IDE :: Enabling ActiveX Controls In Webbrowser?

Jun 3, 2006

I am creating a dedicated browser to be used exclusively on a single program located on my hard drive. Security is not a concern as the webbrowser URL will be set to the program's default web page path with no navigation options for going online. The program utilizes dynamic web pages with powerful search capabilities that require ActiveX controls. When I run my browser application, I get a series of security warning boxes stating:

Internet Explorer

An ActiveX control on this page might be unsafe to interact with other parts of the page. Do you want to allow this interaction?

Yes No

Clicking "Yes" allows me to continue and the program features work, but the recurrent warning message boxes are annoying. The default "script errors suppressed" property of the webbrowser control is "false." If I change it to "true" I don't get the security warning boxes but some of the search features on the web pages with ActiveX controls don't work properly.

Is there a way to programmatically enable ActiveX controls in the webbrowser control so that I can set the "script errors suppressed" property to "true" (hence no security warning message boxes) and still allow the ActiveX features to work properly? Or, set the "script errors suppressed" property to "false" and have my program automatically activate the "Yes" button each time a security warning message box is called by Internet Explorer? The goal is to get the ActiveX controls to work in webbrowser without having to click through the warnings.

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VS 2008 Enabling / Disabling The Controls?

Apr 28, 2009

i have this function to enable disable the controls on a form....

Private Sub EnableDisableAll(ByVal xType As Boolean)
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then
ctl.Enabled = xType


everything fine ...but when the controls r disabled it shows in the dull color. can i change the color ? as u can see i have given the command to change the forcolor to red to textbox but it still shows in dull greay... i dont want it to be enabled as i am using this to just give a view of records....the back color is changing to white but not the there any thing more to be done...or any better way so as the items remain enabled but i dont allow the changes to be done.

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Enabling/Disabling Controls Inside A Repeater Isn't Working?

Jul 10, 2011

I'm trying to enable/disable controls inside a repeater:

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" OnItemCommand="RepeaterItemCommand" runat="server">


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Containers - Why All Contained Controls Within A Groupbox Do NOT Respond To Enabling / Disabling

Feb 10, 2011

I'm working on a winform which contains several controls like textboxes, radio buttons, datagridviews... All of these controls have been added to a main group box called gbDataEntry. My problem is when the user is seeing the form, I set gbDataEntry.Enabled = False but I want to enable some controls like DataGridviews so the user can scroll them. After disabling gbDataGridview I set DataGridView1.Enabled = True but it seems that the datagridview does not respond to this line. Why?

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MS WebBrowser ActiveX Control?

Apr 11, 2011

I am using the WebBrowser control in Rockwell Automation's Factory Talk SE v. 6.0 to display a PDF file. Within the "Display_AnimationStart" routine, I call the function below to send a ctrl+h to the system to hide the toolbars, which has proven to be quite unreliable.

Is there a more direct, object-specific way to hide the browser's toolbars other than the SendKeys method?

Private Sub LoadPDF(Filepath As String)
SendKeys "^h", True
Me.WebBrowser1.Navigate2 (Filepath)
End Sub

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Activex Controls Cannot Be Displayed Because Either?

May 20, 2012

I have created a created a webbrowser on a form and pointed it to [URL]..when i use the web form to change a verb, part way through navigation i get an the error:

Title Windows Internet Explorer body one or more activex controls cannot be displayed because either:

1) Your current security settings prohibit running activeX controls on this page or,

2) You have blocked a publisher of one of the controls

As a result the page might not display properly.

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[VB2010] - Using VB6 Activex Controls?

Dec 1, 2011

i'm trying using VB6 activex controls in VB2010. but i recive some registry errorsi try google search, but they speak about install VB6(i try but don't works).and theres a text from here:

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VS 2008 ActiveX Mozilla WebBrowser?

Aug 5, 2010

I want to use Mozilla webbrowser component instead of the default IE webbrowser in my project. Recently, I downloaded the 'Mozilla ActiveX Control 1.7.12' and added it to my project but when I use the following AxMozillaBrowser1.Navigate [URL] I got the exception: 'Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.'

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How To Create Activex Controls Just Like Osenxpsuite

Jul 1, 2011

how to creat activex controls just like osenxpsuite

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Windowless ActiveX Controls Are Not Supported?

Oct 12, 2009

Any ideas why I am getting this error on debug, I have this control on another App and it works fine.An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details

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XP Visual Styles For ActiveX Controls?

