How To Assembly Strong-name Dll File.

Jun 12, 2010

I'm trying to change the "load path" of all DLL-files that i have refereed to with this code

Function MyResolveEventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As ResolveEventArgs) As [Assembly]
'This handler is called only when the common language runtime tries to bind to the assembly


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VS 2008 Unable To Emit Assembly: Referenced Assembly AxInterop.MSFlexGridLib Does Not Have A Strong Name

Dec 4, 2009

I have recently upgraded an VB6 project to vs2008. I was almost finished when the following error occured. Unable to emit assembly: Referenced assembly AxInterop.MSFlexGridLib does not have a strong name Prior to this error appering, I tested my app several times and it was fine. Only after publishing it did the error appear. I have tried all solutions I could find, but nothing helps. I have read [URL]

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.net - Strong Naming An Assembly Using Command Line Compile

May 18, 2010

I am trying to use NAnt in order to compile and sign an assembly using the vbc compiler. I have a project set up and am able to successfully sign the assembly compiling with VS2010. When I try to sign it using the command line I get this error:

vbc : error BC30140: Error creating assembly manifest: Error signing assembly -- The parameter is incorrect.

I even created a trivially simple app (just an assemblyinfo.vb file) that will not compile and sign using vbc.exe What am I doing wrong?

here is my assemblyinfo.vb:

Option Strict Off
Option Explicit On
Imports System
Imports System.Reflection


I have found that MSBuild also does not like having the AssemblyKeyFile attribute as I have defined it in the AssemblyInfo.vb, it gives the same failure message. So the only way I can currently get this to build correctly is to set properties on the project to tell it which key file to use and to sign the assembly.

The reason this appears to work building the project from within VS2010 is that msbuild is passing /keycontainer to vbc.exe on the command line instead of using /keyfile. Still don't know how to use the /keyfile command line parameter.

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C# - What Is Strong Naming And How To Strong Name A Binary

Sep 17, 2009

I heard somewhere that I need to strong name my binaries before I distribute them.

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Unable To Load Assembly Ensure That The File Is A Valid .net Framwork Assembly?

Jun 17, 2009

I receive this error as "Assembly Load Error" whenever adding a form or other object that has to be inherited.

"Unable to load assembly. Ensure that the file is a valid .net Framwork assembly"

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Could Not Load File Or Assembly"project Name" Or One Of Its Dependencies.the Module Was Expected To Contain An Assembly Manifest

May 31, 2009

When ever I finish simple programs no matter what it is and i click to debug it it comes up"Error while trying to run project:could not load file or assembly"project name" or one of its dependencies.the module was expected to contain an assembly manifest"

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"System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could Not Load File Or Assembly" When The Assembly Does In Fact Exist?

Oct 8, 2009

One of them is giving us trouble in only 1 spot out of the 4 spots we use it at:The trouble spot is a windows form project that uses reflection to dynamically load some DLLs that run long running processes. One of these long running processes is an agent that relies on one of our vender DLLsWe're getting the missing assembly exception at the point where we first enter a function that references the library. I already checked the silly things such as if we had forgotten to move a reference from the old version to the new version, but that's not the case. I also checked the bin directory of the project and the assembly is there.

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Fail Add Dll File, It Show Message 'Make Sure Dll File Is Valid Assembly Or COM Component?

Jun 21, 2011

I wish to add refrence with a dll file.But it fail,it show message 'Make sure dll file is valid assembly or COM component '.I also try use regsvr32 to register it,but also fail.

