How To Select A Particular String

Jan 19, 2010

I have save the data in a text file as follows:[code]now i want to read all line one by one and display it in the listbox as follows:


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Select Value From String?

Jun 25, 2010

Dim str as string = "<request id=value1 type=value2>value3</request>" How could select the values as follows... Dim id as string = get the value of id (value1) Dim type as string = get the value of type (value 2) Dim ReadValue3 as string = get the value3

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SQL Select String?

Jul 29, 2009

I have the following data in my [content] column:

STORE NO : 908 FFDC SIMPANG PULAI (908) TEL : 03-42518482 FAX:03-42604102 FROM DATE : 01/01/09 TO DATE : 31/01/09

How should I write my sql statement so that I can only get the date after "FROM DATE:" and another data after "TO DATE: "?Currently I have the following code which store the whole content to dataset,but I just want to select 01/01/09 and 31/01/09 to separate column in dataset.

sql = "SELECT [content] FROM DC_VendorDetails_Temp "
objDB.OpenDataSet(dsrepeater, sql)
dsrepeater.Tables(0).TableName = "DC"
dsrepeater.DataSetName = "DC"

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Select First Three Words From A String?

Nov 14, 2009

Can anyone offer a VB.NET function to extract the first three words from a text string (where spaces are used as dividers between words)?

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Select Textbox From String?

Oct 15, 2011

I currently have a form with about 20 textboxes on, labeled Textbox1, Textbox2 and so on...

I would like to know how to get the data from any one of these textboxes from an integer.

Dim text as String
text = "Textbox" & RandomInteger & ".Text"

Anytime I do this, I just get the textbox name eg, "Textbox10.Text" I am using Visual Studio 2010

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Select An Item In The Listview From A String?

Feb 23, 2010

how can i select an item in the listview from a string. ex.i'm loading the listview w/c: directory folders and i have a checkbox to show or hide hidden folders. no problems there.the problem is when i click an item in the listview and check or uncheck the checkbox, the listview reloads w/a new set of items.

i already have a string to get the selected item before reloading the listview, but i cannot seem to figure out how to select that same item in the listview.

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String.contain() Versus Select Case?

Feb 10, 2010

I have 8 sentences, such as:

"Hello and we Hope you enjoy our service<100>"
"Good Morning Mr something nice to see you <200>"
"Good Evening Welcome to this domain <300>" etc etc

(The actual requirement is long sentence about 10 or 15 word and 8 different sentences.) I want to check which on is the response from the xmlhttp, I am doing that by searching the response if it contain <100> or <200> or <300> and depends on that I want to display "Login Faild", "Login success", "Server Down" etc.. what I mean, I have a place for 4 words in my listview and i don't want to put the complete response that came from the server, my question is, how to do it? I had tried to use Select Case in this way, it did not worked.

Select Case MyResponse
Case MyResponse.Contain("<100>")
MyResult = "Login Failed"


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Use .Contains(string) With A Select Case Statement?

Apr 15, 2010

Is there anyway I can build a Select statement that uses the Contains function? Like this:

Select commentStr
Case commentStr.Contains("10")
Case commentStr.Contains("15")

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VS 2008 Randomly Select 1 String

May 17, 2010

How do I randomly select 1 string from some Text? For example: Main text:


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LDAP Query - Error In Select String

Feb 16, 2010

Using vb2005 and .Net 2.0. I've been trying for some time to get my query to work. I've posted my issue on several forums but no one been able to asssist me. From code behing I need to query Active Directory and have following issues:

1. I need to select only where "title" is empty and
2. I need to do a LIKE on sAMAccountName


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Select All Characters After A $ When The String Coming In Is Always A Different Length

Jan 8, 2011

The following string could be: dsafk$asdlfdl or odldl$ldlkfjdsljfdslkjfdslkjf I need to do the following. Select everything to the rigt of the dollar sign, move it to the left of the dollar sign, and then put a second string that is coming into this function to the right of the dollar sign where the old string was.

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Select Certain Words From List Of String After Comma?

Feb 18, 2012

What i want to do is take particular values from a list of strings and store them into variables for that particular index. Com317,subject,1,20,M,year1the example is what is contained in each index of the list of strings. I want to select the 1 and the 20 from this list and store them into 2 variables. Been trying to do this with a for each loop but I'm not sure how i can single out these 2 values

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Select Line From ListBox And Then Convert To String

Nov 19, 2011

I want to search for a small bit of text in my listbox, if it's in the listbox I want to select it, and then covert it to a string. How do I do this? Because I cannot find the good command to select something on a specific line!

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Select Listbox Item Based On String

Jan 29, 2010

I'm trying to write a small app which can be used in order to log off Citrix Sessions. Citrix Sessions can be logged off via cmd or a batch file using this method:


So basically what I want to do is to select each listbox item that matches one of the hits from the cmd command. Probably the servername that gives a different result than "No User exists for" How can something like this be achieved?

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Select Predefined Items From A String In Checkedlistbox?

Jan 25, 2012

Is there an approach to preselect the items in checkedlistbox on formload.

1) I have a form with checkedlistbox

2) items in checkedlistbox are "One" "Two" "Three" "Four"

3) i have a string str="One,Two"

at formload i want these items in the checkedlistbox to be selected.

is there a way other than selecting these item by looping through the items in listedcheckedbox.

i.e., as we can get the selected items by using ".checkeditems" property

i need a way to select the items of checkedlistbox from a string or array in single statement without looping.

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Split String For Make A Select Case?

Aug 24, 2011

i have a ini file where i read my data


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VS 2008 - Select Random String In Listview1

Mar 20, 2009

I've tried to do this


but it wont select. Btw, yes the list is full of strings lol.

