How To Connect 2008 With MS Access

Oct 15, 2011

Login form contain two nos.of textbox anb one no.button How to connect VB.net2008 with MS-Access-2007.

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VB 2008 Connect To MS Access Database?

Aug 8, 2009

I would like to know how could i connect my Visual Basic program to a database that can be opened to MS Access. My friend made a program that links to a database that opens in MS Access and when you open the database the inputted data are organized to their respective columns and rows. However he used VB6 in making the program and he wont let me see the syntax. And another thing, the program that he made updates the database everytime a new set of data is inputted.

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[2008] Connect To Online Access Db?

Jan 22, 2009

Can this be done? (It didnt want to connect...) so for example:


if not... what can i do to have a database that can be shared over the net? (My site is unix php based)

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Connect Access Database With VB 2008 Project?

Aug 15, 2011

1. Form created in VB2008

3 Textbox [Name(string), Company(string), Contact(number)]

3 Buttons [New Record, Update Record, Delete Record]

2. Database created in MS Access 2003

File Name: Contact.mbd
ID [Primary key]
Name [Text]
Company [Text]
Contact [Number]

How to Create Connection?How to get data on form load from database in textboxes?How to insert, update, delete data?

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VS 2008 How To Connect To An Access 2007 Database

Aug 21, 2009

I have decided to make a little "safebox", to store some important information. For some reason I have decided to use a database (even though I have never used it!), so I would like if someone could help me connect to the database.I'm not asking for the code (I won't complain if you post it ),

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2008, Using DataGrid, How To Connect With MS Access DataBase 2000

Apr 16, 2008 2008, using DataGrid, How to connect with MS Access DataBase 2000?, In VB6 just drag Datagrid and ADODC set the datasource can see the data in few seconds.

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Cannot Connect WindowsMediaPlayer Control In VB 2008 To Access Database

Mar 5, 2010

I have a school project where an access database 2007 contains sound files, and I tried to connect it to VB 2008 express edition. I tried to use WindowsMediaPlayer control to run the sound files but VB does not recognize their type although I have chosen the (other) type to customize the control but it did not work. i really want to use WindowsMediaPlayer control. what should I do?

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VS 2008 Connect To A Database On A Big Corperate Network (access Db)

Mar 3, 2010

I'm trying to connect to a database on a big corperate network (access db). I can not load my application and DB on a shared network drive as it does not have the correct permissions. How else can I try connecting to a db of some sort and allow users to insert/edit/delete rows? as it's a network drive I can not install a DB such as SQL Server on it.

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VS 2008 Make .net Prog Connect To An Access Database

Apr 27, 2010

Been trying to make my .net prog connect to an access database. I cant figure out why I keep getting this generic error message. A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in System.Data.dll Heres my code.This is my class to create the connection to the database:


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VS 2008 How To Connect Vb 2008 To Ms Access 2007

Mar 31, 2010

Can i connect MS access 2007 to VB 2008?

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Connect To Access Database 2007 In Visual Studio 2008?

Aug 17, 2009

Public Class Form1
Dim db As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmdcommand As New ADODB.Command


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Database - Connect To An Access 2007 (accdb) File In Visual Studio 2008?

May 2, 2009

I am working on a project which was made using VB6, and my client wants to change it in VB.NET

i have to configure this projetct on windows vista ultimate..coz i cant go on with Win XP

can some one help me...

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Connect To An Access Table That Has Spaces In Table Name (VB 2008)?

Feb 27, 2009

I'm trying to connect to an Access table who's name includes spaces ('look Material Type').How do I identify this table in an OleDB string

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Connect VB To Access?

Mar 15, 2012

I need to be able to add, delete, edit, and save data to a table in access using a form in vb. i am also required to view the data in a datagridview or listbox or anything in

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Connect VB To Ms Access?

Apr 11, 2010

How to connect to ms access

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How To Connect Access Db

Oct 28, 2011

how can i connect the Access Database in VB.NET

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How To Connect To Ms Access

May 10, 2011

how to connect to ms access

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Connect Access Db To Project?

Jun 2, 2010

I want to connect access db to my project and I get this error when I click on "Connect to Database"

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Connect Ms Access To .net At RunTime?

Mar 18, 2011

i need how to connect ms access to at run timeand which object can i include.

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Connect To Access Database

Jun 5, 2011

I'm trying to create a program that will connect to my access database and perform a simple query. Then I want to put the data (image and other info) into active directory. But I keep getting this "Declaration expected" error when I'm setting up my connection. I'm using Visual Studio Ultimate.

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Connect To Access Database?

Mar 22, 2011

I'm trying to create a simple vb project (using Visual Studio Ultimate) that will connect to my Access Database (the database consists of regular data and jpeg images) on my desktop and perform a simple query. I have looked at multiple tutorials on how to do this but I can't seem to get it to work. For starter, I don't even know what project to select. Usually, I just go with the Windows Forms Application.

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Connect To Access Using Odbc ?

Jun 21, 2010

how to connect to access using odbc since i did it already:

Imports System.Data.Odbc
Dim ODBC_CON As New OdbcConnection("dsn=DBMS Project")


how could i display it on the msgbox on the event that i clicked the button named "proceed" i provided much information as i could and same with as the code, i just need guide, simplest one for me to understand

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Connect To An MS Access Database

Jan 20, 2009

I am new in programming an I am trying to connect to an MS Access database. I am getting the following error message when trying to connect to the database; my code is braking under the following line:


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Connect To MS-Access Vias DAO

Nov 7, 2010

"How to Connect To MS-Access Vias DAO?",

Here ..... so here we go :

1-) open vb .net 'eg: 2005'
2-) Create New Project
3-) Pick From References=>Com=>DAO 3.61
4-) Save & Close your Work, Then reOpen it.
5-) In the Declaration area in the form1 write :

Declaration Area Of Form1

Imports DAO

6-) Create MS-Access DataBase Manualy in the Debug Folder of your project(eg: MyDb.mdb)
7-) In the form1_load event write these codes :


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Connect To The MS Access Database?

Apr 10, 2010

how can I connect to MS Access database? I am using Visual Studio 2008 wiht backend database as MS Access.

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How To Connect Access 2003

Jun 8, 2011

i have a problem in connecting in access 2003

here is my code
Module Module1
Public cn As New ADODB.Connection


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How To Connect To Database(ms Access)

Nov 26, 2010

I have being working on a code that should connect to the database enter new records,retrive records,read records, update records and delete them as well.

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How To Connect To MS Access 2007 DB

Feb 8, 2012

mycn.ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;Data source=C:UsersAdminDesktopMyDB.accdb"

i m using this to connect to an ms access DB but it throws an exception can you help me to connect to an MS Access 2007 Database ?

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How To Connect To Ms Access Database

Sep 23, 2011

connecting to access data base. I receives file not found exception at run time. But the file exist and the path name is correct.

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2010 To Connect To Ms Access Database?

Nov 20, 2010

how to connect 2010 to ms access database to get the data and display it in application that I am doing right now. My project is that I am doing dictionary application with so every time i put new word in search box, I want the to get the definition from ms access and display it in the application.

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