How To Populate And Access A List Of Checkboxes

Nov 19, 2010

(This a follow-up to a previous question. VB.NET WPF NullReference Exception)I have a TreeView with a parent node and two children node. Each of the nodes contain a checkbox stored in a TreeViewItem. I want the two children node checkboxes to be set to IsChecked=true when the user checks the parent node and I want the two children node checkboxes to be IsChecked=false when the user unchecks the parent node.

I have a for loop in which the child node checkboxes are stored in a list. The parent node's checkbox check/uncheck event should iterate through the child node checkbox list but I am having a problem with the childCheckboxes list in the chkbox_AllChecked function (the parent node's checkbox check/uncheck event). For some reason the list is empty. I think the problem is how I try to populate the list while inside a For loop. Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong?


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How To Populate Access Database Using Checkboxes?

Mar 20, 2011

I am trying to populate one column in an Access table using two check boxes - one for 0, one for 10. How do I make it so that on click or after update, whichever check box is checked populates the cell with the associated number?

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Sql Server - Checkboxes Populate From Database

Feb 16, 2010

i have this requirement and since im new to dont really have much of idea how to do this. I have 20 checkboxes with dropdowns and textbox with it. the example is -


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Count The Total No. Of Checkboxes, Checkboxes Checked, No. Of Checkboxes Remain Unchecked In Webform Using .net?

Dec 9, 2010

How to count the total no. of checkboxes, checkboxes checked, no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform using ?I m using Visual studio 2008 with vb as a language ..I my webform i have 10 checkboxes...i wanna count total no. of checkboxes in webform in textboxes1 total no. of checkboxes checked in webform in textbox2 total no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform in textbox3?

View 2 Replies - List Of Checkboxes?

Jan 10, 2011

I'm a newbie in VB.NET and ASP.NET. This is my problem:I retrieve a list of records from DB and, for every row, I need to show 4 checkboxes. I can use a checkboxlist for every rows, but it's not so clear how I can process the results after the submit.

I've some object and some operations available for that object. From database I extract a list of object with all operations. For every operation I want to show a check box to enable or disable the operation. The result is something like that:


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Add Text In A List Box Via Checkboxes?

Mar 22, 2010

what i need to do is to add text in a list box via checkboxes. For example if a check box is checked, then a certain text (e.g. "Flea Treatment") gets added to the list box. In my project there are around 15 checkboxes, and not all of the may be clicked. So what I want to do is, when there are values in the list box (Only words!) then I press the Save button and all the values (i.e. all the treatments, e.g. Flea, de-worming, myxomotosis) inside the list box are saved to my database. The table inside the database, is called tblNotes, and has only 4 fields, one of which is a unique ID field, which is the primary key; the other field is the one where I want the values inside the list box, to be saved. As for the other two, they are for standard textboxes, with a fixed length, they are already working.My problem is this: The list box won't save to the database, and I want to know how I could save it. This is the code I have for saving it to a database (btnSave):

Private Sub btnSaveNotes_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSaveNotes.Click
'The purpose is to save the changes made to the record on the screen
'Check if compulsory fields don't contain data, show error message and place cursor back in field[code].....

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.net - Checkboxes To Indicate Inclusion In A List?

Jan 25, 2011

I have two tables, called Machine and Type. Since they have a many-many relationship, I have a MachineType resolution table in my DB. No problem. The end user needs to be able to manage these - create new types and assign them to machines. I have an XtraGridView that I am using to display the Machine as master and Type as detail.

Initially I used a Lookup to add Type dropdowns to the MachineType detail view. But that creates duplicates and is not the best way to display this information. I'd like a series of checkboxes (one for each Type options available) so the user can click the appropriate ones for each machine, thus avoiding duplicates.Upon saving, the appropriate MachineType rows can be generated.

I was going to just code this manually but if there's some kind of binary collection mapping in either DevExpress or the .net framework I can use, I'd prefer that than to reinvent the wheel.

EDIT: This is what I mean. From this thread. However, they store it as a collection (a string delineated by commas) and not a series of DB rows.

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.net - DropDown List With Checkboxes

Sep 29, 2009

How can i make a dropdown list with checkboxes ? I have a windows app ( and the checkboxlist control is not real an option with the available space on my form.

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Group A List Of Checkboxes?

Jan 20, 2009

I 'm trying to group a list of checkboxes.

