Go Back To Previous Menu?

Sep 26, 2010

I have created a console application. So this is the problem. I have set a main menu, when I input A, it sends me to menu A, but how can I go back to the main menu? What is the correct code should I use?[code]...

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Back To The Previous Page On Click Of Custom Back Button?

Aug 25, 2010

I am using an image button and on click of it i want to go to visited page.Now i am using - Response.Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()),It is going to previous page, but when i am in a page of some user details where the link is looks like - users.aspx?userid=25 and i visit some other page and click back(image button) i want to see the same userdetail page. How to track that.

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Passing Back Lisbox Values When Going Back To Previous Page?

Jul 23, 2009

I have a search page with a couple of pulldowns. Dependig on the values of them I show a grid matching the searched criteria, basically a table with links the user can navigate to. My problem comes when the user wants to navigate back. At the moment I have a "Back" button which simply redirects the user to the initial search page. I think it would be a good improvement to have the values of the pulldowns filled in with the values the user selected, this way when he presses the "Back" button he would not have to restart the whole search process again.

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Go Back To Previous Page - ASP.NET?

Oct 25, 2011

I am redirecting to a page and passing some querystrings. My pages are in a masterpage in asp.net.

What I am trying to do is go back to the page that calls the current page via the button, btnBack.

I am using the Request.UrlReferrer.ToString() to get the String URL of the previous page but the URL equals nothing.

I placed my code in my form load if not ispostback.

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Go Back To The Previous Row Using DataReader On ASP.NET (VB)

Jun 18, 2010

How can I go back to the previous row using OleDbDataReader.

I know that DataReader just advance to the next row using DataReader.Read(), but how can I go back to the previous row. ???!!

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Disable / Deny Going Back To Previous Page On Asp.net 2.0

Apr 4, 2011

On my current project I want to deny going back once my customers hit submit button and redirected to the final page. How can I deny from going back to previous page or some mechanism to expire the page if the back button is clicked. I tried this code and it didn't work.

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Forms - How To Go Back To Previous Form From Current

May 3, 2011

I have a menustrip, in which i have put a BACK option so that the user can go back directly from where he came to the current form, as there are many form which leads to the that particular form.

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SQL Statement - Back Button Not Going To Previous Of Selected Row

May 17, 2011

I am currently having a problem in my SQL Statement . I am creating a back and next button and about the Next Button it works just fine. But in previous button its kinda ok...but the problem it goes at the first row not the previous of the selected row.

Here is my SQL STATEMENT...
"SELECT t1.* FROM (SELECT RecordID FROM tbl_assessment WHERE StudentNo LIKE '%" & txtstudentno.Text & "%')t2 CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM tbl_assessment WHERE RecordID < t2.RecordID ORDER BY RecordID ASC) t1"

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Back To Previous Page Loses Request Object?

Jun 21, 2012

I have a need for a button to take the user back to their previous page.Because of how this page is accessed, the only way to do this is with javascript using history.back()

This part works perfectly apart from the fact when a user goes to click a button on the page they have gone to back to, I get the error that Request.QueryString is not supported in this context.I'm guessing the Request object is lost when javascript is directing the user to the previous page.I cannot use Request.UrlReffer either because the the nature of the back button. (it causes a loop at times).

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Programming A Menu Box To Use Commands Of Previous, Next, First, Or Last Record?

Jun 24, 2009

I am trying to program a dropdown menu item to function exactly as the binding navigator does with regards to next, previous, first, and last.

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Show Msgbox It Goes Back To Previous Subroutine At Else Statement And Runs Again But This Time It Displays

Nov 6, 2010

I have a routine that has an if else statement at the else part it calls another routine. Within that routine it has a msgbox script. At the part that is actually is suppose to show the msgbox it goes back to the previous subroutine at the else statement and runs again but this time it displays. I have never seen this before.

THe code is posted below.

1 Else
2 Me.lblTurnsLeft.Text = Me.lblTurnsLeft.Text - 1
3 If Me.lbltimer.Text = "0" Then


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Menu Bar Back And Fore Colour?

Oct 13, 2010

I attached a image of menu bar. I set the background color which is the form background color. But when run the application the color is still default.

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Work Out Conversion And Loop Back To Menu Options?

Oct 24, 2010

I have this code below that I called a Conversion Wizard Because it converts temperature, weight and currency. It works so far but I am stuck. I don't know how to apply the correct loops to it. For example, Do While and Do Until. I want it to be able to work out a conversion then loop back to the Menu-options. So that you can do as many conversions as you like and end when option 4 is selected.

Option Explicit On
Module ConversionWizard
Sub Main()
Dim userOption As Integer
Dim farenHeight As Integer
[Code] .....

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IDE :: In Datagridview, Read Only=True When Add A Row, It Is Copying Previous Row Data To New Row And Blank The Previous Row?

Jul 16, 2011

In Datagridview, Set as DatagridView1.ReadOnly=True,


When i tried to add a Row, it is copying previous Row data to new row,and also blank the previous row, why?Like Insert Row, Why...?

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Get My Toolbox Back To Normal - Can Put It Back On Auto Hide And Such

May 31, 2009

I'm not sure what I did, But I would like to get my toolbox back to normal where I can put it back on auto hide and such.

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Delay In Back To Back Messages Through Socket

May 10, 2012

We have a server application and a client application that communicates with each other using socket.

When the server application sends 2 messages about 16-31 ms apart, the 1st message is received by the client application with little delay (like 16-32 ms after it was sent). But the 2nd message is received by the client application a lot later (like 200 ms later) than when it was sent.

