HTML Email Template With Variables

Nov 7, 2011

I would like to send some personalized emails. I have a html file which is a body template. How add some variables there in order to put actual values, like <param1> and <param2>:[code]

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Sending An HTML Email, Where The HTML Comes From An HTML File .Net/ClickOnce Environment?

Jun 20, 2009

Usage: Users create pretty HTML news letters in another app. They post the newsletter to the web, but they also want to set the contents of the HTML news letter file as the body of an email and send it using Application In Question. The users understand to use absolute link and image references when sending an E Newsletter. Environment:

AIQ is a VB.Net app deployed via ClickOnce. It is an intranet app; one can be sure MS Office 2003 and the interop 11 dlls are on the target machines.

Restrictions: MAPI is out. It mangles the HTML. Since it is a ClickOnce deployment, we can't register dlls (I think, correct me if I am wrong). Therefore CDO and COM is out (again, I may be wrong.... I would be happy to be proven so).

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Create Template Token Variables?

May 4, 2011

Forgive me if this has already been covered in a previous post. I am considering using for a project but need to know before I dive in if it can perform this particular functionality. The application I wish to develop would need to be able to create html and email templates using variable tokens - what I mean is that users would need to be able to insert into their html or email template previously assigned variables that would send dynamically generated text from the database - so, for example, they could write in their template {title}, or {firstname} {lastname} which would then be replaced by the data from the db.

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How To Render Hyperlink In Email Template

May 14, 2012

I am trying to render a hyperlink in an email template which will be sent to the user and if the user clicks on that link it will direct to a unique url. I have given the coding below:
email.AddMailmerge("RequestUrl", "<a href=" & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("DomainName") & "/Requests/Requests.aspx?Company_ID=" & objCompany.IDHashed & ">Feedback Requests</a>")

My problem is the link doesnt resolve correctly and take me to the right url. It resolves as:

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Taken An HTML File Called "template.html" And Got Its Content?

Jan 3, 2010

I have another question.I have taken an HTML file called "template.html" and got its content. Then I change some variables and save it to a new file in the same directory. Afterwards, there is something else I need to do before saving but I don't know how.In the template.html file, I have a table which should represent a table from a SQL database which means I would need to loop it. But I don't know how to loop that.


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Sending The Mail Using Email Template Images?

Dec 29, 2009

I have windows Application from where I am sending the mail using Email template images. But on different SMTP server it show different result . It attached the template images as an attachment.I am using following method as mention in the link to send email template [URL]..

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Send HTML Format Email From \serversharefile.html?

Sep 7, 2009

Im wanting to send html mails from within my app, but im not sure about how to go about it. I currently have it sending out in plain text like so:

Dim objMail As New MailMessage()

objMail.From = ""

objMail.To = EmailAddressBox.Text[code]....

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Save TextBox Text To HTML Template?

Sep 24, 2009

I have the code I need to save the contents of a text box to a text file using the WriteAllText command, and I can view the text file contents using the StreamReader command.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to saving the contents of a TextBox into a html template?

I'd like to have the html file with formatting (H1, H2, table, tr, td etc.) already embedded in the head tags - this I can do already, and will save this html file as the template that the data will be added to.

I will be scanning the computer for system information - OS, Make, model etc and want to have this added to the template in the table layout.

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Save Data In A Database Table While At The Same Time Sending Standard Template Email

Jun 9, 2012

I haven't done any VB coding since school (15 years ago) but currently have a need to run what "sounds" a fairly simple app at work. I'm hoping some of you might be able to give me some pointers as to whether or not my idea is possible, and if it is, how best to approach it.

I work for a company where we send a number of standard emails to potential clients asking them to contribute to our magazine . if no response we then send a number of follow up emails. each and every time I send a new email to a new prospect I'm editing one of our template emails, putting their name and email address into outlook and manually sending emails. Then for every reminder I'm going back into outlook, clicking reply all and then c&p'ing our second or third reminder emails in each and every time. needless to say at least 2-3 hours of my day are spent editing and resending the same emails on outlook.


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HTML URL With Data Variables?

Dec 19, 2010

HTML URL with data variables

View 3 Replies - Sending Email As Html?

Sep 6, 2009

Dim objMail As New Mail.MailMessage("", ToEmail, "Password Reset", body)

...and the problem is that the message is sent as pure text including the <br> tags within the body

How could i send the email as html?

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Accessing HTML Variables From Code Behind?

Jan 13, 2011

I now need to pass this string into .net object.I have tried to below to no avail; the message box is empty.