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C# - License.licx File And Licensed/Unlicensed Machines - Error 1 'Could Not Load File Or Assembly

Dec 1, 2011

In a VS2010 solution I have a license.licx file that contains:

DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ActiveReport, ActiveReports6, Version=6.1.2814.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc4967777c49a3ff
DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.WebViewer, ActiveReports.Web, Version=6.1.2814.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc4967777c49a3ff
DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.PdfExport, ActiveReports.PdfExport, Version=6.1.2814.0, Culture=neutral,


If I build the solution on a machine that HAS a license for ActiveReport then everything is fine. If I build the solution on a machine that DOESN'T have a license for ActiveReport I get:

Error 1 'Could not load file or assembly 'ActiveReports6,
Version=6.1.2814.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc4967777c49a3ff'
or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception
from HRESULT: 0x80131515)' LC

On the machine that DOESN'T have a license for ActiveReport if I remove the above lines from the license.licx file then everything builds fine. I always thought that if the license couldn't be found then the unlicensed version will be used but it wouldn't kill the build. How do I get this solution to build on any machine whether it has a license or doesn't?

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Published Setup Requires Assembly CrystalReports 10.2.3600.0 In Global Assembly Cache

Dec 28, 2005

When running setup to install published program, the following message occurs: System Update Required: Unable to install or run the applicaiton. The application requires that asssembly CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Version 10.2.3600.0 be install in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first. This version is listed in the references of the program and in my mind, be included in build. How do I get by this error?

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Published Setup Requires Assembly CrystalReports 10.2.3600.0 In Global Assembly Cache?

Apr 18, 2012

When running setup to install published program, the following message occurs: System Update Required: Unable to install or run the applicaiton. The application requires that asssembly CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Version 10.2.3600.0 be install in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first. This version is listed in the references of the program and in my mind, be included in build. How do I get by this error?

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C# - Loading An Assembly Using Assembly.LoadFrom() As The Assemblies Are Located In A Different Path?

Apr 2, 2012

I am loading an Assembly using Assembly.LoadFrom() as the assemblies are located in a different path from Application Base directory.

Dim oAssembly As Assembly = _
Assembly.LoadFrom("C:\MyFolder\" + ddlXlate.SelectedItem.ToString() + ".dll")

And I consume a Type from that assembly without any problem:

oXML = CType(oAssembly.CreateInstance(sBaseType + ".XlateContainer"), _

However, the problem occurs when I try to use a Type from this assembly from within another method like the one below:

oComboBox.DataSource = _
[Enum].GetValues(Type.GetType(sType + "+ItemEnum," + sAssemblyName))

sAssemblyName is the one I loaded using LoadFrom() actually. After it said it cannot find the assembly, I used AssemblyResolve event which solved my problem :Subscribing AssemblyResolve event :

AddHandler AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve, _
AddressOf MyResolveEventHandler

Event Handler Method:

Private Shared Function MyResolveEventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As ResolveEventArgs) As Assembly
Return Assembly.LoadFrom("C:\PSIOBJ\" + args.Name + ".dll")
End Function

And I thought maybe the error occurs because it cannot find a dependent assembly defined in assembly manifest file I loaded using LoadFrom() already but when I checked the args.Name, I saw it was trying to load same assembly and after that it worked without any problem. So basically a type in the loaded assembly cannot be found before the event adding change.

My old code was using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Load() and Assembly.Load() methods and they were working fine without the AssemblyResolve event. I was able to reach types in dynamically loaded Assembly from every where within the same AppDomain.

LoadFrom() can find dependencies automatically within the same requested assembly path and that couldn't be problem as everything this dll needs was there. So at first it looked like a AppDomain problem to me as it looks like it seems it can reach assemblies from Load context instead of LoadFrom context and I am now using LoadFrom context.But now it seems I should pass oAssembly instance evertwhere to use any type from the loaded assembly?Doesn't it load the assembly where I can reach it everywhere (same AppDomain) using simple Type.GetType(...) method?

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DLL - How To Use Strong Name

Dec 8, 2009

I would like that my dlls created in will not used by others, is the strong name will do it? How to use strong name?

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"Unable To Emit Assembly: Referenced Assembly?