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VS 2008 Listview Multi Select Add To String?

Mar 18, 2009

Ok lets say you have a listview well call it "lv". There are items A, B, C and D. If i select A, C and D (holding ctrl) and hit a button it enters A, C, and D in a text box like below

note: (space) is a space

how would i go about doing this? Below is the button that you would hit to send the selected items text into the textbox. (doesnt work)ERROR i keep getting: InvalidArgument=Value of '3' is not valid for 'index'. Parameter name: index


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Converts Characters In String Using A Case Select Statements

Oct 19, 2009

I am trying to write a code that converts characters in string using a case select statements. For instance if I type the word "aeiou" the the word "<>[]/", also if I type "AEIOU" then <>[]/" should print but its not working here is a sample of my code so far.


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Input String Was Not In A Correct Format / DataTable.Select?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a problem, when I am trying to use DataTable.Select to get column values.. Actually it is working file in C# which I have converted using Converters.I am using .NET 1.1 / VS 2003...

<div style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden;" id="_mcePaste"> DataRow[] drs = dtResults.Select("ISSD" + i + " =" + issd+" AND BiPad ="+bipa</div>

input string was not in correct format..

Line 175: While i <= 8
Line 176:
Line 177: Dim drs As DataRow() = dtResults.[Select]("ISSD" + i + " =" + issd + " AND BiPad=" + bipad)


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Search An Array To Select First Substring Containing Specific String?

Feb 21, 2010

I need to create a code that searches an array of movie titles. When the user enters a specific string, the first movie title that contains that string is displayed. For example, entering "he" would display Sherlock Holmes as opposed to the Blind Side. I don't know how to create a code that reads a string that the user enters.[code]...

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Select Case Statement Using The First (left) Characters In A String?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a lot of really long strings that I want to test. Is it possible to use the CASE statement and compare it to the first 25 characters of the string to get a match?

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Select Case String Analysis + Threading = Failure?

May 27, 2010

I'm writing a threaded multi-client chat application in VB.NET(2008). While the thread is running and a message is received from the server(in this particular case: "ping") i wish to copy the content of the variable holding the newly received data to another variable(as that first variable is constantly changing) and then later call the Checkmsg() sub which contains a select case to analyse the string and notice a particular command(in this case, when it notices "ping" as received data, I want it to send "pong" back to the server.) and react to it. Now the problem is the code actually "jumps" to the Checkmsg() sub, and fails to compare properly the received data to my select case argument. I've tried setting messageboxes at a couple of place to see if my data was somehow changed but even before the line that compares the two strings the message box prints "ping" and the select case is set to react to "ping" but it wont "move". Now I don't really understand, i've done much vb programming but i'm learning threads.


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Select Statement - Input String Was Not In Correct Format

Apr 7, 2010

I have some code in a VB module. When I run this with the SQL statement having hard coded values in the where statement it works. I am now trying to add Parameters to the module so that the Form can except an Input from a user, but I am getting the message: Input string was not in a correct format.

Here is the section of code:
objCmd.Connection = objCon
objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
objCmd.CommandText = sSQL
[Code] .....
Like I said, if I substitute the Parameters for fixed values it all works.

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Input String Is Not In Correct Format / DataTable.Select Method

Feb 5, 2010

When I am trying to use DataTable.Select to get column values.. Actually it is working file in C# which I have converted using Converters.[code]...

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Preventing Auto-selection - Select A Portion Of A String From A RichTextBox

Apr 2, 2010

I have a problem when I select a portion of a string from a RichTextBox. For instance, if I have the following string: (23*6)+5 and I want to select (23*6) the "+" is also selected. I have search for a means to correct this problem, but I have not been able to find a solution.

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Sql Between String - When Select Two Dates - Get Records Between(from Two Date Time Pickers)

Apr 6, 2012

I am have an issue with my between sql string. After testing this i have figured out the problem but don't know how to fix this. When i select two dates i want to get the records between(from two date time pickers) the sql string is taking the day as the month so if i: Input 7/10/2011 the sql between string reads it as 10/7/2011

This is my function :

Function ShowTableBetweenSetDates() As DataSet
Dim ds As New DataSet()


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Conversion From String "SELECT Patients.p_name," To Type 'Double' Is Not Valid

Feb 23, 2012

adp3 = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT patients.p_name,doctor.doc_name,appointments.ap_date FROM patients INNER JOIN appointments ON patients.p_id = appointments.p_id INNER doctor ON appointments.doc_id = doctor.doc_id WHERE (CONVERT(char(8), appointments.ap_date, 112) >= CONVERT(char(8), GETDATE(), 112)) and doctor.doc_id=" + did, con)

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Javascript - Code Giving The Msgbox If User Select Or Not Select The Checkbox?

Jan 27, 2011

IT STILL GIVES A MSGBOX IF I SELECT THE CHECKBOX BOX OR NOT ....My code below will redirect to Google in both conditions: If the user selects the checkbox, then it will redirect to, but if a user forgets to check the checkbox then it shows the msg box with an ok button. When I click on ok it should redirect to

I want When a user forgets to check any of the checkboxes to show a msgbox with an ok button and stay on the same page. Otherwise if user selects any of the checkboxes then redirect to google


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2010 - Cboboxes Select A Value From One And Auto Select The Index Number From The Other?

Mar 29, 2011

i am trying to auto select the email value from a 2nd cbobox when the user selects a name from the first cbobox using the first cbobox's index. (the values all line up with each other just fine)This is my current code:

Private Sub cmbAnalyst_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbAnalyst.SelectedIndexChanged
theAName = cmbAnalyst.Text


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