s(4) As String
Dim RandomNumber As Byte
I don't know if you can tell what I am trying to do here, so I will try to explain. I what to create for random numbers and place them into for different text boxes. I also would like to do this with combo boxes and their selected indexes. So if the combo box has 10 items in it; the new selected index would be the random number generated above.
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Oct 23, 2008
I use check boxes and place them on my user interface (See attachment)I have coded the code for "select all" button :
Private Sub checkedall_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As_
System.EventArgs) Handles checkedall.Click
Dim chkboxes, outs As New Collection()
I could not seems to check all the boxes. Is there something wrong with it? I am not sure how to assign array to check boxes.
View 13 Replies
Nov 15, 2011
I have actually two list boxes and grid view.The grid view has three coloumns fields.Now i want to customize the grid view with the list box. Suppose the fields are employeename,employee id,employee code. The left list box contains all the three fields namely employeename,employee id,employee code.There is an add button fixed so that on adding the selected row moves to right list box;the moved row gets removed from left list box.Now left list box has only rows employee name and employee id.Whereas right list box has employee code.Now when user hits Ok button the rows in the right list box are only highlighted.
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Dec 21, 2011
Dim ds_Details_all1 As New DataSet
Dim dgv_newtbcolumn As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
Dim dgv_newcbocolumn As New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
If ds_AEGM.Tables(0).Rows.Count <> 0 Then
View 3 Replies
Nov 19, 2010
I have a DataGridView with 3 columns (metric_key, metric_name, metric_value).There are for example, 6 ROWS in this table (6 different metrics), added programmatically (DGV is not bound in any way)
Now, when I assign values in my grid I do:
dataGridView1.item("Metric_value",0).value = "value of the metric in row 0, in the column named "metric_Value".
View 1 Replies
Feb 13, 2009
I have a FlexGrid control in my Windows application that contains a row of data. The data in this row is related to even more data that won't all fit on the same row. For Example:The main data row contains Username, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, E-mail Address, Phone Number, etcA secondary row to this might contain user permissions to certain resources, such as File Server Access, FTP Access, Remote Access, etc.Now, I can use the subtotal and outline capabilities of the VSFlexGrid to make a second row, but the column widths are still bound by those set for the main data row. Additionally, I can't put real "headers" on the supplemental data. I have to fake it by creating an additional row, setting the background color of that row to gray, putting the header strings into those fields, and then adding the next row with the actual details.
What I would like to do is create separate grids for these secondary rows and "embed" them in a blank row of the existing FlexGrid control directly under the related main data row. This would give me the ability to use a different number of columns, to format these columns independently of the "parent" FlexGrid settings, as well as put a new header row for the new grid that identifies its data.In other words, I'd like to somehow make a "child" grid that's related to a particular row of the "parent" grid (not the entire grid itself). I don't know if this is possible, and if there is another way for me to accomplish this goal, I'm all ears. However, if it IS possible, I'd love some advice on how to implement it.
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Dec 25, 2011
I'm looking forward to reading and adding more to the community here. I've created a text based rpg. Next semester we are learning Visual Basic. I'm on winter break and I would like to get a head start on my learning. I've been working on creating some forms and message boxes. What is throwing me off, is that I have a good feel for doing coding so that I get functionality the will produce effects in a console. Coding the forms is a bit confusing for me. Is this something that others have run into? Is their some good primers for VB? I don't have my text books yet.
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Oct 7, 2010
I am trying to follow the book 'Sams teach yourself VB 2008'. It was going well until the end of hour 4. For exercise 1 I have created the form with a button and two text boxes, but cannot work out the code I need to move text between the two boxes. The Object Browser does not seem to help - am I reading it wrong?
View 14 Replies
Dec 29, 2010
If I have a large number of classes, each similar to the other in certain aspects (they all share a common base class, but each does things differently), and I need to create Windows forms for each to allow easy changing of their values through a GUI? Create one matching form for each object in VS' forms designer, Or Use code to create the forms dynamically at runtime.
#2 makes the most sense to me, because a lot of these objects will share very common features of the form, notably "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons. But one object might need to draw a textbox on the form while another might need to draw a combobox. Not to mention, if I want to put icons on the "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons, I'd have to do this for each copy of the form in designer, and that sounds like it could get out of hand quickly.But is drawing forms through code sane? VS' forms designer is pretty sophisticated and designed to make life easier. Am I wise to consider ignoring its functionality and diving into the trench warfare of forms design through code? Or are there examples of automating form creation based on an existing object's properties?
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Apr 13, 2010
I want to write a utility to register and unregister dll's. So far I have not been successful in checking if a DLL is registered. Can anyone give me any pointers or sample code in vb or c#?
View 9 Replies
Aug 15, 2010
Most of my check boxes look like these (on the left of the picture) (ignore the checked check box in the upper left corner , I am not talking about tat one) :However , ONLY on tab 2 the check boxes look differently in both cases the check boxes are Disabled , but they don't look the same . Why is that ? I even tried copying the check boxes from tab 3 to tab 2 but to my surprise they once again looked differently ! This only happens on tab 2 . How is this possible ?