Jun 1, 2011

I'm wanting to include a system tray icon in my WPF project, and found this resource:[URL]..which looks like it will work beautifully, but it's written for C# and I'm using for this project. I downloaded his project and built the notifyicon as a DLL, then added as a reference to my project.

It throws up an error: Unable to emit assembly: Referenced assembly 'Hardcodet.Wpf.TaskbarNotification' does not have a strong name So I'm trying to figure out the best way to proceed. Do I need to strong name it, or is there a better way to do this?

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The Located Assembly's Manifest Does Not Match The Assembly Reference

Oct 9, 2008

I've got an exception when I deployed my application: "the located assembly's manifest does not match the assembly reference" What I remember is changing the project name from the previous source code, does it affect that much?

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Using Com On Dot Net Program That Have Strong Key?

Sep 17, 2009

how to Using Com on Dot Net Program that have strong key ?i get a com dll that need to used to control finger scan hardware.and i already added it in my vb dot net program. it completely work fine.but after i added my strong key to my vb dot net program, i can not compile my program. it seem because of com dll doesnt have strong key.

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C# - Strong Typing A Property Name In .NET

Dec 31, 2009

Say I have a class with one property


I have to pass the name of the property to a function call. (Please don't ask why it should be done this way, its a third party framework). For example SomeFunc("MyItem") But what I would like to do is, change the string into a strongly typed parameter. Meaning, if the property name is renamed or changed, it should be reflected here too. So something of this type :


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COM Access To Dll Without Strong Name Signing?

Jan 27, 2012

I'm converting a VB6 dll to VB.Net using Visual Studio 2008 Express. I want to use the same .dll to integrate with Excel via Excel-DNA, but also to be available via COM (I need to be able to call it from VBScript and VBA).

If I leave the assembly unsigned, I have access to all of the ExcelDNA functionality but no COM access.

If I sign the assembly with a strong name, then when I try to build the .dll I get the following error:

Unable to emit assembly: Referenced assembly 'ExcelDna.Integration' does not have a strong name.What are my options?

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Making Strong Interface?

Dec 7, 2010

I Finish my program but my interface is not good (its just a picture & its almost 0) but a good program like vb 2010, bitdefender & ... have very beauty a and strong interface how i can make a good interface

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C# - Retrieve Info In DLL Assembly About Calling Assembly?

Jun 25, 2012

I have created several DLL (.NET) libraries that are used in several projects. In these DLL libraries I want to know/retrieve which assembly (EXE) calls/uses the library, so if possible I want to know info like assembly name (EXE), strong name, version number, etc.

NB: Examples may be in C# or VB. I use both languages.

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Deployment :: Referencing Assembly From Another COM Enabled Assembly?

Apr 7, 2009

I have written a .net assembly which plugs into to a third party COM application. The .net assembly is COM visible to the third party application. However this .net assembly references other regular assemblies. If I put these assemblies in the GAC the COM visibile assembly sees them without a problem. However for various reasons I do not want to put them into the GAC but I cannot get my COM visible assembly to see the other assemblies when they are in other locations. I have tried putting them in the same directory as the COM visible assembly. I have tried putting them in the same directory as the third party app's exe but neither of these work.

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C# - Strong Named Assemblies In Winforms

Feb 1, 2010

Ok, I've read every question on here about strong named assemblies and just want to clarify something. First though, from what I've read, GAC aside, strong named assemblies prevent a malicious 3rd party changing and impersonating your code. It'd be great to have some links to some real world examples of this kind of spoofing that happened pre strong named assemblies. If security or the GAC are not a concern, It seems that it's still advisable to strong name assemblies because:

(A) Clients who have strong named assemblies can only reference your assemblies if they are signed.

(B) Clients who do not have strong named assemblies can reference your assembly whether it's signed or not.

Is that a fair analysis?

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Deployment :: Allow Dot Net Program To Run From Network Without Strong Key?

