How To Reference To The Caller

Jun 16, 2009

I am creating a component for a third party program. I create a sub-class from a class in the third party dll. During runtime, the program will create an instance of my class. How can i reference to the caller that created an instance of my class? (There are a few class in the program that might use the component that i created.)

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How To Get Caller ID

Aug 8, 2011

i want to get caller id to show this caller infoi used addtapi but it show message at initialization like dll info if any one know how to remove this message

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Get Caller ID From Serialport

Apr 23, 2011

I am trying to read caller id from a internal modem. modem is caller id enable and it works in hyper terminal. but when i try from it only shows 'RING'. here is my full code


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How To Get The Module.Function Caller

Feb 28, 2012

I've written a series of ASP.NET pages which have several common methods among them. In my ignorance, the best way I was able to find to move those common methods to a separate file was in a Module. However, what I need is a way to identify from which page was the method called?For example, I have a method call WriteToErrorLog with the following signature:WriteToErrorLog(ByVal sender As Page, ByVal Source As String, ByVal Message As String, ByVal StackTrace As String)

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How To Identify The 'method Caller'

Jan 6, 2009

I have 2 buttons that will open the same form. but depends on which button is calling, the operation will be different. How can I identify that this form is called from button 1 or 2.Also, if we want to have a password in the stand alone application, should we use shared property?

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C# - Setting And Getting SignalR Caller Properties?

Jun 14, 2012

In the SignalR Chat sample, Caller properties are set using the code; = newUser.Name;
Then later on, this property is read;
string name =;

I have my own SignalR project, but this one is, and when i do the same setting and getting of the Caller properties, it doesn't work

Public Sub SetCaller() = "tim"
End Sub


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Caller ID In Visual Basic 2008?

Jul 21, 2011

I want to create a Windows Forms Application in Visual Basic 2008. I have created my form already, now I just need to add Caller ID capability. how to do this? Will I need any extra components? If so, where can I get them?

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Create A Callback That Returns A Value To Its Caller?

Mar 1, 2011

I am creating a class ("Class B") which is used by another class ("Class A") which instantiates it in VB.NET 3.5.I would like Class B to read a value assigned to one of its properties by Class A every time an event happens in Class B.However, I would like this property value to be dynamically assigned to the property by Class A when the event is fired in Class B.I was thinking about somehow creating a delegate function in Class A that is linked to the property in Class B so that when the event is fired in Class B it would eventually invoke the delegate in Class A so that it returns a value to Class B.I've been reading around delegates (that's how I arrived at the idea), but I am stuck on how to code this up - could someone please help with some skeleton code?

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Error: Type 'caller' Is Not Defined

Jul 10, 2010

I have the following

Sub ChangeLanguage(ByVal caller As Object, ByVal lang As String)
Dim c As Control = caller.GetNextControl(caller, True)
Do Until c Is Nothing


I call the sub with:

ChangeLanguage(Me, "en")

The problem I have is that I get the error: "Type 'caller' is not defined."If I change GetType(caller) to GetType(vbLogin) it works fine. (vbLogin is one of the forms)I need to find a way to get it working using caller though.

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Find The Caller To A Context Menu?

Dec 29, 2010

I have a few textboxes that have a context menu on them. what I would like to know.. is how to pass the name of the calling textbox to the form opened by the option in contextmenu.

i see that it is under the sender owner.. name.. but how do i get to that in code?

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VS 2005 Caller ID Application In Vs2005

Jun 5, 2009

i am developing a CallerID application in using modem..I am sucessfully getting the Callers No through Hyperterminal.How can i capture this Number through Vb.Net and Store it in a Database.

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VS 2005 Caller ID Application In Vs2005?

Mar 6, 2012

i am developing a CallerID application in using modemI am sucessfully getting the Callers No through Hyperterminal

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Caller Display, Connect To Modem Just Like HyperTerminal?

Dec 12, 2010

i would like to build a very simple program that connects to my modem and outputs in grid format, caller display, date time etc etc.Ive done loads of searching and i've found a few examples online but most are for VB6 and ive spent ages trying to upgrade them but with no joy!I have found two enxaples that work with VB2010 but i have struggled to make them work and also they seem way too advanced for me to learn from.

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Free Plug-in To Show Caller-functions

Jul 25, 2009

very often i see code written from others, and when browsing over a function i want to see where this function is called from. Even when i debug my own code, i'd find it a useful feature.In c++ this feature is default in visual studio(its called browse-something), but i havent found any such thing for VB.NET yet, any ideas?

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Sub To Create Object Of Type Passed By Caller In .NET?

Dec 1, 2011

I'm having trouble creating a sub that can create objects of a variable type on the fly. Here's an example of what I'm trying to achieve:


I can't get it to work. I've done a fair bit of research, and looked at generic types, reflection, and other tools, but I'm having trouble determining how best to tackle this problem.

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VS 2010 How To Write Mobile Phone Caller

Oct 17, 2011

how to write mobile phone caller in VB 2010..please give me samples or video tuts or pdf books or any instruction about that....

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Return Caller Information When Someone Call In Windows Application?

Jan 31, 2012

Can I connect phone landline to my computer and when someone call me his information appears by his phone number this information already exist in database.. I want to know is it a service from communication company or can i do it by code just plug the cable into my computer ?

