Forms :: Display Value In Datagridview Columns?

Jan 1, 2010

Datagridview1 has three columns as S.No-------Porducts--------Price

When I enter in column1 then product name and price must display in relevant columns as

S.No-------Porducts--------Price 1------------Mango---------12

I wrote folloiwng codes as example


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Any Way To Display DataTable Columns In DataGridView?

Jan 27, 2011

Is there a way to add columns in a datatable to the intellisense of the datatable? Is there a way to display the columns of a datatable in a datagridview?

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Get Effect Of Backcolor And Display According Columns On DataGridView?

Mar 31, 2009

I tried to specify Backcolor in XAML and run program result of Backcolor is not effected but DataGridView display me columns what I want. When I change DataGridView to DataGrid in VB part I got error massege: "AutoGenerateColumns is not a member of System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid". After AutoGenerateColumns line is commented I got result of Backcolor but of cause DataGrid display me all columns of a table. Is it possible to get effect of Backcolor and display according columns on DataGridView? That is XAML:

Code:<Grid> <wfi: WindowsFormsHost Name="windowsFormsHost1" Width="Auto" Height="Auto"> <wf: DataGridView x:Name="myDG" BackColor="Beige" RowHeadersVisible="False" /> </wfi: WindowsFormsHost></Grid>

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Forms :: Listview And Columns - Display All Services On A Computer Into Column

Oct 16, 2009

I'm trying to display all services on a computer into column 1 under Processes and column 2 as services. I can't figure out how to do this with the WMI statements.

Here is my code......

Private Sub OKButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OKButton.Click


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Calculate DataGridView Columns And Display Output In Textbox?

May 13, 2010

I am trying to calculate two columns in a DataGridView. The first column is the points column and the second column is the Rental_charge column. I would like one text box to display the total of points and the second text box to display the total Rental_charge.

Sub Rental_ItemDataGridView_CellEndEdit(ByVal
sender As


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Datagridview With Bound And Unbound Calculated Columns Won't Display

May 4, 2011

DataGridView1 is bound to a sql table. Cells(0) and (1) come from that table. Cells(2) and (3) are calculated. While debugging the code, the calculations and lookup look fine, but the results will not display in the columns. Here is the code:

Dim SeatsUsed As Integer = 0
For Each r As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows


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Display Todays Date And Calculate Columns In A DataGridView

May 20, 2010

I would like a column in my datagridview to display todays date. Also to caluclate all the row charges of todays date and display them in a text box.[code]

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Datagridview - Remove Wrong Columns And Display The Wrong Data

Jan 12, 2010

I've got a DataGridview I want to remove columns from as it greatly increases performance when I format the DGV. The first time I remove columns in a loop (using the removeat) property, everythings fine. But when I try to remove more columns in another loop, it appears to remove the wrong columns and displays the wrong data. In other words, it displays the wrong data and headers; and the columns it does show has headers and cells that don't match.


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Forms :: Display Data In Datagridview?

Jan 19, 2010

Dear Experts

Table gpass has data as


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Cannot Display New Information In DataGridView Without Closing One Of Forms

May 3, 2009

I am currently working on a school database that I am having troubles with. I have the Table Adapters, Binding Source, and DataGridView all working, along with the Insert, Update and Delete Commands. I have the user open up the SubjectForm. On this form the user is looking at a DataGridView of the subjects table and everything that is in it. When the user clicks add new on the right side, it opens up a new form called AddNewSubject. When the user gets done adding the new subject in, a dialog box appears and says that the subject was added successfully. After the user clicks exit, it takes them right back to the SubjectForm where the DataGridView is. My question is, how do I update the data in that grid so that after the user clicks exit on the AddSubject Form, the new data will appear in the grid? I have tried a combination of things and they haven't worked. I will add my code at the bottom.[code]....

