How To Delete From Unassociated ListViewItem Array

Jan 13, 2009

I'm having an array of ListViewItem and I want to delete the first item.

I tried doing this with: myItems(0).Remove()

But it's still there. According to the tooltip: "Removes the item from it's associated System.Windows.Forms.ListView control"

Since my array isn't associated with a ListView control, could that be it? How to do it?

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Delete From Unassociated ListViewItem Array?

Dec 16, 2011

I'm having an array of ListViewItem and I want to delete the first item. I tried doing this with:


But it's still there. According to the tooltip:

"Removes the item from it's associated System.Windows.Forms.ListView control"

Since my array isn't associated with a ListView control, could that be it?How to do it?

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Delete An Entry From An Array?

Apr 30, 2009

I am using Visual Basic 2008, and I am making a simple meeting planner program. The data stored for each day is stored into an array with three fields:



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Delete An Item From An Array?

Aug 10, 2010

How can I delete an item from an array in VB.NET?

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How To Delete Array Of Buttons

Nov 17, 2008

I have a rather simple question - how do i delete an array of buttons (not reassigning different values, but removing the buttons and keeping the array for storage of other buttons). I haven't got a clue

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Delete A Position On Structure Array?

Dec 8, 2011

I'm working with a structure array but I don't know how to delete a specific position...

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Delete Dynamically Allocated Array?

Jun 21, 2010

1) How to Delete Dynamically Allocated Array?
a) delete a[]
b)delete a[0]
c) delete[] a
d)delete [0] a

My answer a.Correct or not

2)Can we use DML statement in function?
c)Temp tables

My answer d.Correct or not

I read somewhere the diff b/w stored proc & functions?One of them is Stored Procedure returns more than one value whereas functions return single value.When the interviwer ask me the question,i asnwered includg my above point,but he told me no SProc do no return any value.

4)Can we return value from SPROC?
b)Using O/p Parameters
c)Using return statement
d)B & C Both


5)Views are complied or not
c)Partially Compiled


6)Can we user specific data in application? My answer no.Me correct 7)Diff b/w primary key & UNIQUE key excepts one diff primary doesn't allow NULLS whereas unique does.One diff i told we can craete only one primary key for a table,whereas a table can have more than one unique key.
ANy more differences?????

8) Can we call a fn. widout dbo? I ans NO. Me correct or nt

9) Four types of files created by assembly?

10) What is candidate Key?

11)Can we implement CAS in config file? I ans YES. Me correct or nt

12) dim txt as textbox
dim txt as new textbox
Both the above statements are same or not.If nt wats d diff? I ans both are same. Me correct or nt

13)CAS is part of inbuild framework? I ans YES. Me correct or nt

14)Can constructor call itself?

15)Accept method applies to
d)None of above MY ans a. Me correct or nt

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Delete Element From An Array List?

Jun 6, 2011

Dim myArray() As Integer = {a, b, c, d, f}[code]...

Based on the code above i would like to remove the largest and smallest element from the array list and then put it into a new array list.

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Delete Row In Multi-dimensional Array

Jun 18, 2009

Is it possable to remove a row from a multi-dimensional array?

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VB Delete Last Element In Dynamic Array?

May 17, 2011

I need a way to delete the last element in an array when I don't know how big the array is.Basically I need the VB version of php array_pop, but nothing relevant seems to be appearing in search results.

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[2005] Delete From Array List?

Mar 11, 2009

have an ArrayList of arrays and I am having issues iterating through it to delete cetain entries.I want to go through the entire ArrayList and check if the array at index 0 equals "". If it does, then put that into another array.heres the exception i get

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException was unhandled
Message="Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the


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Delete Element From Array Where Order Is Important?

Nov 28, 2009

Dim strArray() As String = {"test1", "test2", "test3"}
strArray.SetValue("", 1)

This still leaves me with an empty array value, how can I just delete it or can't I? Do I have to use an arraylist and if so how do I convert an array into an arraylist?

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Office Automation :: Delete Contents Of Array In .NET Code

Oct 17, 2011

I would like to delete the contents of my array in .NET code. The examples I have seen say..[code]This is way too simple to be so complicated. I just want to delete the array between populations.

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VS 2010 Delete Multiple Items From CheckedListBox And Array

Jun 19, 2010

I'm working on a To Do List program of sorts. I currently have a CheckedListBox on the form with an Add Button and a Delete Button. I send the items to an array and then use that array to fill in my CheckedListbox. This all works.

I wrote the following code to delete items:

Dim summarylistboxindex As Integer
summarylistboxindex = SummaryListBox.SelectedIndex
MonkeysTasks(summarylistboxindex) = String.Empty


I use a variable called INTCOUNTER to keep track of my position in the array.

My question:

How can I use the second piece of code that deletes multiple items at once from my CheckedListBox AND delete the corresponding entry in the array?

ie if my checkedlistbox items were Apple Orange and Banana

I want to delete Apple and Banana at the same time and then remove them from Fruits(0) and Fruits(2) at the same time they are deleted from the CheckedListBox.

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How To FileInfo Before, Delete Or SHIFT + DELETE, Process Final Delete Of File

Feb 13, 2011

How can be find out which file is going to delete when, user provides command like DELETE or SHIFT + DELETE or by programmatically gives DELETE command. Well I know about FileSystemWatcher Class, but this class doesn't provide information before delete...