Mar 28, 2008

I have a number of ActiveX controls which make use of consituent controls (edit boxes,combo boxes etc). I'm using these in a VB .Net 2005 project.When I run the application within the IDE, all the ActiveX controls display correctly with the XP visual styles.But when I run the built assembly, the ActiveX controls display without XP visual styles

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Get Rid Of ActiveX Warning In Application Using WebBrowser Control?

Jan 28, 2011

We have a VB.Net app that has several editable reports and forms in html/javascript. I'm using the standard WebBrowser control.We're accessing the content via filepath, since using localhostsharename when the machine is offline doesn't work even though the content is on the machine. The problem with that is that then it's running in the local machine zone, and you get the warning about running ActiveX controls (even if that's set to 'allow' in the options menu on IE). So I'm using Mark of the Web to act as if the content is saved from localhost. I appended it with the requisite vbCrLf to the start of the HTML page that's being dynamically written every time a link is clicked. When I open the resulting page in IE, I no longer get the ActiveX warning, and everything works. However, when I use WebBrowser.Navigate to that filepath, I still get the warning. Any idea how to get rid of that?

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VS 2005 Installing And Using Older ActiveX Controls

Jun 6, 2011

I have some work I need to do with some older ActiveX controls. When I install the controls (outside of Visual Studio) I get an error message:


The procedure entry point SRWriteStringLocalCmd could not be located in the dynamic link library SankyoMP.dll

Doing a little research I get a whole bunch of different answers. Microsoft says that this is because it was written for an older version of Windows (2000 or before, I am using XP) and to contact the vendor. The vendor is out of business.

Does anybody know of a way to install and use this older ActiveX control in Studio 2005?

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Failed To Import ActiveX Control (trying To Load A VC++ ActiveX Component Into A VB Project)?

Apr 8, 2009

I am trying to load an actixex component in a VB project which was made in Visual C++.n VBA it works fine.In VB6, when I try to load the component on the toolbox I get an "Error 35005"In VB2008 the component can be added to the toolbox, but when I try to place it on the form, the following error occurs: "Failed to import ActiveX control. Please ensure it is properly registered."

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Non-modal Forms Cannot Be Displayed In This Host Application From An ActiveX DLL, ActiveX Control, Or Property Page?

Oct 20, 2010

How to Resolve following Error in .netNon-modal forms cannot be displayed in this host application from an ActiveX DLL, ActiveX Control, or Property Page.

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Create And Manage 10 WebBrowser Controls?

Feb 18, 2009

I've created some messy code to look at the Readystate of each WebBrowser control and using boolean variable to track which WebBrowser control is done what. The time it takes to load 1000 URL's with one WebBrowser control is about 10 minutes. Multiple controls are needed for speed.

Here's the pseudocode of what I want to do:

Read a line from a file

Which WebBrowser is currently available to do work
Navigate to URL
Which WebBrowser is done loading a URL


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Synchronize Scrolling Of Two Webbrowser Controls?

May 19, 2011

synconize scrolling of two webbrowser controls in VB?

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WebBrowser Controls Use Non CLR Managed Memory?

May 6, 2009

I have an VB.NET application that you can feed in using a file or other means a bunch of Website URL's and using six Web Browser Controls launched on separate threads navigate to and then images are captured. Almost instantly the Working Set Size accelerates to 1GB and continually rises as the process progresses until it flat out exhausts memory, of course it's a memory leak.

While watching the Performance monitor CLR managed memory is reasonably low and is being managed properly "cleaned up" as you would expect - Gen0,1,2 are reasonably empty. BUT non managed NET storage is out of control. So my question is: Web Browser controls are NET ActiveX objects... is storage ever allocated for them outside of CLR? And since they are really components of IE does their usage somehow require IE to generate and allocate storage outside of CLR. That is to say using a Web Browser control is just an API for the real the IE full browser and that does allocate storage in a non CLR managed address space.

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Add A Method To The Webbrowser Controls .Document Property?

Mar 18, 2010

How can i add a method to the webbrowser controls .Document property?

(i.e. webbrowser1.document.[myMethod])

I've been researching Attributes. Am i on the right track?

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Code For Menu Strip Controls In Webbrowser

Dec 22, 2009

tell the code for menu strip controls in webbrowser?