View 20 Replies
Nov 28, 2009
Add Check Boxes Into A List Box?[code]...
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Jun 19, 2012
<td width=60%><asp:CheckBox ID="chk0" runat="server" /> ...</td>
<td width=40%><asp:CheckBox ID="chk1" runat="server" /> ...</td>
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Dec 15, 2010
I've got a screen with 4 group box and several text box inside them.Each group box is controlled by a check box, so if the check box is true, the group box is enabled. Otherwise, the group box will be disabled.So far, I've been using a 'Refresh' button to evaluate the check boxes values.Now I'd like to give up using that button, so if when I change the check box state, so will do the group box. How could I do that?
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Feb 21, 2009
(Visual Studio Visual Basic) many times, and I populate the ListView columns with data using SQL statements that pull data from a database. I'm now trying to use a ListView with the addition of check boxes.
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Oct 13, 2010
I have a Form with a Group Box with a number of check boxes within it, each check box has a text box next to it for the user to enter a number. I wondered if it was possible to loop through the check boxes within the Group Box to find out which are selected and output the value in the associated textbox next each checkbox as it loops?
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Dec 7, 2011
Using Studio/VB 2010 here and would like to find out how to approach the following. Examples would also be welcomed as I've not yet tried the progress bar control.
Scenario: A windows form will contain multiple check box controls that will be "auto-checked" as other parts of the user application/interface are completed. I would like to show a progress bar on the form that will give the viewer some idea of what has been completed. For example, 5 of 20 checked-off would show 25% in the progress bar.
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Oct 22, 2010
I have used VB (versions 2 - 6) through many years; however, I am crash-course training myself into the VB2008 / VB2010 world kicking a screaming. I would like suggestions as to what SQL database access method should I focus more on in my learning process without making me feel that I'm a million years behind. I know I have WinForms where I can create a datasourse and drag / drop fields or tables on a form to create a grid (not really what I'm looking for).
My trouble isn't so much designing the form but in how I access the database. Theres XML, LINQ to SQL, ADO.NET, and many other methods. Not only do I need to grasp these methods quickly but I also need to know what type of projects I should create. What I mean is...I was thinking that I would design a WinForm app; however, I see that there are WPF apps and others to chose from. This is getting deep. I know it depends on the project that I'm working on. My plans are to write an app based off of either an SQL Express 2008 or SQL Server 2008 database. This first app will be standalone for now but may later become multi-user. I know I'm far behind on my learning curve coming from VB6. I have read a bit on VB2005 / 2008 / 2010. I own
both VB2008 and VB2010. I use VB2008 at work. I know ADO.NET is still alive but by what I read online, it's a dying method and is only kept for backward compatibility. XML and LINQ to SQL and other methods are all pretty new to me.
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Aug 20, 2011
I was thinking of checking the registry keys that a web browsers makes, and hopefully seeing if I could get accurate answer. Yet I only discovered that most of them do not remove registry values after a uninstall, nor do they make any indication that the program was removed from the system.
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Oct 1, 2009
I'm attempting to write an app that watching for process spikes. IE: Watch every active process and log the difference between initial and max values of cpu percentage (or load) of each process. The problem is that, as far as I can tell from the MSDN, the Process class doesn't contain any property that is even remotely equal to the true load of the process. For the time being I've written the code to watch the PagedMemorySize64 property, but the values that are being spit out appear to have no relevance to load.
To be clear, I don't need the actual load percentage (though it would be handy), all I need is a property that is directly related to load to show what processes 'spike' during the execution of my program.
My code as it stands (initialProcessCheck runs first, then processCheck runs every 1.5 seconds or so until other threads doing irrelavent tasks are finished, then computeDeltas is run):
Private Sub initialProcessCheck()
'Checks the current load on all active processes and stores as initial values
For Each intPID As Integer In ActiveProcessIDs
Dim CheckProcess As Process = Process.GetProcessById(intPID)
View 11 Replies
Jul 20, 2011
Here is another problem i have a check box in datagrid i am using this check box to update user status i.e is he disable or enabled my problem is this
1. When i check the check box is saves True value in User_st column where as i want when i check the check box it should save False in user_st column.
2. When the datagrid form loads it fetches the records from my users table here i can enable or disable users but thoses users who are already disalbed, for then the checkbox should be chedked and for enabled users checkbox should be unchked how to achieve this????
Here is the code i am using om my update button
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May 9, 2012
I have a groupbox with 12 checkboxes(containing months of the year). I need to calculate and display the value in a text box.
For example if one check box is checked then on clicking the button calculate, it should be able to display the value 500 in the text box, if two checkboxes is checked then the total should be 1000, if three check boxes then total should be 1500 and so on[code]...
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