Forms :: Check Whats The Highest Rev Number In A Folder
Dec 3, 2009
i'm trying to check whats the highest rev number in a folder (file names are 123456_rev01.*, 123456_rev02.*).
here is my code
For j = 1 To File.Exists("c: est123456" & "*" & j & ".*") = False
MsgBox("looking at rev" & j)
j = j + 1
View 4 Replies
Jun 7, 2009
I have a table named as table1 with IDNo column and the ID numbers starts with HL, EL, EE, HE plus the year and a four digits. [code]On form load, the user will select from radio button which category he/she would like to work on, whether HL, EL, EE, HE. Let's say that the user selected HL, I would like to get the highest number in table1 and extract the last 4 digits truncating any zero digit starting from the left side and update table2's sequence column with the extracted value.
View 20 Replies
Nov 9, 2010
Dim MyVal As Integer
Dim MyVal2 As Integer
MyVal = Val(TextBox4.Text)
View 4 Replies
May 8, 2011
I created a code that inserts a number into a row every time someone submits a form.I am able to read the data back to the form using a loop.My confusion is I would like to get the highest number from the data field(column)Lets say the Field(column) has five numbers from 1 to 5.How do I get the highest number?I was looking at using a loop to go through the field and bring out the highest number, but should I use an array?
View 5 Replies
Sep 27, 2009
What is the right way to find Highest decimal number out of 10 different numbers(or more)? I made this code below, and surprisingly it doesn�t work every time! All numbers are declared as decimals but some times 0.02 is a higher number then 0.11!
If n2 > (n3 And n4 And n5 And n6 And n7 And n8 And n9) Then
TextBox11.Text = n2
End If
View 6 Replies
May 16, 2012
I have a file which has numeric values like [code]What would be the best way to display the highest number in a textbox +1?I have the following coding but to be honest it just keeps showing random numbers in the textbox.[code]Also what would you be the best way to append to the file? I have the following coding to append to the last line.[code]
View 5 Replies
Feb 25, 2011
I know how to get Total, Average, Highest and Lower number from using input boxes and so on, but how do you get them from within a listbox?I kno the format of the code, I'm just lost in how to get them from a listbox...I just need a few hints.
View 7 Replies
Nov 14, 2009
I'd like to know how to sort an array that has entries with numbers after text.
I have a list of four entries:
Book 1
Book 2
Book 11
Book 12
Using Array.Sort(aBooks) returns
Book 1
Book 11
Book 12
Book 2
Is there a way to have it sort lowest to highest like 1 2 11 12 instead of 1 11 12 2?
View 3 Replies
Jun 14, 2012
I am new to using VB2010 (and coding in general). Also brand new to these forums . Okay so I am making a program that: allows the user enter the number of customers served for each of 12 months into an array. The application should calculate and display the following statistics: total number of customers for the year, the average monthly number of customers, and the months with the highest and lowest numbers of customers. Use inputBox to get user input. Do not accept non-numeric or negative numbers.
The problem that I am having is that I do not know how to display which was the best and worst month. I imagine I need something that targets the highest/lowest number and finds the text in the corresponding index but I'm not sure how to do this.
View 2 Replies
Jan 9, 2010
I don't know if I worded this properly, but I have a mdb query that I display in a Datagrid on my form. The first column is TransactionNumber, which is the primary key and a running total (ex. RackingTransactionKey=RackingTransactionKey + 1). What I need to do is when the form is opened, find the highest (last) TransactionNumber from the query or Datagrid and assign it to a variable (RackingTransactionKey), so I can can update it (+1), therefore generating a unique number so I can add data to the query.
View 13 Replies
May 10, 2011
Create a program where the user can find the highest number and the smallest number from a list of values It needs to operate as follows: Enter a value (number) in the TextBox and click on a button [Add to list]. Once this is done, the program analyzes if the number is the highest entered or the smallest. To view which is the smallest and largest, a second button [highest and lowest] will populate fields (texboxes) with highest and lowest numbers. I've attached an image of what the program should look like.
View 4 Replies
Apr 26, 2009
I have a group of 3 numbers:
I need a way to detect which one is the largest, and which is the smallest, and assign them to a variable.If SideA is the largest, then it is variable C, and SideB is the smallest, so its variable A, leaving SideC as variable B
View 2 Replies
Mar 4, 2011
I am doing a bar cash register and I want to use a if statement to see if fosters button and number 1 on the number pad are both pressed then multiply constant by quantity number
View 1 Replies
Jan 5, 2012
I got a problem with dataview that get data from datatabel (Col1 : ID,Col2: Time) and I'm sorting by Time in desc ... when the values for example {40.21,80.21,70.25,25.2} the dataview sorting them as I need but when one of values goes above 100 for example {40.21,80.21,100.25,25.2} the dataview always sort the highest number is the buttom, I don't know why ..