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Multiple Webbrowser Controls Running With Different Proxies?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm trying to run a specific test on my server using a program that can run multiple requests (using Webbrowser control) at the same time but with different proxy settings.What I am using now is working but only for one webbrowser control, im seeking advice for how to run multiple side-by-side.

<Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("wininet.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _
Private Shared Function InternetSetOption(ByVal hInternet As IntPtr, ByVal dwOption As Integer, ByVal lpBuffer As IntPtr, ByVal lpdwBufferLength As Integer) As Boolean


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Open Pdf Files Using Either The AxAcroPDF Or WebBrowser Controls?

Jan 24, 2012

I'm working on an application to open pdf files using either the AxAcroPDF or WebBrowser controls.Preferably I'd like to end up using the WebBrowser control, however, I'm having the same errors using either and I need help in resolving this.The following error only occurs at runtime - not in debug mode:

"The instruction at "0x0546622z" referenced memory at "0x00000014". The memory could not be "read".Click on OK to terminate the program.The error only appears if the form containing the AxAcroPDF control is opened.However, if I run the program and not open the form then click on the button to exit the application, the application exits without errors. I've tried calling AxAcroPDF.dispose() both on the event and the form.closing event


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VS 2010 Get Webbrowser Controls HTML - Popup?

Nov 10, 2010

Get Webbrowser Controls HTML I can get the current browsers html, however, when the page is updated via ajax, or has another form popup, it dosent see this new data.

Is there a way to get the new html that was added by ajax to the current docuement?

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Unable To Find Controls Of A Jsp Webpage In Webbrowser Control?

Nov 18, 2010

This time I am stucked with a JSP page which is loaded in my webbrowser control. I have checked that it has been loaded. But I am unable to locate any of the controls of that page. Even in the count of any html controls it displays me 0. The page contains two frames and there is no "iFrames". Has Javascript got do anything with this?

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Webbrowser Control Resize Isn't Resizing My Web Page Controls

Nov 12, 2009

First off I'm using the Extended Webbrowser control from: [URL]

I use the Webbrowser control to access an ESRI web based mapping solution. When the ESRI map is loaded into an IE browser and the browser is resized then the map control resizing accordingly. When my Webbrowser control is resized the map webpage is not resizing properly.

I don't even know where to start with this problem. Is there some event that's not firing in the website? I can't simply refresh the whole website because the user may have panned and zoomed around. I want to just tell the website that the container control (Webbrowser control) is resizing now.

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Prevent Login Wars Between WebBrowser Controls And Actual Browsing?

Jun 4, 2010

I have a program that autologs itself into facebook and monitors posts to my main page and tells me if anything new comes up. Every minute my program refreshes the page and searches for a new post, if my session is expired it logs itselft back in automatically. If I'm in explorer trying to play farmville and my facebook monitor program is running then I'm forced to log in about every minute because my login at the browser kills my program session.

Then my program logs itself back in and I'm out! This behavior doesn't happen If I have two browsers running I can log into both and it doesn't seem to effect the other. I can even have my wife log in from another machine while I'm logged in and It's ok. So The question is why is useing the webbrowser controls in the Vb program any different then just having 2 open and logged in browsers and jumping between the two.

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VS 2008 Webbrowser Controls Shows An Error Msg When It Detect Errors In The Page Navigated?

Oct 28, 2009

my webbrowser controls shows an error msg when it detect errors in the page navigated, but i want it to be silent, i don't want to see any warnings.

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CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).Navigate(My.Settings.homepage.ToString)

Nov 18, 2009

This gives me an error.CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).Navigate(My.Settings.homepage.ToString)

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Enabling SSL With TcpClient?

Mar 2, 2009

So how does one turn SSL on in System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient with VB.NET code?

Turning it on in System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient is easy, you set the .EnableSsl property. I cannot find a corresponding property in TcpClient. It's probably buried somewhere.

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UAC Enabling An Application?

Nov 17, 2009

We have an application that is installed and runs just fine on Vista. Our users are requiring a change to our application in order to change the system time on their PC. The code to change the time is as follows:

Private Sub UpdatePCDate()
Dim _ServerTime As Date = GetServerDate()
Dim _offset As Integer = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(_ServerTime).Hours


When this code executes, it bombs because of UAC. How can we modify our program to display the message similar to when they try to change the system time via the Control Panel. That is, it warns them that something is about to happen that requires their permission.

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