Getting Drive Volume Serial Number In VB 2010?

Oct 1, 2010

I am trying to build an autorun application for windows 7 and I need to retrieve a drive's VOLUME serial number (the one that changes when you format it)

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Visual Basic 2010 Get Volume Serial Number

Dec 6, 2010

I Need a code to Identify Volume Serial Number and put in textbox1.text

The code should work for Visual Basic 2010

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Hdd Serial Number (not Volume Number)code In 2008

Jan 13, 2010

Send hdd serial number (not volume number)code in 2008.

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Get Volume Serial Number?

Jul 17, 2009

I'm using this code to generate machine signature. But it's take noticeable time to execute.

Public Shared Function DriveSN(ByVal DriveLetter As String) As String
Dim disk As ManagementObject = New ManagementObject(String.Format("Win32_Logicaldisk='{0}'", DriveLetter))


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Get Hard Drive Serial Number?

Jul 2, 2009

I would like to get the hard drive serial number.... to make a security feature for some software so it will only run on that hard drive... [URL]

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Get Serial Number For Drive In Vb 2008?

Apr 22, 2010

Dim SerieDisco as String Dim SerDis As New FileSystemObject Public Const LDisk= "C" SerieDisco = SerDis.Drives(LDisk).SerialNumber In VB6 I did use this code and get the serial number of Driver C: But now I am traslating the application to VB 2008 and I don't know how i do it? The methot in VB 6 function with hard Drive, CD and memory card (usb)

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Read Serial Number Of A USB Drive Using Program?

Jul 21, 2009

Is it possible to read the serial number of a USB drive using VB.

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VS 2008 Get The Hard Drive Serial Number?

Mar 6, 2010

How can i get the hard drive Serial Number.The Physical one only I spent 1 hour on google the only examples i found all had errors

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VS 2008 - Hard Drive Real Serial Number

Mar 6, 2011

Dim searcher As ManagementObjectSearcher = New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMedia")
For Each wmi_HD As ManagementObject In searcher.Get()
I am using this code for getting hard drive serial number its works ok with me but not working on my friends system and return an empty string.

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Creating A Backup Database To A Specified USB Flash Drive (Using Serial Number).

Apr 25, 2010

i have a question concering USB flash drives. I am building a Record Book with an Access 2007 database. When a user changes some information in the database i have built a procedure to create a backup of the database on a second hard drive. I was wondering if there is a way to find my USB flash drive serial number (either through coding or alternative ways) and specify that USB with that serial number as the location of the backup. As my program is at the moment, the backup is created from C to D. This can be a problem if on other computers there is no D drive or it's not a hard disk. By specifying the serial number to save the backup database to, should work on all pcs (theoretically). I am just not sure if this is possible in any way.

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Get Serial Number Hard Drive And Mother Bord In Program?

Aug 25, 2011

How do to get serial number hard drive and mother bord in

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VS 2008 Reading Local Hard Drive Serial Number?

Oct 29, 2009

My Dad made an application which had a feature that i want, basically his programme reads the users hard drive serial number and then multiplies it by say 12 and then divides it by 7 for example. This number is then shown as a 'Authorisation Code' which the user has to email to him and then his breaks it back down to the original hard drive serial number which he sends back which is the application serial number to activate it. I want to know how to read the actual hard drive serial number or a number that every computer has so i can do the same but i have searched everywhere and cannot find any examples for VB 2008 apart from one which didn't work

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Rename Volume Label On A Thumb Drive?

Apr 27, 2010

We are trying to rename a volume label on a thumb drive using a visual basic program, but the operation doesn't work. We are not getting any error messages, it just doesn't work. The user account being used does not have any special privileges. I suspect the user may have to be an administrator, but that is not an option. Any ideas on how to accomplish without elevating the users privileges?

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Set The Volume Label Of Disk Drive Using - Driveinfo.VolumeLabel

Nov 4, 2011

I have seen examples of enumerating through the available drives on a computer to obtain information about the drives.

But how do you change the volume label of a specific drive?

View 6 Replies

VS 2010 Transaction Serial Number Overwrite Each Other?

Mar 26, 2011

I have code to generate transaction number. hire my code :

Function TransNumber() As String
Dim oCmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim sNo As String = "P"


I had a problem when there are multiple users using the transaction or the serial number is, because the data overwrite each other.

View 12 Replies

Finding Physical Drive Number Using Drive Letter?