Nov 1, 2009

how to allow dot net program to run from network without strong key ? since i have program put on network, ussually i put strong key on that assembly, and it can work and run from network this program.. but there is some component com object that make me to cannot compile if i put my stong key, so i compile it without stong key, but it came i cannot run this program from my network..

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Error: When Assign The Strong Name In Assemble

Dec 26, 2009

error: when assign the strong name in assemble

Use command-line option '/keyfile' or appropriate project settings instead of System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute'.

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How Is A Strong Authentication System Created

Mar 6, 2012

I am trying to make a strong (or even medium-security) based authentication. How this would work is simply by storing a username/code on web (using dropbox perhaps) then using those codes to pass on to friends to use. This way if you remove that code online,that person will no longer be able to access that program. As far as I know, it is quite simple to save the number of uses, or username and pass on a text file to save on their file or registry things can be done but that is only 1 computer based. That is a very easily crackable security and is not worth it.As far as I have know you need to create a new main form where the code/ id/ username/password/onetimelogin will be asked. If it is correct, if not then "exit". The codes are stores on a text file on like websites, then the link to the textfile is obtained.

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.net - Could Not Load File Or Assembly

Jul 6, 2010

This is my Errormessage:

Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:Windowssystem32Rule.dll'. The system cannot find the file specified.

The problem is that the same exe works in my development environment but not on productive server. The program is a tool that should run as a Scheduled Task on Windows Server 2008. It consists of an exe, one so called Database.dll and the Rule.dll. The exe should load the Rule.dll dynamically in codebehind but it fails with the above error only when started from Task Scheduler. Why is it looking in System32 folder and not in the Application folder? Is it an UAC-issue?

'Load the rule engine into memory
Dim asmRule As System.Reflection.Assembly = Nothing


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Can't Load File Assembly?

Apr 17, 2009

I am getting the following error message below and don't know why. I've even rebooted my machine and it still won't work.

[QUOTE* Exception Text **************
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'EBOLVendorReports.modIO' threw an exception. ---> System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly


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Could Not Load File Or Assembly

May 20, 2012

if I want to open my vs2008 project, I get the error "Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft Build Engine, Version=, Culture=neutral, .... or one of its dependencies. The system can't find the specified file." Yesterday it has no problem and today I get this message. I have uninstalled nothing, I have net framework 3.5 and in the meantime 4.0 too, I use win 7 x64. I tried to repair the install of vs2008 with the dvd, no succes. what I should do to get this to work again? I don't want to reinstall win 7 (inkl. format the system drive).

EDIT: I checked the system with the net verify tool, and it comes out, that some dll-s in the assembly directory are missing. Now, I clean up all net framework on the system, then I will install the net framework 3.5 sp1 and let's see, whether it works or not.

EDIT 2: I even can't install the net framework 3.5 sp1. I downloaded the full pack from microsoft and if I click on it, nothing happens. Why?

EDIT 3: after reinstalling all vs2008 components and after running the net removal tool again, I wanted to install vs2008 back. And the install says: the net framework 3.5 (x64) is installed. I know, win 7 contains it. Then how the hell can I uninstall and reinstall the net framework 3.5??

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Could Not Load File Or Assembly...

Jun 5, 2012

Usually, when I create an application, all I need to do is copy the .exe file from the "inDebug" folder to run onto other machines.

But this time, I've got a 3rd party control. So, copying the .exe isn't good enough. I get a message as soon as the application loads "Could not load file or assembly ..."

I have added a "Setup and Deployment" to the project, but that still doesn't seem to include all of the files to the 3rd party control.

Because after successfully installing this application, the same error message is displayed "Could not load file or assembly ..."

how I can get this application to run on another machine without installing this 3rd party control first?

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Could Not Load File Or Assembly?

Jul 4, 2010

I created a setup file for my project, and i keep getting a can not load file or assembly error.There are no erros in my build or project.I can test this, and it works fine on my localbox wile in my project.When i create a setup file, and test it on another machine, i get this error below.

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