This is a sample code
Dim dt As New DataTable
View 2 Replies
Mar 3, 2010
I am trying to filter a dataset using a number different inputs, selected by a number of check boxes. I have all the text base rowfilters working, but I can not make the date filter work unless I hard code the datetime into the code. The database is MS Access and I am using VB2008 to show the data. I would like to be able to use a DateTimePicker to set the filter date (without the time part) Also I would need to remove the time section of the datEnterDate. I cannot change the structure of the database fields. Also the datEnterDate is MM/dd/yyyy, because I'm in England I would like to use the format of dd/MM/yyyy if possible
View 10 Replies
Mar 13, 2009
I am trying to make a basic ATM system, iv got all the interface done and I have made the link to my SQL database etc. the part i'm stuck on is how I can run a check to see if a bank card number matches up to the users PIN number. To simulate the user putting a card into the machine I've used a combo box, and that lists all the cards, that haven't been flagged as confiscated (there's a column in my ATMCards table that I can set to true or false) then after the user has selected a relevant card there's another text box where they can enter in their PIN number.
Now what I want to do is, if they chose the card number 1234567890123456 in the combo box and they enter in the PIN 1234 into the text box, then, after clicking the check PIN Button if the pin is correct they need to be taken to another from where they can check their balance etc., and if its wrong they got three attempts after which point i want to flag that card as confiscated.
View 4 Replies
Jul 10, 2009
I got 2 LABELS and ONE BUTTON... when i press the button, it fills both labels with a random number from 1 - 6.ild like to do it like this... you press the button then a little prograss bar starts running for 3 or 4 seconds... and THEN after it reached the bars max i want it to show the numbers in the Labels...
the second thing is...i want to make 2 checkboxes next to the labels... if you mark the first checkbox, next to the first label... and the outcome is that the number of the first label is BIGGER then the other one.. you should get some kind of a msgbox.. i know how to make a msg box... but i dont know the code for vb to check if label1 is > or < than label2....
View 10 Replies
Mar 24, 2010
Is there a way to check if a number in a TextBox is an even or uneven number?
View 8 Replies
Jan 9, 2012
a program and i need to have a button put a file into a folder, i know how the button works i already have it doing some other stuff. i just don't know the code to copy and past it to a folder.
View 1 Replies
Sep 23, 2010
Part of my assignment is to check if input to Group Number and Number of Units are correct input by making error handling exceptions...
I have to check the following:
a) group number is neither 501 nor 062
b) number of units are NOT numbers
c) number of units is NOT a positive number
So my first question is, am I checking correctly? 2nd question is, How do I make sure my Exceptions will pertain to their correct respective things (a, b, and c.. above)?
View 6 Replies
Oct 8, 2008
Is there an easy way to check whether a number is a prime number? I've tried doing this:[code] url...
View 3 Replies
Oct 12, 2010
Is there an easy way to check whether a number is a prime number? I've tried doing this:
Public Function IsPrime(ByVal Input As Integer)
Dim NewInput As Integer
View 3 Replies
May 17, 2011
[code] I want to add a new try statement that will check a different folder and if its there, then redirects them... how do I insert an extra if statement without screwing the whole script up?
View 2 Replies
Sep 30, 2009
I am trying to check if a folder exist, it doesn't work if the folder name has a space or "_" or "-". .
here is an example of cases that don't work:
"Folder test"
View 4 Replies
Mar 10, 2010
Check If Folder Is Opened?
View 2 Replies
Mar 18, 2012
How to check if the folder is open or no ?
i have a folder in c:
name : "my folder"
i want to know if the folder is open or no
View 7 Replies
Dec 2, 2011
I am trying to copy some files to folder.I am using the following statement to check if the source fie exists If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists (fileToCopy) Then But I donot know how to check if file exists in the folder before copying.
View 1 Replies
Jul 20, 2009
I need a script that will check files in a certain folder (lets call it folder1) against files in another folder (folder2), if there are any new files, or changed files it updates them in folder2.
View 2 Replies
Mar 19, 2012
What code can I use to convert the number of files in a folder into a string?Bgeo99
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May 25, 2009
I have a list of users with me and I need to find out programmatically which of the users present in the list have read/write permissions on a particular folder/file.
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