How To Assign Function That Returns Value To Variable

Apr 26, 2011

So I have a class called Transactions and I put all my functions there. The problem is, when I try to call that specific function and assign it to a variable, there is a "ByRef Argument Type mismatch" error that keeps on bugging me.

Public Function GetUserID(name As String) As Integer
Dim gotID As Integer
Dim rec As Recordset
Call connectDB
sSQL = "select ID from User where Name ='" & name & "'"
Set rec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sSQL)
[Code] ......

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Debug Calculated Function Returns Without A Return Variable?

Jul 13, 2010

It's often the case that I can write a nice tight little VB.NET function, and when it comes time to do the Return statement, it's really natural to just return the result of a quick calculation or a method call. However, this makes it difficult if I need to step through the debugger to see what is going to be returned from that Function. For example, take this simple method to illustrate the concept[code]...

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Variable Returns 0 Regardless Of Expected Value

Feb 26, 2011

'// Declaration of Variables
Dim Air_AH As Integer
Dim Air_Undercut As Integer
Dim Air_Bot As Integer
If rad_WoW_AH_Maelstrom_AH.Checked = True Then
[Code] .....
Shield is returning 0 regardless of the expected value. Can you not have three conditions in an if statement?

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Assign Each Value To Its Own Variable?

Apr 27, 2011

I have a file txt file that holds 3 values each seperated by a space how can i assign each value to its own variable and use that for other things?

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.NET Function That Returns PDF?

May 9, 2011

I'm trying to create a function that would return a PDF document. Something like this:

Function GetPDF(ByVal DirectoryPath as String) as PDF
Return DirectoryPath
End Function

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Function Always Returns A Value Of 0?

Mar 25, 2011

I have to cut down the amount of code in my blackjack program so im trying to use a function however the function always returns a value of 0 I have tried putting in "return cardvalue" but it still comes out as 0 I dont know where I went wrong or if the code im using can even be used as a function.

Function Values(ByVal deal() As Integer, ByVal counter As Integer, ByVal cardvalue As Integer) As Integer
If deal(counter) = 1 Or deal(counter) = 2 Or deal(counter) = 3 Or deal(counter) = 4 Then


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Assign A Resource According To A Variable?

Apr 2, 2010

I've been making this BlackJack program for a school project

I have 52 image files, labelled from '_1' to '_52' in my resources folder, each number corresponds to a card.

My question is, how do I get a picture box to assign the correct resource according to a variable

So, say I have

"pictDealerCard1" -> picture box which displays the first of the dealers card
DealerCard1 = 37 -> random number generated through INT(RND() * 52)
and resource '_37'


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Assign A Variable In A While Statement?

Oct 12, 2009

I need to assign a varible in a while clause. I.e., i would do it in php like this: while (!is_bool($char=$this->getChar()) in every loop, the function would assign $char a value, the is_bool function would test it, and the code INSIDE the while clause would have access to that $char.

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Assign The Value Of A Combobox To A Variable?

Jul 18, 2012

i would like to assign the value of a combobox to a variable and use this variable as a parameter on the insert statement.see code below,code 1 works ok,but code 2 brings an error relating to wrong datatype,i cant seem to find where the problem because i think i am doing everything right.


i would like code 2 to work so that i can assign the variables different values at different scenarios. column serialno is a foreign key from table Stock.

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Assign Value To A Variable In Lostfocus?

Mar 9, 2012

I want to assign a string value to a variable in the DataGridView LostFocus event. I found that I can't just do variable = "string value, it will give me the "Unable to cast object of type 'system.eventargs' to type ''" error.

The function created by double-clicking on the datagridview is:

Private Sub DataGridViewInvoice_LostFocus(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridViewInvoice.LostFocus

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DataSource - How To Assign Value To Variable

Jan 22, 2009

I'm trying to retrieve data from an access database, but I'm trying to do it all in VB. Basically I need to query the database, and I think I've done that correctly. But then I need to assign the value in a certain field, to a variable. So for example,
Dim email = orders.CustomerEmail.
How to assign a value to a variable.

Below is my current code:
Dim acc
New AccessDataSource()
accDS.SelectCommand = "SELECT TOP 1 orders.OrderDate, orders.OrderNumber, orders.OrderProduct, orders.OrderTotal, orders.CustomerName, orders.CustomerPostCode, orders.CustomerEmail"
accDS.DataFile = "~/App_Data/Database.mdb"

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How To Assign A Setting Value To A Variable

Jan 23, 2010

I get nothing but headaches when I try to update settings in the My.Settings class, or when I try to assign a newly assigned setting to a variable. Sometimes the settings update OK at run time; other times times they update only after the application closes; and other times still they appear to update at run-time, then when I close the program and reopen- they go back to the previous settings.This is how I assign a value to a my settings and how I assign a setting value to a variable.[code]

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How To Assign Field Value To Variable

May 11, 2010

I'm new with my problem is how to assign field value from database to a variable here is my code

Call connectdatabase()
dim uname as string
dim pass as string
sql = "SELECT * FROM user;"
command.Connection = conn
[Code] .....

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String Variable To Assign A Value?

Jun 18, 2012

i like to assign html codes to String variable

Dim code As String
code= " <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1254"> "

i think i am getting this error because of double Quotation marks "character constant must contain exactly one character."how can i assign it to a string?

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Call A Function That Returns A Value?

Apr 28, 2012

I wrote a vb program that would prompt the user to enter a number and then enter the exponent value they wanted the number raised to. When they clicked button 3 it did the calculation. everything worked perfectly.