Dim SourceTextBox As TextBox
SourceTextBox = CType(FindControl("search_input"), Tex


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Display EMail In HTML Format?

Jan 11, 2011

I am developing a application in which i use to connect to any mail server and get the unread mails from that,right now i am listing the them in listview and when i click any item in list it displays the message body in browser control.My problem is that the displayed msg is in stream format,i wanted to display in correct format like in yahoo,gmail,hotmail.

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Search For Email In Html String?

Jun 14, 2010

i am building a web crawler.i need to be able to get emails from some local html files

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Send The Mail As Html Email

May 1, 2010

send the mail as html email can i with : Dim


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VS 2008 Way To Send HTML Email?

Aug 11, 2009

I have an asp website. one page displays upcoming events for the next 7 days. I get the event information from a mysql database. Now I need to send out an email in of that asp page. What's the best way to do this. I send emails with another program of mine and I biuld the html string using a stringbuilder

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VS 2008 : Create Template At Runtime And Save It The Template With Name?

Aug 20, 2011

In VB.NET,I want to create template at runtime and save it the template with name. for ex : Administrator design a page with 5 fields like using firstname, lastname, dob,nationality and job. He want to assign this page to the user with some restriction like user1 need to enter the all the fields and save it the forms as user1profile, but user2 need to enter only firstname and lastname and save it as user2profile.(in features, he can remove the fields from the form).

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Control To Create HTML Email Message?

May 3, 2012

I'm looking for a control that will allow an user to create an email html message simulair to outlook but without the use of outlook. I'm now using outlook to create emails from my program, but if outlook is busy or has a popup open, it will generate an error and no message is send. The users of my program need to have full freedom in creating the message, all the program does is open the new email window, fill in the email addresses, subject and some basic information in the email.

Then the user can add text and/or images to it, before sending. What I need is a control/library that will give me a popup window with most of the basic editing stuff like adding images, putting text in different fonts and/or colors. I can probably create something myself to do this, but I don't have the time for it and it would be a waste of time if it already exists.

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RichTextBox - Send Email But With HTML Formatting

Jun 24, 2010

I have an Emailer in my Application and it has a richtextbox which the user can add fancy colours, font, pics etc... but when I send the email it doesn't send it as HTML. Is there a property in the richtextbox that lets me access the HTML code so that the email is sent as HTML and not just plain text. I need to be sending the emails as it appears in the richtextbox.

I am using the following code
Dim moApp As Outlook.Application
Dim oEmail As Outlook.MailItem
moApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
oEmail = moApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem)
[Code] .....

And I get the following email Without HTML. Please look at the Emailer to see that it is formatted. So I need to send the content of the Emailer as HTML via outlook.

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Use ASP.NET To Email Contents Of An Entire HTML Page?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a HTML page that I have created that essentially consists of:



The label text is generated on page load from an SQL query.The above is a very basic and simplified version of what I have on my page.What I'd like to achieve is to be able to e-mail the entirety of the rendered HTML page without having to build the page again in my code-behind to send it.

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C# - Using Types In A T4 Template That Exist In The Same Project As The Template?

Aug 4, 2010

I'm working on my first T4 code generation tool to add some Stored Procedure helper code to my project. I've created custom types (e.g. StoredProcedure and StoredProcedureParameter to help with my code generation and have included the assembly and namespace references in my code:

<#@ template debug="false" hostspecific="false" language="VB" #>
<#@ output extension=".generated.vb" #>
<#@ assembly name="$(TargetPath)" #>
<#@ import namespace="StoredProcCodeGenerator" #>

This allows me to use my custom types in my T4 template code. However, because my custom types exist in the same project as the T4 template code, I can't recompile my project once I run the template code without restarting Visual Studio. This isn't very much fun.

I read a great article that addresses this exact issue by using the T4 Toolbox, but it's not working. Either I'm implementing the VolatileAssembly directive wrong or the T4 toolbox simply didn't get installed. I'm not sure that the toolbox got installed correctly (I'm using VS 2010 on Win XP).

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Receive An HTML Document In An Email Which Has Some Special Pricing And Products?

Feb 10, 2009

We receive an HTML document in an email which has some special pricing and products. I want to be able to parse the data, perform some lookup operations on it, assign some pricing markups, save it to a data source for future referance and do it with and a web browser. I'd really like to use MSHTML.HTMLDocument, but all the documentation I have is based on HTTP URL's, but since these HTML pages will be opened from an eMail or saved to a fileshare, they won't have the HTTP. I've also tried to read it as a text file and parse with RegEx, but it's not very effecient and to be honest, RegEx is still a fog to me.

