How To Debug Application Startup

Apr 21, 2009

I've made some application in VB.NET 2005 and it works fine.I sent this application to the custemer and he is getting the following error at the application startup: "An unexpected error has occured. Would you like to restart the application?".

This guy is using Windows Vista. I've tested this application on several Vista machines and it works fine.

Do you have any idea how to debug it? Of course this guy doesn't have Visual Studio.

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Application.Startup Path Points To My Debug Bin When User Executes ?

Jun 29, 2012

I sent the application exe to a user to test and they get an unhandled exception error and the details show my personal My Documents Folder/DEBUG path from the project. So I tried to use Application.ExecutablePath but when I release that it points to "My Documents" Folder (not the debug) folder. The file to open is in the same folder as the exe is in but for some reason the error occurs because the application is not looking for the file using the path where the EXE was launched from. Here is my code that relates to the section giving my users a problem:

from the module
Public Class shrd
Public Shared ocSess As cSession


How can I get the application to open the file that is in the same folder as the exe when the user launches

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Debug Crash Of Exe Startup At Remote Installation?

Aug 11, 2010

I'm struggling with a problem at remot installations. I released my Beta software which was always running fine on a lot of systems Win XP , Win2003, Win 7.Now I have a strange problem at some remote installation. After starting the program it will crash right away, not even geting throug the new or load Events.All my integrated debugging is useless. I don't know how I should debug such a problem.I guess there are some files missing at the remote systems. I have no idea which files. It could also be because of some third party components. I only have an event (see below) which is not of much help (to me).I found some other threads about the same CLR20r3 event but it was not very usefull. I need to get this application up and running. What steps should I take. I have some very good Beta testers.


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Make An Application To Startup At The System Startup?

Mar 4, 2010

How to make an Application to startup at the system startup? and How to enable and disable?

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Application Not Starting Wit New Startup Form After Deleted The Previous Startup Form?

Nov 11, 2009

i deleted my previous start up form to be replaced by another one but each time i launch the application,the deleted start up form is still displayed.i dont know from where this deleted start up form is being loaded.

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Add Application To Startup?

Aug 30, 2010

How can I add my application in startup items? I want my application to get added in startup when setup is run at Client's computer.

Also, how can it be automatically started after setup finishes?

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Application Startup Error?

Feb 8, 2009

I had the following codes:

Code: Private Sub FlashLabel()
Dim _color As Color = Color.Black


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Getting An Application To Start On Startup?

Nov 21, 2010

I want A application that im going to make in VB.NET to load on Startup. I found a few topics on Windows Service for creating a start up service but then I read that you can't use it to load up a form. So there must be a way to have your program load on a computer when the user turns on or log's in at startup.Thing is, this application is going to be installed on many computers and people wont like having to remember to run it.

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How To Make Startup Application

Jan 8, 2010

able to start my application right away after the windows.

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Make Application On Startup?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm having problems with startup application I'm trying to use a checkbox to enable and disable boot on startup(The enabled code works but the disable code doesn't)

Private Sub AddCurrentKey(ByVal name As String, ByVal path As String)
Dim key As RegistryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun", True)


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Run An Application When The Computer Startup?

Jun 4, 2009

I am facing a small problem with vista, i have this code, all i am trying to do is to run my application when the computer start up.It works on Windows XP, But in Windows Vista is shows me an error message: "Requested registry access is not allowed." I don't understand why? i mean i am Under Administrator account, it should work fine.

here is my code

Dim regKey As RegistryKey
regKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun", True)
'Set the program to start with Windows: '
regKey.SetValue("Media", "C:Program FilesMediamedia.exe")

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Run Elevated Application At Startup In Win 7?

Jan 19, 2012

I am working on a windows 32 bit application. The application needs to startup. So I add the registry entry to rut it on windows startup. Also it is set to run asdministrator.The application starts fine onall OS except Win7 32 bit. It works fine for win 7- 64 bit. On Win 7 32 bit:If i execute the application directly, it runs fine. But it does not starts at the time of windows startup.

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Start The Application On Startup?

Jun 1, 2011

With my new ventures in VB, I wondered how I can allow the user to start the application on startup if they wish. Where when the checkbox for it is checked, it will launch on startup. And when its not checked, it is normally launched. (e.g. Windows Live Messenger)


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.Net Application Hangs When Added On Startup?

May 5, 2011

I have created a small multithreaded application using VB.NET. There is no problem when the user manually runs this application. A problem exists when I added this application on startup. It hangs after I rebooted the system. The application is still running its thread but I can't see its GUI because its frozen. If I kill it on task manager and started again, the application works fine. What could be the possible reason/s why this application hangs when added on startup?

Imports System.Threading
Public Class USBLock
Public Event Lock()


or just a thought on this subject: the reason why the program hangs on startup is because the application is loaded while the .net framework service has not yet started.

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Application Error-startup Failed

Feb 23, 2009

I have completed a VB.NET app .its working very fine from vs2005. Now I am trying to publishing app. My problem is that i got an error when i tried to run exe.I was using five VB6 dll in my app.1)


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Application Startup MainForm Is Loaded?