We already disabled Nagle algorithm (set NoDelay = True) in the socket in both the server and client application.

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Smtp :: Sending Back To Back Emails?

Jun 17, 2011

We are having problems with sending back to back emails on one of our web sites. The site is built with .net framework 2.0.We can send the first email without any problems on every try. But to send a second email you need to wait about 20-30 minutes.the problem.One thing we tried was changing the smtp email server. We tried a third party smtp server but the same problem persisted. So I think the problem is not with the smtp server but with our .net code.

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Mail


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Have A Slew Of IF Statements Back To Back?

Mar 2, 2011

I am creating an application that will be faced with multiple decisions to make and I want to know if it is possible to create around 20 if statements to excute or decide between before excuting?

The application will encounter multiple websites but each website will have the same elements but not neccessary in the same order so I was going to tell the app to loop through the IF statement and if the condition is met to run that sub routine where it starts over and loops through the IF statements until next condition is met.

Is this possible in VB.NET or is 20 or so IF statements to many to use at once?[code]...

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Records Back-to-back In A Msgbox?

Dec 19, 2010

I have a dBase file named PROBA, with two cells: "VNEV", "KNEV".I would like to see the records back-to-back in a Msgbox.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Odbc
Public Class FormCount1
Public Sub Recordszm() Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'DataSet1.PROBA' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


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[2005] Attaching Controls (combo, Label And Textbox) To The Menu Like The Office Menu?

Mar 1, 2009

Attached is the image from an Office application, how can we emulate such?

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Get Context Menu Appear In Tasktray While The Tray Appears The Menu Doesn't Right Click

Jun 6, 2011

I'm trying to get my context menu appear in my tasktray, while the tray appears the menu doesnt when i right click. Here is all my code associated with my task tray:


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Make A Menu Item On A Menu Strip Link To Another Windows Form?

Jul 25, 2009

How do I make a menu item on a menu strip link to another windows form (like a menu item that links to an about page already created in the project). I know that every coder knows how to do this, but i've read most of the instructions in the world for Visual Basic coding, but can't find ANYTHING I know coding fairly well, so I can modify it, but I can't create it my self.

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Menu Strip Has Disappeared But The Menu Items Are Still Showing In Properties List?

Oct 6, 2011

I have combed these forums and the 'net and can't find an answer to my specific problem. My menu strip disappeared (after deleting a small secondary form within my project). I therefore created a new strip and while recreating the menu items realized that the original menu items are still present, showing in my properties list. I have checked my design file as well and the original menu strip is definitely gone but the original menu items are there. I don't have many items so I would have no problem just deleting the original ones but I can't see them to delete them! I have checked and they are all set to visible. I have also moved everything on my form to see if it is behind anything else.

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Open A Form From A Menu, Closing It, And Reopening It From The Menu Doesnt Work?

Jun 22, 2010

This is going to be hard to explain but oh well.I have a form with a menu. When I hit option one, it opens another form (form2) inside that same form (mdiparent). When I hit X on form2, then try to open it again from the original form with a menu thru the menu, It says it cant access a disposed object. Here is the code: Form1:


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VS 2005 Menu To Auto-scroll Like Internet Explorer Does In The Favourites Menu When The Mouse Is Over The Arrow

Oct 11, 2009

I have a list of all the fonts on a users system under a Font menu item. I would like to be able to use the scroll wheel to be able to scroll through these items like you can with a combo box.


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Clone The Menu Items And Then Bound It To Form Context Menu?

Nov 26, 2009

Suppose I have ToolStripMenuItem mnuOrderOptions that contains the three drop down items. I want to copy all the items are their respective event handlers to Contextmenu on button click & then bound that context menu with the form.

Private Sub AToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub[code]....

how to clone the menu items and then bound it to form context menu.

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Context Menu Affects Main Menu Drop Down Location

Jul 13, 2010

I open a context menu by right clicking it.

It stays open when the cursor leaves it.

I click a main menu item.

The drop down opens at the top left of the screen.

Not under the main menu item I clicked.

I want to search the Internet but can't guess what key words to use.

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Dynamic Sql Menu - Create A Menu Based On Items In My MS SQL Database

Aug 23, 2011

I am wanting to create a menu based on items in my MS SQL database i have 3 tables


FormID - Int Eg (1)

FormName - nvarchar(50) Eg (Form1)


I can get the form names to be populated in to the menu and can open it my question is how do i set where the menu items will be placed. Eg File with FormHierarch 0 will be the very first one. Exit with FormHierarch 0.1 will be the very first one under File

Private Sub Main_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim menu As New MenuStrip()
Dim dst As DataTable = User.MenuItems(Me.ToolStripStatusLabel1.Text)


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Get A Context Menu With Any Number Of Names In The Menu Created At Runtime

Jan 18, 2010

I have a blank form and when the use right clicks on the form, they get a context menu with any number of names in the menu. This changes depending on the situation. I can get the context menu to add/remove the list of names but when I click on one of the choices and it goes to my routine (from addhandler) I can't find the property that tells me what they clicked on...


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Show Context Menu On Drop Down Menu Item Right Click?

Jun 22, 2009

i want to show context menu on drop down menu item right click...As an example,Suppose we add bookmark in mozilla & when we right click on that item..context menu is showing

Private Sub MenuAddToFavorites_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles MenuAddToFavorites.MouseDown
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then


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