How To Make An Unlimited Treeview

Apr 27, 2010

I want to make a treeview where users can add information and folders in it.I managed to do code for an xml document so that the users can have up to 1 folder, but I want to have moreIs it possible to have an "unlimited" xml/treeview? Like in IE, Safari, Google Chrome, you can make unlimited folders and it will still save; how can I do that?

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Make An Unlimited Treeview?

Apr 28, 2010

I want to make a treeview where users can add information and folders in it. I managed to do code for an xml document so that the users can have up to 1 folder, but I want to have more Is it possible to have an "unlimited" xml/treeview? Like in IE, Safari, Google Chrome, you can make unlimited folders and it will still save

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Treeview With Unlimited Node?

Oct 12, 2011

I am trying to rebuilt the BOM system from an existing BOM application. The table i used was the existing table and cannot be modified as it is contain around 20000 of part no there.What i am going to achieve is the structure view of the BOM using the treeview control. I want it to have as many nodes as the BOM required which different from one to other part no.Here is the structure of the table.



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Make An Array With Unlimited Range?

Apr 30, 2012

How i can make an array with unlimited range in VB.NET and also get the number of variables containing?

I tryed:

Dim _items(,) As String
_items(0, 0) = "hy"
_items(0, 1) = "hello"


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VS 2008 - Checkbox On Treeview - Collapse And Expand Treeview When Click Plus Sign (+) On Treeview

May 14, 2011

I have a problems with my application..

1. collapse and expand treeview when i click plus sign (+) on treeview, treeview didn't expand subfolder but when i click image, treeview expand it.

2. showing path that i check on treeview when i check the treeview then i'm click the button, then return path that i check

This is my code..

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Declare A 2D Unlimited Array?

Apr 30, 2012

I Declare a 2D Unlimited array.My code:

Dim array As String(,) = New String(,) {}
array(0, 0) = "top left"
MsgBox(array(0, 0))

The problem is the msgbox shows nothing.

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Set A Value For An Unlimited Array Of Integer?

Sep 3, 2011

I want to define an unlimited array of integer and add values to it but I have some problems.

I'm using this code (for example):

Dim I() As Integer
I(1) = 1

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Parsing Xml That Have Unlimited Subsection To Dataset?

May 16, 2012

I have unusual format of XML as below example

<menu caption="File">
<menuitem caption="New" tooltip="Create New File" shortcut="Ctrl-N" Action="New">


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VS 2008 Unlimited User Input?

Apr 1, 2011

How would you let the user of a program enter an unlimted amount of numbers ranging from 0-100, and then have the program tell the user the highest and lowest values from the data they entered?The user would enter the data in when they clicked a button, and the program would sort the data out when another button was clicked.

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Dynamically Creating An Unlimited Number Of Background Workers?

Sep 7, 2010

I am dynamically creating an unlimited number of background workers and would like to handle errors from them.

In a try statement I am using the following:

Catch ex As Exception
'Me.BeginInvoke(New UpdateTextCallback(AddressOf Error_Text), New Object() {Message, Account})
Exit Sub
End Try

I have commented out the BeginInvoke command because I can not get it to work. I get an error the the handle has not been created. This subroutine is in a module and I can not figure out how to get the invoke to work.

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VS 2010 How To Store Unlimited Multi-row Strings Without Need Of Extra Files

Dec 9, 2009

How can i store unlimited multi-row strings without the need of extra files?Example: the user enter a multi-row string into a textbox and clicks save. Then the program should save that somewhere. And then the user enters another string and clicks save. And then there is a combobox where it can choose between those 2 strings to load.Can i save them in some sort of collection like My.Settings.Collection? Where each text also has a header.

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Make File Browsers Using Treeview Control?

Aug 1, 2011

how to make file browsers using treeview control in

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VS 2010 How To Make Treeview Parent Icon

Feb 2, 2011

I tried a few different way but just can't see to get it. Seems if I set the parent icon to what I want, selected and unselected, it also changes the children. What I am after is to have a parent icon that does not change regardless if it is selected or unselected. But the children will follow the icons for selected and unselected. If I don't add a third icon it all works fine, so how do I add one to parent but not change the children?

Private Sub tvFolders_AfterSelect(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs) Handles tvFolders.AfterSelect


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Create A Program Which Promps The User To Enter An Unlimited Number Of Test Scores

Jul 7, 2011

Create a program which promps the user to enter an unlimited number of test scores. The program should show the high score and the low score. You should use a loop of your choice within this program. The program should look similar to the one below:

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Make A Module To Store All My Sub's For Populating A TreeView On My Main Form?

Jan 24, 2010

I decided to make a module to store all my Sub's for populating a TreeView on my main form. My question is, how do I make the Module.vb where I'm storing these Subs recognize the TreeView on my main form? I'm going to create subs such as this:

Public Sub Populatetest()
Dim _GeneralNode1 As TreeNode = TreeView1.Nodes.Add("Test")
End Sub

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Make Sure The User Has Selected An Item Name In The Treeview (not Type Or Main Node)?