Apr 1, 2010

I have mainFom and a subForm. what I am trying to do is application startup MainForm is Loaded

(2) in the Load event of mainForm. I am creating the SubFom and made it visible and also making MainForm disable


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Application To Startup / Access Error

Sep 24, 2010

I am using following code to add my application to StartUp of Windows. It works well in XP but gives error in Vista that you donot have permission to edit registty file.[code]

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Choosing Connectionstring In Application At Startup?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a VB.NET application with a connection to an SQL Server 2003. On the server there are two databases, MyDatabase and MyDatabase_Test. What I would like to do is to show a dialog when the program starts that let's the user choose which database to use. My idea is to create a new form as the starup form that sets this property and then launches the main form.Currently the connectionstring is specified in the application config file. Best would be if I can specify two different connection strings in that file to choose from, but for now it is also acceptable with other solutions like hardcoding the two connectionstrings into the startup form.EDIT: In the dataset.xsd file there seems to be the relevant part

<Connection AppSettingsObjectName="MySettings" AppSettingsPropertyName="MyDatabase_ConnectionString" ConnectionStringObject="" I


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Making A VB Application Place Itself In Startup

Jun 9, 2011

I've created an AIO tool in Visual Basic and i need to create some code so when the application is opened it places itself in the computer startup folder. I know i can do it manually but i want to do it on school computers (restricted access).

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Notification Icon Application Startup?

Nov 25, 2010

i like my application to start and goto system tray from begining from where i show or hide my main application form. To implement this i create 1 form named "FRM_main" and 1 Class named "MainClass" then define a procedure in MainClass which is as follow.

[code]Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim FRM_main As Form = New Form
End Sub[/code]

and set Title, Size and location of form at design time.but i didn't get the desired result. my application didn't start and goto system tray as inteded.i also try coding the FormLoad Event to ME.Hide but it also doesn't work so how do i do this?

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VS 2008 Exit Application From Me.Startup

Dec 20, 2009

I am working on a Windows Forms application which is primarily to be used as a command line application with an optional GUI in the case where no command line options are specified. The program is intended to be a lightweight version of a larger program, intended to perform a couple of very specific tasks without requiring all the initialization required in the larger program.To this end, I am planning on using Me.Startup in applicationevents to process the command line options and determine if the Startup form should be displayed or not. In the case where the startup form should not be displayed, what is the method to close the application from within Me.Startup Application.Exit, Me.Close, and others are not available from within Me.Startup. My searches online have shown that I can use e.ApplicationExit() from Me.UnhandledException, but this method is also not available from Me.Startup.if anyone has any better ideas on how to accomplish what I am trying to do, those comments are always welcome.

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VS 2008 Startup Application With Windows

Feb 10, 2011

Is there any other way to create a shortcut of an application programmatically or just make the application run every time windows loads up..I got this code of google but I am not too happy with it because it requires some assembly that other users might not have and I get an error when launching this feature on other computer could not load file or assembly interop.IWSHruntimelibrary..[code]

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VS 2010 - Application To Run On Windows Startup

Apr 2, 2012

I developed an application in Visual Basic 2010 Express which has two features:

1) It is portable and uses some .dlls which must be in the same folder
2) Requires Administrator in order to run

I want my application to run on windows startup. So i created the registry string value and made some tests that gave me the following results:

1) Windows XP -> Runs on startup without any errors
2) Windows 7 Starter -> It simply ignores my application
3) Windows 7 Premium -> The run confirmation box from unknown publisher appeared and when i selected to run, AVG gave a virus warning
4) Windows 8 Consumer Preview -> It simply ignores my application

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WPF Application.Startup Property (not StartupUri)?

May 22, 2012

The MSDN page for System.Windows.Application lists a property called StartupUri. However,this MSDN example uses Startup.Where is Startup defined? I couldn't find it in the MSDN documentation.

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When Debug And Run Application / First Page Will Come Up

Aug 31, 2009

i've been making a tabbed web browser but when i debug and run the application the first page will come up but when I add a tab my web browser messes up and vb goes to this part of code [code]

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Properly Add A Registry Key So The Application Startup With Windows?

Feb 21, 2011

I am making a setup application and I need to know how to properly add a registry key so the application startup with windows. I have made what you can see on the image but I get an error when my PC restarts.This setup is nothing special I just need to make the registry key properly.

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.net - File Load Exception On Application Startup?

Mar 11, 2010

My application has encountered a problem and needs to close.Of course Microsoft is sorry for the inconvenience, but how am i supposed to debug my app?Which dll fails to load?

The error report contains between others,

How do you handle situations like these?

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Adding Application To Startup Of Vista Or Win7?

Sep 30, 2010

How can I add application to startup of VISTA or Win7, using Setup and Deployment package?

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Adding Entry To Registry For Startup Of Application?

Sep 22, 2010

I took the following method to make a registry key in my setup project. When I run setup, it says Could not write value Run to the key. Verify that you have the sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. "Below I have copied the code that I took from the forum After you have built your own application project, Right Click the "Solution" to "Add a New Project", of cource the project type is Setup and Deployment Project.

Add the "Project Outputs" into the setup project, here, it can be the your own application,Most of important step: Open the "Regstry" view of the setup project, then add new keys in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" according to the information I just mentioned. Below the key "Run", you can add a new string value. Then in the value's "Properties" view, enter "[TARGETDIR]YourApplicationName.exe" .Install your application using the msi file created by setup project, then restart your computer, you can see the result.

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Application Stopped Working And Just Crashes On Startup?

Sep 12, 2009

Application stopped working and just crashes on startup?

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