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Read CSV File Into Array Sort / Add / Edit / Delete And Write Back To CSV

Aug 15, 2011

The gist of the program is to:

- Read a CSV file into an array
- Get this visible in a list box, so the values can be:

- Sorted
- Edited
- Deleted
- Added

- Finally save these manipulated values back to the text file

Would love some suggestions and code as to how to get this going, hopefully I'll get the hang of it and come back and fourth for help

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How To Clone Listviewitem

May 3, 2012

on cloning a selected listviewitem from listview1 when a button is clicked to listview2. How do I achieve this? Here is the code I have but does not work exactly how I want it, it just makes a clone of all the listviewitems in listview1.

foreach (ListViewItem item in this.listView1.Items)

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Errors When Writing Or Delete A File Using - Array Bounds Cannot Appear In Type Specifier

Oct 21, 2009

why i get these followinf error in the following codes please

'Delet the file on the path, it does exist
Dim deletfile As System.IO.FileStream
deletfile = System.IO.File.Delete("C: emp.txt")

i get error underlining in blue the part

System.IO.File.Delete("C: emp.txt")

and the error is "express does not produce a value" second error i get is in this code

Dim datawriter As System.IO.StreamWriter("C: emp.txt")

("C: emp.txt")

is underlined in blue n the error says "array bounds cannot appear in type specifier"

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Add Listviewitem In Thread & Class

Aug 30, 2011

I want to start a thread, which handles a class.That class should add a listviewitem into a listview on the main form.[code]No idea why that doesn't work.I really need threading, cause it would block the program.These codes are examples, the real one is with loops & stuff, so that blocks the program.

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Adding ListViewItem To Another Listview?

May 2, 2012

Trying to figure out how to take a selected listviewitem and when a button is clicked add it to another listview.

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Associate A Key With An Index For A Listviewitem?

Dec 2, 2004

I am trying to find a way to associate a key with an index for a Listviewitem in VB.Net. I'm not even sure if it can be done with .Net but I know in VB6 I could do a

Listview.listitem.add "somestring", "somestring".

For the application I am using this in, I cannot have duplicate item.text so I would make the key the same as the string. this also made accessing the item easier since I didn't have to rely on index to update the subitems.

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Check A Specific Listviewitem?

Jun 25, 2009

How would I go about referring to specific listview items directly.

Under certain circumstances I want to check a specific listviewitem, but i can't seem to refer to the specific item of the listview...

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ListViewItem's Text Overlaps?

Apr 9, 2009

I have a ListView, wich its View property is set to LargeIcon and there isn't any ImageList attached to it.The thing is that ListViewItem's text overlaps next ListViewItem's text. With View set to Tile I have no problem at all, but It shows the items one below another.When I add columns header,I set their width to a large number,but it seems that ListViewItem doesn't care,I get the same mentioned effect.My question is wich property do I have to change to avoid ListViewItem's text overlapping?

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Select A ListViewItem In A ListView By API

Mar 1, 2009

Here is my problem, I have been learning about SendMessage and getting the Handles of Windows. In the following code example I show that I can get the number of Items in a ListView Control by API, but I have no idea of how to select an Item within the Control, ListView; in other words, how to select a ListViewItem:


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Select A Listviewitem In Code?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a form that has a listview with a number of items on it. In certain circumstances, when I load the form, I want a particular item to be automatically selected. The user will select the item to be selected from another form, and I will pass this item to the form in question.

But how do I tell the listview 'hey, set this item as your selected item?" There isn't a writable 'SelectedItem' property.

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Select ListViewItem In ListView By API?

Mar 2, 2009

I have been learning about SendMessage and getting the Handles of Windows. In the following code example I show that I can get the number of Items in a ListView Control by API, but I have no idea of how to select an Item within the Control, ListView; in other words, how to select a ListViewItem:

Public Class Form1
'Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Integer


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Select New Added ListViewItem?

Nov 9, 2010

I have Main and Detail forms. The Main form has ListView1. I would like to select new added ListViewItem in ListView1 when user click Save button in Detail form. I have problem only when I'm adding new item. When I modify and save existing item according item is selected after save command.

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Update ListViewItem From An Other Thread?

Dec 7, 2010

below is a small part of my asynchronous TCP connection code. When I connect I'm passing a ListViewItem as Object parameter. I'd like to update the ListViewItem once the connection has been established or an error occurs. ServerConnect runs on a separate thread, because it's an asynchronous connection, so I can't update the ListViewItem directly.

Does anybody know how to update the ListViewItem?

I looked at jmcilhinney's asynchronous TCP example in the Codebank forum, but it confused me. I don't know which parts I need and which parts I don't need.


One more thing. I also need to update the ListViewItem in the Read sub, but I'm passing "buffer" as Object, so how would I update the ListViewItem there?
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Public Class TCP
Private Socket As TcpClient


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VS 2005 Listviewitem Into Combobox?

Aug 6, 2009

i have a listview in form1 and combobox in form2..i want add every first item of listview of form1 into combobox of secondform....i did this...

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VS 2008 Dynamic Array - Create A Public Class For Insert And Delete Data To Database

Feb 3, 2010

I am new in this forum, also new in VB.Net I need to create a public class for insert and delete data to database Public Class My_DBFunctions


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