1. Could I do it with a groupbox? How?

2. I have wrote this code

Public groupCB() As CheckBox = New CheckBox() {chboxAMIT, chboxOnoma, chboxEpon, chboxFather, chboxMother}
Private Sub CheckBox_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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List The Number Of Checkboxes Checked?

Sep 28, 2011

I wanted to see if I could have a list of six check boxes with names of a certain author that people have or have not read. When they are asked to check all that apply to them and then hit submit I want a label to display a message depending on the number of checks they made. So if they have 2 checks marked off then a message could say, "You do not read much of this authors books?" or 5 could say " You like this author, don't you?".

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VS 2008 Drop-down List With Checkboxes?

Oct 11, 2009

I have to set a drop-down list with multi-select checkboxes. It seems to be a combination of combobox and list capacities (at least as I know them in VB6), so what's the best controller for these purposes in VS2008?

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VS 2008 List View & Checkboxes?

May 2, 2009

I have created a list view and was trying to place checkboxes down the left hand side then place pre determined text beside them but i get the word "Default" above the checkboxes like in this screencap:[URL}..allso i was wondering if there was a way to populate the list view with data like you can with the combo boxes?

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How To Add Only Checked Checkboxes Added In Array List

Nov 19, 2010

i want to insert checkbox text only if they are checked.[code]This code will add all checkboxes whether it is checked or that only checked checkboxes would be added in array list

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VS 2008 Checkboxes Make List In Textbox?

Aug 20, 2009

I am creating a program in Visual Basic 2008 and I would like it so when I check a check box, the word that corresponds with the check box (in the code) will show up in the text box. So if i had one check box that said, Hello. Whenever that check box was clicked the word, Hello, would show up in the Text box. And then if I checked another check box, Bye, the word Bye would show up right below Hello. So it would look something like this.


But whenever I unchecked the check for hello, the word hello would go away and Bye would move to the top of the text box.Here is the code that I have so far. I can make the words appear in the text box but not at the same time in the list.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then


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Populate A List(Of Object) In A Class Method, Where The List Was Passed To The Method As A Parameter

Aug 13, 2011

I'm trying to code a class of RandomNumber. One of the class methods needs to populate a "List (Of RandomNumber)" ... which was passed as a parameter to the method ... with 10 random numbers between 1 and 50. DEAD SIMPLE :)

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How To Populate List Box

May 10, 2011

I'm working on a project for personal use to make my life as an IT administrator a little bit easier. (Yea right)So basically, i'm creating a windows application with a form. On this form, it has a button, and a listview.When they click this button, it will load all "Windows XP run commands" into the list view. I also, have a on-click event to capture a click on certain lines in which it will automatically open said run command, or shortcut.

Here is an example of what I am working with so far. (It populates correctly, and the clicking event works like a charm. However, i'm just looking for a better way to clean this code up, or maybe, a better way to go about everything).Once done, I will populate this to the codebank if there isn't another similar thing out there.

On to the code:This is what I have for the form_load event

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
With ListView1
.View = View.Details 'Changes the view to "detailed" view
.LabelEdit = True 'Allow user to edit text


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Populate A List Box With XML?

May 10, 2009

I'm trying to populate a list box with XML so that when the user clicks on a list item it them populates with the next set of elements.

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Using Sql To Populate List Box?

Oct 26, 2011

In vb 6 I have on my form two listboxes I also have a dao data control called Data1 My database is in access and is called SampleDB.mdb

My code in VB 6 is as follows

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim RI As String
Dim CurrentDB As String


This simple code populates both List1 and List2?

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.net - Will The Following List Populate Correctly

Jan 9, 2011

I don't have access to VB.NET right now so I can't test this value:Dim lst As New List(Of String)(cookieValue.Split("$"c))i got this from another question , but was wondering if A. The list will populate correctly and B. What does the c represent?

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How To Use OpenFileDialog To Populate A List Box

Aug 23, 2009

Can someone point me to a tutorial where I can learn to use the OpenFileDialog to poplulate a list box?My goal is to have a user create their own list box this way so my code can copy files to a new location without risk of damaging the original file.I am just starting to look at VB so I need some detailed instruction

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Use Txt File To Populate A List Box?

Dec 14, 2008

I'm very new to I just finished my first semester learning VB and I'm working on a few personal projects to solidify/increase what I've learned this year. Right now I'm building a simple inventory application that will keep track of individual users at my job.

The problem I'm having is in trying to populate a comboBox with items from a text file. My goal is that when the application loads, a comboBox will be populated with the names of users(located in a text file.) Upon selecting a user, the application will read some other(like users name, windows version, computer name, etc) data from another text file and populate the applications text boxes with that information.