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Forms :: DataGridView Display - Hiding And Showing

Mar 31, 2009

I have a form e.g. Form1 , which displays a datagridview.
1) On form load, the datagridview doesn't have any data
2) The user clicks on a button called filter, this opens a form where the user can specify parameters to filter the data by
3) This form calls a setData() in Form1, which fills the dataset with the data

This works fine. If I click on a button called controlPanel it launches another form and hides this. E.g.
dim cp as new ControlPanel()

On the controlpanel I have a button that links to form1. If I click on it. E.g.
dim frm as new Form1()
It redisplays Form1 but without any data in the datagridview.

I think the problem is that since I am creating a new instance for Form1 it comes up with the blank Form1. Is there a way to redisplay Form1 so that it retains the data that was displayed last, without having to retrieve the data from the database.

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DataGridView, Set Up Columns, Populate Data Table, Bind, But Not Using Columns Created In Code?

Oct 26, 2011

I'm using 2005. I have working programs that I populate DataGridViews with something like the following:


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Forms :: Calculate Values In Column And Display In DataGridView?

Aug 29, 2011

i am doing a small project for my business and i got stuck with this 2 weeks ago and still no progress.

I have an access db table "store" that has columns: (filldate,brand,model,plateno,mileage,litres) where i am storing these info each time a car in my company fills gas. For example (8/25/2011,Renault,Megane,5487844,3943,20).

What i want to do now is to display in a datagrid the total consumption of gas (litres) with the kilometers driven (mileage) between 2 dates.

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Display 2 Columns Of Text?

Aug 8, 2009

I'd like to display 2 columns of text.Is there a better way to do this than

for line: drawstring (text @ column, ypos + (line_inc * line)) ?

I thought Visual Basic would be less tedious than the SDK in terms of having to do things by coordinates. Designing other things on the form, for instance, would be awkward since there is nothing to indicate the boundaries of my columns.

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Does Not Display Any Rows And Columns

Jan 27, 2009

I have taken this part from a previous application that works. This does not display any thing in the grid when i watch it it does show that it got 1 row but in reality it does not display it

Private Sub btn_all_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_all.Click
Dim con3 As New SqlConnection("xxxx")


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Link Columns In One Datagridview To Another Datagridview?

Aug 2, 2010

I have 2 datagridviews on different tabs of a tabcontrol.The user can input names into datagridview1 column1.I want these names to automatically appear in datagridview2 column1, in such a way that when rows in datagridview1 are added and removed the same rows are added and removed in datagridview2.I also want the column sort function to effect datagridview2.

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How To Display Multiple Columns In Datagrid View

Jan 25, 2010

I read data from a xml file and display all the contents in datagrid view. I want to extract collection of columns with same or similar contents - i.e I have three columns A,B,C and five rows in xml file. In column C, row no. 1,3,5 is filled with 'X's and row no. 2,4 is filled with 'Y's. I want to extract all columns which is related to the Columns C's content 'X'.Right now I am only able to extract one column which is related to X from Column C. How can I fix this ??


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Select All Used Rows , Columns And Display As Text?

Nov 24, 2011

I created below, this function gets all values in each cell of excel, but i do have a problem with this because its taking minutes to display the text from each cell, is there a way that i could make a function or call a excel method or property to get all values in a worksheet and put it in a string so i could display it.. actually our main purpose is to store all data that we could get into the database for reference and search criteria.[code]...

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Select All Used Rows And Columns And Display As Text?

Nov 24, 2011

I have this function that i created below, this function gets all values in each cell of excel, but i do have a problem with this because its taking minutes to display the text from each cell, is there a way that i could make a function or call a excel method or property to get all values in a worksheet and put it in a string so i could display it or store it in a single column in our database.. actually our main purpose is to store all data that we could get into the database for reference and search criteria.[code]...

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Datagridview And Its Columns?

Jun 22, 2010

is there an easy way to make the size of a datagridview expand dynamically (like say it is not long enough to display all the data it will grow in width), or do i have to implement this functionality manually?

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Specify Datagridview Columns By Name?