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Send A SMTP Email Blocks Caller Code

Mar 25, 2009

I have a form with a "Send" button to test a code to send SMTP emails.It fires the click event when I hit the "Send" button, but the email is never sent if I leave the form running. When I close it, the email is sent.This is not the needed behavior because the User may never close the Application (this is a Client/Server application, not Web).Below is the code behind the "Send" button's click event[code]...

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Program To Randomly Select Numbers For A Bingo Caller - Prevent Reversed Numbers Being Selected

Mar 6, 2011

I have just about completed a .NET project to write a program to randomly select numbers for a Bingo caller. Over the last month or so Ive learned a lot about .NET but heres something that I consider to be odd and maybe one of you guys can offer an opinion.

One of the features of calling Bingo in a small local club is that callers often use little sayings to accompany certain numbers, I expect youve all heard of (say) All the sixes, clickety click for 66 or 5 and 9 the Brighton line for 59 etc. My little program gives an option to incorporate these with a prompt for the caller that can be edited outside of the program. One of these conventional sayings is used when a number is reversed 12 followed by 21 or 45 followed by 54 for example, when the caller might call (say) 1 and 2, one dozen, number 12 And the other way round 2 and 1, twenty one.

So, I programmed in a bit of code to detect this and to over-ride whatever might otherwise have been the quote with And the other way round and set about testing it. Ive been through literally dozens of full 90 calls watching for the occurrence of a reversed number, spent a few hours doing it, and not once has it occurred which is to say the least, unusual.

So, Im wondering about the Rand Function, could it be that it isnt possible for a reversed number to be selected? Just so you know, I randomly pre-select the order of all 90 numbers, I fill each of the 90 elements of an array with a random number first checking that the number selected hasnt already been stored, if it has, I just get the next random number (and check that too of course), but I cant see how that could prevent reversed numbers being selected, especially in light of the fact that frequently it's not the 'next' number that's used.

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When Calling New On An Object - Can The Object Being Created Refer Back To Its Caller

Nov 11, 2010

I hope the question makes sense, anyways. I'm looking to know if in VB.NET, when we call an object's constructor, is there some kind of a reference that points back to the caller? I'm interested because of a corner case where I want the object being created to first be able to validate the existence of some data in the caller before it allows itself to be created. If this validation fails, I plan on throwing an exception. This corner case will never happen at runtime unless the object being created is used improperly by a programmer. The object being created is not inheriting the object I want it to validate, so I can't do anything with the MyBase qualifier.

It's bit of a "future-proofing" issue that I have a (bad) habit of doing. Not critical -- I can always leave stern comments behind as a last resort. Wanted to know if this was possible.

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Debugging Exception On Invocation Target Instead Of Invocation Caller?

Jan 28, 2010

When a delegate method throws an unhandled exception, that exception is usually trapped at the level of invocation (eg. Delegate.Invoke()) - you get a System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException...

However, when debugging classes utilizing a lot of threading/invoation, it would be helpful to be able trap the exception in the target method i.e. the faulty code, and since Microsofts BackgroundWorker (exceptions thrown in DoWork()) is able to do it, why can't I???

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Error, "Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Nov 28, 2010

I am receiving this error: Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference on the code I've
bolded within the code body. Here is my code:


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VS 2008 - Error : Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

May 8, 2010

I get this error:Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.When i compile on the following code section:

Private Sub statusBarToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
ToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Not ToolStripMenuItem.Checked
statusStrip1.Visible = ToolStripMenuItem.Checked

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VS2010 : Error: Reference To A Non-Shared Member Requires A Object Reference

Jun 20, 2011

when I do something like this: Process.Start [URL] it says that error only on Form2 not Form1.

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Error 'Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference'

Jul 23, 2009

Error 'Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference'?I want to know what a non-shared member is.

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Error - Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Dec 7, 2010

I am opening frmB (variable for FormB - the actual form) from frmA. From btn1 I open frmB like this:

frmB = New FormB()

From btn2 (frmB is already open) I bring frmB to the front from behind frmA:


No problem so far. Now I need to pass an arg to frmB. This is where I am having the problem.

from btn1 (in frmA) I do this:

frmB = New FormB(myArg) '--pass myArg to constructor of FormB -- no problem here

then from btn2 -- this is where I have the problem


I tried placing myArg in FormB.Show(myArg) but that did not fix the problem. What is the correct way to pass myArg to FormB (frmB) in this scenario? Do I need to share FormB or frmB? How do I do this? "frmB" is frmA level variable.

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Error : Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Sep 22, 2009

why i am getting an "reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference" error on format.Yesterday gets the previous days date and presents it in a yyyyMMdd format.vsettlementDates takes the "Yesterday value and requests data from it.

Dim Yesterday As String = format(Today.AddDays(-1), "yyyyMMdd")
Dim vSettlementDates As String = (Yesterday)

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Error Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Apr 27, 2011

I am getting the following error:

Error 1 Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference. (on WindowsIdentity.Groups)

Here's my code from that uses the WindowsIdentity.Groups property to display the identity references for the groups the current user belongs to. This code is part of a larger example provided for the WindowsIdentity class.

Public ReadOnly Property Groups As IdentityReferenceCollection
Dim irc As IdentityReferenceCollection


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Error Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference?

Dec 13, 2009

" GridView1.datasource = _MyUsers.Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference." error. WHat's wrong with this code

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


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Error: Reference To A Non Shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Jul 22, 2011

I have the following code below, how the line where it says : For Each c As councillor In councillorList i get the error: reference to a non shared member requires an object reference. Can someone please advise where i am going wrong? [Code]

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