Would anyone be kind enough to suggest a way to do this? Is MSHTML able to do it and if so; how do I set up a reference to a non-HTTP URL?

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HTML - How Can The Server Program Read The Variables Sent Using A HTTP 'GET' Request Method In .NET

Jul 31, 2011

I have written server code in vb.Net. I want it to read to variables sent by another server's HTTP 'GET' request. For example the first server will send this URL [URL]msgid=$messageid where the values to be used by my server are sender, receiver, msgdata, recvtime and msgid I have written my code but it only reads the address sent by the http server and locates for the file in the server's root directory. I want the server to be reading the variables sent by the other server using the HTTP 'GET' request. My code is shown below

' the web server only accepts get requests.
If Mid(LCase(sbuffer), 1, 3) <> "get" Then
'if not GET request then close socket and exit


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Passing A Parameter From Radio Button & Check Box, To An Email, Using An HTML Page?

Mar 21, 2011

I have a form that is HTML, it involves a few string questions, a radio button, and a check box question. After the form is filled out, the info is then passed to an aspx page which sends out an email with the info. I am able to pass the string questions to the email, but am having trouble passing the radio button answer and the check box answers to the aspx and to then to the email. I have the code for the HTML set, I need help with the code for the ASPX page.(it is VB) Here is the code I have so far.


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Putting Carriage Return/line Feed In Non-HTML Email Text

Sep 3, 2010

Using 2005

I am trying to create a string message for an email that I am sending out from my page like so:

For Each dr In dtDataTable.Rows
strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Environment.NewLine & dr.Item("UserName") & Environment.NewLine

so I am looping through a datatable and getting each name from each row, that is working well but when I get the email it appears in my inbox with all the names mashed together, you see I am trying both vbcrlf and newline but looks like neither is working

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HTML In Windows Application - Add A URL Link And An Email Link

Jan 30, 2009

I have a project that I would like to add a URL link and an email link to in the Help/About dialog. How can I do this? Is it possible to add HTML code to a VB project? This is not a Web application.

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Html Source Code Doesn't Show Html But In Firebug Inspect Element Html Is There?

Jan 10, 2012

This may sound really stupid but I have to ask cause I'm not finding this answer anywhere.I have an application where the user will need to sign up for a new user account on the website [URL]..However when I am using Firefox's plug-in Firebug to view html I am getting something totally different than when I just right click on the site and view the page source.

What I am trying to do is to get the captcha from the website and display it in a picturebox on the application so the user can view the captcha, solve the captcha and then the app post is back to the service for a response.

Here is the source that I am getting using Firefox's Firebug to inspect the element:

<input type="hidden" value="Oo3Jo1I8bgzK68agMqo3s79ZZib2OkbK" name="iden">
<img class="capimage" src="/captcha/Oo3Jo1I8bgzK68agMqo3s79ZZib2OkbK.png" alt="i wonder if these things even work">


Why would the two be showing me two different versions of the HTML?

And how would you be able to grab that source to view in a picturebox using webclient?

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VS 2008 - Take A String Of Variables With A Common Delimiter And Break It All Back Out Into Separate Variables

Dec 11, 2011

Last year (2010) I came across a FANTASTIC command that allowed me to take a string of variables with a common delimiter and break it all back out into separate variables (possibly an array) with one statement.


As long as the delimiter was a unique specifiable character, this one-statement command could break it out into elements. my memory and point me in the right direction.

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Passing Multiple Byref Variables / Variables Fail To Change Calling Funct W/ Invoke

Sep 27, 2010

I have code, shown below, that works all except for 1 thing: The variables being passed byRef get passed, but once modified in the else section of the "if me.invokerequired" code of RecordData, the variables are never updated in the calling function. To reiterate, the calling function does not receive the updated data that is in the variables custid and amt.When debugging, I see the data change in the else section of "if me.invokerequired", but once it returns from the callback the data is missing.[code]

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Define Some Global Variables Of A Class - Variables Occupy Memory?

Mar 23, 2012

I define some global variables of a class as follows:

Private Class MyClass
Private var1 as Decimal
Private list1 as List(Of string)[code].....

But I found that after this form is closed, all above variables, var1, list1, list2 still exist in memory. I thought they should be collected by gc since the form is already disposed as I confirmed.

Add: I have monitored half an hour after the form is closed. But these variables are not collected by gc. I have an automatic update procedure on the form which uses above variables.Since the above variables still hold values, the automatic update procedure is always called which causes exception. (One quick fix is to check if form.isDisposed in update procedure. But I do not think this is elegeant. Besides, these variables occupy memory.)

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