Nov 30, 2009

I'm using the follow code to grab values when a row is selected on my datagridview:


in this case for the first column. I am doing this for several columns. What I would like to do is switch to specifying the columns by name so the code won't have to be changed if columns are moved around. I have tried several things that didn't work. Can anyone supply me with the code to retrieve the value of a column on a selected row by the name of the column?

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VS 2005 - Gotchas With Docked Forms - Forms - Displayed Using Menu Items To Display Information To User

Nov 10, 2011

We have an application that has a main form with a map on it. Right now the paradigm is to have forms that are displayed using menu items to display information to the user. Most of these forms are modal forms, but a couple are non-modal forms that interact with the map. For some of the forms, it really would make for a better user experience if we could dock them in the main form of the app and allow the user to see both the form and the map. For instance. We could have a list of map features in a docked window, and select one of the items on the list and have the map zoom to that feature. Or do the reverse: let the users select a map item and have a docked window that shows details of the feature. Sounds great, but I wonder about what sort of gotchas we may encounter. In particular, what if we have two windows docked at the same time? Could we get tangled up in our event code?

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VS 2010 : Display All Selected Columns From Multiple Joined Tables?

May 11, 2011

I have multiple tables that I need to pull and display data from. I have created a new query in the TableAdapter of one table to pull data from related tables based on a parameter. In the Query Designer I can run my query and see all of the columns requested in my SELECT statement, however when I bind this table to a DataGridView and call the new query, it only returns the original columns from Table1.How do I see all of the columns I selected in my query?

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Columns Dissapear In DataGridView?

Jan 5, 2010

I have a simple DataGridView that I fill in with data from a SQL server source. The query is fairly simple and after the grid gets populated I manually add several new columns and then iterate through each row and fill in the columns with appropriate data. all that works well. but now when i click on a column header to arrange the data the data in the columns that were manually added disappears. is that suppose

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Datagridview - How To Disable Columns

Jul 31, 2010

2 of the columns have data added to them separately from 2 textboxes so I want to disable these 2 columns and also have it so that when I tab through the cells the cursor does not enter the disabled columns but goes directly to the next enabled column of the row

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Datagridview Contains 20 Columns And Several Raws?

Apr 22, 2012

i have a datagridview (editable) dataset is bind with datagridview datagridview contains 20 columns and several raws but when i use dataset1.writeXML(location) it writes XML of only first 7 columns and all raws

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DataGridView Is Displayed With Four Columns?

Jul 18, 2010

I am workinng on an aopplication using the DataGridView.My intent is that the DataGridView is displayed with four columns, the user clicks on a row in any column and the complete record for the selected item is displayed and the DataGridViewis no longer in view.

The code to do this is in the event "dgvCollections_CellContentClick" and the function works exactly as I want it to.The problem is that when I want to sort by a specific column I click on the column header and not only does it sort , it calls the 'CellContentClick' event and the details form is displayed, which I do not want to happen.Is there a way around this problem other then using the "dgvCollections_CellContentDoubleClick" event to select the detail? This was what I did as I sterted this project and I found that the double click was very sensitive and often did not work. The single click is much better for the eventual user.

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Formatting Columns Datagridview

Jan 8, 2010

I have formated a column : "N2" but when it is : 1,2 or 1,3 or 2,3 .... then it OK BUT IF IT IS 0,1 OR 0,2 OR 0,.... THEN MY PROGRAM DETERMINE IT IS LETTER BEHIND ZERO , NAMELY THEY ARE 1 OR 2 OR 3.... I want it should be exactly 0,1 or 0,2...

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Get Product Of 2 Columns In A Datagridview?

Jun 7, 2011

I need to get the product of the 2 columns in the same row but my problem is the values of my datagridview come from database and the number for rows is not fixed.

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Multiplying Datagridview Columns?

Jul 15, 2009

(All of this is in a datagridview) i would like to know if it would be possible to say, take Columns 1 and Column 2 and multiply the value of each row and post it to a Column 3 with each row in Column 3 reflecting the multiplied values of the previous 2 columns..

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