I know how to go about building most of the application, but the problem I'm running into is how to use a text file to populate the comboBox. If I use an array or a collection for the comboBox data, then the user list will be lost each time the application closes. Also, whenver a new user is added, that data will be lost, because the collection or orray will be lost each time the application ends. Also, I don't want to use a database for the program, just a simple file.


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.net - Get An Integer Value From A List Box Populate With DataRowView?

Jan 6, 2010

Is there a way to get an integer value from a DataRowView? I have a list box with datasource set to a binding source. I would like to be able to do this:

dim num as integer
num = lstBox.SelectedValue

But I receive an InvalidCastException:

Conversion from type 'DataRowView' to type 'Integer' is not valid.

This is how I fill my list box:

myDataAdapter("SELECT CustID FROM Customers", cn)
myDataAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, "Customers")
myBindingSource.DataSource = myDataSet


I have one list box this works for and one it doesn't, so far. The only difference that I notice is: the one that works, the Query in the data apapter retrieves and auto number from my access table, the one that does not work, the Query in the data adapter retrieves a number.

Or, is there another way I should go about this?

The application that I am trying to make is a form with a list box for CustID, OrderID, ItemID, and others. The CustID is from table Customers, OrderID is from table Orders, and ItemID is from table Items.

View 1 Replies - Populate A Dropdown List With Data?

Jun 9, 2009

I have a dropdownlist that I want to populate with a specific value and specific text. I'm not using a datasource but I am manually making a connection and retrieving data in code. How can I populate this dropdownlist? If I read the data with a datareader and increment an array I only get either the value or the text. This is what I have so far, but it is completely wrong:

//connection string etc goes here
Dbcmd2.CommandText = "select dept,deptname from table"
Dim dr As SqlClient.SqlDataReader[code]....

How can I get this to work without having to create a class object for Department? Is there anyway or should I create the class object?

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C# - Populate Treeview From A List Of Path?

Jul 20, 2009

I'm trying to populate a treeview from a list of folder path, for example:



Notice there's no 'C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NET' or 'C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFramework' in the list.

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Get A Listbox To Populate A List Of Processes?

Dec 30, 2009

I'm trying to get a listbox to populate a list of processes that are neither running nor in the "blocked" list. This code is in a timer, so it also checks if the process is already in the list.

For Each proc In Process.GetProcesses
Dim allowed As Boolean = True
For Each item In Blked.Items


It is strange because this is populating the list, but adding the same process over and over again, even though I seem to have the checks in there.

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How To Populate ComboBox With List Of Names In DB

Nov 7, 2011

I want to populate my combobox with the list of banknames available in my database.. I tried doing so but I am getting a blank list. i.e.. shows no value in combobox!

Here is what I tried...
Private Sub ComboBox4_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox4.SelectedIndexChanged
cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;Data Source=E:\Project-Hemtech\HemDatabase1.mdb;")
[Code] .....

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Populate A ComboBox From User List?

Jan 6, 2011

I want to populate a Combo Box with a list of names and from that have the contact information (address, phone, email, ect..) populate a series of textboxes. The list is roughly 20 names, but it could grow to a hundred or more. Since the contact information changes periodically, I would like a very easy way to maintain it (Excel or Access).

Update: I am just trying to understand whether I should use Linq (have to learn it) or is there some other way this should be done.

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Populate A Form From A List Of Values?

Sep 20, 2010

I am trying to populate a form from a list of values. I am fetching data into a recordset. I have a textbox that displays the date, however, when I try to assign a date value I am getting the error message that I cannot set the textbox value to a textfield. Is there a way to assign the date value to the textbox?

lForm.txtFromDate = dgvRequests.CurrentRow.Cells("leaveStart").Value

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Populate A List Collection Using Methods?

Jan 10, 2012

If I run my web service code, it generates a serialized XML with only one level, that is,ParentElement and ChildElement. My goal is to make it a multiple XML levels that even grandChild will show, as the sample output below. How can I achieve this using List ollection looping. Do I need to create several functions that returns List objects for each column of the dataset I have?

public List<MyClassEntity> ExtractEmployee(...params here...)


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Populate A List Of Strings From A DataTable?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm trying to populate a List with a column of a DataTable in order to later convert it to a AutoCompleteStringCollection later. Is there a neater way to do it than the "good old" For Each?

Is there a way to use myDataTable.Rows.CopyTo for this task?

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