Jun 16, 2009

I have a program that allows the user to enter a drive letter into a text box. The program then takes the letter and find the physical drive number (i.e. deviceharddisk3..). It then stripes out everything and leaves me with the number 3.

In VB6 I used mDrive.bas from and it worked perfectly. I have been all over the internet and back and cannot find a solution written in VB.NET.

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Getting Physical Drive Number From Drive Letter?

Jun 17, 2009

I am trying to get the physical drive (device) number from the drive letter. If the user inputs the drive letter C the program will find the associated physical device number. For example if I input C then the result needs to be \Device\HardDrive1\... Some call it NT Device Name; I think. I have the code for VB6 from vbAccelerator, which works perfectly, but it does not work in VB.NET. My question is there a simple way of pulling the drive info that contains the drive letter and the physical device number. I have searched the internet and found nothing for VB.NET. I would post code but I have nothing for .NET.

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Physical Drive Number From Drive Letter

Jun 16, 2009

I have a program I am converting from VB6 to VB.NET and I am stuck at the very last piece of code. I need to determine what physical device number is associated with the drive letter.

The program takes the drive letter from a text box and goes and finds the device number (i.e. deviceharddrive3...) and strips out everything leaving me with the devicer number; in this case the number 3. I have searched the internet to and fro and found nothing in VB.NET.

My program in VB6 uses a .bas module from called mDrive.bas and works great. I can't figure out how to convert it over to VB.NET.

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Code For Checking The Serial Serial Number Of A Usb Stick?

Nov 21, 2011

With this code i check the serial serialnumber of a usb stick.


It is not perfect because the programma crash when there is no usb in de PC.But how do i search fot the sctick if it has a name , for example PPH ? And not G: , because it is everytime a different station.

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Accessing Hard Drive Serial And GUID

Jul 25, 2010

I've been checking endlessly on MSDN and the net in general trying to find out how to get the computer's "C:" drive serial number and also the GUID.Everything I've found seems to pointing to the System.Management library using the ManagementObject, but "ManagementObject" doesn't appear to be recognized by the IDE?!I've imported: System.Management, System.Management.Instrumentation, Microsoft.Win32 and System.IO, but ManagementObject is still coming up as an error.I'm aware I can simply access the registry to get the GUID, but can anyone simply give me the code to access these 2 elements please.

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Generate Serial Number (last Six Digit Number)

May 17, 2010

I want to generate a serial number in this format: INDDMMYY000001, INDDMMYY000002, INDDMMYY000003, ... I can generate INDDMMYY using following code: lblNoSiri.Text = "IN" + Date.Now.ToString("ddMMyy") However, I don't know how to generate the last six digit number. I only can generate number without zero in front of it. How to create the number with fix number of digit?

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Count The Number Of Files On A Drive

Jan 5, 2006

Anyone know how to get a count of files with a given extension on a drive? There may or may not be folders on the drive.

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Control System Volume In VB 2010?

Nov 21, 2010

How can I control the Computers volume inside visual basic? (like you have the speaker icon and when you click on it Volume scroll thing) at the bottom left of Windows, but I want it in my program. I am running Windows 7 (if that makes any difference

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VS 2010 Changing Windows Volume Etc

Feb 10, 2012

I want to be able to change (Increase or Decrease) the computers bass, Main volume, view connected audio devices (Output Devices) and finally display the computers volume with a progressbar.

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VS 2010 Global Volume Mute?

Mar 4, 2011

I need help declaring and executing the necessary commands to mute the volume on my computer (globally, ie. will effect all programs using sound, not just the application itself).

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VS 2010 Master Volume Control?

Jun 19, 2011

i found just this code but it works only for form1.

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel


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Can't Get Monitor Serial Number

Mar 10, 2009

i need to write a program to get the monitor's serial number i can get the model number for the life of me i cant seem to get the serial?

Private Function monitorName() As String
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Dim objWMIService As Object


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Cd Manufacture Serial Number?

Jan 1, 2010

how do i get the cd manufacture serial number of each cd with vb code?

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Hardware Id - Get USB Serial Number?

Sep 19, 2010

how to get USB serial number(Hardware ID) using

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How To Get Motherboard Serial Number

Jan 29, 2010

Dim Q As New SelectQuery("Win32_BaseBoard")
Dim SearchString As New ManagementObjectSearcher(Q)
Dim Info As ManagementObject
For Each Info In SearchString.Get()
TextBox1.Text += Info("SerialNumber").ToString()
Its not working. I cant get my motherboard serial. Why?

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