Now I need to change the program. I must create a function in a module and then call that function from button3 click event. I have tried several different ways and even though it seems to "work", it keeps returning an incorrect value![code]...

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Function That Returns A 'Table'

Mar 9, 2009

I have to create dinamcly a Table ( not a DataTable) and I need to write the Functions in other class... so I need to create a function that Returns a Table to make possible I just atribuite the Table to my <asp:Table> control.


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Assign Combobox.selectedvalue To A Variable?

Jul 31, 2009

I would like to assign cboBegCust.SelectedValue to c and cboEndCust.SelectedValue to d

Dim c, d As String
cboBegCust.SelectedValue = "customer"
cboEndCust.SelectedValue = "customer"


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Assign The Value To Multiple Variable Of Same Type In .net?

Nov 22, 2006

I want to Assign the Value to Multiple Variable of same type in .net and that to in one line of Code.

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Assign To Variable If Inherits From Class .NET 2.0

Mar 31, 2009

I think I remember reading somewhere that it was possible to assign items to a variable if the item inherited from a base class, but I can't remember how.

I want to have a class that gets properties set and one of the properties is an error code property. I want to assign any exceptions that occur to the property, but it could be any type of exception. I remember that all exceptions inherit from the Exception class.

How can I assign an exception to a property based on the class it inherits from?

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Assign To Variable Of Struct Through Property?

Jun 1, 2011

I have the following

Public Structure Foo
dim i as integer
End Structure


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Assign Value To Variable Inside An IF Condition?

Jul 28, 2010

is there any possibility to assign a value to a variable inside an IF condition in VB.NET?

Something like that:

Dim customer As Customer = Nothing
If IsNothing(customer = GetCustomer(id)) Then
Return False
End If

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Assign Variable By Name Indirectly As String

Feb 16, 2011

Any way to attempt to assign a variable within a data class or structure when I have the variable name as a string. Where would this be useful? Let's say I have a data class that exactly mirrors the columns of a table in a SQL database. This lets programmers easily interact with table row data as it gets passed around as an actual, specific object since Intellisense can enumerate the variables for them, etc.

However, populating such an object is tedious and repetitive--the programmer who creates the new object has to one by one match up all the members when reading from the SQL data adapter. It would be nice if they could somehow enumerate all the variables in that class and attempt to auto-assign the values from the database instead of having to build a custom population method for each new data class. A person could create a hash table or tree or something that pairs member names with actual objects.

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Cannot Assign LINQ Query To Variable

Oct 28, 2010

I want to declare a variable to hold the query result from LINQ to SQL like to the following:

Dim query As IQueryable(Of Student)
If isNoUserName Then
query = From st In db.Students _
Order By st.AssignedId Ascending _


Return query

Error : conversions from 'System.Linq.IQueryable(Of )' to 'System.Linq.IQueryable(Of Student)'.

How do I declare variable "query" to hold both data from "Student" and "User" tables?

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Compiler Assign Value To Variable Even Before It Is Actually Initiated?

May 10, 2011

I've just read [url]...

I'm wondering if it is a typo. Do they actually really wanted to say: the implementation of the JVM is free to instead of the compiler is free to.

and my second question is that do we have this issue with C#/VB as well? (in which the ""compiler"" is free to assign a value to a variable even before the variable is fully initiated/even before the constructor function of the class of the variable is fully ran.

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Dynamically Assign Type Of Variable?

May 15, 2010

Is it possible to declare a variable and to choose it's appropriate type during runtime?

it should be something like this (of course, the last line does not work):

'Determine what type of variable is needed later

Dim myVariableType As System.Type = System.Type.GetType("System.String", True, True)

'Create variable with needed type

Dim myVariable As myVariableType ' Should be a string variable in this case

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How To Assign A Variable To An Query Result

Apr 24, 2011

How do I assign the query result to a variable.I am using SQLlite. Below is the code for retrieving password from the User Table. I need to compare the given password and the given password.

Dim i As String
Dim p As String
i = txtUserID.Text


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IDE :: Treeview How To Assign Node To Any Variable

Mar 28, 2010

Dim n As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode
For x = 1 To TreeView1.GetNodeCount(True)
n = TreeView1.Nodes.Item(x)


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On Combobox How To Assign Variable To Those Stings?

Mar 30, 2012

On Combobox how do I assign variable to those stings?

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VS 2010 - Possible To Assign Variable To Infinity?

Apr 12, 2011

Is it possible to assign a pixel value of a binary file to infinity? Lets say that my binary file is composed of 4 pixels only and the values are (1, 4, 8, &)... Would it be possible to assign the fourth pixel to infinity?

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.net - Function That Always Returns The Next Integer In A Sequence

Feb 10, 2012

I need top create a function that gets the next integer in the sequence of 1 to 60. Each time the function is called, I need it to increment from what the last value was and return the next number as the result. It also cannot return the same integer in 2 consecutive calls. When the count gets to 60, the sequence needs to reset back to 1. I would like to function to have no parameters.

I have created a function that does this using the cache to store the last value that was returned, but I am worried that with concurrent calls to the function that it might not work as I expect and 2 calls could get the same integer.

Is cache blocking the correct method to use in this instance or is there something other method I am not thinking about?

Also, stuck using .Net 3.5 and this is a web application.

I just wrote this function based on using SyncLock. Any obvious problems with it that I don't see? I am using the Cache to save the last value that was returned.

Private Shared Function GetNextNumber() As Integer
Dim o As Integer
Dim r As Integer


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