Sep 4, 2009

1. I need to be able to store the STR MG INT and SPD somewhere when they create an item and make sure it is assigned to that item, and since I allow them to create unlimited item, I need this way to be dynamic (as in create variables as needed).

2. I need to find some way to make sure the user has selected an item name in the treeview (not type or main node).For example, they need to click Hockey Mask and then click the equip item button for it to work?

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Treeview - Display The Selected Contents Of Treeview Into The Listbox?

Mar 2, 2010

i have a treeviev and listbox.i want to display the selected contents of treeview into the code is working for file but not for folder. means i want, if the all contents of folder ABC(i.e all files) are selected then in listbox i want to show the only path of folder not the seperate path of each file.

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2 Dimentional Array - Convert To An UNLIMITED Range Array?

Apr 30, 2012

How i can convert this array to an UNLIMITED range array?


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Make The Items In The TreeView To Sort Faster Or Something Totally Different To Sort Them Easier?

Dec 15, 2010

How can I improve this bit below to make the items in the TreeView to sort faster or something totally different to sort them easier?


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Adding Nodes To Treeview From Another Treeview?

Oct 25, 2011

i have a treeview say TV1 and another Treeview Say TV2.. Now TV1 Contains all nodes for user rights. and i want to add to tv2 only selected nodes.Like TV1 is

Node 1

....Child of Node 1 (Level 2)

.........Child of Child of Node 1 (Level 3)

what i want is that when i select Level3 Node it should chek TV2 for the parent of this node. if parent exist it should add the node under the same parent. if parent does not exist it should check for Level 1 Node and if it exist it should add Level 2 Node and then Level 3 Node. Otherwise it should add Level 1 , Level 2 and then Level 3 Nodes in order.

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Populating A TreeView From A TreeView Instance

Sep 13, 2010

I have a class, let's call MyClass. In this class, I have a TreeView property let's call myTreeView..In my code, I populate the Nodes of this TreeView so I can use it later on.Then, when it's time to actualy use it, I haven't been able to take all the nodes from myClass and put them in a Tree View Control on my form.[code]The weird thing is that when debugging, the TreeView in MyClass is well populated with the proper values and in the loop, newNode isn't empty, there's actually something but for some reason it's not showing anything.

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VS 2008 - TreeView Populate The TreeView.nodes With The Default Nodes Via Properties

Mar 14, 2010

I'm running out of walls to bang my head against. Okay new windows form with a textbox, button and TreeView Populate the TreeView.nodes with the default nodes via properties


I want to click button1 and have the name of the childnode? Node3? placed in the textbox. Not via selection, I can do that. But via index or item number. The code I have is as follows


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IDE :: Treeview With XML?

Jul 28, 2010

This is my xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dataroot xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata" xmlns:xsi=""


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.net - Splitcontainer With Treeview?

Aug 31, 2009

when i click to a node in the treeview i want to see it's corresponding form in the splitcontainer.panel2,there have diffrent nodes and forms.

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Add A New Root To A Treeview?

Mar 19, 2012

How would it be possible to add a new root to a treeview for example:



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Add Columns To Treeview?

May 24, 2012

How can i add Columns to Treeview so that first column should be as tree and rest are like listview or Listbox.

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C# - TreeView TreeNodeCollection Key?

Dec 8, 2010

The TreeView uses in its underlying implementation the TreeNodeCollection. The TreeNodeCollection in almost every overload of the add method asks for a key.It also implements indexOfKey and ContainsKey yet there appears to be no way to determine the key of a node from the node itself or from any of the events you would typically use such as TreeView_AfterSelect().

Am I correct or is there in fact someway to retrieve the key from a node or event which I have overlooked? And assuming I am correct. Why on earth was it implemented in such a way? The only thing I could think of was that perhaps TreeNodeCollection.Key is deprecated? But I see no mention of this...

PS: I am aware of the TreeNode.Tag property and how it can be used to the same effect.

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C# - Xml To Treeview Using Dataset?

May 15, 2012

I have an xml file with following structure:

<table name="tblcats">


How can I fix this xPath to match my XML ? Please suggest how can I fix this issue

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C# :: Using A WrapPanel In A TreeView?

Jan 9, 2012

I want to display data with level of detail, so i use a TreeView, but each detail is quite short, so i would like to use a WrapPanel (horizontal) to have many details per line.Something like :

This is an unexpanded item
This is The Header of an expanded item
Info 1 Info 2 Info 3 Info 4


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C# Conversion With The TreeView In WPF?

Apr 29, 2012

I'm working with a TreeView in a VB.NET to C# conversion project. I have this VB.NET WinForms code

Dim Arguments1 As String = path & "" & fs & " ls " & TreeView1.Nodes(ccc).Name

and I need the C# code. I got this far

string args = path + "\" + fs + " ls" + ...

I would assume it would be


but there is not name attribute in that

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